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Chapter 445 Where are the officers

Before retreating, Wu Shigong sent a small group of cavalry to send Yan Tongzhi back to Ruzhou City, and informed him that Ruzhou City was temporarily safe. Of course Wu Shigong would not explain to Yan Tongzhi that the peasant rebels used money to buy the road.

In fact, when they parted, Yan Tongzhi, who had been under house arrest for a long time, shouted loudly, thinking that Wu Shigong's Runing army had abandoned Ruzhou City.

Wu Shigong just took the opportunity to punch and kick Yan Tongzhi, and let out a little anger, retaliating against the Ruzhou officials who helped Zhou commit crimes. Anyway, Wu Shigong also thought about his argument to the court: there is no need for a reason to beat a mentally ill person.


After Yan Tongzhi, who was beaten by Wu Shigong with a black nose and eyes swollen, was thrown back to Ruzhou City, he discovered that the peasant rebel army on the South Road had indeed moved away from Ruzhou City, and for the time being he could only knock out his teeth and swallow them in his own stomach.

It was not until the eighth day of the twelfth lunar month that the Runing Army, which had retreated cautiously, returned to Ye County. Fearing that the peasant rebels on the South Road would see the flaw, Wu Shigong did not dare to let any troops retreat first. Therefore, it was not until this time that Xue Yong led his infantry regiment on a rapid march.

Rushed back to Germany. But just like that, the most precious two days were wasted.

Although this time Wu Shigong used the misconception of the peasant rebel army on the South Road to defraud a large amount of property, and even if these properties are sold in Beijing, they may be worth more, perhaps more than 100,000 taels, Wu Shigong is not worried at all.


After all, the 300,000 peasant rebels can be said to be intact, and their threat has not been eliminated at all. As for the agreement with the peasant rebels, Wu Shigong did not take it to heart at all. It is estimated that when the conditions are ripe, those peasant rebels

The leader will also tear up this agreement immediately.

Although he didn't know why the leaders of these peasant rebel armies got crazy and wanted to give him a heavy gift and ask the Runing Army to retreat. But Wu Shigong must have understood that those leaders did not know the real battlefield situation.

As long as these leaders react in the future, these 300,000 peasant rebels will soon come back. But now Wu Shigong can only act like a firefighter to put out the places with the biggest fires. Many things that may happen in the future, Wu Shigong

All I can do now is ignore it.

On the ninth day of the twelfth lunar month, after Wu Shigong left an infantry regiment in Ye County, the entire army hurriedly marched back to the headquarters of Runing Prefecture. But just as they were setting off, Xue Zhinong, director of the Mountain and River Department, rushed to Ye County to report the latest situation to Wu Shigong.

.So Wu Shigong took Xue Zhinong with him.

"How is the situation in Guide Mansion? How is the situation near the Yellow River in Huaiqing Mansion?" Wu Shigong asked while riding his horse.

"The villain came out of home on the sixth day of the lunar month. At that time, everything was still normal. However, because he had to take a detour to return to Runing, the real situation there may have changed." Xue Zhinong replied.

"It's fine!" Wu Shigong finally felt relieved, "What about the situation at home?"

"Master Li has been training the new army these days, and Director Yang's workshop department is also stepping up the production of weapons. But it is too late to produce firearms. We can only make some gun heads and swords. Let's start with those without weapons.

The village guard team is armed. Now nearly 8,000 new troops have been organized and trained."

"Oh? Not bad!" Wu Shigong smiled happily.

"That's not all. The craftsmen and apprentices of Director Yang's Workshop also have a lot of firecrackers and weapons. They have also trained more than 2,000 people. Needless to say, uncle, those people are all

What a good soldier! They are very quick to pick up training, and they are always experimenting with firecrackers, and even the firecrackers are better than ordinary soldiers. These people are shouting and wanting to defend our Runing Army."

"Nonsense!" Wu Shigong laughed and scolded, "I can't bear to let these precious babies go to the battlefield!"

Xue Zhinong also laughed out loud. He continued: "What's more! The morale of the children's camp in Chi Ming is also high. They are practicing every day with the small guns and knives we gave them for training. They also visited Mr. Deng and Mr. Li several times.

Where are you going to ask for help?"

"It's even more nonsense!" Although Wu Shigong scolded loudly, he also smiled more cheerfully, "These children in the Tongziying camp are the future of our Runing Army. Look, Xiao Xinzi and Chi Ming have grown up now.

Are you there? If something happens to them now, why don’t we feel heartbroken? What do you want us adults to do? Send the order back quickly. Let them stay at home well, and I will use them when they are needed.

I will arrange it myself."

Xue Zhinong quickly explained with a smile: "Uncle! There is no need to be in such a hurry. Mr. Li and Mr. Deng have already given the order, and they said the same thing as you are saying now. They are all staying at home honestly now."

At this time, Wu Shigong was basically relieved about his family. After excluding the ten militia groups, the Runing Army headquarters already had 8,000 new troops, and there were also 4,000 people from Qiao Song and Xue Qiang in Runing Mansion City. In addition,

In the event of a change, at least two to three thousand people can be transferred from the village and road protection teams in the Runan and Runei mountainous areas. It is definitely not possible to fight in the field, but it is more than enough to protect the Runing Army Camp and Runing City.


"The news about the Shaanxi bandits on the North Road this time is very important. Your Shanchuan Division has done a good job!" Wu Shigong praised Xue Zhinong.

"That's right, uncle!" Xue Zhinong replied, "But our Shanchuan Division's manpower arranged in Kaifeng City has lost more than half this time. There were eight people who delivered the letter, but only two came back, alas -!"

Wu Shigong was silent for a moment and asked, "Have the families of those who have not come back settled down?"

"Everything has been arranged according to the standards of our Runing Army."

"I asked their family members again and agreed to any request that was not excessive."

"Yes! Uncle!"

"Also, where are the two people who delivered the letter now?"

"It is temporarily arranged to rest in the camp."

"After I return to Runing, you can make arrangements and I will personally award them with honors. They have made great achievements this time."

"Yes! Uncle!"

Just as he said this, four cavalrymen carrying red flags suddenly appeared in the distance. They were the couriers delivering urgent messages from the Runing army. Seeing their arrival, the marching troops immediately moved out of the way and gave way to the couriers.

In front of Wu Shigong.

"Sir! Urgent message!"

Tao Xin immediately jumped off his horse and personally delivered the chicken feather letter in the hand of the courier to Wu Shigong. Wu Shigong took out the letter and looked at it, immediately threw the letter to the ground and cursed: "Zuo Liangyu, you bastard!"

The letter came from the secret sentry post arranged by the Runing Army on the edge of the Yellow River in Huaiqing Prefecture. This letter explained that the peasant rebel army on the North Road was crossing the river on the night of the third day of the twelfth lunar month, and Zuo Liang, the commander-in-chief in charge of defense along the Yellow River,

When Yu met the enemy, he cowered and retreated to Kaifeng City, allowing the peasant rebels to take action.

It also happened that not long after Xue Zhinong set off, this letter was sent to the Runing Army Headquarters. After Deng Qifan and Xue Zhinong read it, they immediately dispatched a thousand newly organized and trained new troops to Qian Qi's iron triangle, and then sent fast horses to deliver it.

Office of Wu Shigong.

Wu Shigong immediately asked: "How long has it been since Yongzi set off? Where do you think he ended up?"

Tao Xin replied from the side: "They set out at noon yesterday. It has been nearly ten hours now. They took away more than 300 carts. According to the standards of our Runing army's rapid march, they should have been a long time away from us."

It’s about a hundred miles away.”

Wu Shigong nodded and immediately ordered: "Let Sanhe's cavalry regiment prepare and set out immediately to reinforce Qian Qi."

"Yes! Sir!" Tao Xin's answer was quite standard.

At this moment, someone suddenly shouted four or fifty feet away: "Brother Changjing! Brother Changjing! Let me come over!"

Wu Shigong took a look and saw that it was Zhou Junwu who had been released and was being held back by his own soldiers. Wu Shigong suppressed the anger in his chest and waved his hand to ask the soldiers to release Zhou Junwu.

"Brother Chang Jing! Why did you withdraw your troops from Ruzhou?" Zhou Junwu's first words when he saw Wu Shigong were full of accusations.

"Haven't the Shaanxi bandits been repulsed? What should we do if we don't withdraw our troops? Are we drinking the northwest wind there?" Wu Shigong replied angrily.

"But you...!" Zhou Junwu was still angry after being under house arrest for so long, "Okay! Then I would like to ask Brother Chang Jing, why didn't you defeat these Shaanxi bandits in Ruzhou? Why did you defeat these Shaanxi bandits after you defeated them?

Why don't you go north to reinforce the governor? Don't tell me that your Runing Battalion is not strong enough. These days, students have seen clearly that your Runing Battalion will definitely have no problem fighting. I don't want to know what's going on underneath. I hope you will respect me, brother.

Once you know your way back, head north as soon as possible!"

Zhou Junwu's threatening tone was undisguised, and he had clearly hinted to Wu Shigong: Don't think that Zhou Junwu can't see the intrigue between the Runing Army and the peasant rebel army, and let Wu Shigong obey Zhou Junwu's orders obediently.

But Wu Shigong became furious all of a sudden, and he yelled: "It's a waste of time to find your way back! What a waste of going north! Do you think I really want to withdraw? What do you know?"

"I just got the news that the Shaanxi bandits on the North Road have entered our Henan Province from the Huaiqing Yellow River section! But what is Zuo Liangyu doing when he is defending which section? Fearing the enemy like a tiger, he hid in Kaifeng City to drink milk! Now

The Shaanxi bandits have let go of their hands and are heading towards Guide Mansion."

"And the Shaanxi bandits on the east road have also entered Kaifeng Mansion and can threaten my Runing Mansion at any time. You want me to go north? The governor sent you to urge the troops very diligently. He didn't send anyone to deliver the news about the Shaanxi bandits.

I'm like a blind man. How dare you let me go north?"

"I am in charge of Runing Prefecture, not Henan Prefecture or Kaifeng Prefecture. But what is the current situation? Three groups of Shaanxi bandits have to be fought by my Runing army! Then who can help?

Me? Zuo Liangyu who is hiding in Kaifeng City? Or the governor who doesn’t know where he is hiding now?”

"What a joke! Our Ming Dynasty has fertile land thousands of miles away and millions of soldiers! There are hundreds of thousands of Shaanxi bandits, but there is no official army to meet the enemy. Only our Runing Army! Our Runing Army!"

"Tell me! Where are the other officers and soldiers? Where are the officers and soldiers!" (To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to come to Qidian.com to vote for recommendations and monthly votes. Your support is my greatest support.

Motivation. Mobile phone users please go to read.)

This chapter has been completed!
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