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Chapter 185: Southeast Northwest

The next day, Wu Shigong was still a little evasive and did not dare to approach Qin Liangyu, the tigress. However, Qin Liangyu took the initiative and waved to Wu Shigong.

After Wu Shigong came over, Qin Liangyu gently patted Wu Shigong's head with his hand, laughed and scolded: "You brat, you dared to talk back yesterday."

After finishing speaking, Qin Liangyu tidied Wu Shigong's official robe and warned: "There is no need to discuss the matter of loyalty to the emperor, but you have to take care of yourself. This time I go to Liaodong, I will find a way to bring you a fur, and give it to you.

My children brought some dongzhu to play with. We, the older generation, are fighting to the death, don’t we want you, the younger generation, to live a better life?”

Wu Shigong also showed his true feelings. He knelt down and kowtowed to Qin Liangyu three times and said, "Godmother, take care of yourself too."

Then, Wu Shigong stood up and said to Ma Xianglin: "Brother Ma, brothers don't have much to offer, so I'll give these fire blunderbuss to you. Remember, the fire blunderbuss has great limitations when used alone, but it can't be used with white poles."

When guns are used together, they often achieve miraculous results. Brother Ma is better at fighting than I am, so you can just try it out when the time comes."

Ma Xianglin was also very excited when he saw the fifty heavy fire guns sent by Wu Shigong's soldiers. Ma Xianglin was not very good at talking, so he and Wu Shigong held hands tightly together.

Although Ma Xianglin also wanted to go to the capital, he still had to see his mother off. So Wu Shigong led his army to say goodbye to Qin Liangyu and Ma Xianglin. Riding on the horse, Wu Shigong recalled every detail of his interactions with Qin Liangyu and Ma Xianglin.

Thinking of interesting places, I couldn't help but have a smile on my face.

Suddenly, Wu Shigong remembered that he had called Qin Liangyu "old woman". Now of course Wu Shigong knew Qin Liangyu's famous name among the generals of the Ming Dynasty, but when Wu Shigong set off from Guide Mansion, let alone Qin Liangyu, even the Ming Dynasty

I can't even name a few of the other generals.

This is not possible. When Wu Shigong was in the world in modern times, he had to memorize the "heroes" in the world. Now that he is an official, he should always know the names of famous ministers and generals in the officialdom.

Name it.

But in this era of the Ming Dynasty, there was no news broadcast, and Wu Shigong didn't know where to find this information. So Wu Shigong called Deng Qifan over for advice. After Deng Qifan heard this, he asked whether Wu Shigong often asked these questions.

Common sense issues have become commonplace.

Deng Qifan patiently explained to Wu Shigong: The Ming Dynasty's court would issue a Di Bao. In the Di Bao, the policies of the Ming Dynasty, changes in officials and major events in various places were recorded. The Di Bao would be distributed to various places.

There was a government office in Yu Zilian County. Wu Shigong only had to send someone to copy it.

In addition, various bookstores would also go to the yamen to copy old newspapers and sell them to local scholars and gentry, so that they could also understand the trends of the court.

Wu Shigong understood clearly that the Ming Dynasty also had the People's Daily. As an official, he should really make up for this lesson and develop a good habit of reading official newspapers.

At this time, Wu Shigong heard He Fei beside him happily singing a ditty, and this ditty was indeed a pornographic ditty. The lyrics were not subtle at all and were very straightforward. He Fei's ditty made the soldiers around him excited.

There were cheers and cheers, and He Fei sang even more energetically.

When He Fei wanted to play another song at the request of the audience, Wu Shigong called him over. Wu Shigong laughed and scolded: "You are about to become a general person, and you haven't taken a formal shape yet."

He Fei also smiled and replied: "Master, we were on the line of life and death on the way here. Now on the way back, I am making my brothers happy. Besides, Master, we have won a big victory this time!"

"A great victory?" Wu Shigong was a little confused. He Fei's flattery was a little too much. To be honest, Wu Shigong still felt a little distressed about the casualties of his soldiers.

"How come it's not a great victory? Master, we only suffered less than 300 casualties and killed 500 Tatars. I once asked about it and found that few generals have had such a victory over the years.

A great victory. Even if it’s a pity for Chang Lin, he will definitely laugh out loud when he sees our spirit in the sky.”

Wu Shigong let out a long sigh and thought that it was indeed the case. The Tatars were boasted by the Ming army in the past that they were three-headed and six-armed, but when he fought against them, with about the same number of people, it was already good to have such a result. Besides, since

From the perspective of boosting the morale of one's own soldiers, publicizing such a great victory is definitely beneficial and harmless.

Wu Shigong waved his hand and asked He Fei to return to his team. Wu Shigong looked at the white clouds floating in the sky and the laughing soldiers, and the knot in his heart was relieved. This battle looks really good.

of some value.

What Wu Shigong didn't know was that through this battle with the Tatars, especially the fatal collision with the Tatar cavalry, the fierceness in Wu Shigong's soldiers was suddenly aroused.

In fact, our nation has always had a fierce spirit in our bones. As a farming nation, we can reach the East China Sea in the east; the South China Sea and virgin forests in the south; the plateaus and deserts in the west; and the grasslands in the north. As long as our nation can see the land that can be cultivated

, they were all seized by our nation.

It's just that due to the limitations of natural conditions, there has been no place to rob for a long time, coupled with Confucianism's suppression of the ferocity of our nation, so when fighting against foreigners, we are often in a passive situation.

But as soon as the conditions are ripe and the fierceness of our nation is stimulated, it will immediately unleash huge energy. And the same is true for Wu Shigong's army now. It can be said that now, Wu Shigong's army finally has its own army.


According to the arrangement of the imperial court, Wu Shigong's army returned to Defu via Tongzhou by boat this time, so the army passed through the capital again.

When arriving in the capital, Wu Shigong set up camp far away for a day's rest in accordance with the court's rules. On the one hand, Wu Shigong was waiting for the Xue Mansion and the Wu Mansion to send the money for selling the land. On the other hand, Wu Shigong also wanted to

More than 8,000 shi of excess food and supplies were stored in Xue Mansion's Zhuangzi outside the capital, and would be slowly transported back to De Mansion in the future.

In addition, Wu Shigong also sent people to the capital to collect some newspapers and seize the time to study. Moreover, Wu Shigong also sent people to rush overland to Guide Mansion to prepare Guide Mansion to welcome him. Of course, he also sent people

People went to Tongzhou to find Zhang Chunyu and asked him to arrange ships for his army.

After resting like this for a day, Wu Shigong finished everything and set off for Tongzhou again. On the way to Tongzhou, Wu Shigong did not ride a horse. He and Qiong Niang sat in the carriage and looked at the people brought from the capital.

Di Bao.

Wu Shigong was sitting on the carriage, reading the newspaper in one hand, and holding Qiong Niang's waist with the other hand. Slowly, his hand touched Qiong Niang's peak, and his fingers gently twisted it.

Looking at the peak, Qiong Niang also completely collapsed into Wu Shigong's arms.

Suddenly, Wu Shigong saw the name of the leader of the Shaanxi rebellion in the newspaper. Among the long list of names, there was a name that Wu Shigong was familiar with - the general Li Zicheng.

Under the tension, Wu Shigong's hand unconsciously exerted force and grabbed Qiong Niang's peak. The pain was so painful that Qiong Niang couldn't help but "snort".

Wu Shigong ignored Qiongniang who was standing aside. He stood up, let go of Qiongniang's waist, and read the newspaper carefully. He couldn't help but sweat breaking out on his forehead.

After King Qin this time, the Ming army drove the Hou Jin army out of the pass, and Wu Shigong did not find out the name Li Zicheng for a long time. In Wu Shigong's heart, he thought with some luck: "Is it his own time travel?

It led to changes in the history of the Ming Dynasty, so the Ming Dynasty will not perish, and I will live a wealthy life for a lifetime."

But now that he saw Li Zicheng actually appearing, Wu Shigong knew that he had indeed entered that turbulent era of changing dynasties. Wu Shigong's sense of urgency, which had just slackened, suddenly tightened.

Until noon, when the army came to a crossroads to rest, Wu Shigong was still in a daze.

The soldiers were sitting on both sides of the road eating dry food, and Wu Shigong entered a teahouse next to the intersection. Wu Shigong sat in the teahouse, drinking tea and eating the food on the table, and ignored the people sitting at the same table.

Several officers were chatting and laughing.

All Wu Shigong is doing now is to protect himself in this turbulent era. But if he wants to protect himself, he has to face the two formidable enemies of the Tatars and Li Zicheng. At that time, sitting next to Wu Shigong now

How many of the officers and soldiers sitting on both sides of the road could survive? Wu Shigong even expressed doubts about whether he could survive the confrontation with them.

But after all, Wu Shigong is a noble queen, and there is no room for reconciliation between him and these two enemies. Besides, Wu Shigong has also been influenced by Qin Liangyu, and it is not necessarily true that he now has a strong sense of loyalty to the emperor.

But Wu Shigong couldn't do anything about betraying the Ming Dynasty and Emperor Chongzhen at this moment.

So should I fight for this damn Ming Dynasty and this damn emperor? Wu Shigong was very upset.

Suddenly, Wu Shigong became irritated. He waved the officers sitting next to the table to get out of the way. Then he waved his hand and swept all the dishes on the table to the floor.

Wu Shigong carried the empty table and moved it to the middle of the intersection under the surprised gazes of the surrounding officers and soldiers. Wu Shigong jumped on the table and looked toward the distance of the road. He first looked east, then south, and then west.

, then north, then east, then south, then west, then north...

(End of Volume 2)

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