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Chapter 179 Windfall Arrival

The woman was a young woman in her twenties. Her face was haggard, but she did not conceal her beauty. But even so, in Wu Shigong's memory, he had never seen this woman before.

But this woman obviously knew him. So Wu Shigong asked doubtfully: "Who are you?"

"The Nu family once met Wu Qianhu in Guide Mansion." Seeing Wu Shigong, who still looked confused, the woman became a little anxious. She reminded loudly: "The Nu family even offered Wu Qianhu a glass of wine at that time.

Woolen cloth."

The last sentence was a bit ambiguous. Wu Shigong felt that the gazes of the surrounding soldiers on him were a little fiery. In this era, there were not many cases of women toasting to men. In addition to familiar family members, this was usually done at Fengyue venues.


But after Wu Shigong traveled to the Ming Dynasty, he had no contact with any romantic women at all. The only one he remembered was Man Ling, who asked him to do "advanced mathematics", and no one else. But who is this woman?

Wu Shigong's mind was spinning rapidly. Suddenly, he thought of a possibility. Then he immediately looked at the woman up and down. Finally, Wu Shigong asked with some uncertainty: "Are you Qi..." Wu Shigong first

I thought that the woman must have been insulted, and it would not be good to directly call her by name in public, so I quickly changed my words: "Were you wearing a veil at the time?"

Seeing that Wu Shigong had recognized him, the woman immediately started sobbing. Wu Shigong jumped off his horse, clasped his fists to the escorting military attache and said: "This woman is an old friend of my officer, can this brother do it?"

It’s convenient…”

Before Wu Shigong could finish his words, the military attaché replied with a smile on his face and clasped his fists: "Wu Qianhu, please."

Wu Shigong saluted the military attache again, and then ordered the guards around him: "Send her to my tent outside the city. Treat her well."

Then he said to the woman: "You can rest assured and wait in the big tent. I will come over as soon as I finish my business."

After the guards left with the woman, Wu Shigong shook his head. The woman should be the original wife of County Magistrate Qi. After guarding the county seat, Mrs. Qi did offer Wu Shigong a glass of wine. But looking at it now

Mrs. Qi's appearance made her think that Magistrate Qi had indeed been transferred to Beizhili as magistrate. Then the fate of Magistrate Qi would be disastrous.

No matter what was said at that time, Magistrate Qi and Wu Shigong always worked together while guarding the county seat. Now that something like this happened to Mrs. Qi, Wu Shigong had to lend a helping hand no matter what.

As soon as Wu Shigong arrived at Zhizhou Yamen, Qin Liangyu, who had received the report, immediately called Wu Shigong in. Seeing Qin Liangyu's smile, Wu Shigong knew that Qin Liangyu not only killed many Tatars and captured Luanzhou City, but also captured the city last night.

There must be quite a few.

So, Wu Shigong sneakily poked his head over and asked in a low voice: "Mom, the harvest last night was pretty good, wasn't it?"

Qin Liangyu was immediately amused by Wu Shigong's words. She stretched out her hand and gave Wu Shigong a violent shudder on the head, laughing and scolding: "You brat, you are making fun of me." Ma Xianglin on the side also laughed "haha".

Qin Liangyu then handed Wu Shigong a piece of paper and said to Wu Shigong: "I have never done anything like burning down bridges. Yesterday you also contributed a lot. Look, these are the things seized in the city. I will give you 25%."

Qin Liangyu's distribution ratio was based on the number of soldiers, which was very fair. Wu Shigong took the paper and looked at it carefully. There was indeed a lot of supplies seized.

Because the white pole soldiers rushed into Luanzhou City very quickly, and the Jin army was defeated very quickly. Therefore, the supplies in Luanzhou City were basically preserved. More than 800 horses were seized, and nineteen grains were seized.

More than a thousand stones. This food was specially kept because Huang Taiji wanted to run the four cities of Yongping and was not taken outside the customs. Now it was an advantage for Qin Liangyu and Wu Shigong.

In addition, there are also a large amount of cloth, wine, tea and tobacco. Of course, there is no gold, silver or jewelry in this list. Anyway, this is a tacit thing, and Wu Shigong will not be so ignorant.

Qin Liangyu proposed.

Wu Shigong was also very happy after seeing it, and said to Qin Liangyu: "Mom is so powerful that we took down Luanzhou City just by relying on you as a pioneer. Why didn't the emperor regard you as Mu Guiying and make him a commander?"

Otherwise, the four cities of Yongping might have been recovered long ago."

After listening to Wu Shigong's flattery, Qin Liangyu was very happy. She laughed and scolded: "You brat, don't talk nonsense if you disrespect the emperor! The Tatars in the city are too useless. But there are not many real Tatars.

The only ones left behind were some Mongolians and Han Chinese who had defected to the Tatars. Without their masters, they were just flying around like headless flies in the city. There was no effort to deal with them. You think it’s funny or not, they even went to the Yamen.

None of the documents inside were taken away or burned."

Then, Qin Liangyu seemed to have remembered something, and said to Wu Shigong with a smile: "You, 'Mom', 'Mom', are too ugly. Otherwise, just call me Godmother."

Wu Shigong smiled and agreed.

Qin Liangyu continued: "Don't think that we can divide all the things on the list. We must leave about three thousand shi of food and some property as seizures. Oh! I just received the news from Grand Master Sun that he will lead

The main force will arrive here in two days."

"Why!" Wu Shigong was very unhappy when he heard that the meat in his mouth was about to be spit out. "They haven't contributed anything, so why should you give them something? Besides, the main force will definitely bring it himself.

When it comes to food, they don’t look down on things like us.”

Qin Liangyu said helplessly to Wu Shigong: "There is no way. Do you think I don't want these things? But even if we keep these things with us, there will be no big trucks to transport them. We will not stay long after all.

Here, these things are not thrown here in vain!"

Wu Shigong thought that this was indeed the case. But then he thought about it and said to Qin Liangyu: "Anyway, let's get these things in our own hands first. I have some connections with the horse and carriage shop in Nancheng, Beijing, and I want to find a way to transport some large cars.

.At best, it will be better to throw it away when the road is blocked, than to give it away for nothing now."

Hearing that Wu Shigong had a solution, Qin Liangyu certainly would not disagree. Wu Shigong continued: "Not only these things, but also anything useful in Luanzhou City must be moved to the camp. Not even a mouse tail should be left for those behind.

Next. We are so hard-working, we can only be so diligent and frugal in running our homes."

Wu Shigong's words caused laughter all around. Ma Xianglin joked at the side: "Brother Wu is so good at running a house. If you were a woman, I would definitely marry you." Ma Xianglin's words caused another burst of laughter.

How thick-skinned Wu Shigong was. He immediately retorted: "Brother Ma, you have no chance. Because you are indeed too ugly."

Qin Liangyu smiled as he watched the two live treasures playing tricks, and suddenly found that Wu Shigong had stopped looking and was thinking about something quietly. Qin Liangyu was a little confused and asked: "What's the matter?"

At this time, Wu Shigong was thinking about the rebellion of the Holy Spirit Society, the invasion of Tatars, and Mrs. Qi. He connected these things together and remembered the land he bought through the Qi County Magistrate and confiscated the land from the rebels.

Immediately, Wu Shigong made up his mind and said to Qin Liangyu: "Godmother, I have a way to make money here. Look at the land in Luanzhou City, there is no human habitation at all. These lands are all ownerless.

.You just said that the documents in the yamen were not taken away, so the land deeds stored in the yamen are also in our hands now. Let us simply sell all these ownerless lands."

Qin Liangyu was startled by Wu Shigong's whims, and she retorted incredulously: "You brat, are you really out of your mind? We just want to sell, but how can anyone buy it at this moment? And they still have it.

It is simply impossible to come up with so much cash. Besides, we have sold our land. If we come to Luanzhou City as officials in the future, they will also bear a grudge against us. Even if they are

We can run away, but those who bought the land cannot. Isn’t this pushing people into a pit of fire? Whoever knows about this pit will not jump."

Wu Shigong pretended to be confident, and said to Qin Liangyu somewhat mysteriously: "Godmother, don't you know my identity?"

Qin Liangyu's eyes lit up after hearing this. She immediately understood what Wu Shigong meant. Wu Shigong has two princes behind him, and with the relatives, he should be able to include the entire circle of nobles in the capital.

There is definitely no shortage of money for these nobles, and they like to buy land most. What's even better is that the capital is not far from Luanzhou City, and it is very convenient to manage. As long as Qin Liangyu lowers the land price, these nobles will still be able to buy land.

It's not like they're following each other.

Ma Xianglin, who was on the side, had not yet fully figured it out. He asked: "Then what if the people who escaped after we sold the land come back with the land deed?"

The land deeds of the Ming Dynasty were in two copies. One was kept by the government and the other was collected by the landlord. It is a bit like the current real estate certificate.

Wu Shigong rolled his eyes at Ma Xianglin and explained angrily: "After those powerful people bought the land, if they still can't settle this matter through the government, then they can throw their powerful hats into the pit. Besides, in

Most of the people left here have shaved off their tails. It would be good if they were not captured and beheaded as Tatars. What else do they want? Even if they escape into the mountains in twos and threes, they will not be able to escape.

When the time comes, just give them another piece of wasteland to clear it up. The powerful people who bought the land will take care of this kind of thing, so we don't need to worry about it."

Qin Liangyu smiled and immediately agreed: "Okay! Let's do it like this. But I have to make it clear here, let's set a price of three taels of silver per acre for this land. According to the old rules, you get two and a half percent."

Wu Shigong complained: "Godmother, you are too stingy. Whatever you say, you have to be equal."

Finally, after some bargaining, the land price was set at four taels per mu, and Wu Shigong received one-third of the income. After everything was discussed, Qin Liangyu arranged for Wu Shigong to immediately write two letters to Yangwuhou Mansion and Gongshun Hou Mansion.

, the two marquises were asked to immediately unite with the nobles and powerful civil servants in the capital, and bring money to Luanzhou City to buy land. Of course, they were also asked to help, mobilizing a group of large trucks to come over and take away the seized things.

Transport them all away.

Qin Liangyu planned to let the messenger sent by Wu Shigong rush to the capital together with his own messenger who went to the capital to report his merits.

After discussing all this, Qin Liangyu stared at Wu Shigong and said, "Why don't you go and do something quickly?"

Wu Shigong was in a particularly good mood at this time, and he said with a playful smile: "Godmother, what are you doing? Are you writing letters or transporting things to the camp?"

Seeing that Wu Shigong still dared to tease her, Qin Liangyu reached out and gave Wu Shigong a violent shudder, laughing and scolding: "Let me handle it all!"

Wu Shigong walked to the door with a smile and whistled. Suddenly he remembered something. He turned around and said to Qin Liangyu: "Godmother, I have a few more things to ask of you."

This chapter has been completed!
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