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Chapter 299 Chaos in the DPRK

"Separate camps?" Liu Yulie was instinctively disgusted with this proposal. The reason was that because he had just suffered a major defeat, Liu Yulie still felt that the more Ming troops around him, the better, so that he could add more for himself.

He felt an inexplicable sense of security. However, Liu Yulie still concealed his emotions and asked: "Then Wu Shoubei, please tell me."

"This is what the general thinks. The current camp was originally the rear army camp, which can accommodate 10,000 people for the rear army. But now more than 20,000 people have poured into the camp. The entire camp is too small.

, expanding the main camp or branch camps is a top priority."

"The general wants to build another front camp about ten miles in front of the main camp. The general's Runing camp will be stationed there. It can not only give the spies a rest, but also add a barrier to the camp. So I kindly request the governor.

With your permission, Your Excellency.”

Don't say what Wu Shigong said is very reasonable. As Liu Yulie, who is the minister of the Ministry of War, he is not ignorant of military affairs. Of course he understands the benefits of the Ming army's separate camps, so he thought about it for a while and wanted to agree.

But at this moment, some military attachés below also handed over their hands and asked for orders: "The last general is willing to go!", "The last general also wants to go to the front army!"... This dangerous mission actually caused some military attachés to fight for it.

In fact, this was one of the countermeasures that Wu Shigong and the rear army military attachés discussed yesterday. If other military attachés embarrass Wu Shigong and the others during the meeting today, they would come up with the idea of ​​dividing the camp. They can't afford to avoid it.

Are you up? This friendly army is indeed more ferocious than the enemy army!

But what makes Wu Shigong a little strange is that in addition to Liu Zeqing and Yan Dingshan asking for help, the three military attaches he rescued this time - Henan Dusi Chen Zhongzhi, North Zhili garrison Yuan Heng and Shandong garrison Wei Li were also among them (Jiang Cheng

Because his official rank is too low, he cannot participate in this big account meeting).

Chen Zhongzhi and Yuan Heng were nothing more, they were also guest troops. And Shandong garrison Wei Li was a local general! Wu Shigong didn't know that Wei Li, like Liu Zeqing, had suffered from oppression by Qiu Lei, the commander-in-chief of Shandong Province.

So when they returned to the camp and learned about the incident of bullying and fighting, their strength was greatly damaged. They immediately felt that they would feel more at ease if they hugged Wu Shigong. So when Wu Shigong proposed to split the camp, they also took the initiative to ask for Wu Shigong's

Go to the front camp.

However, although the positions of the three military attachés were like springs on their feet, Wu Shigong still welcomed their joining. This increase in strength comes one by one. And now it depends on whether Governor Liu Yulie agrees.


Liu Yulie was certainly not happy when he saw so many military attaches jumping out. Needless to say, it must have been Qiu Ba from Henan who seemed to be gentle and elegant in his speech. Liu Yulie had just gotten up, but some of his favorable impressions of Wu Shigong disappeared immediately.

Doesn't this prove that he, who is in charge of the army, can no longer control the army? Except for the neutral Beijing troops, the army has been completely split into two factions this time. But Liu Yulie can't do anything to them, not necessarily these

The military attaches took the initiative to ask for dangerous missions, but Liu Yulie started killing them.

But after Liu Yulie calmed down and thought about it, it would be good for more troops to be sent to the front army. At least the front army could hold off the rebels for a little longer, which would also be beneficial to his own safety!

So Liu Yulie suppressed his unhappiness and said: "It's up to you. But Liu Shen will be the commander-in-chief of the former army, and Wu Shoubei will be the deputy commander." At this time, Liu Yulie did not forget to provoke a fight between the military attaches of the former army.


"No!" All the military attachés of the former army immediately accepted the order. Liu Yulie's arrangement of the military attachés of the former army was also reasonable. After all, Liu Zeqing had the highest official rank. Besides, the cooperation between Liu Zeqing and Wu Shigong was already very pleasant, so they did not agree at all.

You need to understand Liu Yulie’s little thoughts.

After discussing some more military affairs, the big account meeting ended successfully. All the military attaches of the former army immediately gathered their troops and moved forward to build the camp of the former army.

What's funny is that the coalition forces of Wu Shigong and Liu Zeqing were originally the rear army, but they suddenly turned upside down and became the front army.

However, the construction of the former army camp went smoothly, and the rebels did not attack. It seems that the nail in Laizhou City did play a considerable role in restricting the rebels' movements. The entire battlefield temporarily calmed down after the battle.

But while the battlefield was calm, the court hall was in chaos.

According to the practice of important battles in the Ming Dynasty, Liu Yulie's expedition was reported one day at a time. However, Liu Yulie was in a hurry to escape after the Laizhou battle, so his memorial was suspended for three days.

The Jinyiwei of the Ming Dynasty did not only know how to bully good people and monitor civil servants, as in modern literary works. They also played a very important role in inquiring about local news and the dynamics of enemy troops. There were even some Jinyiwei.

Go far outside the customs and work as a spy in enemy territory.

After the defeat of Laizhou, anyone with a clear eye could see so many defeated troops and fleeing civilians. Therefore, although there was no memorial from Liu Yulie, the news about the defeat of Laizhou was quickly conveyed to Jin Yiwei and the local government.

In the Ming Dynasty court.

But before Emperor Chongzhen and the imperial scholars could react, the memorial of Liu Yulie's victory was also passed to the court. Even more convincing, Liu Yulie also explained in the memorial of the victory that his army had captured more than a thousand soldiers.

The head of the rebels.

What can be faked, but this head cannot be faked. Unless you control the battlefield after victory, even if you kill the enemy, you can't take the head of the enemy killed in battle. And in this short period of time, you can kill many good people in succession.

It was too late to take credit. Therefore, judging the outcome of the Battle of Laizhou, the entire Ming Dynasty court was suddenly in confusion.

However, it is also true that the Ming army retreated from Laizhou City and the siege of Laizhou City was not solved. Therefore, at the end of the analysis, Emperor Chongzhen and the ministers basically came to the conclusion. This battle meant that both sides suffered losses, and the two sides were just fighting.

A tie.

But this conclusion is the objective analysis of neutral ministers. For those ministers who have their own political purposes, this conclusion must be interpreted according to their own political purposes.

At this time, Wen Tiren, who had been dormant, finally took action! The ministers of the main station faction immediately gathered around Wen Tiren and launched a massive attack on the leader of the ministers of the main support faction, the chief assistant Zhou Yanru.

But Wen Tiren didn't take any action, and once he did, it would be fatal. He was very smart and did not directly attack Zhou Yanru himself, so as not to arouse Emperor Chongzhen's rebellious mentality.

Wen Tiren simply pointed out to Emperor Chongzhen: After Zhou Yanru became the chief minister, Daling River City in Liaodong was in danger; Kong Youde's rebels in Denglai had succeeded repeatedly; and the bandits in Shaanxi and Shanxi had repeatedly failed to suppress them. In addition, the famine in the north and south of the Ming Dynasty

Lianlian, isn't this the responsibility of Chief Assistant Zhou Yanru?

From the perspective of consequentialism, Wen Tiren's words do make sense. But Wen Tiren also has a heavy weight. In his memorial to Emperor Chongzhen, he hinted: In such a situation, the diligent Emperor Chongzhen must not be responsible. And as a

Zhou Yanru, who was once the number one scholar, his efforts in the position of chief minister were visible to everyone, so Emperor Chongzhen had no problem appointing him.

But it’s better to change someone now. This change of people is like changing a knife. After changing the first assistant, maybe the luck of the Ming Dynasty will change. Of course, the bachelor who takes the position of first assistant must be

I am the most loyal to Emperor Chongzhen and the most capable!

Wen Tiren must have studied psychology on his own. In the memorial, he saved all the face of the face-conscious Emperor Chongzhen. Moreover, Wen Tiren also understood the psychology of ordinary people. This is like a football team with poor performance. The team owner will be replaced.

Just like the head coach, any boss also has the idea of ​​​​changing people like changing swords.

Emperor Chongzhen was immediately moved by Wen Tiren's memorial. However, Emperor Chongzhen still hoped that his chief minister Zhou Yanru would take the initiative to resign, so as not to lose his reputation.

And Zhou Yanru, the first assistant, would definitely not sit still and wait for death. On the one hand, he played the emotional card with Emperor Chongzhen, and on the other hand, he pointed out to Emperor Chongzhen: The situation at hand is ultimately a lack of money.

If there had been money, more troops would have been sent to Liaodong to eliminate the Hou Jin regime; if there had been money, Kong Youde of Denglai would not have rebelled; if there had been money, the Shaanxi bandits would not have had so many victims join; if there had been money,

, this can save even the famine.

And now Liu Yulie's army, the worst result is that both sides will suffer losses with the rebels (this was the judgment of the Ming Dynasty court at that time). Therefore, the rebels are currently suffering a lot of losses. Moreover, the rebels are originally mainly officers and soldiers of the imperial court.

Yes, the possibility of successful recruitment is very high. Therefore, recruitment is also the most cost-effective solution.

Of course, in order for the recruitment to be successful, it was in the best interest of Emperor Chongzhen to retain the person who advocated recruitment.

It should not be said that Zhou Yanru was really lucky at this time. On April 16, Xu Congzhi, the governor of Shandong, was shot and died in a battle. All the soldiers and civilians in Laizhou cried bitterly.

This adds a lot of weight to Zhou Yanru's idea of ​​appeasement, because it shows that the rebels still have a very strong fighting capacity. If they are wiped out, the battle will last a long time, and the money spent will not be enough.

It’s just like the lake and the sea!

The wavering Emperor Chongzhen also leaned towards the Zhufu faction after receiving the news.

But this drama was climaxing one after another. Immediately something unexpected happened.

This chapter has been completed!
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