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Chapter forty-six starts action

Unexpectedly, Wu Shigong's problem of how to face Mongolian compatriots like He Fei was solved inexplicably.

On the morning of the military training, Wu Shigong ignored the three or four hundred people who gathered at the school ground to participate in the military training, and hid directly in the inner hall of the yamen. He called Shu Mo over and asked Shu Mo to inform He.

Fei them: There are no more soldiers in the Bingma Division. If He Fei and the others are willing, Wu Shigong will take them as domestic slaves and become Wu Shigong's property, that is, the guards of the gambling house. Unexpectedly, Shumo listened to Wu Shigong's advice

After making arrangements, he easily went out to explain, and came back easily to report that everyone is willing to become Wu Shigong's domestic slave.

Wu Shigong was immediately impressed by Shu Mo. Shu Mo's work ability improved very quickly! Unexpectedly, after hearing Wu Shigong's praise, Shu Mo said to Wu Shigong: Being a domestic slave is actually much better than being a soldier in the army.

Only a fool would not want to be a domestic slave.

Is being a slave better than being a civil servant? Wu Shigong is a little confused about this logic. After understanding it carefully, it is indeed the case. In the Ming Dynasty, wealthy families basically did not recruit domestic slaves, but if they did, they would also have to deal with these

Domestic slaves fulfill their master's responsibilities. The master's family must give these slaves high wages, high benefits, and cover life, old age, sickness, and death, and even the slaves' wives. Moreover, the work of domestic slaves is relatively easy, because in the Ming Dynasty

There are no rest days, and there are only a limited number of holidays each year. Therefore, they have to work almost all year round. But domestic slaves are different. They can basically have one day off every ten days (that is, ten days). Therefore, in the Ming Dynasty, wealth and honor

The scene where a young master wants to rob and sell a little girl whose father is buried will never happen. If a young master from a wealthy family likes that little girl, as long as he shows his intention a little bit, the little girl may be

They would happily follow the young master, maybe not even paying attention to their father lying on the ground. Of course, in the Ming Dynasty, selling children and daughters did often happen, but the destination of these people was basically to work for small families.

as a maid, or simply sold into a brothel.

After letting go of his worries, Wu Shigong no longer hid in the inner hall, and came to the school ground with Shu Mo. The school ground was noisy, and the people were divided into several piles. He informed the small flags and general flags who came to the Yamen today to attend.

There were a bunch of soldiers in military training, a bunch of new soldiers, and a bunch of He Fei and the others. Seeing that the number of people in He Fei's pile seemed a little wrong, Wu Shigong asked Shu Mo next to him: How many people are there? Shu Mo replied.

Said: One hundred and forty-six. Wu Shigong thought to himself: The unemployment rate in the Ming Dynasty seemed to be very serious. But he had already promised to take them as domestic slaves, so it was hard to go back on his word.

So, Wu Shigong called Wang Baihu over and informed him to divide those who participated in the military training into teams. Now, let's start the military training according to the military training plan. Then Wu Shigong called the general flags and small flags into the lobby.

After these general banners and small banners kowtowed to Wu Shigong, Wu Shigong asked them to hand in the answers to the three questions. Unexpectedly, no one responded.

Surprised, Wu Shigong hurriedly asked the reason. It turned out that it was not that these general banners and small banners did not pay attention to their commander's instructions and did not prepare these questions. It was that they were basically illiterate and they memorized the answers to those questions.

In his mind, Wu Shigong could only sigh that the literacy campaign in the Ming Dynasty really needed to be strengthened. Wu Shigong didn’t know, not to mention those general banners and small banners, even those hundreds of households, there were not many literate people, as for those handed over to

Wu Shigong's shop information and gang information were basically written by those hundreds of households looking for literate people. Wu Shigong didn't have time to waste time with these small banners and general banners, so he asked these general banners and small banners to go to the clerk's room

, and asked the scribes to copy the answers to their questions and then give them to Wu Shigong to read.

At this moment, a guard from the Xue Mansion came to Wu Shigong. It turned out that his father-in-law Xue Lian came to him with something important. Wu Shigong followed the guard to Xue Lian's office - the Fifth Army Governor's Mansion. He met his father-in-law Xue Lian.

After Lian and Master Zhang, Xue Lian told Wu Shigong that an unexpected incident had occurred: the governor of Shuntian Mansion wrote that the Shuntian Mansion could not arrange so many manpower, and could only arrange a thousand corvees at most. Therefore, his father-in-law Xue Lian

Lian knew that after Wu Shigong gathered the military training team today, he wanted to use this team. In addition, Xue Lian went to the capital camp to squeeze in more manpower, and even mobilized some domestic slaves and villagers in Xue Mansion. In this case, the manpower would be

Barely enough.

Wu Shigong rejected his father-in-law Xue Lian's request. Before his father-in-law Xue Lian could get angry, Wu Shigong gave his reasons:

First of all, Wu Shigong gave his father-in-law Xue Lian an idea. Didn't Xue Lian open a porridge shop to relieve the victims? He couldn't just go to the porridge for free. The victims who drank the porridge should also be involved in the disaster relief work. Disaster relief

It is not only the work of the government, but also the victims of the disaster must be self-reliant. Wu Shigong woke up the dreamer, and Wu Shigong's idea suddenly reminded his father-in-law Xue Lian. Xue Lian was not unaware of the practice of working for relief, but

In previous disaster relief work, this has always been Xue Lian's blind spot. If the manpower of the victims is effectively used, the manpower problem of disaster relief can be completely solved;

Secondly, Wu Shigong explained to his father-in-law Xue Lian that he would use this team in the near future. Wu Shigong explained what he wanted to do to his father-in-law Xue Lian, and received Xue Lian's tacit approval;

Finally, Wu Shigong said that after his own affairs are finished, if his father-in-law Xue Lian still needs it, Wu Shigong can definitely use this team for disaster relief work.

After listening to his son-in-law's words, Xue Lian finally relaxed and solved a big trouble in his heart. The moment he saw his father-in-law Xue Lian's face softened and then turned serious, Wu Shigong left quickly. He couldn't mess with him.

Can't you afford to hide after that? In fact, Xue Lian is becoming more and more satisfied with this son-in-law. With Wu Shigong's help, Xue Lian has indeed solved many problems.

Returning to the Bingma Si Yamen, Wu Shigong called Xu Limu over. Seeing that Xu Limu looked tired and shaky when he came in, Wu Shigong asked concernedly about Xu Limu's physical condition. It turned out that Xu Limu had not rested well last night.

For the sake of the work of the Military and Horse Division, he had strengthened communication with Wu Shigong's seventh brother Wu Shili in the brothel last night. After hearing the reason, Wu Shigong was very envious in his heart.

Knowing that Xu Limu was fine, Wu Shigong asked Xu Limu to notify the hundreds of households directly under him to hold a meeting in the afternoon to discuss the distribution of the ruins' benefits.

But as soon as he returned to the Yamen after lunch, Wu Shigong was blocked by three deputy commanders, Zhou Shikun, Yu Lian and Ruan Xiong. Why? Those three deputy commanders were here to fight for their own interests. This Nancheng Army and Horse Department is

If everyone has meat to eat, they have to share it together. In fact, when Wu Shigong asked Li Mu to pass on the news, he knew that there is no airtight wall in the world, and he intended to pass the news to the three people.

The deputy commander listened.

Of course, Wu Shigong pretended to be coquettish for a while, and finally pretended to be helpless and agreed to the requests of the three deputy commanders. Wu Shigong's thoughts on handling the internal relations of the Military Horse Division were basically based on the principle of peace as the most important.


At the afternoon meeting, all the deputy commanders and hundreds of households were present. There was a fierce dispute at the meeting. Finally, with Wu Shigong's mediation, a compromise was finally reached. The affected shops were divided into seventeen parts, and Wu Shigong himself occupied

One share is for each of the fourteen hundred households of the Military and Horse Division (the hundred households of the soldiers have been disbanded), and two shares are given to the military training team because they have many people. The hundred households under the direct jurisdiction of the command are handed over to the command

One hundred taels of silver, under the direct control of the deputy commander, was handed over to Wu Shigong forty taels. Finally, Wu Shigong also graciously expressed that he would hand over his share to the Yamen scribes headed by Xu Limu. Xu Limu

He immediately happily accepted the job of converting his civilian position into a military position.

Then, Wu Shigong didn't care how they were distributed. He knew that the general flags and small flags had been copied at the clerk's office, so he met them one by one and inquired in detail. During the inquiry, he focused on understanding Nancheng.

Gang issues in .

In the next two days, Wu Shigong basically spent his free time observing the military training of these soldiers. He was surprised to find that in the military training, the one who performed best and worked hardest was the Zhou Xun. So,

Wu Shigong divided the military training team into three temporary hundred households, and asked Wang Baihu to lead one group, and Zhou Xun also led one group. Wu Shigong asked his fourth brother-in-law to lead the last group on the pretense of public service. Moreover, those who performed well in the military training

Soldiers were also arranged at the positions of the small banners and the general banner of these temporary hundreds of households.

At noon on the third day of the military training, Wu Shigong first sent people to Hu Ming, a hundred households in the East Factory, and Li Pengfei, a hundred households in the Jinyi Guards, to inform them, and then sent people to the three deputy commanders to ask their soldiers to cooperate.

Then, Wu Shigong ordered the door to be sealed and no one was allowed to enter. After all the military training soldiers had eaten the dinner specially delivered from the restaurant outside, Wu Shigong gathered all the military training soldiers and announced to them: "The Nancheng Military and Horse Command Department is cracking down on pornography."

The summer offensive against organized crime has officially begun."

This chapter has been completed!
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