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Chapter 401: The Qinhuai River Conflict

Since he can become a male publicist, Ma Shouxin must have good affability and must have a good way of dealing with others. In addition, Jiangnan men and women are already handsome and good at dressing up, so Wu Shigong's first impression of Ma Shouxin was very good.

Then Wu Shigong listened to Ma Shouxin's introduction to the list of guests. But no matter how they were friends, the guests arranged by Xu Wenjue were also the children of the most distinguished officials and eunuchs in Nanjing.

Different from the powerless nobles in Beijing, the nobles in Nanjing still have some power. It should be said that the power is not small. For example, Wei Guogong is the garrison of Nanjing. He has three thousand private soldiers in Nanjing.


Therefore, whether it is wealth or actual power, the nobles in Nanjing are higher than those in Beijing, but they are despised by the nobles in Beijing. This is why the Duke of Wei is willing to bleed a lot, but also has to go through the banquet

The reason why Wu Shigong came to slap the nobles of Beijing in the face.

However, Wu Shigong didn't care about this. He only knew that the quality of accompanying guests was quite high, so he could see that the crown prince Xu Wenjue valued him. And since he valued him, his borrowing money would go much more smoothly.

Then of course Ma Shouxin boasted about the high quality of the reception venue and how Gu Hengbo and everyone who were invited to accompany him were doing such and such, and Liu Rushi and Liu everyone were doing such and such.

Of course, while bragging, Ma Shouxin also deliberately pretended to casually reveal the cost of the banquet - more than eight thousand taels of silver. Anyway, it was just to show off in front of Wu Shigong, so the more expenses he could get, the better. Besides, like Xiang

How could Wu Shigong, a country bumpkin from the north, understand the value of being with a voluptuous beauty in Jinling?

However, Wu Shigong, who was in the excitement, didn't notice Ma Shouxin's bragging at all. He only knew that the place was of high quality, which once again proved that the crown prince Xu Wenjue valued him!

Wu Shigong doesn't care about the Gu family or Liu family at all. He only needs to know that these are women who accompany him and make him happy. Besides, it's not like Wu Shigong has never seen famous prostitutes. Now they are in Wu Shigong's inner house.

There was a former famous prostitute with a big belly.

Besides, Wu Shigong is currently thinking about borrowing money and has no time to care about women. Otherwise, when Wu Shigong borrowed three thousand taels of silver from the wives of the inner house, Wu Shigong would have forgotten the serious things.

Not only did they not borrow the money back in Nanjing, but they also brought back a few women? Aren't the ladies in the inner house trying to blackmail Wu Shigong for ten thousand years?

Anyway, Wu Shigong and Ma Shouxin were the guests and hosts. In the Ming Dynasty, invitations were rarely invited on the same day. Generally, invitations were given a few days in advance, so the banquet arranged by the crown prince Xu Wenjue was on the next night.

But after Ma Shouxin left, Wu Shigong also came to his senses. How could he suddenly become popular from the cold reception in Nanjing? In fact, this is also normal. Even when he was in the capital, Wu Shigong did not climb up to the top.

The high-ranking "princelings" of the Ming Dynasty simply did not have the level to understand the comparison mentality of nobles from the north and the south, so he could not guess the correct reason.

When something goes wrong, there is a monster! So throughout the next day, Wu Shigong's spirit was always in a trance. He was worried that the actual situation of his Runing Army had been leaked. These nobles of Nanjing City truly understood

Are you aware of the strong strength of your Runing Army? That’s why they are so cowardly and respectful? But this doesn’t fit in with your idea of ​​keeping a low profile and biding your time?

So when Tao Xin asked Wu Shigong for leave and wanted to go shopping in Nanjing to buy gifts for Xiaojie, he was scolded because of Wu Shigong's bad temper. However, Wu Shigong couldn't think of a reason. So in the end he decided to let things go.

Anyway, if anything happens, it will be covered up by water and soil.

For this reason, although he knew that what Xu Wenjue invited him to was not a Hongmen Banquet at all, Wu Shigong still sent out all his guards. And in the afternoon of the next day, Wu Shigong rented a carriage from the inn and rushed to the bank


However, when Wu Shigong saw the envious look in the innkeeper's eyes when he knew he was going to Chaoku Street, Wu Shigong couldn't help but feel a little carried away. Did he feel that his suspicion was too severe?

Chaoku Street is not far from Wu Shigong's inn. However, when the carriage arrived outside Chaoku Street, it was immediately blocked by the bustling crowd. Wu Shigong's identity was not high enough, so he could not drive the carriage into Chaoku Street.

Ku Street, so Wu Shigong got off the carriage. Under the protection of more than twenty guards led by Tao Xin, he walked towards the Meilou.

When Wu Shigong got off the carriage, he couldn't help but gasped. This scene was really unusual. Chaoku Street was really lively, with cars and horses coming and going.

As for the carriages and horses that can enter Chaoku Street here, you can hardly see the old style, and they are all very exquisitely decorated. You can see the wheels, carriages, saddles and bridles of the horses, and the status of the owner is either rich or noble.

Through the open space between the houses, you can already see the meandering Qinhuai River. In modern times, Wu Shigong once visited Nanjing, and the Qinhuai River in his impression was just a dirty river. But it is different now.

There are painted boats floating on the Qinhuai River, and the houses on the roadside have different styles. Some of them are a bit elegant even though they are in the bustling city, but the door is still shaded by trees, and you can vaguely see the pavilions and waterside pavilions inside. Others are

It is magnificent and full of nobility. It seems that things like exceeding the regulations are not discussed here.

Although he was in a crowded crowd, Wu Shigong was still leisurely admiring Fengyue District, the most prosperous area in the world at that time. Although the crowds were flowing in and out and the sound was noisy, it did not affect Wu Shigong. In that year, Wu Shigong was assassinated in Runing Fucheng.

From now on, the guards around him have been specially trained on how to protect Wu Shigong. Therefore, everyone is kept at least ten steps away from Wu Shigong.

When people on Chaoku Street saw Wu Shigong with so many guards, they also knew that Wu Shigong was either rich or noble, so they all stayed away from Wu Shigong and his group.

But after all, it was impossible for Wu Shigong to run rampant in the middle of Chaoku Street, so unknowingly, they were pushed to the side of the road.

At the door of the building in front, there happened to be a group of people waiting to greet the guests. Surrounding this group of people, there was also a dense row of guards surrounding them.

Wu Shigong didn't notice this situation. He was still admiring the scenery of Chaoku Street, so the two groups of people met. Of course, Wu Shigong's gang of bad boys have always been "their own adults are the biggest!", and they were in Henan.

He was used to running amok, so when he saw his master's walking route, he didn't remind Wu Shigong to take a detour at all. He just pushed the guards standing outside the building and asked them to make way for Wu Shigong.

Seeing Wu Shigong and his group rushing towards them, the guards also pushed Wu Shigong's guards, and they were also chirping some bird language in their mouths, which may have meant asking Wu Shigong and others to get out of the way.

But when both sides pushed, they immediately felt that something was wrong. Because from the actions and positions of the other side, they both felt that the other side was a character soaked in blood. So without hesitation, both sides' guards pulled out their bodies. Here come the daggers and iron rods. (To be continued. Please search Piaotian Literature, the novels will be better and updated faster!

This chapter has been completed!
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