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Chapter 461 Approaching Runing House

"King Chuang! We really missed a good opportunity this time! If our main force did not run away and followed Chengzu and the others to press over, the Butcher Cao would probably not have escaped unscathed, and the main force of the army would not have escaped.

They may be defeated by us, maybe we all have a chance to capture Luoyang City!" Luo Rucai said with excitement, "Tsk tsk! There is a prince of the Dog Court in Luoyang City! I heard that he is also the uncle of the Dog Emperor, then

There must be mountains of gold and silver in the palace!"

Gao Yingxiang felt a little funny when he looked at Luo Rucai's appearance. He joked: "Speak for yourself! How many times have you said this along the way? I can hear it in my ears! However, I think Brother Luo is interested in

It’s not about gold and silver, it’s about the concubines and princesses in the palace!”

Luo Rucai was in a good mood, so he was not angry at all because of Gao Yingxiang's joke. He smiled cheerfully: "They are all there! They are all there!"

"Alas!" Gao Yingxiang sighed and advised, "We heroes can't indulge in women's bellies. You see, all the women you collected in your camp are in their 50s or 60s! It's time to calm down.


Luo Rucai replied nonchalantly: "King Chuang! This is what I like, brother! My ancestors have been afraid of poverty for eight lifetimes, and now it's time to live a more comfortable life."

Seeing Luo Rucai's attitude, Gao Yingxiang couldn't persuade him anymore, so he changed the subject: "Anyway, the Eight Kings are coming soon, so you brothers should have a good chat then!"

At this time, Zhang Xianzhong, who had just reached the door of the tent, shouted: "What are you talking about? I seem to hear the prince, princess or something!"

"You have a very good ear!" Luo Rucai immediately smiled and said to Zhang Xianzhong, "Just now King Chuang and I talked about the princess of the royal palace in Luoyang City."

"Then don't call her princess, call her princess! You, Cao Cao, are ignorant and incompetent!" Zhang Xianzhong laughed and scolded.

"It doesn't matter who she is, as long as she is a woman." Luo Rucai's words caused the three of them to laugh.

After Gao Yingxiang and Luo Rucai's troops went south, they reunited with Zhang Xianzhong's troops near Ruzhou. Today they happened to be gathering with other leaders to discuss their next move.

After entering Henan, the core members of these leaders did not suffer any losses, and their personnel and materials were greatly expanded. Therefore, after meeting, these leaders began to show off their gains. But while talking,

Then, they talked about the Ming army that made them all suffer losses.

"Cao Cao, you guessed wrong this time. This army is called the Runing Army. It is a coalition of Runing, Nanyang and Guide." Zhang Xianzhong introduced, "Although this army is good at fighting, its generals

He is a young man in his early twenties. He is very greedy for money. He also knows how to preserve his own strength. But as long as we don't get close to his territory, he usually won't come out to fight."

"Oh? I didn't expect that there are such generals in the mainland and they can train such a strong army!" Luo Rucai said in surprise. The other leaders present also had the same idea as Luo Rucai. The military attachés of the Ming Dynasty were not greedy for money or conserving their strength.

What's rare, what's rare is that there are military attaches who would train troops properly.

In fact, at this time, Zhang Xianzhong also understood that Wu Shigong used a delaying strategy against him. It was to escape from Ruzhou and return to Guide Mansion. However, Zhang Xianzhong sent tens of thousands taels to support Wu Shigong's delaying strategy. This made Zhang Xianzhong full of words.

It's so bitter, and such a shameful thing cannot be explained clearly. It's so full of bitter water that I can't pour it out!

But after all, the peasant rebel army has been rebelling for so long. The elite Ming army they encountered were not just one or two, so after understanding the situation of the Runing army, they began to discuss their own action plans.


At this time, Luo Rucai first proposed to return to Shaanxi. Luo Rucai was a person with a strong sense of hometown. In his opinion, if he could not show off in front of his fellow villagers when he was strong, he would be walking at night in brocade clothes!

There was no opposition from the leaders to Luo Rucai's idea. Li Zicheng, who stayed in Shaanxi, and the Hui Hui tribe were somewhat weak. With the addition of Luo Rucai's tribe, they could completely shake up the situation in Shaanxi and Gansu, and entangle Hong Chengchou's army that entered Henan.


Then some leaders proposed to cross the Yellow River north to Shanxi. However, this proposal was immediately rejected. In a few months, the Yellow River will thaw. By then, the Ming army will be surrounded and suppressed from all sides, and the peasant rebel army will have very little room for maneuver.

Too small. Besides, the leaders of the peasant rebel army still have fresh memories of the siege here at Mianchidu more than a year ago.

Then there was only one direction. It was to enter the Xiangfan area of ​​Huguang through Nanyang Prefecture. But at this time, Zhang Xianzhong suddenly proposed a bold plan, which was to cross Runing Prefecture and capture Fengyang.

Zhang Xianzhong said this: "No matter which road our rebels take, it is an old road we have walked repeatedly, and we will not gain much along the way. And Fengyang is the hometown of the Dog Emperor, where there are countless gold and silver treasures, and food and grass are countless.

It’s piled up like a mountain. Besides, we also have a lot of people, so we might as well divide our troops into several groups to coordinate with each other, each to contain the officers and soldiers.”

"What we are worried about is nothing more than the Runing army, but it is currently fighting at the Huaiqing border with the two brothers Guo Tianxing and Hengtian Wang. It cannot return to Runing Mansion for a while. The defense there must be empty.


"As long as we don't get entangled in the cities along the way and speed up our pace because of the large number of people, we can quickly pass through Nanyang Mansion and Runing Mansion and avoid the return reinforcements of the Runing Army."

"Think about it again. If we capture Fengyang, the morale of our rebel army will be greatly improved! It will be much easier to recruit people in the future. Moreover, the Gou court would never have imagined that we would capture Fengyang. This way

Although it seemed a bit dangerous, it was completely beyond the expectations of the dog officials, and it was actually very safe!"

Zhang Xianzhong's plan immediately aroused fierce debate among the leaders, but most of the leaders still opposed the plan because they were really unwilling to fight against the Runing army anymore.

However, after the meeting, the powerful leaders such as King Sweeper and King Taiping found Zhang Xianzhong. They were willing to work with Zhang Xianzhong's troops to conquer Fengyang, the central capital of the Ming Dynasty.

So on the ninth day of the first lunar month, the main force of the peasant rebel army entered Nanyang Prefecture. Although they did not attack Nanyang Prefecture, Zhang Xianzhong's troops deliberately entered a place about twenty miles away from Ye County to test the reaction of the Runing army.

Shumo and Chuge, who were stationed in Ye County, immediately put the entire army on defense and sent fast horses to report to the headquarters of the Runing Army. Zhang Xianzhong saw that the entire Runing Army retreated, so he sent a large number of reconnaissance cavalry into the Runing Mansion to investigate and confirm.

Runing Mansion was empty.

On the 10th, a total of 150,000 people from Zhang Xianzhong, King Sweeper and King Taiping broke away from the main force of the peasant rebel army, bypassed Ye County and quickly came towards Runan. (To be continued...)

This chapter has been completed!
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