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Chapter 328 Distribution of Income

Even though Wu Shigong and Liu Zeqing were both people who had seen the world, when they saw the valuables loaded on the eighty-odd carts, they were both surprised and dumbfounded.

Liu Zeqing couldn't help but screamed: "This is a bit too much!"

This cart was loaded with property looted by the rebel chariot troops. There was not much gold and silver, just over 30,000 taels converted into silver, but copper coins, bronze utensils, silks, satin, and valuables were all piled up.

It became like a hill.

This is also the benefit of the rebel chariot unit having chariots. Generally, rebel soldiers loot gold, silver and jewelry, which are of high value and light weight. But the rebel chariot unit is different. They can use

Chariots carry heavy items, so these items are basically owned by the chariot troops.

Moreover, the various units of the rebel army were not unified. The chariot troops did not dare to store these items in Dengzhou City, the rebel base. They were afraid that after they came to Huang County to fight, other units in Dengzhou City would

The rebel forces once again snatched these items away, so it was safest to keep them around. But now, these items have become cheaper for the coalition forces of Wu Shigong and Liu Zeqing.

There was no time to count immediately. Wu Shigong and Liu Zeqing immediately ordered the coalition soldiers to stop pursuing. The coalition forces immediately gathered their troops and surrounded all the rebel tanks and their own carts into several defense lines to defend this area first.

Let’s talk about the fat guys. With so much windfall, the friendly forces are now as scary as the rebels.

As a result, there was such a strange situation on the battlefield. The coalition forces that had been attacking fiercely just now were now in a defensive posture on the battlefield, preventing any rebels or friendly forces from getting close.

When the cart from Runing Camp appeared on the top of the slope, Kong Youde's mind immediately went blank. He also experienced the process from great joy to great sadness that Zhu Dadian and Gao Qiqian had just experienced. Kong Youde's face was filled with emotion.

It was all gray and white. The high-spirited spirit he had had since the rebellion disappeared for the first time in Kong Youde's heart.

The rebels' central army was also silent, and this sudden blow was too heavy. They saw the Runing camp completely breaking the chariot formation, and the swarming coalition forces widened the gap in the chariot formation more and more.

Li Yingyuan couldn't help but ask Kong Youde: "Uncle Kong, what should we do now?"

Kong Youde reacted immediately. He must not fail in this situation. Otherwise, there would be no way out. As if to encourage himself, he ordered in the loudest voice: "Let

Go quickly! Pull all the troops back. Let's go back to Dengzhou City. Governor Sun has been running Dengzhou City for so long, and the army will definitely not be able to break it."

Then, Kong Youde strengthened his confidence and said: "It is absolutely unbreakable! As long as we, the old Liao Army, are here, there is nowhere in the world that we can't go to! Let's... let's go first!"

After finishing speaking, Kong Youde drew his horse and walked towards the back.

Seeing that Kong Youde was about to leave, Li Yingyuan asked anxiously: "Uncle Kong, what should Huang County do?"

Kong Youde did not look back. He said: "Let the men inside also withdraw! Those who cannot defend Huang County should return to Dengzhou City!"

Seeing that Li Yingyuan wanted to speak, Li Jiucheng stopped him and said, "Oh! Your Uncle Kong is right. The 6,000 old Liao troops who were recuperating in Huang County just now have gone out. Now there are only

Three thousand old and weak. Even if the remnant soldiers in front retreated to Huang County, they could not stop the officers and soldiers whose morale had improved. It is better to withdraw our cavalry and the old Liao army back to Dengzhou City. With them here, today our

The battle is not completely lost. Go and deliver the order."

When Kong Youde's order was passed to the various rebel groups, the rebel left and right forces that originally had the upper hand retreated smoothly. However, the severely damaged Liaodong Army and the troops of General Yang Yufan were unable to pursue them.

However, the rebel troops in the middle were in tragedy. In front of them were Qiu Lei's Ming troops in the middle, supervised by Zhu Dadian, and in the rear they were blocked by the coalition's chariot formation. In the end, only a small portion of the rebels in the middle escaped.

Got out.

Then came the Ming army's cover-up, taking advantage of the situation to capture Huang County. However, no matter how the situation outside evolved, the coalition forces huddled in the tortoise shell they created, no matter how the wind blew and rained outside, they remained motionless behind the chariot formation.


While the coalition forces are defending the rebels and friendly forces, they are sitting on the ground dividing the spoils. Without this wealth, no one will feel at ease, and who cares that there is still a war outside.

First, they cut off the heads of the rebels. In the end, there were more than 2,000 in total. Of course, all the armor on their bodies was also stripped off. In addition, more than 40,000 taels of silver were collected.

Yan Dingshan was not a taboo at that time, and all the bodies of Ming soldiers who died in battle were carried on carts. The most exaggerated thing was that more than 300 dead horses were also carried. The vests and harnesses of the dead horses were of course considered trophies.

, horse meat can always be used for tooth sacrifice several times, but the corpses of the Ming army are not so easy to move.

Of course, all the money on the corpses was plundered, but the total amount was only more than a thousand taels of silver. Compared with the rebel soldiers who made a lot of money from robbery, the soldiers of the Ming army were indeed poor soldiers.

The corpses of the soldiers, their armors and clothes were all untouched. The coalition forces now had no shortage of heads, so it would be better to return these corpses to other Ming troops to build a good relationship.

Of course, the weapons held by these corpses were left to the coalition forces. Let the coalition forces inherit their last wishes, take over the guns from the hands of the dead Ming soldiers, and continue fighting against Kong Youde's rebels.

The only exception was the Liaodong Army. All their corpses were stripped naked. Especially the servants, the heavy armor on their bodies was really good. Anyway, the coalition forces were already in a stalemate with the Liaodong Army, and they didn't care about one more thing like this.


After counting everything, they will be distributed immediately. Anyway, it will be distributed according to the distribution plan after the Shahe Battle. It is not too troublesome. But before the distribution, Wu Shigong made a request, asking other military attachés to leave all the rebel tanks to the Runing camp.

In order to obtain these chariots, Wu Shigong was even willing to suffer some losses in the distribution of money and other property.

At this time, Liu Zeqing showed his generosity and friendship with Wu Shigong. With a wave of his hand, he gave all the tanks and even the rockets on the tanks to Wu Shigong, without counting these vehicles and materials in the allocation.

Go into property.

No other military attache raised any objection to Liu Zeqing's generosity. After all, Wu Shigong's Runing Battalion became the most dangerous forward today, so it was quite normal to receive some extra bonuses.

The next distribution went very smoothly. In addition to the allocated silver and property, Wu Shigong was also allocated a large number of ordnance. What pleased Wu Shigong the most was that there were more than 20 pairs of vests and more than 100 sets of horse gear.

There are more than 40 pieces of heavy armor, more than 80 pieces of relatively complete light armor and cotton armor, and more than 100 pieces of light armor and cotton armor that are seriously damaged and need to be repaired.

In addition, there are thirteen small cannons of about one pound such as the Crouching Tiger Cannon and the Folang Machine Cannon, four three-eyed fire cannons, and sixty-one eagle cannons. Although the three-eyed fire cannons and eagle cannons are less powerful than cannons,

But it was larger than the fire blunderbuss, so Wu Shigong wanted to bring it over and use it as an auxiliary weapon for the Runing camp to defend the city. As for the bird blunderbuss, which was too weak, Wu Shigong didn't want it. He also had thirty-seven hand blunderbuss.

Of course, there were many other weapons, shields, etc. Wu Shigong didn't bother to count them all. He just loaded these weapons on his cart.

All the coalition military attachés who had distributed the property were eager to find someone to evaluate it. At this time, Yan Dingshan became popular. Yan Dingshan's cavalry soldiers were not very good at fighting, but they had been on the canal for a long time, so they were good at doing business.


After dozens of soldiers led by Yan Dingshan's nephew who were familiar with the prices of goods made estimates, the prices of those goods were quickly calculated. Of course, Yan Dingshan's valuation must be low, but even so,

Wu Shigong also calculated that the total price of the gold, silver and goods he was allocated exceeded more than 80,000 taels of silver.

After estimating the price, several military attachés who had no trouble with transportation sold their goods to Yan Dingshan, which made Yan Dingshan another fortune and made Yan Dingshan's face glow.

Of course Wu Shigong would not take advantage of Yan Dingshan. His own Sihai Trading Company also had a branch in Jining. However, knowing that Wu Shigong had connections and Chen Zhongzhi and Jiang Cheng, two military attachés from Henan, also asked him to help, Wu Shigong immediately agreed readily.

It wasn't until the sky turned completely dark that the battle in Huang County completely stopped. At this time, Huang County had been completely captured by the Ming army, and the Ming army's camp also began to move to the camp left by the rebels on the edge of Huang County.

In the battle of Huangxian, the Ming army won a great victory. A total of more than 13,000 Kong Youde's rebels were eliminated and captured. The Ming army suffered more than 5,000 casualties. Among them, the Liaodong army suffered more than 1,000 casualties.

However, the casualties of the coalition forces that made the first contribution were not large, with more than 200 casualties. Among them, Wu Shigong's Runing Battalion suffered 31 deaths and 36 injuries. However, this can also be seen that in the cold weapon era, soldiers

After being injured, the rate of death is quite high.

What makes Wu Shigong feel a little distressed is that the mobile battalion lost one centurion captain and deputy captain. The captain was also one of the guards Wu Shigong brought out of the capital. The deputy captain was his apprentice Tao Xin Qianhu, but he also just came from Wu Shigong.

The janissaries were released as officers. There were also 16 casualties in the janissaries.

In today's battle, Yu Ji, who performed best in the Runing camp, is now naked and bandaged like a mummy.

At that time, a total of eleven arrows were shot on Yu Ji's armor. The arrowheads of some of the arrows also penetrated the arm armor, cotton armor and silk inner armor worn by Yu Ji, and became embedded in Yu Ji's body.

Fortunately, the inlays are not too deep and are just some skin injuries.

But Yu Ji was hit a bit hard by the rebels' cannon bullets. Although those bullets did not penetrate the armor, the impact left Yu Ji covered in black and blue. He also suffered some minor internal injuries.

But from then on, Yu Ji had a nickname - Hedgehog. It was to commemorate the way he looked covered with arrows in this battle. (To be continued. Please search Piao Tian Literature, the novel will be better and updated faster! ·

This chapter has been completed!
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