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Chapter 427: On the stage of history

Today it happened that an official from the Runing Mansion was escorting grain and grass to the Lu family. Xuanmo immediately asked him about the situation of Wu Shigong and the Runing Army. After hearing the introduction, Xuanmo was immediately startled.

With the Runing Army's development to this point, it was impossible to hide it from interested people in the local officialdom, and the official had no obligation to hide anything for Wu Shigong, so he told Xuan Mo all the information he knew about the Runing Army.

It is certainly impossible for this promotion officer to fully understand the true strength and huge industry of the Runing Army, but this promotion officer can always see the village guards and road protection teams everywhere, and can also find out the possession and reclamation of wasteland by the Runing Army.

Approximately how many fields are there?

This official could not tell the difference between the village guards and road guards and the regular soldiers of the Runing Army. In his eyes, they were actually soldiers of the Runing Battalion. And he told Xuan Mo clearly

, what the Runing Camp did in Runing Mansion was to cultivate the fields.

But as soon as Xuanmo understood the number of farms, he realized, my dear, it was close to 20,000 hectares. What is that concept? According to the supply of soldiers in the Ming Dynasty, at least 20,000 troops could be drawn up, and sufficient food and wages could be supplied.

Xuan Mo suddenly lost his composure. Only then did he understand how powerful the Runing Camp was, and how the Ruzhou and Nanyang victories came about. It turned out that the number of soldiers in the Runing Camp was far greater than

The Ministry of War’s rated quantity!

Xuanmo didn't think Wu Shigong had any objections, because in the Ming Dynasty, the court gave you these military salaries according to the number of troops. If you, a military attache, are capable, no one will care about you if you raise more troops. For example, the Guanning Cavalry in Liaodong


Besides, in order to save military expenses, Emperor Chongzhen had already issued an imperial edict to encourage local people to be self-reliant and armed to defend their homes and country. Wu Shigong's farming practices were exactly in line with this situation.

In addition, Wu Shigong's status as a noble son and his relatives were all in the capital, so it was impossible to see Wu Shigong's objection. However, to be on the safe side, Xuan Mo still asked the recommendation officer in detail and found out that although Wu Shigong was in Ru

The Ning Mansion was quite domineering, but it basically never had any dealings with civil servants. However, some of the stewards who managed the farmland under Wu Shigong were quite domineering. With some officials being squeezed, it was almost impossible to stand in the Runing Mansion.

The official did not know that the field manager he mentioned was a local official sent by the Runing Army. Therefore, Xuan Mo basically felt relieved after hearing this.

But this was not the first time that Xuanmo was surprised by Wu Shigong these days. He had also done his homework in the past few days and learned in detail about Wu Shigong's origins and what he did after arriving in Henan. He was shocked at that time.

Let’s not talk about Wu Shigong’s identity and his affairs in the capital for now. After he arrived in Henan, he experienced the rebellion of the Holy Spirit Society, Jisi became King Qin and recovered the four cities of Yongping, the Denglai rebellion and the suspected victory of Ruzhou.

, the great victory in Nanyang, and the annihilation of the Leopard Head bandits. Almost all of these battles were great victories.

Xuan Mo knew that if all these military exploits were taken into account, Wu Shigong would definitely be promoted to the rank of commander-in-chief. If he was more lucky, he might be given the title of general or even be granted the title of earl.

But what is Wu Shigong's current official position? It's completely naked. Xuan Mo only knows that Wu Shigong was once punished for being disrespectful to Shang Fang's sword. But at that time, Wu Shigong was just a capital official, and he was still far from the position of commander-in-chief.


So there must be something fishy here. If you think about it carefully, Wu Shigong and Li Bingbeidao were facing each other in Chen Qiyu's Chinese army tent at that time. The reason is self-evident.

So Xuan Mo sketched out the image of Wu Shigong in his mind, a military attaché who was very capable but domineering towards his superiors. But Xuan Mo thought about it the other way around. He had made so many contributions but was not promoted.

, then it is understandable that this military attache would be a little emotional.

Xuan Mo thought he had found the crux of the problem, but he was still unhappy. When did the governor have to be humble to the military attachés under his rule? But it was impossible not to bow his head. It was not necessary to give up a brave military attache and a hundred troops before the war.

A victorious elite soldier?

So Xuan Mo let out a long sigh and said to Master Wang: "Write a letter to Wu Runing. In a more polite tone, tell him that as long as he comes out this time, he will be reinstated. If he has meritorious service in battle, there will be rewards. Return it.

There is..." Xuan Mo hesitated for a moment, then said, "It's a peaceful place!"

Master Wang was stunned for a moment, knowing that Xuanmo had allowed Wu Shigong to seize the land. Although the military attachés often looted and wreaked havoc on the people after the war, as civil servants, they would always have some restrictions on them. Xuanmo's public acquiescence was quite serious.


It can be seen that Dong Weng has made up his mind when he sees him, and Master Wang, as an aide, cannot object, so he bowed his hands and thought about going down to write a letter.

"Wait a minute!" Xuan Mo saw Master Wang was about to leave and called him again. "Oh——! I should write this letter myself!"

In the Ming Dynasty, when there was no turmoil, no disaster, and no major events in a place, if the local officials remained silent, then the court would definitely ignore the place. After all, there were too many major events in the world, and there were no news media in the Ming Dynasty.

Propaganda, so except for the fact that the court may pay a little attention to this local official during the annual evaluation, at other times this local official can be completely invisible.

Although Wu Shigong had made great moves in Runing Mansion before, firstly, what he did was not too outrageous, and secondly, he fully considered the interests of local officials, so no local officials from Runing Mansion said anything to the court.

The true situation of the Runing Army. After all, they offended Wu Shigong for no reason, which is also a taboo in officialdom.

But now Henan Governor Xuan Mo first noticed Wu Shigong and his Runing Army, and Wu Shigong's strategy of keeping a low profile was gradually going bankrupt. With the subsequent campaign of the Runing Army, the Ming Dynasty court also gradually turned its attention to

To this powerful army. In other words, it was only at this time that the Runing Army truly entered the historical stage of the Ming Dynasty.

In this era of great strife, it is not shameful for civil servants to lower their profile and win over military attachés with strong armies. Xuanmo also saw the change in the direction of the court. Without you seeing it, Hou Xun was seriously injured when he inspected the arsenal. The gunpowder exploded and he was recuperating.

More than a year.

But when Hou Xun submitted a memorial requesting that he resign and return to his hometown to retire, Emperor Chongzhen and the cabinet tried every means to persuade him to stay. Wasn't it because they had discovered a military attache who was good at fighting—Zuo Liangyu?

Now Xuanmo has learned that the Hou family of Guide Mansion has a very good relationship with Wu Shigong, so he has to take a higher look at Hou Xun's potential power. But fortunately, he is now in a favorable official position as governor of Henan.

Above, Zuo Liangyu has also become his subordinate. If there is Wu Shigong's Runing camp again, then after wiping out the peasant rebel army, Xuanmo is very likely to reach a higher level. So now he writes a seal to Wu Shigong

If you believe me, say a few nice words and give some benefits, it is only natural. (To be continued.)

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