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Three hundred and twentieth chapters rushed over the top of the slope

At this time, the passionate singing of "Katyusha" was particularly contagious. Soon, all the soldiers in the Runing camp were singing in unison.

We all know that people are extremely motivated when they work together. Along with the singing, the firing of the firecrackers seems to have a rhythm, as if they are beating the rhythm of the singing.

Suddenly, the morale of the Runing camp became even higher. Although the coalition soldiers behind the Runing camp could not learn to sing "Katyusha" for a while, they still cheered to the beat. And the rebels

Morale was suddenly knocked down a lot.

At this time, the rebels, seeing something bad going on, separated a group of more than 200 cavalry troops from the cavalry that besieged the Liaodong Army, and charged towards the left flank of the Runing camp.

This group of cavalry did not come to attack the Lucha formation. They wanted to eliminate the Runing camp soldiers exposed outside the Lucha formation and once again hinder the advancement of the Lucha formation. When they saw their own cavalry dispatched, there were four to five hundred

The rebel infantry no longer faced off from a distance with the Runing camp. They charged with their cavalry.

The soldiers of the Runing camp who came out of the Lucha formation did not carry any long weapons at all, so once they were approached by the rebel cavalry and infantry, they would completely lose their resistance.

So the soldiers carrying the corpses immediately hid behind the cart formation under the command of their captain. However, the gunmen commanded by Yu Ji were too far away from the cart formation. They had already reached a position about fifty steps away from the cart formation.

Place. It's too late to run back.

Seeing this situation, Yu Ji and the others became furious in their hearts. They simply stopped running and faced the approaching rebels. They continued to fire the fire cannons in rows, preparing to kill each one and earn another one.

This mixed army of rebels swept from right to left from a distance of fifty steps in front of the cart formation. They were also prepared to make some sacrifices. They could endure the fire attack from behind the cart in order to kill Yu.

All subsequent fire gunmen were wiped out.

Although Yu Ji's fire attack was very violent, the number of rebels was too large after all. Soon, the rebels' troops rushed to a place only about 20 steps away from Yu Ji. At this time, Yu Ji even led the leading cavalry of the rebels.

All the facial features are clearly visible.

"Am I going to die in this place?" This thought came to Yu Ji's mind at this time. And in the car formation, it seemed that he couldn't bear to see such a tragic situation, so he stopped singing, and rarely stopped singing.

Any sound of artillery and musketry firing.

But suddenly, the sound of gunpowder burning came out from the cart formation. This was the Runing camp igniting all the fifty bees brought out this time.

All of a sudden, five thousand rockets poured out from behind the cart formation. The overwhelming arrows really looked like a swarm of bees, pounced on the charging rebels.

There was no time to even scream. A large number of rebels and their horses were knocked to the ground by the sudden rockets. This group of rebels was completely blindsided by the rocket attack.

Escaped from death! Yu Ji suddenly came out of despair. He waved his sword and shouted hoarsely: "Keep shooting!" However, some gunmen were still immersed in despair and surprise. So this time they all came together.

She, only half of the firecrackers fired the firecrackers in their hands.

But this time the massacre also became the last straw for the rebels. The rebels who were lucky enough to survive crawled on the ground and turned around to escape, never daring to approach the rolling cart formation again.

The troops guarding Zhu Dadian, after leaving a thousand men and horses behind to still protect the central army, were also dispatched before. They waved their butcher knives at the Ming soldiers on the middle road who were escaping, forcing these Ming soldiers to turn around and fight.

The Ming troops who turned around to fight saw the coalition taking the initiative to attack again, and gradually regained their courage to fight. When they heard the singing and cheering of "Katyusha" from the coalition, their morale also became high.

He took the initiative to fight the pursuing rebels.

This move also reduced the pressure on the coalition's left wing in a disguised manner, preventing the rebels from deploying too many soldiers to attack the coalition's left wing.

At this time, the Liaodong Army no longer cared about their grievances with the coalition forces. They also sized up the situation very well. When they saw the coalition counterattack, they immediately changed from defense to offense, taking the initiative to bite the rebels who besieged them, so that these rebels could not attack.

The situation on the battlefield on the right wing of the coalition suddenly improved a lot.

It's very interesting that in today's battle, the rebels used chariot formations to ambush, and the coalition forces also used chariot formations; the rebels immediately counterattacked after the ambush, and the coalition forces also used chariot formations.

Attack immediately; the rebels' firearms and rockets exerted great power, and the Runing camp also allowed the rebels to see their own firearms and rockets. The two sides were completely like performing a imitation show.

And we also know that the firing of rockets is completely inaccurate, so it is inevitable that several gunmen from the Runing camp were also shot down by rockets. However, no one paid attention to this kind of accidental injury. It boosted morale.

The gunmen, led by Yu Ji, continued to pour out bullets, while the rebels surrounding them hid further.

The soldiers who came out of the cart formation obviously accelerated the speed of carrying the corpses. The interference from the surrounding rebels just now inevitably affected the work of these soldiers, but now they can concentrate on clearing the road.

Soon, Yu Ji's fire cannon team arrived at the top of the slope. Suddenly they stopped. Several fire cannon players ran back to the car formation under Yu Ji's order, and Yu Ji led the other fire cannon players.

Continue to observe from the top of the slope.

Wu Shigong immediately stepped forward and came to the side of Zhou Xun and Yang Rusong to welcome the return of the gunmen. The one in the lead took a deep breath and began to report to Wu Shigong concisely: "Sir, Poe

There is a rebel car formation about a hundred and fifty steps behind. It is estimated that there are three to four hundred large cars."

"The vehicle formation is arranged in an arc. There are no rebel soldiers between the vehicle formation and the top of the slope. There are no trenches or horses in front of the vehicle formation. It is unclear how many rebels are behind the vehicle formation. Report completed!"

This kind of standard military terminology is also advocated by the Runing Battalion, but there is a reason why the gunman reported it so clearly. Because the offensive and defensive battles of this vehicle formation are the regular training items of the mobile battalion. So

When they heard that their Runing camp was about to engage in a familiar battle, Wu Shigong, Zhou Xun and Yang Rusong couldn't help laughing.

Indeed, the Runing Battalion has been conducting offensive and defensive training on car formations. Especially when faced with the shameless Shumo defense, any officer in the Runing Battalion has several tricks to break the car formation.

Moreover, we learned that the rebel vehicle formation was the simplest long snake formation, with no depth, and no trenches or horses in front. Why didn't this make the officers of the Runing Battalion elated?

Wu Shigong immediately followed the usual training arrangements of the Runing Camp and said: "After passing the top of the slope, move forward twenty steps and stop. Liang Hui, your artillery team is ready. As soon as we stop, you will fire and kill the rebels' vehicles."

The formation opened a hole."

"Then everyone moved forward at full speed behind the first row of push carts. Pay attention, there is a problem, there are too many corpses on the ground. If a push cart cannot be pushed, just leave that push cart and leave it alone.


"The people behind the second row of carts will all gather behind the first row of carts to strengthen their manpower. As soon as you reach the gap in the cart formation, Rusong, you and your soldiers will rush in first. Zhou Xun, you and your gunmen.

Cover the back."

"One more thing!" Wu Shigong said to a soldier beside him, "Go to the back and tell General Chen Dusi, General Li and Deputy General Liu to tell them to follow our Runing camp. When our Runing camp breaks through the gap,

, let them press on immediately and completely break this car formation."

"Okay! Let's go get ready." Wu Shigong finally said.

At this time Liang Hui asked: "Sir, I saw that the artillery team of the government army just divided the artillery into two firings. It is better. Can our artillery team do this later?"

Wu Shigong waved his hand and said: "The specific matters of the artillery team are all arranged by you as the commander. However, whether you fire once or twice, the most important thing is to open a gap in the rebel vehicle array."

After arranging all this, the soldiers of the Runing camp held their breath and prepared for the coming battle.

Soon, the carts in the first row came to a stop five or six steps away from the top of the slope. In fact, the distance from Runing Camp to the top of the slope is not long, that is, 350 steps.

Left and right, which is about 350 meters in modern measurement units. Although the Runing camp walked slowly, according to modern terms, it only took more than ten minutes to walk on these roads. This is why the rebels did not

The reason for gathering more troops to block the Runing camp's advance.

Yu Ji's gunmen all returned to the back of the cart, and the second row of carts were thrown down. The soldiers behind crowded into the back of the first row of carts. Several officers leading the team shouted to Wu Shigong one after another.

They raised their arms to indicate that their troops were ready.

Seeing that all the troops were ready, Wu Shigong waved his hand vigorously, and the soldiers of the Runing camp shouted fiercely and pushed the cart over the top of the slope.

Zhu Dadian, who was on the watchtower behind, saw the leading troops of the coalition rushing up the slope again. He immediately got off the watchtower, mounted his horse, and led the remaining one thousand guards forward. Zhu Dadian was

There was no way for him to retreat. If Kong Youde's rebels were not defeated today, Zhu Dadian was not going to go back. Gao Qiqian saw Zhu Dadian's actions, and after hesitating for a while, he also drew his horse and followed Zhu Dadian.


At this time, the soldiers in the rebel chariot formation were still relaxing. Their sight was obscured by the gentle slope, and they did not know that the battle situation had been turned. When they heard a burst of shouting from behind the slope, they then saw a row of black soldiers.

After the car appeared on the top of the slope, for a moment or three, they thought their eyes were dazzled.

This chapter has been completed!
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