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Chapter 228 Meeting with the Salt Merchant

For this meeting, the Yangzhou salt merchants had done all their homework. Those salt merchants invited a person who Wu Shigong could not refuse to serve as an introducer. That person was Mr. Hou from the Hou Mansion of Guide Prefecture.

Of course Mr. Hou would not deign to go to Runing Mansion to meet Wu Shigong directly. He just sent a butler to deliver a letter to Wu Shigong. In this letter, there were only three simple words: "Don't mess around!"

It can be seen from these three characters that Mrs. Hou's writing skills and conduct are first-class. He simply described Wu Shigong's bad criminal behavior as "nonsense", clearly showing his attitude in favor of Wu Shigong.

However, Mrs. Hou's letter did indeed reprimand Wu Shigong. And this kind of behavior was particularly prominent amidst the silence among the civil servants of Guide Mansion and Runing Mansion.

Anyway, it is very meaningful. If you think about it carefully, you may be able to name more than a dozen meanings. As a joke, there may be some meanings that Mr. Hou himself is not aware of.

As soon as Wu Shigong received the letter, he immediately began to perform wonderfully:

In front of the housekeeper of the Hou Mansion, Wu Shigong first expressed his deep regret for the trouble he had caused to Mr. Hou due to his nonsense;

Then, Wu Shigong vowed that he would definitely follow Mr. Hou's teachings and negotiate a satisfactory result with the Yangzhou salt merchant representatives;

Finally, Wu Shigong expressed to the housekeeper his longing and admiration for Mr. Hou and Hou Xun, and said that if he was free in the future, he would definitely go to the Hou Mansion in Guide Mansion to kowtow to Mr. Hou and say hello.

Of course, in the end, Wu Shigong definitely asked the housekeeper to take back a generous gift from Wu Shigong to the Hou Mansion. The housekeeper definitely wouldn't let it go, and also stuffed a big red envelope.

So, seeing that his Hou Mansion had both dignity and respect, the housekeeper of the Hou Mansion happily returned to De Mansion.

Wu Shigong's performance was of course to show his good relationship with the Hou Mansion. Of course, Wu Shigong did not agree to reconcile with the Yangzhou salt merchants just because Mr. Hou served as the introducer. On the contrary, in fact, Wu Shigong

I have long been looking forward to having a good talk with the Yangzhou salt merchant.

Wu Shigong's behavior is actually quite normal. The salt dispute between the two governments is actually a mini-war between Wu Shigong and the Yangzhou salt merchants.

But Clausewitz had a famous saying: "War is the continuation of politics!" Although Wu Shigong didn't know who Clausewitz was, when he was the boss in his previous life, he would fight with other gangs every time.

In the future, if neither party can satisfy the other, they will often end up having to drink tea in a teahouse.

So now that the war is over, it's time to talk about politics and diplomacy.

After receiving the news that Wu Shigong agreed to meet, the Yangzhou salt merchant representatives immediately sent the gifts to Wu Shigong's house. Wu Shigong also accepted these gifts without ceremony.

However, among these gifts, two things caught Wu Shigong's attention. One was the goods that Wu Shigong left at the Huai'an Customs. This time, representatives of the salt merchants also sent them to Wu Shigong. The other was that Wu Shigong was holding

That Tang Mei, the Yangzhou salt merchant also redeemed her body and sent Tang Mei to Wu Shigong's house. This made Wu Shigong a little surprised. He not only sighed in his heart: "The success of those Yangzhou salt merchants is really great."

It’s not a fluke!”

The leading salt merchant representative was none other than Guo Zeng'an. Don't look at the dazed look of Guo Zeng'an at the salt merchants' conference. But everyone who knows him knows that Guo Zeng'an is also a thoughtful character. That kind of character.

The recklessness on the outside is just a protective color for him.

In addition, Guo Zeng'an, a salt merchant, is only a moderate player among the Yangzhou salt merchants. Therefore, letting him take the lead this time not only shows that the Yangzhou salt merchants attach great importance to Wu Shigong, but also allows the Yangzhou salt merchants not to lose face.

, is also just right.

After the two sides met, Guo Zeng'an first exchanged greetings and said: "I came down to visit the general this time and brought some vulgar gifts, which is really disrespectful. I wonder if the general is satisfied?"

Wu Shigong thought to himself, excluding Tang Mei, the gifts from those salt merchants were worth more than two thousand taels of silver, so there was nothing so vulgar about it. Wu Shigong really wished that someone would be so vulgar to him a few times.

However, Wu Shigong still replied politely with a smile: "It's really good. I like it very much."

Seeing Wu Shigong's answer, he showed goodwill, and the atmosphere of the meeting suddenly relaxed. Guo Zeng'an also said with a smile: "This time, our colleagues in Yangzhou had some misunderstandings with the general. I am really ashamed!"

"It doesn't matter! It doesn't matter! I won't care about it." Wu Shigong still said with a smile. But these words almost made Guo Zeng'an breathe out.

This time the Yangzhou salt merchants lost salt, but more than 400 people were killed. But Wu Shigong said lightly, "I don't care!" He didn't take the lives of those people seriously.

It's happened.

But then another message came to Guo Zeng'an's ears: "But you, the Yangzhou salt merchants, have to give an account of my assassination."

Guo Zeng'an reacted immediately. This time Guo Zeng'an's mission is to make up for the relationship between the two parties. It is no longer necessary to pursue who is the right and wrong in the past things. Therefore, it is better to look forward to everything.

Guo Zeng'an immediately said: "These colleagues in the salt industry were also very shocked when they heard that the general was assassinated. But in this world, in addition to the assassination of the general, the head of our Qi family in Yangzhou was also assassinated. This time before coming down to Runing Mansion,

Our colleagues in the salt industry unanimously agree that the murderer of the general and the head of the Qi family must be captured. However, it is difficult to find the assassin in this huge sea of ​​people!"

Of course Guo Zeng'an wanted to insist that the Yangzhou salt merchant had not sent anyone to assassinate Wu Shigong.

But Guo Zeng'an immediately heard Wu Shigong say sternly: "Then you Yangzhou salt merchants came here this time without any sincerity?"

(Last night, I should say that I wrote this this morning, and then I became very unwell, and I am semi-conscious until now. I originally wanted to ask for leave, but my family refused to let me touch the computer. So I have to explain it to my readers now while my family is resting.


I changed my job some time ago. The intensity of work and overtime work have greatly increased. I have been insisting on updating every day, and I have very little time to sleep every day.

I originally thought that I was still young and could still hold on, but now I have really seen the light. During this period of time, I can only try to ensure one update every day and take care of my body.

I’m really sorry!)

This chapter has been completed!
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