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Chapter 334 Fishing each other

Unexpectedly, Yang Rusong spent three days looking for a guide. It was easy to find a guide who was familiar with the small mountainous area in the south outside the city, but it was difficult to find someone who was familiar with the topography of Dengzhou City. At that time, few people escaped from Dengzhou City.

But Wu Shigong is not impatient. In these days, Wu Shigong has also taken a rough look at the defense area he needs to be stationed in. Although the mountainous area is not very tall, it is very steep, and the mountain is also covered with shrubs and trees. This

It made it difficult for the army to pass through this small mountainous area.

Of course, there is no problem for sporadic people passing through the mountain trails. But Wu Shigong doesn't care about the sporadic rebels who escape. The rebels have no reinforcements outside. Wu Shigong does not have a blood feud with Kong Youde's rebels. How many escaped?

No problem at all.

So Wu Shigong set up the main camp of his Henan Army in a larger valley in a small mountainous area. He cut down the trees and weeds around the camp to prevent rebel fire attacks, and then sent people to guard nearby areas.

A few mountain trails simply surrounded the rebels in Dengzhou City.

After Yang Rusong found the four guides, Wu Shigong took them from the camp and climbed the several hills in front to directly observe the south wall of Dengzhou City.

After walking a section of the mountain trail, everyone began to enter the bushes under the leadership of the guide. Because this was what Wu Shigong had requested, he asked the guide to take them to the hilltop closest to the city wall.

Anyway, with the guards in front using knives and axes to clear the way, Wu Shigong walked quite smoothly. The direct path to the top of the mountain was not too far, so they arrived there half an hour later.

Wu Shigong and the others were lying on the top of the hill and observing. This place was about 250 steps away from the south wall of Dengzhou City. And this place was not facing the middle of the south wall, but facing the easternmost side of the south wall by the sea.


The guide said: The mountain where Wu Shigong is now forms a non-standard trapezoid with the south wall of Dengzhou City. Wu Shigong is closest to the south wall, about 250 steps away, and the hilltop on the other end is about 250 steps away from the south wall.

There are about four hundred steps.

Inside the city wall that Wu Shigong was facing was the water city of Dengzhou City. Wu Shigong looked around and could indeed vaguely see the masts of several ships.

On one side, several soldiers from the Runing camp were nervously sketching the terrain. Wu Shigong looked around carefully and found that the hillside on the side facing the city wall was steeper, and there was no way for the army to drive down.

Wu Shigong couldn't help but sigh: "The location where Dengzhou City is built is really good!"

Although it is impossible for the rebels to break through from their own side, if they want to attack this city wall, they must move in from the long side of the trapezoid in front. And there is only about three to four hundred steps of open space, all in Dengzhou

It is within the range of the artillery on the city. Let's besiege it honestly. Don't dream about storming Dengzhou City.

There wasn’t much to see, I just waited for the soldiers to finish drawing the sketch and then go back home. But at this moment, several rebels suddenly appeared on Dengzhou City, and they were also observing.

They were standing outside the city wall. After a while, they spotted Wu Shigong and his group on the top of the hill.

The hill Wu Shigong was on was not high, and visually it was only about ten feet higher than the Dengzhou city wall. But with a distance of 250 steps, these height differences were negligible.

In Wu Shigong's Runing camp, the defense against enemy firearms was very strict. According to the imperial code, it was necessary to lie down on the ground and hide like in modern times. There were also very strict requirements for reconnaissance and concealment. Generally, they would not be caught

Discovered by the enemy.

However, Wu Shigong brought out people like Chen Zhongzhi and Jiang Cheng this time. They were very random. They did not hide themselves at all. They stood high on the mountain and observed Dengzhou City. They even treated you

Ning Ying's cautious attitude was somewhat disapproving.

In fact, there is nothing wrong with what Chen Zhongzhi and Jiang Cheng did. Because Wu Shigong and others are now outside the shooting range of firecrackers and bows. Moreover, the firing of artillery at that time was quite troublesome, so as long as they could be seen from a distance,

The rebel gunner's actions gave him enough time to hide in a safe place.

But Wu Shigong's Runing camp didn't think so. Although they were outside the firing range of the cannons, there was still a term called "stray bullets." Besides, who was to say that there were no hidden artillery pieces? After all,

Wu Shigong is also a person who is very afraid of death.

Anyway, the rebels on the city wall have now discovered Wu Shigong and the others. However, the rebels did not use artillery fire. They kept making provocative moves towards Wu Shigong and the others, and even cursed loudly.

But the distance was so far. Wu Shigong and the others were not interested in replying. It was a complete waste of spit. But at this moment, a guide suddenly looked excited. He jumped to the forefront of the mountain and confronted the rebels on the city wall.

He started to curse.

The guide spoke very fast and spoke the Shandong dialect. Wu Shigong and the others saw that his face was swollen red and he was dancing as if he was about to fall down the mountain.

"Pull him back!" Wu Shigong ordered.

Several soldiers stepped forward and pulled the struggling guide back to a safe place.

"What's going on?" Wu Shigong asked sternly the guide who was already limp and kneeling.

"My lord!" The guide immediately knelt down and cried loudly. While crying, he kowtowed and shouted: "My lord! You want to avenge me!" After a few kowtows, the guide saw something on his forehead.

There's blood.

"Stop kowtowing and tell me clearly what's going on!" Wu Shigong winked and asked the soldiers to pick up the injured guide.

The guide stopped kowtowing, and then told a miserable story. It was simply that the guide was from Dengzhou City. He left Dengzhou City for some reason while his family stayed in the city. Later, the whole family was killed by the rebels.

And he escaped alone or something.

After hearing this story, Wu Shigong was silent. What could Wu Shigong say? Now Wu Shigong was unable to capture Dengzhou City. Besides, relatively speaking, the experience of this guide was not the most tragic.

.At least he escaped. The whole family in Dengzhou City was killed by the rebels, and there will definitely be many people who were exterminated.

At this moment, a soldier shouted loudly: "Sir, look, the traitor has dragged a girl up."

Everyone's eyes immediately turned to the city wall. They saw several rebels dragging a woman, tearing her clothes off, and then took turns doing... while they were doing it, they were showing off to Wu Shigong and the others.

Shouting something.

"Grandma's fault!" Wu Shigong immediately yelled out. The rebels' attitude showed that they did not take the officers and soldiers like themselves seriously at all.

Seeing that the soldier who had drawn the sketch had already finished it, Wu Shigong immediately ordered: "Let's go back first."

Then Wu Shigong said to the already anxious guide: "We can't deal with those rebels today. In a few days, we will drag up the artillery and kill a few rebels to avenge your family."

The officers and soldiers around him immediately applauded. They had long been unable to stand the arrogant attitude of the rebels.

But it is not easy to transport artillery up this mountain. But after all, the Henan Army has many people. After five days of cutting down trees, opening roads, compacting the road and opening a zigzag road on the mountain,

Pulled by two oxen requisitioned from nearby, two one-pound artillery pieces were set up on the flat artillery position behind the mountain.

In the past few days, the Runing Battalion continued to send soldiers to demonstrate against the rebels on the hilltop, and the rebels were not to be outdone and pulled the women up the city wall again and again.

"Are you ready?" Wu Shigong asked Liang Huidao.

"Everything is ready. Otherwise, that kid over there might even eat me." Liang Hui replied in a low voice. Indeed, the guide has been standing next to the artillery with a green light in his eyes these past few days.

He even refused to let him take a break.

"Be careful, one shot will pull the cannon back. The power of this pound of artillery is too small and has not been corrected. It is best to be lucky and kill a few rebels. If you can't hit it, then you will give that kid a shot.


Liang Hui immediately agreed with a smile.

There were a lot of people coming to see the excitement this time, and almost all the officers in the Runing camp were dispatched. Even Zhizhi, who had never seen the artillery fire with his own eyes, stayed aside with great interest.

Wu Shigong called them all to a place some distance away from the artillery position, took out a few cotton balls and asked the officers to plug their ears. Then he made a gesture to ask Liang Hui to start preparations.

It was still a soldier who stood on the top of the hill and made provocative movements. Soon, the rebels on the city wall pulled over another woman.

Liang Hui gave an order, and the two cannons that had been ready to fire were quickly pushed up the hill. The match ropes were immediately lit. After two loud noises, the two cannonballs flew straight towards the city wall.

But what surprised everyone was that there was also an artillery fire on the opposite city wall and Liang Hui's artillery fired at the same time. What a ghost. It turned out that the rebels were also fishing there.

Uncorrected artillery has no accuracy at all. As expected, none of the three shells hit the target. However, the rebel artillery shells also caused a stir in the Runing camp when they hit the nearby jungle.

Flying dog jumps.

"Hidden!" Wu Shigong shouted loudly, then grabbed Zhizhi, who was still watching the excitement, and hid on the grass behind the mountain.

The artillery team also knew that they were ambushed. They desperately pulled the artillery back, and the group of officers who were watching the fun also hid near Wu Shigong.

But it seems that the rebels did not know that the Runing Camp would have artillery this time. They loaded the artillery on the city wall one after another to vent their anger on the Runing Camp. (To be continued, please search Piao Tian Literature, novels

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