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Chapter 148: Leaving the Thousand Houses

After returning to Qianhusuo Fortress the next night, Wu Shigong immediately gathered all the leaders to hold a meeting overnight to make arrangements for his expedition.

At the beginning of the meeting, when Wu Shigong announced that during his expedition, Xue Yongli would be fully responsible for the internal and external affairs of Qianhusuo Fortress. Wu Shigong's decision was strongly opposed by Xue Yongli himself. He insisted on negotiating with Wu Shigong

Go on an expedition together to fulfill the responsibility of protecting Wu Shigong's safety.

For this reason, Wu Shigong persuaded Xue Yongli for a long time. Wu Shigong told Xue Yongli: Now in this Qianhufu, the only two people who have the prestige and ability to become leaders are Wu Shigong and Xue Yongli.

This time when we go to Qinwang, Wu Shigong will definitely not be absent because of the roll call. If Xue Yongli also accompanies Wu Shigong on the expedition, if anything unexpected happens here, he can become the backbone and make the decision.

There is no one left.

You must know that the current Senhusuo is no longer the original Senhusuo that was only responsible for farming. There are so many workshops, escorts on two trade routes, and salt sales.

Moreover, Wu Shigong will definitely bring most of his main forces to King Qin. In this case, the number of soldiers remaining in Qianhusuo Fortress will be greatly reduced.

Without such a powerful force as a deterrent, basically all of them have surrendered to Wu Shigong. It is a question mark whether the bandits in the mountainous area in the northern part of Runing Prefecture and the remaining bandits in Guide Prefecture will be obedient.

Therefore, now in Qianhusuo Fortress, a strong person with strong military command ability must be left behind to lead the remaining soldiers. And now among Wu Shigong's men, only Xue Yongli is qualified for this task.

location. No matter what, Wu Shigong would never give up the base of Qianhusuo Fortress.

After listening to Wu Shigong's reasons, Xue Yongli reluctantly agreed to Wu Shigong's arrangement. However, Xue Yongli insisted on letting Wu Shigong bring almost all the cavalry, most of the infantry, and most of the firearms to ensure Wu Shigong's safety.

It was finally decided that Wu Shigong would bring 400 cavalry and 600 infantry for this expedition. In addition, Wu Shigong would also bring 350 medium and heavy muskets, as well as two Franco machine guns.

and two three-pound guns.

In order to strengthen the defense of the Qianhusuo fortress, Wu Shigong will transfer 200 soldiers from the county militia to the Qianhusuo fortress. In addition, Wu Shigong will also transfer 100 soldiers from the remaining labor force of the military households to participate in the off-season.

Soldiers who had undergone military training went to Qianhusuo Fortress. With the reinforcement of 300 people, the defense problem of Qianhusuo Fortress could basically be solved.

Wu Shigong did not dare to deploy soldiers from the former Li Yaozi's stronghold occupied by Qian Qi in the northern mountainous area of ​​Runing Prefecture. If it were not for the shortage of manpower, Wu Shigong would even want to strengthen the strength of that stronghold. He wanted to prevent

Those bandits are ready to do anything possible.

Finally, Wu Shigong also arranged for Zhang Xuebin, Zheng Zhen and Yuan Xingshan to manage the internal affairs and business affairs of Qianhu Office. Wu Shigong set a principle for them: during the period when Wu Shigong left Qianhu Office, Zhang Xuebin and the others only needed to

Just handle things according to the rules set before. If you encounter any problems, try to delay them as much as possible, don't intensify any conflicts, and wait until Wu Shigong comes back to talk about everything.

After the discussion was over and everyone was about to disperse, Wu Shigong opened his mouth and called out to Zhi Zhi and Deng Qifan: "Monk, Suan Ding, you two stay here, I have something to say to you."

Deng Qifan and Zhi Zhi stayed with Wu Shigong for more than a year. Although Wu Shigong also prohibited them from traveling, they were only allowed to move around the Qianhusuo fortress, and they were not allowed to deliver any letters or messages. Even people came a few times.

Wu Shigong came here to inquire about the two of them, and Wu Shigong also pretended to be confused and didn't know. However, because the two of them were also very knowledgeable and easy-going, the relationship between the two of them in Qianhusuo was very good.

They all get along well.

But despite this, these two people fell into the den of Wu Shigong, a rough guy, and they would inevitably give those rough guys nicknames. Deng Qifan's nickname was "Sour Ding". Due to the influence of the palace secret recipe incident, Zhizhi maintained his virginity.

But he still gave him a nickname, called "Flower Monk". Therefore, today Wu Shigong called Zhi Zhi "Monk", and he can be regarded as having accumulated some verbal virtues.

Seeing that everyone else had left, Wu Shigong then said to the two of them: "You two have stayed with me for more than a year. I don't want to say more about what happened in the past, who was who, and who was right and who was right, and the grudges and grudges.

.However, I think we still get along very happily."

"And this time I'm going to the capital, King Qin. I don't know what will happen to me myself, so there's no need to force you two to stay. If I've offended you two in any way before, I'll apologize to you here. Tomorrow

I'll make some arrangements and send you two home with gifts." After saying that, Wu Shigong stood up and bowed to Zhi Zhi and Deng Qifan.

Seeing Wu Shigong's salute, Zhizhi and Deng Qifan quickly returned the salute. Zhizhi clasped his hands together and said first: "Amitabha! Your Majesty, the soldiers will definitely suffer casualties this time. The young monk also knows some techniques of discriminating yellow. If you don't mind, sir,

How about being a little monk in King Qin’s team?”

Deng Qifan continued: "We study to fight in the world with our swords. The Tatars are poisoning the people, how can I sleep peacefully at home? I am not talented at all, but I am willing to untie the reins and lead the horses for the adults. Knowing that I can fight on the battlefield, the student even wrote a poem.

First: Capture early..."

"Stop it! Stop it!" Wu Shigong quickly stopped Deng Qifan's impassioned remarks with a smile, and then said jokingly: "Master Suan Ding, Master Juren, please spare me. I know your determination. But if you want to speak, you can't do it."

Can you please speak Mandarin? Don’t be so sour, it’s going to kill me.”

Deng Qifan also laughed. He also replied jokingly: "Everything is fine, sir, but you are a little unlearned. But the student has a question, what does Mandarin mean? Is it the vernacular spoken by Bai Ding?"



The three people in the room were laughing and laughing.

The ladies in the inner house had long known that Wu Shigong was going on an expedition. Therefore, when Wu Shigong returned to the inner house, his four wives were not sleeping. Seeing his wives, they suppressed the emotions in their hearts.

Worrying and forcing a smile on his face, Wu Shigong felt a little helpless.

Wu Shigong had no choice but to constantly comfort his wives. After constant sweet words and assurances, Wu Shigong finally got through this difficult night.

Because the soldiers who accompanied Wu Shigong on this expedition all lived in the barracks of Qianhusuo Fortress, it was convenient for Wu Shigong to gather all the soldiers who went on the expedition the next day.

After giving these soldiers a period of time to say farewell to their families in a hurry, Wu Shigong led more than a thousand soldiers and set off for Guidefu City to gather with soldiers drawn from other thousand households.

But when they were about to set off, Zhou Xun, the leader of the militia in the county, hurried to Qianhusuo Fortress to find Wu Shigong and asked Wu Shigong to join him in the expedition.

After Zhou Xun arrived in Qianhu, he did not win any battles except when the Holy Spirit Society rebelled and ordered fire cannons to be set on the county wall, and later captured some prisoners. He just kept training.

There were new recruits. This made Zhou Xun, who had a strong bellicosity factor, a little unbearable. Therefore, after learning that Wu Shigong was going to go on an expedition this time, Zhou Xun clamored to go together.

Since Zhou Xun's feelings of heroism and war romanticism were still very strong, Wu Shigong complied with Zhou Xun's request and let Zhou Xun lead all the infantry and set off together.

This chapter has been completed!
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