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Chapter Thirteen The first battle of the Shuangzhu hegemony

After lunch, Mrs. Zhang, her mother-in-law, stopped Xue Yufei and asked her to go into the inner room to talk to her again. However, Xue Yufei stopped there and looked at her mother hesitantly, then at Wu Shigong. Seeing Xue Yufei's expression, Mrs. Zhang deliberately

With a tigerish face, he gently slapped Xue Yufei on the back of the head with his hand, punishing Xue Yufei for not wanting his mother as soon as they got married. This time, all three of them laughed.

Wu Shigong immediately said to Xue Yufei very knowingly: "Fei'er, just stay here and talk to my mother-in-law. I happen to be tired and want to take a nap."

Seeing Xue Yufei nodding, Wu Shigong saluted Mrs. Zhang and said goodbye: "Mother-in-law, my son-in-law is leaving."

Wu Shigong returned to his new house. Xiuzhu was taking care of the things they brought from Wu's house. Seeing Wu Shigong coming back, Xiuzhu immediately flew to Wu Shigong like a bird. She was tired of Wu Shigong and quietly told Wu Shigong

She whispered excitedly: "This morning, the young mistress gave the slave five taels of gold in the red envelope!" She wanted to share the joy with her young master as soon as possible.

At that time, the price of gold and silver was about 1:8, which was worth nearly forty taels of silver. My little wife was very generous with her money. The money she gave was more than double the small treasury that Xiuzhu had saved all his life.

Wu Shigong was also happy for Xiuzhu. He smiled and said to Xiuzhu, "Master, I can't lose face. I will give each of the four of them fifty taels of silver later."

Xiuzhu was not happy and said to Wu Shigong: "Young master, you finally have some money, so you need to save some money. Besides, didn't the young mistress just agree to reward them herself?"

Wu Shigong secretly smiled and thought to himself: "This little miser." But that's right. Wu Shigong has never thought of waiting to die. From his previous life to this life, his ambition has never been eradicated. Although he has not yet decided what he will do in the future,

But no matter what you do, it's always good to have a little more money around you. Besides, he doesn't have much money now, only more than 800 taels, so he really needs to save some money.

Seeing Wu Shigong and Xiuzhu talking and laughing happily, Xue Yufei's four maids were not happy. So, the leader named Zhuyun stepped forward and ordered Xiuzhu to do things outside the house. Then he greeted Wu Shigong and said: "Uncle

If you need to organize something, please ask your servant to help."

Xiu Zhu looked at Wu Shigong helplessly, and saw that Wu Shigong had no reaction, so he had to go out of the house to do things pitifully. Wu Shigong was not unaware of Xiuzhu's wishes and ideas, but he was not willing to get involved in the intrigue between these little maids.

, so I’m too lazy to care.

Wu Shigong and Zhu Yun came to several large boxes they had brought. Zhu Yun opened the first one and found that it was full of books. Zhu Yun reached out and was about to pick up the books. Suddenly, Wu Shigong found that the two erotic picture albums were placed at the end.

Above, Wu Shigong hurriedly stepped forward to close the box and said to Zhuyun: "Ignore this box for now. Let's take care of these boxes here first."

At this time, he suddenly had a prank idea in his heart. Seeing Zhu Yun step forward to open the boxes, he rummaged in the boxes, took out four things, and said to Zhu Yun: "Young Mistress's

That's all. My uncle, I will give you four more rewards. You call all three of them over. My uncle, I will give you your rewards."

Seeing the four maids lined up in front of him, Wu Shigong took the four inkstones in his hands and gave each of them one piece. Holding the inkstones, the four little maids all had confused expressions on their faces, and Wu Shigong then smiled at them.

Roubuxiao said: "We all have to work hard, study hard, and make progress every day!" Maybe Wu Shigong's level of humor was too high, and the four little maids couldn't figure it out. However, they all felt that their uncle was unhappy with them.


Wu Shigong didn't care what their reaction was, he just said: "Brother, I want to take a nap." and walked towards the bedroom. Zhuyun quickly followed up and helped Wu Shigong sleep, and then sat aside and accompanied him quietly.

In fact, Zhu Yun's eyes were very sharp. She had actually seen that in the box full of books just now, the top two books were adult books. But for the sake of solid confirmation, she waited until Wu Shigong fell asleep and gently

He stood up quietly, came to the box, opened the box, took out the two books, flipped through them, put the books back into the box, put them away as they were, closed the box, and returned softly.

Arriving at Wu Shigong's bedside, she sat down. Gradually, she fell into deep thought.

In fact, among Xue Yufei's four maids, Zhuyun is not the oldest. The reason why she became the leading maid is mainly because her conditions are very good, especially her appearance and scheming. The more important reason is because of her

He is very loyal to his young lady, Xue Yufei.

In the Xue Mansion, Zhu Yun was the most important maid around the young lady and received the most intensive training. In the past, the Xue Lian couple were worried about how their daughter would behave after she got married because her daughter had a strange appearance.

, she was neglected in her husband's family, so she needed a maid who was very loyal, good-looking and scheming to keep her favor. Zhuyun is such a character.

Of course, no one in the Xue family expected that their young lady would find a son-in-law in the future. They also did not expect that in their eyes, the strange-looking young lady was actually a long-looking young lady in Wu Shigong’s eyes.

Extraordinarily beautiful.

However, even though they were getting married, everyone, including Xue Yufei herself, was afraid that the new uncle would dislike Xue Yufei's appearance, so everyone was quite nervous in this regard. Of course, the same was true for Zhu Yun, who was Xue Yufei's gold medal maid.


But just now, Zhuyun discovered the erotic book that Wu Shigong brought, and she immediately classified her uncle as a lustful person. Especially the maid Xiuzhu brought by her uncle, Zhuyun also found that there was a difference in appearance.

He is not much worse than himself. What is even more worrying is that it is completely obvious that the relationship between my uncle and Xiuzhu is very close. How can this not make Zhuyun feel a deep sense of crisis?

Before the marriage, Mrs. Hou Ye found Zhu Yun many times and gave her repeated instructions, asking her to take full care of Xue Yufei after Xue Yufei's marriage. Especially on the wedding day, Mrs. Hou Ye took the time to gather together, including

Including embroidered bamboo and calligraphy, all the maids, wives and servants who served Wu Shigong and Xue Yufei clearly confirmed Zhuyun's leadership among them. How could Zhuyun now live up to Mrs. Hou's earnestness?

What about her expectations and trust? Zhu Yun secretly made up her mind to drive away the vixen Xiuzhu from her uncle.

But what should we do? It is definitely impossible to drive Xiuzhu away directly, and my uncle will definitely not agree. We must find a clever method and have a justifiable reason so that no one can express their objections.

Zhuyun pondered for a long time, suddenly her eyes lit up, and she secretly made up her mind. She thought in her heart: Yes, let's do it. But although Zhuyun is somewhat scheming, she is still too young, so she doesn't have much money. So at this time

, as soon as she made up her mind, she looked at Wu Shigong and saw that Wu Shigong was still sleeping soundly, then she stood up quietly and walked out.

Poor Xiuzhu, who felt as if he had been abandoned by his young master, was doing things with heartache. If he didn't want to be embarrassed in front of the four maids, Xiuzhu would have burst into tears. Even so, Xiuzhu was also there

He secretly wiped his eyes a few times in a deserted corner. Hearing the footsteps behind him, Xiu Zhu turned his head and saw Zhu Yun's arrogant face. Her face was filled with the look of someone in a high position, as if she was condescending.

Looking down at Xiuzhu, Xiuzhu immediately stood up and looked back without any sign of weakness. The friction between the eyes of the two maids sparked the spark of fighting.

Wu Shigong was awakened from his sleep by a noisy quarrel. What was going on? Wu Shigong felt a little annoyed. He also vaguely heard the sound of bamboo embroidery in the quarrel. So he frowned, got up, and put on his clothes.

The coat walked out of the bedroom. When he looked in the main hall, he found that it was Xiu Zhu and Zhu Yun who were arguing in the garden. There were three maids standing behind Zhu Yun, supporting Zhu Yun one after another. Wu Shigong walked over and shouted: "Why?

What's going on?" As soon as Xiuzhu saw his young master coming over, the tears he had been holding back for a long time finally fell.

So, after Zhu Yun struggled to explain, Xiu Zhu cried and defended, and the three maids kept interrupting and adding, Wu Shigong finally understood what was going on.

It turns out that Zhuyun has to arrange for Xiuzhu to take care of the flowers and plants in the garden, and she doesn’t have to do other work. This job is very easy, but it basically makes Xiuzhu have no chance to enter a new house in the future. Especially at night, Zhuyun has to

Completely monopolizing the opportunity to serve Wu Shigong and Xue Yufei in the night, and not allowing Xiuzhu to interfere again. Of course Xiuzhu was not convinced, and argued with reason that she also had the right to serve Wu Shigong and Xue Yufei in the night. The two maids did this just for this

A quarrel broke out due to differences.

What the hell is this! Wu Shigong was dumbfounded. If he was not mistaken, he had to go to the toilet at night when he got up at night. There was no flush toilet in this era, and you could only use a chamber pot or toilet to go to the toilet at night. How could these two little kids

The maids started arguing just to get the chance to use the toilet?

In the Ming Dynasty, the little girl at the gate of the mansion was probably so out of touch that she actually came up with the infinitely creative sport of grabbing the toilet. Didn't Aunt Qiong Yao tell us that the girl at the gate of the mansion was not grabbing the toilet, but was grabbing Ma Jingtao? Look.

It seems that we have all been deceived by Aunt Qiongyao.

Wu Shigong was too lazy to figure out the rights and wrongs between the two of them, so he made a decision resolutely: "Two choices, either one person for one night; or draw lots every night."

After hearing Wu Shigong's words, Xiu Zhu's face with tears on her face suddenly became happy. But Zhu Yun turned her eyes and said to Wu Shigong: "Uncle, we have a total of five maids here, we have to take turns one by one.


Wu Shigong was already annoyed that he had just been forced to become the toilet judge. After hearing Zhu Yun's words, he became furious and sternly said to Zhu Yun: "Then two maids will come to serve you at night, one is Xiu Zhu,

The other one, let the four of you take turns. Is this okay? Grandma Zhuyun!"

After all, Zhu Yun was not very old. When she saw that Wu Shigong was really angry, and after listening to Wu Shigong's words, she stood there trembling with fear, her little lips were trembling, but she couldn't get out any words.

"Humph!" Wu Shigong ignored the two little maids who wanted to grab the toilet and walked away directly.

The first battle of the Shuangzhu hegemony has passed like this. Under the favor of Wu Shigong, the black whistle, our Xiuzhu contestant successfully grabbed half of the toilets. However, our Zhuyun contestant did not completely fail, she also saved

The other half of the toilet. Our Zhuyun contestants are determined not to be discouraged or discouraged, and strive to have another life-and-death struggle with Xiuzhu contestants on another battlefield in the near future to achieve a comprehensive victory.

This chapter has been completed!
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