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Chapter 176 Death Clash (Part 2)

As soon as Wu Shigong saw the Tatar cavalry trotting towards the phalanx of six hundred people, he knew something was wrong. Then Wu Shigong saw the Tatars stop their horses at a distance of more than a hundred steps, dismount and start shooting arrows.

I felt even more that something was seriously wrong.

Wu Shigong immediately ordered Xue Qiang: "Liu Zi, quickly lead a squadron of cavalry to support Yu Qianhu's phalanx."

"Yes!" Xue Qiang immediately led a squadron of cavalry over. However, because the cavalry was behind the two phalanxes, Xue Qiang could only lead the cavalry around Yu Ji's phalanx.

But in such a short period of time, those bannermen had already shot three or four rounds of arrows. Although Wu Shigong had already learned about the fighting methods of the Hou Jin Army from Qin Liangyu, Wu Shigong also equipped his soldiers with some shields. But look

With the arrows flying over, the military households in Yu Ji's square formation who had only received little military training still became chaotic.

Fortunately, because they have to resist the charge of the cavalry, the soldiers in this square formation are arranged very closely, so even if these soldiers want to escape, they will be squeezed by the people behind them and unable to turn around. Therefore, although the soldiers in the front row are hiding,

The Tibetan man put down all the spears in his hands, but at least the formation has not collapsed yet.

But Niu Lu'er, the commander, really felt that this was enough. At his whistle, the flagmen who were shooting arrows immediately mounted their horses and rushed towards Yu Ji's phalanx.

In fact, not only Wu Shigong felt bad, Zhou Xun, who was commanding another square formation on the side, also felt a little bad about whether Yu Ji's square formation could withstand the charge of Hou Jin's cavalry. However, Zhou Xun could not

Without orders, he moved his phalanx arbitrarily.

So Zhou Xun shouted to the officer who was standing in front of his square formation and commanding the gunmen: "Hurry up and take the gunmen to support Lord Yu."

But the officer who commanded the musketeers replied: "According to military rules, we should stand in front of our phalanx and not move."

Zhou Xun was furious to death by the officer's answer. Under such a situation, the officer was still stubborn and had to follow military rules. But for a while, Zhou Xun couldn't tell what was wrong with the officer. So Zhou Xun

Then he said: "Stop talking nonsense and go quickly! This is an order!"

Seeing Zhou Xun's resolute attitude, the officer hesitated for a moment, then called on the gunman to run towards Yu Ji's phalanx.

In fact, all this happened very quickly. At this time, the first row of horses of the Hou Jin Army had already collided with Yu Ji's square formation. The cavalry of the Hou Jin Army moved in an arc, and they were facing

Yu Ji collided with him from a corner of the formation.

The cavalry of the Hou Jin Army wanted to break up Yu Ji's phalanx and push the defeated troops in the direction of Zhou Xun's phalanx and Wu Shigong's cavalry behind them, in order to disrupt Wu Shigong's entire formation.

Nearly forty of the Jin Army's cavalry behind this row suddenly collided with the corner of the square formation. Immediately causing a wave of people to flip over. The soldiers standing in the first and second rows basically vomited blood immediately. But because of them

They were all supported by the soldiers behind them, so even if they were dead, they would just lean on them.

The forty horsemen of the Hou Jin Army were basically stabbed into a hornet's nest by the spear array discharged by the phalanx. Only a few cavalry rushed into the phalanx because of the gap in the spear array.

But it was just these few Jin soldiers on horseback who slashed left and right with their sabers, causing chaos in the phalanx. In addition, the more than 20 Jin soldiers on horseback on both sides surrounded the phalanx and slashed, and the entire square

The formation is on the verge of collapse.

At this time, Yu Ji, a soldier in the phalanx, wanted to resist, but the spear in his hand was not smooth, because the soldiers of the Hou Jin Dynasty were all close.

Later Jin soldiers had little lethality.

Fortunately, some of the military instructors sent by Wu Shigong were relatively calm. They drew out their sabers from their waists and rushed towards the Hou Jin soldiers. With an example in front of them, the other soldiers also dropped their spears and drew out their sabers.

Fighting with Hou Jin soldiers.

Seeing that the first row of cavalry did not break through Yu Ji's formation, the Jin soldiers behind the second row also rushed over. But at this time, the gunmen sent by Zhou Xun also arrived, and they immediately followed the officer's order

and fired a volley.

This shooting was particularly effective because it was within the range. It knocked down the twenty-some Houjin soldiers in the second row at once. You know, Niu Lu'er really put the white-armored soldiers with the most combat experience in the first place.

And the third row. The second row is basically composed of Jurchen recruits.

It should be said that Hou Jin's military law was still very strict. Even after receiving such a blow, these Jurchen recruits still rushed forward. However, the sound of the fire blunderbuss made these recruits invariably make a move to avoid it.

We all already know that when a person gives way, they will make a backward movement. With this backward movement, the reins of the horses in the hands of these Jurchen recruits will tighten. This will slow down the speed of the horses.

After the avoidance was completed, when these Jurchen recruits increased their horse speed, the horse's speed could no longer reach the maximum speed. In addition, more than twenty horses were knocked down, and the sparse horses collided with Yu Ji's phalanx.

, but it still didn’t break open.

Then, of course, came the third row of cavalry from the Hou Jin Army. But at this time, the cavalry from the squadron led by Xue Qiang had already bypassed Yu Ji's square formation. They didn't even care about the Hou Jin cavalry surrounding Yu Ji's square formation.

, but formed two rows and rushed towards the third row of Houjin Cavalry.

Then the golden cavalry saw Xue Qiang's cavalry and rushed over. In fact, when the two sides discovered each other, they were already very close. When the high-speed horses moved relative to each other, the two sides met together in an instant.

When cavalry and cavalry confront each other, it is actually a test of the cavalry's will. Under normal circumstances, the party with weak willpower will flee.

Horses are also spiritual animals. Of course they are not willing to collide with anything, so the horses also made avoidance movements at this time. However, the cavalry on both sides were arranged very closely, and there was no space for the horses at all.

If you want to turn, you can only rush straight forward.

The soldiers on both sides tried their best to stretch their spears forward. When they saw the opponent's cavalry getting closer and closer, they shouted at the top of their lungs.

All of a sudden, the two sides met together. Regardless of whether the spears in their hands hit each other, the high-speed horses of both sides collided hard, and the soldiers on the horses were like matches in a matchbox dropped to the ground.

, flew out.

After all, there were more Houjin cavalry in this row, and there were more than a dozen Houjin cavalry on each side who rushed through this deadly collision. But these Houjin cavalry then faced Wu Shigong's second row of cavalry. By this time, Houjin's cavalry had already

They were no longer in formation, so they were swept away by Wu Shigong's cavalry like a strong wind. Only a few of Houjin's cavalry escaped.

Seeing this tragic battle, Wu Shigong and Baduli's eyelids jumped. Wu Shigong immediately ordered his cavalry to press forward, and the phalanx led by Zhou Xun also pressed against Yu Ji's phalanx.

Seeing that the third row of cavalry behind them had been completely wiped out, under the orders of several white-armored soldiers, the Houjin cavalrymen who were besieging Yu Ji's phalanx also turned around, bypassed the cavalrymen in front, and retreated towards the main formation.


The place where the fatal collision occurred was now filled with horse and human corpses. Some of the horses that were not dead and the soldiers on both sides were screaming and groaning.

At this time, Wu Shigong saw a man standing dangling among the corpses. The man Wu Shigong knew was named Wei Changlin. He was a captain of his cavalry team and a gambling house guard whom he brought out from the capital.

Wei Changlin's face was covered with blood, and it was obvious that he had stars in his eyes and could not see clearly what was going on around him. Wei Changlin drew his saber and blindly slashed around.

But at this moment, a Hou Jin soldier suddenly climbed up from the pile of corpses with a short spear in his hand, and stabbed Wei Changlin's back with the short spear.

Wu Shigong's eyes suddenly turned red, and he let out a beast-like cry in his throat. When the cavalrymen in front saw this situation, they immediately surrounded him and chopped the Houjin soldier into a pulp with random swords.

In order to meet the retreating Houjin cavalry, Baduli led the remaining two Niu Lu to press forward. Wu Shigong also immediately led his remaining three cavalry squadrons to press forward.

Moreover, Wu Shigong asked Yu Ji's phalanx to rest where it was, and asked Zhou Xun's phalanx to advance and accompany him on the attack. Wu Shigong must cross the place where the fatal collision occurred and protect it. He hopes to save those who may still be alive.

Every one of his own cavalry who is alive can be saved.

Under Zhou Xun's order, a small group of soldiers also left their phalanx, went to the place where the fatal collision occurred, searched, inflicted wounds on the Houjin soldiers who were not dead, and rescued their own wounded.

About a hundred and fifty steps away, the two sides stopped again and faced off.

This chapter has been completed!
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