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Chapter 152: Soldiers flee

When Wu Shigong led the soldiers to turn around, several military households transferred from other thousands of households fled on the way to the north of Guide Mansion.

As for these fleeing military households, the Qianhu Station where they were located happened to be near the road where Wu Shigong's army turned, so these fleeing military households were very familiar with the nearby roads. In addition, Wu Shigong and others

These officers were unprepared, so these military households escaped smoothly.

After learning the news that the soldiers were fleeing, Wu Shigong was furious. However, Wu Shigong didn't have any free time to catch these fleeing soldiers, so Wu Shigong sent people to Guide Fucheng to report to Zhao Ming, the commander of the Guide Guards.

The names of those fleeing military households, hoping that Zhao Ming could capture these deserters and give them the punishment they deserve, that is, beheading.

In addition, not long after the turn, after the escape of soldiers occurred, Wu Shigong ordered to stop the march and set up camp on the spot. After setting up camp, Wu Shigong immediately arranged for officers at all levels to do a good job of stabilizing the soldiers immediately to prevent another incident.

The soldiers fled.

In addition, Wu Shigong didn't really trust the military households in other Qianhusuo. He placed the camping sites of these military households in the inner circle of the camp, while his soldiers from Qianhusuo were stationed in the outer circle.

Monitor every move of these military households.

Now Wu Shigong is only relatively relieved about the soldiers in his Qianhu Station. In his opinion, these soldiers use his own food and pay them military wages. He treats them with utmost benevolence and justice. Therefore, his soldiers will never do it.

Something went wrong.

But what Wu Shigong never expected was that some of his soldiers were planning to flee. And these soldiers were the cavalry Wu Shigong trusted and relied on the most.

Because the army suddenly turned to march, and because many soldiers did not fully understand the reason for the army's turn, rumors quickly spread among the soldiers.

As rumors spread, the reason why the army turned to march became: the Tatars attacked the capital and the capital was in danger. Therefore, Wu Shigong's army turned and marched directly north to fight directly with the Tatar army.

After learning about this rumor, those soldiers often went to those soldiers they thought were well-informed and asked these well-informed soldiers to give them an idea.

Now among Wu Shigong's cavalry, there are not many guards accompanying Wu Shigong to Guide Mansion from the capital, and those guards have basically become officers of various sizes.

Among the cavalry soldiers, most were promoted by Wu Shigong later and were better trained soldiers. In addition, there were also some bandits who surrendered with their horses at that time. Because they had better riding skills, they were directly retained by Wu Shigong in the cavalry.

Among. And there are now between seventy and eighty such people among Wu Shigong's cavalry.

These bandit-born cavalry were mainly concentrated in the cavalry reconnaissance squadron of Zhang Biao and Li Sanhe to give full play to their specialties. However, this also made it easy for them to form a small group in disguise.

Song Xiang was the leader of such a small group. Because he had served as a soldier in Liaodong before, after the army was defeated, he dispersed among the people. Because he had received some military training, he quickly became a small leader of the bandits.

When Wu Shigong issued a recruitment order, Song Xiang followed his group of bandits and was recruited by Wu Shigong. Now, Song Xiang is sitting in his tent, surrounded by members of his small group.

One of the members asked Song Xiang: "Brother Song, now that you are going to the capital to fight with the Tatars, and you have fought in Liaodong, please give me an idea. What should we do now?"

Song Xiang said "fuck!" first, and then said: "My lord, everything is good, but he is too young and energetic, and he doesn't know the heights of the world. He thinks that the Tatars are like those insurgents who only know how to farm and rebel with hoes? Tatars?"

They are like wolves and tigers, and besides, I heard that hundreds of thousands of them came this time, so if we fight with just a few people, we will definitely die."

Speaking of this, an anxious person quickly asked: "Brother Song, what should we do?"

Song Xiang looked at the people around him and saw that they were all his confidants, so he lowered his head and lowered his voice and said: "We will never do the work that will lead to death. If you don't leave me here, you will have your own place. We will."

Just do it like this..."

However, there were more than one but two people who had Song Xiang's idea. During the march the next day, although he was still walking on his own land, Wu Shigong still followed the routine of marching and sent out one by one from the reconnaissance squadron.

Spy, explore the situation ahead.

But at noon, the first batch of spies sent out should have returned to report the news, but two spies with backgrounds as bandits did not come back.

At this time, Wu Shigong didn't notice anything was wrong. He thought something was in danger with the two spies. Therefore, he asked Zhang Biao and Li Sanhe to make arrangements for the spies to form a team and go to the direction where the two spies disappeared.


But while Zhang Biao and Li Sanhe were making arrangements, Song Xiang glanced at his confidants, and the seven or eight of them came out in a group, and without saying any reason, they galloped away into the distance.

Everyone was baffled by the actions of Song Xiang and others. In the end, some people finally understood that Song Xiang and others were deserters, but by this time, Song Xiang and others had disappeared without a trace.

When Wu Shigong learned about the escape of Song Xiang and others, he immediately became furious. Wu Shigong never thought that his most trusted cavalry would have the biggest problem.

In fact, it is not surprising that this situation happened. You must know that the other soldiers are all locals. Even if they want to be deserters, they have nowhere to escape. Because monks who can escape cannot escape from the temple. So,

Those few military households who deserted before will definitely have nothing to eat in the future.

As for Wu Shigong's own soldiers, there is no problem. Not to mention the guards brought from the capital, the families of these other soldiers basically live in or near Qianhusuo. If they

If they become deserters, the evil star Wu Shigong will definitely wipe out all these deserters. Therefore, these soldiers will not dare to escape at all.

The cavalrymen who came from bandits were different. Although some of them surrendered to Wu Shigong with their families, some of them had no family members, so they had no worries. In addition, these bandits had a former banditry, and it was easy for them to have horses.

Escape quickly, so Song Xiang and the others fled.

Seeing the incidents of soldiers fleeing one after another, Wu Shigong no longer dared to neglect. Otherwise, if the soldiers continued to flee like this, after arriving in the capital, there would not be many people left around Wu Shigong. He would have become a polished commander.

So Wu Shigong immediately ordered to set up camp on the spot and wait until everything calmed down. Speaking of which, Wu Shigong's expedition was indeed not smooth. Although Wu Shigong's original intention was to delay the march, but now these days

If the march was interrupted, it was entirely because of an accident.

At this time, Wu Shigong decided to stop marching and temporarily stationed the army on the spot. He waited until food was sent from Guide Mansion.

After being stationed, the atmosphere in the military camp became a little tense. This time, none of the soldiers Wu Shigong brought out from his Qianhu household fled. There are still more than a hundred soldiers with banditry background left in the military camp. In order to prevent them

They fled, and other soldiers took care of them.

And these soldiers who were bandits, no matter what they thought in their hearts, they also felt threatened at this time, because they did not know whether the soldiers guarding them would attack them.

Therefore, they gradually moved closer together, and under the leadership of another soldier with a relatively high prestige, who was a bandit - Zug, they confronted the soldiers guarding them.

This chapter has been completed!
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