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Chapter 20 Beating

Wu Shigong's fist was aimed at Zhou Xun's face. In a normal fight, the person who strikes first is always used to hitting the opponent on the head. Either punch the opponent until his face is full of peach blossoms, or simply slap the opponent.

This is the so-called principle of hitting someone in the face. Although Zhou Xun was surprised by Wu Shigong's attack, he did react quickly. He immediately raised his arms in front of the door to block Wu Shigong's fist.


But Wu Shigong's jab with his right hand was completely a fake move. When Zhou Xun raised his arm to protect his face, he suddenly felt a sharp pain in his lower abdomen. It turned out that Wu Shigong had withdrawn his right fist as a feint and landed an uppercut with his left hand.

It hit Zhou Xun's lower abdomen. When a person's lower abdomen hurts, he instinctively bends over. When Zhou Xun just bent over, Wu Shigong's right hand made another uppercut, just in time to meet Zhou Xun's lowered head, and hit Zhou Xun.

On Xun's chin. When Zhou Xun was hit and his head shot up, Wu Shigong then hit Zhou Xun with a left punch on the right side of his face.

This is a standard set of combination punches in boxing. It is undeniable that among all combat sports, modern boxing is the most effective and scientific one. As soon as they saw the two fighting, the onlookers quickly dispersed

, Afraid of harming Chi Yu. A clever man quickly ordered the subordinates who had followed Zhou Xun, who were now in a daze, to call Zhou Shikun quickly. One of the subordinates immediately woke up and hurried to the gate of the Yamen.

While running, they shouted: "The fight is about to begin! The fight is about to begin!" Xue Qiang and Xue Yong, who were at the gate of the Yamen, looked at each other, abandoned the man who was giving them red envelopes, and ran inside.

After finishing this combination of punches, Wu Shigong took a step back. People who are inexperienced in fighting will often only use their courage to chase and hit the opponent, but they don't know that if the two parties get too close, they will swing out.

The fist will not be able to exert force, and the opponent will even hug him, and the two parties will be entangled together. And hitting someone is not hitting a sandbag. After being hit, the person will dodge, and even if he loses resistance, the person will sway left and right.

. Therefore, Wu Shigong's step back is to master the rhythm, observe Zhou Xun's position, and hit him in the most effective way.

Needless to say, Zhou Xun is really good at legs and feet, and at least he has great physical fitness. After Wu Shigong's heavy punches, he was still able to stand unsteadily. But that's all. Zhou Xun is now seeing stars.

, can’t hear anything from the outside world, can’t see anything from the outside world. That’s what we often see in boxing matches: a player’s eyes widen, standing blankly and being punched continuously by his opponent. Experienced

When the referee sees this situation, he will immediately stop the countdown of the game. Some players in this situation cannot react when the referee reads "ten" and can only be sentenced to lose. It's not that he doesn't want to react, but that he still has stars in his eyes at that time.

I can't hear the referee's countdown. This is the case for Zhou Xun now.

After Wu Shigong observed where Zhou Xun was standing, he took a small step forward and punched Zhou Xun's head and abdomen several times at the most suitable position. Then he took a step back, observed the position, and stepped forward.

A small step, a few more punches... After a rough start, Wu Shigong began to refine his skills. After repeating this for a few times, Zhou Xun lost consciousness and fell heavily to the ground.

Everything happened too fast, and Wu Shigong's action was too straightforward. Before the people around him could react, Zhou Xun, one of the hardest punchers in the Nancheng Bingma Division, was beaten to the ground by Wu Shigong. Xu Li

Mu and the six hundred households were all silent, some were completely stunned, and some didn't know what they were thinking about.

At that time, what people paid attention to when fighting was to put up good frames. In today's terminology, there were more frames. They had never heard of Wu Shigong's simple and clear boxing routine. Moreover, boxing was not only practical, but also more enjoyable to watch.

Yes. How else could there be so many boxing fans in modern times? Wu Shigong spent a lot of money to systematically learn boxing in modern times, and he grew up in a wealth of practice, although he later became the boss and stopped doing it.

, but the usual diligent training has never stopped, and Wu Shigong has some elements of a sneak attack this time, so it is not surprising to have such a result today.

Seeing Zhou Xun fall to the ground, the two subordinates who were brought by Zhou Xun came in and asked them to attack Wu Shigong. They definitely didn't dare. They just wanted to help Zhou Xun out for treatment. One of them had a smarter mind.

Yes, he shouted and accused Wu Shigong: "What mistake did our Lord Baihu make? Do you want to beat him like this?" He wanted to show that he was still loyal to the Lord, but instead, he fell behind.

The other one, who was stupider, was still rushing in the direction where Zhou Xun fell to the ground. Hearing the footsteps behind him, Wu Shigong turned around and slapped the one who was rushing in front to the ground again.

, then rushed forward two steps, grabbed the chest of the smart man who was about to turn around and run away with his left hand, grabbed his belt with his right hand, used both arms to lift him above his head, and turned him around in a half circle.

, aimed at the door and threw him out. The sound of throwing him to the ground startled Xue Qiang and Xue Yong who had just ran to the door of Xu Limu's house.

At this time, the extremely angry Wu Shigong exuded a beast-like aura, and his eyes looked like a tiger eating people. Coupled with his burly figure, all the people on the side were frightened and did not dare to persuade him. Some of them were frightened.

People were still wondering: How could such a ferocious beast be knocked unconscious in the Imperial College? Could it be that the Imperial College now trains fierce generals instead of scribes?

Wu Shigong returned to Zhou Xun and spat on Zhou Xun's face, which was bleeding from the nose. Regardless of whether Zhou Xun was awake or not and could hear his words, he shouted loudly: "I understand, I'm new here, you look down on me."

Me, so I don’t blame you; I also understand that you are young and don’t know how to respect your boss, so I don’t blame you; you provoke me, but I still don’t blame you. But you provoke me, you are damn incompetent, just

You will lie on the ground like a dead dog, and I will look down on you. Why don't you die? I'm going to beat you to death today." Wu Shigong became more and more excited as he spoke. After finishing speaking, he rushed out of the house. Those who heard the news at the door

The soldiers and clerks from the Army and Horse Division who came to see the excitement hurriedly moved out of the way.

Wu Shigong rushed out of the room, looked around, and saw weapons in the weapons rack on the edge of the school field. So he ran to the weapons rack, pulled out a big knife, turned and walked into the house. Seeing that something was wrong, Xue Qiang and Xue Yong hurried forward.

He hugged Wu Shigong and shouted to Wu Shigong not to be impulsive. If it was just a boss beating a subordinate, even if there was an impeachment by the censor, the Marquis could suppress it, but if someone died, then something big would happen, and as Wu Shigong

The guards, they will definitely not end well.

Wu Shigong struggled a few times, shouted angrily a few times, and gradually calmed down. In fact, it was impossible for him to really kill Zhou Xun, so he could just go down the slope. Seeing Wu Shigong throw down the sword, Xue Qiang and Xue Yong also relaxed

After opening his hand, Wu Shigong took a few deep breaths, calmed down, and walked toward the house. The onlookers moved out of the way again. Xue Qiang and Xue Yong followed closely, fearing that Wu Shigong would go crazy again. The one who was beaten by Wu Shigong

The person who slapped Zhou Xun had already climbed up to help Zhou Xun, but when he saw Wu Shigong entering the room again, he quickly lay down on the ground and remained motionless.

"Throw these two people out." Wu Shigong ordered Xue Qiang and Xue Yong. The two of them quickly carried Zhou Xun out first, one by his head and the other by his feet. The other one was quite obedient and climbed out after him.

Wu Shigong ignored him, nodded to Li Mu, and said apologetically: "I messed up your room."

"It doesn't matter, it doesn't matter." Xu Limu's expression was gloomy and uncertain. Today's Wu Shigong left a deep impression on him.

"You and the other hundreds of households should go to the inner hall and wait. We will have a meeting later. I will wash my face first." Wu Shigong told Xu Limu and the hundreds of households. The exercise just now, Wu Shigong's

There was indeed a lot of sweat left.

While washing his face, Wu Shigong found that there was a tear in his official robe, which made Wu Shigong feel a little distressed. It was really uncomfortable to hit someone in an official robe, because Wu Shigong was taller and the official robe seemed tighter, and it was just yesterday.

I got it, so I haven’t had time to change it yet. Moreover, the hem of the official robe is very long, and it’s inconvenient to kick people with your legs, so Wu Shigong basically used boxing routines today.

Seeing Wu Shigong looking at the opening of his official robe with a gloomy expression on his face, Xue Yong on the side said, "Actually, if I want to deal with that kid, I just need to ask someone to do it. You don't need to do it yourself."

After hearing this, Wu Shigong's eyes widened in surprise. What else can you say? He really didn't understand that in the Ming Dynasty, not only the yamen could beat disobedient subordinates, but even the emperor could beat disobedient ministers.

Of course, there is a special term for the emperor to beat the ministers, which is called the court stick. However, no superior would personally beat his subordinates like Wu Shigong did. You can imagine, if a minister offended the emperor, would it be wrong?

The emperor flew down from the throne and punched and kicked the minister himself? Then it was not the Jinluan Palace but the Juyi Hall.

This made Wu Shigong even more furious. He had nothing to say and continued to punish. He pointed his finger and shouted at the two of them: "You two, get back to the gate." In fact, this was a bit unreasonable. Xue Qiang and Xue Qiang

Does Yong also know that Wu Shigong will compete with others today?

However, after hearing Wu Shigong's roar, Xue Qiang and Xue Yong were filled with joy, and they kept shouting in their hearts: Let the punishment be more violent.

(I really like Madman Li’s passage in "Jian Ke" by Mao Da, so I imitated it a bit. The author’s first application for Sanjiang Pavilion was not approved. However, in the author’s opinion, this work is indeed well written and is a favorite.

My friends read it almost every day. Maybe the editor wants to sharpen the author. Maybe this work is buried in new works, and fewer people have discovered this work. So here, I am shameless and can only break my promise. I hope my friends

Please introduce it to others. Just let them see it. There is no need to canvass for votes. Of course, it would be better if you can vote. Thank you. In order to thank my friends, I will try to update three times a day during the two days on weekends.)

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