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Chapter 422: Establishment of Military Bases

In fact, the minds of the Runing Army's chariot soldiers who were driving chariots for the first time were completely blank. // Visit to download txt novels //

Facing tens of thousands of bandits, the chariot driver could not have any other ideas and could only rush past at such a high speed. Except for the initial ignition of the swarm, the chariot soldiers spent the rest of the time because no bandits dared to approach.

It was a chariot, so they stood on the chariot like a sculpture, holding axes and spears in their hands, and stared blankly at the chariot showing off its power.

The time it took to cut across the formation of the bandits this time was also very short. From beginning to end, it only took three to four hundred breaths. But in such a short time, thousands of bandits who did not escape were run over by the chariot.

, hacked to death. Some of the gangsters who had their legs cut off and their legs cut off were still rolling on the ground and wailing. The screams were thrilling.

But what was thrilling were the bandits who were lucky enough to escape. Seeing such great results, the chariot soldiers couldn't help but cheer. Seeing that these chariot soldiers were a little distracted, Zug quickly shouted: "Move quickly."

These! The front row becomes the back row, let’s sweep away those robbers again!”

After hearing Zug's order, the chariot soldiers responded with joy again, and they also sped up their movements and quickly turned the direction of the chariot.

The chariot was still accelerating, still igniting a swarm of bees first, and then cutting it in two became two and three. The gangsters in the small alliance were no longer interested in fighting. They were completely frightened by the chariot they had never seen before, and they all lost their nerves.

He opened his legs and ran away in the direction of Congling Pass, the way he came.

But the bandits didn't see it. After charging again, the chariot turned a corner and retreated towards Longyan Village. The two sprints had already made the war horses unbearable, and it was impossible to launch a third charge.

The whole battle was going on very fast. It was not yet dark when the gangsters of the small coalition fled far away. The Shumo Department also cheered loudly when they saw the easy victory. But when they were cleaning up the battlefield

, the soldiers couldn't cheer anymore because the whole scene was too tragic.

It was really a slaughterhouse of minced meat, with blood and flesh everywhere. Some bandits who couldn't bear the pain even asked the soldiers of the Runing Army to give them a good pleasure.

The soldiers of the Runing Army were also stunned by the power of the chariot. In just one confrontation, more than 1,600 bandits were killed by the chariot.

In fact, none of them knew that as the main force in the Spring and Autumn Period and the Warring States Period, the power of chariots was unparalleled at that time. At that time, even to describe the strength of a country, the adjectives "a country of thousands of chariots" and "a kingdom of ten thousand chariots" were used.

In the end, although the tanks were eliminated for various reasons, the eliminated weapons can still exert great power as long as they are used in the right place. The Runing Army's use of tanks this time is to fully utilize the advantages of tanks.


Moreover, the Runing Army has also made some improvements to the tanks. For example, the installation and use of long-range weapons swarmed, and the bandits in the small alliance have no means to compete with the tanks, so this one-sided massacre is doomed.

But the nightmare of Xiaolianying was not over yet. After the bandits escaped from the Congling Pass in despair, they only rested in the wilderness for one night. He Fei, who was driven back after hearing the news in the early morning, went to patrol the area.

Two thousand five hundred cavalry and a half surrounded and charged to kill.

Moreover, the semi-encirclement formed by the Runing Army was very clever. The opening was blocked by the coalition forces of Li Lu, Chen Zhongzhi and Jiang Cheng who followed. A hammer and a piece of iron felt. The outcome of the small coalition.

It's doomed.

So by the time the cavalry sent by the Runing Army arrived in Ye County, the entire Nanyang Battle was over. A total of more than 4,000 bandit heads were captured, and more than 11,000 bandits were captured or surrendered.

After this good news reached the imperial court, the spirit of Emperor Chongzhen and the court ministers, who were being tortured by the peasant rebels in Chachexia Gorge, was cheered up. In order to cover up the failure of the encirclement and suppression of the peasant rebels, the imperial court was even more energetic.

With great publicity, this battle was also called the Great Victory of Nanyang.

And the "famous general" Li Lu suddenly became famous all over the world. Although other Ming army military attachés also kept reporting good news, the gold content of those good news was not enough. Some of them were considered a great victory if they obtained hundreds of heads.

But the "famous general" Li Lu was different. Either he didn't fight, but when he did fight, he achieved brilliant results. The two battles "commanded" by Li Lu both wiped out tens of thousands of bandits.

In addition, Li Lu's excerpts were also spread to the imperial court. In the memorial, Li Lu clearly stated that the peasant rebels would surrender. Although the memorial came late and became a bit of an afterthought, it still showed that Li Lu

good vision.

Therefore, the reward for Li Lu was quite generous. He was immediately promoted to the third level. He was directly promoted to the position of Nanyang Commander-in-Chief. The other military attaches also received rewards. The only one who remained unchanged was Wu Shigong. In the eyes of the imperial court, Nanyang

Dajie was completely unrelated to Wu Shigong in Runing.

And Li Lu was also a little proud of his good luck. When he went to the celebration banquet arranged by the Nanyang Prefecture, Li Lu got drunk and boasted to the Nanyang Prefecture: "As long as you give me three thousand elites, I will suppress the civil strife in Yu."


Later, when these words reached Wu Shigong's ears, he was a little puzzled, because these words seemed too familiar. It seemed that he had heard it somewhere before? After struggling to recall, Wu Shigong remembered that if he replaced "elite" with "elite"

If you become "urban management", isn't this familiar? In modern times, haven't you always heard the phrase "As long as you give me three thousand urban management, I will...!".

And this great victory in Nanyang also made it impossible for any official to mention Li Lu, Zhou Xun and others' behavior of returning to Henan without saying goodbye.

Xuanmo, the governor of Henan, also paid attention to the letter from Li Lu that he had long thrown into the corner. He immediately sent a letter to transfer the two powerful forces, Chen Zhongzhi and Jiang Cheng, to be ready to prevent the peasant rebel army from entering Henan again.


Although Wu Shigong had no achievements in the officialdom and was still a white man who had committed crimes and made meritorious service, he saw the problem in the crisis of Longyan Village, so he immediately repaired the problem.

Wu Shigong immediately decided to build a walled city at Congling Mountain Pass, and put the Longyan Town Basin completely in the hands of the Runing Army. Moreover, the Runing Army would also move some ordnance manufacturing and repair workshops to the Longyan Town Basin, and in the basin

Arrange heavy troops, and there are fertile fields in the basin, which can provide part of the military supplies to the Runing army.

In other words, Wu Shigong is planning to build the Longyan Town Basin into a military base for the Runing Army. It can launch military operations around it at any time.

All the land in the Longyanzhai Basin has also been expropriated by the Runing Army. The Runing Army will acquire these lands through redemption. Of course, there must be some landowners who are unwilling to sell, so the Runing Army will adopt a trusteeship method to forcibly expropriate the land.

In the current chaos, the local government of Nanyang Prefecture also supports the actions of the Runing Army. After all, with this military base, Nanyang Prefecture can receive support from the Runing Army at any time.

All the land in the Longyan Town Basin will be handed over to the Jimin Reclamation Company for management and operation by the Runing Army. This makes Chang Meng very excited, because the land reclamation company he heads has finally received its first big business. Moreover, Chang Meng is very excited.

The serfs in the villas were all ready-made, those small coalition bandits who surrendered and were captured.

Zhou Xun's return this time also brought back a large amount of supplies and grain, all of which were used for the resettlement of serfs in the Longyan Village Basin and the construction of Congling Village.

The Runing Army raced against time and built a wooden village with trees around Congling Pass in just ten days. Because at this time, the peasant rebel army was acting erratically, and their movements had already confused the Runing Army.


After Li Zicheng, Zhang Xianzhong and other troops escaped danger in Hanzhong, they turned around and headed west, attacking the areas near Xi'an and Qingyang, Gongchang, and Pingliang in Gansu separately, and they became famous for a while.

Emperor Chongzhen finally ordered Chen Qiyu to be dismissed from his post in November of the seventh year of Chongzhen and sent to prison for garrison discussion; he promoted Hong Chengchou to the position of Minister of War, Governor of Shanxi, Shaanxi, Sichuan, Huguang, and Henan military affairs.

But just after Hong Chengchou took the position that he should have been sitting in for a long time, he was hit in the head. The garrison in Xining mutinied, the generals were killed, the defenders were driven away, and the guarding eunuchs also fled in panic. (To be continued. If

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