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Chapter 453 The city wall is down

"Boom", the city wall shook violently. Qian Qi shook and held on to the parapet wall on the side to prevent it from falling. Before she could stand firm, Qian Qi shouted: "Fire quickly! You must fire this cannon."

Knock it off!"

After the camp invaded Ningling County, they prepared to have a carnival, but what greeted them was a fire. Then they discovered that there was a second city wall in the city, and all the soldiers who broke into the camp were immediately killed.

For this siege, Chuangying suffered heavy losses. So far, more than 2,000 people in Chuangying have been killed and nearly 3,000 injured. Due to the lack of medical treatment and medicine by the peasant rebel army, half of the injured may have been injured.

He couldn't survive. What made Gao Yingxiang even more heartbroken was that more than 600 veterans from the three sides were killed in the battle.

Originally, according to the nature of the peasant rebel army and banditry, it was absolutely impossible to attack such a small county town without any concern for losses.

But it was also because Ningling County was a small county, and breaking into the hinterland of Henan to attack the county was too smooth, so they launched the siege casually. However, as they continued to attack, the anger of both sides came out.

However, after all the hard work, they entered the city, only to find that there was a wall behind it. You can imagine the feeling of collapse. So a leader immediately asked Gao Yingxiang to give up.

But Gao Yingxiang could not give up. If he had known that Ningling County was so difficult to conquer before attacking the city, or if the casualties in breaking into the camp were not too large, Gao Yingxiang might have retreated. But it took such a high price to attack the city.

City, if we retreat just because there is still a city wall, then where will Gao Yingxiang's face go? Wouldn't he, the leader of the world's rebellion, be laughed at by other rebel leaders?

However, Gao Yingxiang, who was a little calmer, also knew that he could no longer attack like this. To be an alliance leader, you must not only have the reputation, but more importantly, the strength of the alliance leader. Otherwise, imagine how Chen Youliang killed his leader back then.

By Xu Shouhui.

What should we do? Let's persuade him to surrender first. To be honest, Gao Yingxiang now admires the Ming general who defends the city. He thought to himself: "As long as this Ming general surrenders, he will arrange a big boss position for him in the camp."

Sit down."

But Gao Yingxiang never expected that this attempt to persuade him to surrender would turn into a farce. When the caller just shouted to the city: "King Chuang wants you to surrender!", Qian Qi in the city replied: "We don't accept you.

surrender because Ningling County is too small to accommodate the intruders and so many prisoners!"

Qian Qi's answer immediately caused the soldiers guarding the city to burst into laughter. And his witty answer spread throughout Ningling County like a gust of wind, making everyone in the city have high morale.

This made Gao Yingxiang a little bit stuck. If he didn't attack, he would lose his prestige; if he attacked, seeing the high morale in the city, how many people would have to break into the camp and fill it in?

Fortunately, a discovery made by Gao Yingxiang's men solved the problem at this time. They found that there was an artillery piece on the city wall that had not been destroyed. As long as the artillery was used to open a gap in the inner city wall, the large number of people who broke into the camp could completely capture the county seat.


There are many veterans on three sides of the camp, so it is easy to find a few soldiers who can fire artillery. Although these soldiers cannot master the precise aiming of artillery in a short time, for such a large city wall, the distance between the inner and outer walls

It's not far away, so you can hit it no matter what if you launch it.

When he saw the cannons breaking into the camp, Qian Qi in the inner city also became nervous. He gathered the only two artillery pieces in the inner city to shoot down the artillery that broke into the camp.

However, the battle positions of both sides were very unfavorable to the Runing Army. The artillery that broke into the camp only needed to hit the city wall, but the artillery of the Runing Army had to accurately hit the artillery that broke into the camp. In addition, the outer city wall was higher than the inner city wall.

It is about one foot away. Therefore, as long as the artillery that breaks into the camp retreats, the artillery of the Runing Army will not be able to hit it.

Of course, the artilleryman of the Chuang camp also discovered this. As soon as he fired it, he quickly pushed the artillery back, causing the Runing Army's artillery fire to fail repeatedly. If it were not for the fact that the artillery that fell into the hands of the Chuang camp was only one pound, it was really powerful.

If it is too small, the inner city with only simple walls will be defeated long ago.

This hide-and-seek between the artillery guns lasted for half a day. Under repeated shelling, there were already traces of cracks on the inner city wall.

However, the artillerymen of the Runing Army gradually figured out the rules for breaking into the camp and bombarding them. Because the distance between the inner and outer city walls was less than a hundred steps, the entire open space between the city walls was the shooting range of the Runing Army's artillery guns.

In order to prevent casualties, Chuangying withdrew his troops outside the city gate. They had already removed the bricks and stones blocking the city gate and opened the city gate. And the section of the wall facing the city gate is yours.

The wall newly built by the Ning army in the city is not very strong yet. Therefore, this is where the artillery that broke into the camp focused its attack.

In this case, there are only a few positions where the artillery that breaks into the camp will appear. The artillery of the Runing Army can guess at those positions.

But at this time, luck was not on the side of the Runing Army. Although the artillery fired several times almost hit the artillery that broke into the camp, it was still successfully fired by the artillery that broke into the camp, causing this section of the city wall to shake.

"Sir, the city wall is about to collapse. You'd better get down from the wall and take command. I'm here." The gunner who commanded the two artillery pieces said to Qian Qi.

"Then it's not dangerous for you to stay on the city wall?" Qian Qi asked.

"We need to knock out the rebel artillery. Otherwise, we will be in more trouble when there is a gap in the city wall." The gunner said firmly.

This was not the time to be pretentious. After Qian Qi said "Take care!", she took all the soldiers on this section of the wall except the gunners down the wall.

At this time, there were only about fifty gunmen from the Runing Army and more than 700 young men on the city wall defending the city wall. The remaining 200 soldiers from the Runing Army formed a square formation, waiting for the city wall to collapse.

Behind them, prepare to block the charge into the camp.

When the artillery that broke into the camp appeared again, the artillery of the Runing Army, which had been prepared for a long time, fired immediately. This time it finally hit the artillery that broke into the camp. The artillery rolled and fell outside Ningling County.

However, the artillery that broke into the camp also fired shells at the same time. The shells also hit the crumbling city wall, causing the entire city wall to collapse immediately, burying the two artillery on the wall and the gunners of the Runing Army who were about to cheer.

Got up.

And this section of the city wall immediately revealed a large gap of about five or six feet long. The soldiers who broke into the camp and observed at the city gate immediately shouted: "The city wall has fallen! The city wall has fallen!" (To be continued, please search Piao Tian Literature,

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