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Three hundred and fortieth eight chapters admiration

In fact, many of us don't know that there is only one kind of marquis as we call it in China, but there are several words that can be translated as "marquis" in the West. And those words represent different western marquises. That is

It is said that there are several types of marquis in the West. And the status of various marquises is different.

The author has also encountered this problem. When my brother took the CET-6 exam for the first time, he was surprised to find in the reading questions that there are more than twenty kinds of names for knives in the British kitchen. However, I only know one ""

knife". The result of this exam, of course, made me run away, but it also made me resentful to this day. The two knives we have in China are already great, but I didn't expect to have to play with more than 20 knives in the UK.

And for the purpose of raising Wu Shigong's identity and satisfying his own vanity, what Carelli told Gonzales was exactly the noblest kind among marquises. The standard translation of this kind of marquis is - elector.


Before introducing the electors, we also need to introduce some common sense. The first is the difference between emperors and kings. In modern society, there are also emperors and kings, but we basically treat them as the same kind, they are all heads of state.

But in the Ming Dynasty, whether in the East or the West, the emperor and the king had two completely different identities. In fact, or in name, the king had to obey the emperor's orders. So we can often see in history books,

The emperor of China canonizes a certain king of an overseas vassal state. However, a king who has not been canonized by the emperor is illegal. To explain it in modern diplomatic terms, that is: it is not recognized by the international community.

In the East, there is only one emperor, that is, the emperor of the Central Powers, and the others are all kings. Of course, there is also a man hiding in the island dwarf country who secretly calls himself the emperor. However, China has never recognized him.


In the West, there is a pope who is a religious leader. The secular one is. When Muhammad II moved the warships from land to the Golden Horn like a genius and captured Constantinople, the Eastern Roman Empire was actually destroyed.

.The only remaining emperor in Europe was the Emperor of the Holy Roman Empire. Of course, there was also a Czar. But at that time, Russia had not yet integrated into the mainstream society in Europe, so this emperor was ignored.

The emperor of the Holy Roman Empire was not completely passed down from father to son. His emperor was elected by the electors, and one of the electors was selected to serve.

Of course, this process is quite complicated to introduce. How can the electors be elected through mutual conquest and diplomacy? The elected elector must be crowned by the pope! If the pope does not agree to the coronation, he will go to the Vatican to force the pope to be crowned.

! The Pope will also organize an anti-emperor alliance to start a war with the emperor who has not yet been crowned! Anyway, in the history of the Holy Roman Empire, it was very troublesome, very difficult, very exciting and very exciting to become an emperor from an elector.

A long thing.

But all this is not the focus of this article. We only need to briefly understand it. But we have to remember two points: The first is that the elector is qualified to be the emperor. This can be seen. The elector

The status and strength of the princes are so high; the second is that the electors all have their own princely states. They also have the power to ennoble their subordinates and enfeoff their territories. Therefore, the power of the electors is closely related to that of Europe.

The powers of the kings and princes are the same, but their titles are slightly different.

Now we should also understand why Gonzalez and others immediately had little stars in their eyes after they misunderstood Wu Shigong as the elector.

After all, people like Gonzalez were all middle- and low-level Portuguese officers. They did not fully understand the government structure of the Ming Dynasty, nor did they understand the role and strength of the Ming Dynasty's nobles.

Although Gonzalez and the others are basically Portuguese soldiers, they all came to the Far East to take risks and make money. And now, under the guidance of the elector's wife Carelli, how can they not show chivalry?

, to fight for titles, fiefs and gold?

To be honest, the whole process was as follows: misled by Carelli's vain words, Gonzalez and other Portuguese soldiers lost their minds.

Anyway, Wu Shigong doesn't care whether Gonzalez and the others misunderstood, as long as they stay, Gonzalez and the others are also eager to show their abilities in front of Wu Shigong.

This move made Wu Shigong and the officers of the Runing Battalion look with admiration, because Gonzalez and the others pointed out a major omission in the artillery team's shooting technology.

Gonzalez and others also spoke highly of the curved artillery shooting imagined by Wu Shigong, but they also pointed out that this is a special artillery shooting technology used in special circumstances. In ordinary battles, this kind of

The role of shooting skills is not particularly great. Wu Shigong and other officers of the Runing Battalion also admit this.

Moreover, Gonzalez and others pointed out that in fact, when artillery fires on ships, there is no need for a match rope at all. They only need to burn the cannonballs red, put the cannonballs directly into the barrel, and let the high-temperature cannonballs ignite the gunpowder and fire.

The biggest advantage of this approach is that the cannonballs can not only break the wooden boards on the ship, but the high temperature of the cannonballs can directly cause the ship to burn. Since the burning parts of the ship are basically on the upper part of the ship, it is also very difficult for the people on the ship to get water to put out the fire.

It is inconvenient and therefore can greatly increase the ship's destruction rate.

People like Gonzalez have experience serving on ships, so they are quite familiar with the artillery shooting methods commonly used on ships. After experiments, their statements have been proved to be correct.

After hearing this statement, Wu Shigong, the officers of the Runing Battalion, and especially Liang Hui, the artillery team members, all became enlightened. There is really a difference between having expert guidance and not having expert guidance!

Then Gonzalez and the others started the standard firearms shooting movements. They simply broke down the shooting movements into more than twenty steps, and first let the soldiers become proficient in the decomposition movements, and the Portuguese officers were constantly correcting the wrong movements.

Then complete the firearm loading training.

This training method is very efficient. After only three days of training, it is obvious that the reloading speed of artillery and gunfire has increased a lot. The Runing camp also made a large picture of these decomposed actions and hung it on the training ground.

so that every soldier can see it at all times. However, this also gave the two hundred pieces of paper that Wu Shigong got back a use.

Frequent firearms training caused the Runing Camp to be filled with gunfire and smoke every day. Wu Shigong simply ordered that there was no need to carry out regular bombardments on Dengzhou City. Anyway, other Ming troops far away did not know about Runing.

What is the camp doing? It would be better to save some gunpowder.

Afterwards, the rebels in Dengzhou City purchased six hundred shi of grain twice at high prices. However, this did not prove that both parties were sincere in abiding by the agreement.

The rebels also increased the intensity of sending spies to the Henan Army to detect whether the Henan Army had relaxed its vigilance. Wu Shigong also strengthened sentries and spies, killing those rebel spies who left the city, just to tell the rebels in Dengzhou City.

Jun: I welcome you to do business honestly, but if you want to use your little brains, I won't be polite.

Therefore, in just a few days, the Henan Army killed more than twenty rebel spies who had left the city. Under such a heavy blow, the rebels also retreated. During the strangulation process, Huang Qifa also secretly

This time someone sent someone to deliver news that rebel spies were dispatched to the city.

Wu Shigong also sent someone to send Huang Qiqi 20 shi of food to him when he was guarding the south city wall at night. After going back and forth, some tacit understanding and a little trust were formed between the two.

Wu Shigong did not keep the money he earned. One day, he called Chen Zhongzhi and Jiang Cheng over and gave each of them a thousand taels. However, Wu Shigong also made a scandal first: The money given to him was also

They just gave it to them because they were fellow Henan fellows. The money earned by Runing Camp was all earned by Runing Camp itself. If Chen Zhongzhi and Jiang Cheng were jealous, they could have taken the lead in breaking Dengzhou City.

, go get it from the rebels yourself.

Wu Shigong now even pulled the artillery in the artillery position on the hilltop back to his camp. Wu Shigong then built the Henan Army's camp and adopted a huddled defensive posture.

Anyway, depending on the terrain in the small mountainous area outside Dengzhou City, it is possible for a few small groups of rebels to escape, but it is absolutely impossible for a large group of rebels to break out from here. Wu Shigong does not want to take the initiative to attack Dengzhou City, so

It is better to defend with peace of mind! This can also completely eliminate the possibility of a sneak attack by the rebels.

In these days, Wu Shigong had a detailed discussion with several major Portuguese officers in Gonzalez, in order to get out all the things they knew about Western military tactics and technology.

The Runing Battalion has developed to this point, and it seems to have become very powerful in the eyes of outsiders. Among the officers within the Runing Battalion, there is also a phenomenon of tail-wagging, but Wu Shigong himself is still a little unsure.

Basically, the officers of the Runing Battalion were monks halfway. Even Xue Yongli, the original guard of the Yangwu Marquis Mansion, was mostly an armchair strategist about war. Therefore, the current Runing Battalion can be said to have grown up through learning.

But in this battle to encircle and suppress Kong Youde's rebels, Wu Shigong opened his eyes and realized that there were still many things he didn't understand. For example, the method of firing red-hot cannonballs that his artillery team had just learned.

Moreover, Wu Shigong also discovered that there are many other tactics, such as the smashing tactic of Guan Ning cavalry using three-eyed fire cannons in three shots. To be honest, Wu Shigong felt that their tactics were better than the Runing cavalry's tactics after shooting with medium-sized fire cannons.

It is better to switch to the tactic of charging with a spear. At least there is no need to change weapons and the cavalry's error rate can be reduced.

But Wu Shigong couldn't study because the equipment of the Runing Battalion was basically finalized. If it were to change the equipment, the entire cost would be too high. In addition, if the tactics were changed, the cavalry tactical training and drills would also be completely revised.

.So Wu Shigong cannot afford to spend either money or time.

But if that's all, forget it. Wu Shigong is even more afraid that the Runing Battalion is also taking detours in other aspects. Therefore, Wu Shigong needs Gonzalez and the others to introduce the most advanced firearms tactics in the West at this time, so that the Runing Battalion can have less Take some detours. (To be continued. Please search Piaotian Literature, the novels will be better and updated faster! ยท

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