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Chapter 483: The establishment of the military commander

After Zhu Dadian learned about the great victory of the Runing Army in Huainan, he immediately counted the troops and rushed to the Huainan section of the Huaihe River. When they arrived, they were immediately shocked by the corpses all over the river and on the ground. What a powerful army it takes to do this

Achieve such results?

But after the shock, they were overjoyed. Although some of the corpses were washed away by the river, there were still nearly 30,000 corpses left behind. These were all given to them by Wu Shigong, who they thought was bragging!

So the work of cutting off the heads and burying the bodies began immediately, and then a eloquent memorial to the Huainan victory was completed under the pen of Zhu Dadian himself.

The actions of Zhu Dadian's troops also brought great panic to the peasant rebels under Luzhou City. They thought that Zhu Dadian had come with heavy troops to help. Therefore, the situation at this time was extremely unfavorable to the peasant rebels.

Forced by helplessness, the peasant rebel army had no choice but to give up the attack on Luzhou, so on the morning of the third day of February, Zhang Xianzhong ordered the troops to withdraw from the siege and attack Chaoxian County instead.

At this time, the morale of Zhang Xianzhong's troops, who had suffered successive defeats, was somewhat low. However, Zhang Xianzhong retreated from Luzhou and turned to Jiangbei, where he captured Chaoxian County in one fell swoop.

Chao County is located in the north of Anhui, far away from Fengyang. Zhang Xianzhong arrived quietly and unexpectedly. At this time, the county magistrate was Yan Kuan. Someone reported to him that bandits were coming. Without thinking, he ordered everyone to flog the messenger.

Soon, he once again learned that the rebels had arrived at the city. He was so frightened that he fled in a hurry in a sedan chair. But as soon as he arrived at the north gate of the city, he happened to encounter the peasant rebels and was immediately captured.

The peasant rebel army entered the city, killed the magistrate Yan Kuan, seized the magistrate's seal, opened the prison, and released more than 200 people in prison. All those who were willing to join the peasant rebel army were given clothes and weapons.

Then the peasant rebel army went to war in Shucheng, Wuwei, Hunan, Qianshan, Taihu, Susong and other places, and won successive victories. Zhang Xianzhong's troops also received a large amount of supplies and expanded a large number of troops. The whole team was like blowing up a balloon.

The number has expanded to over 100,000. This peasant rebel army is fully alive again.

At this time, the imperial court's order also reached Zhu Dadian's department of the Ming army. Zhu Dadian was transferred to the governor of Fengyang. So he led Yan Dingshan and other cavalry troops back to Fengyang to take office.

Eunuch Luo was relieved of his duties as the eunuch guarding Nanjing. He would face a life in the cold palace, and the Nanjing camp would also return to Nanjing. As for Zuo Liangyu and other Ming troops, they would join the siege by Hong Chengchou, the governor of the five provinces.

In the army.

However, none of this will affect Wu Shigong for the time being, because the current war zone is also far away from the control area of ​​​​the Runing Army. When Wu Shigong returns to the headquarters of the Runing Army, the first thing he has to do is to straighten out the command system of the Runing Army.


In his self-summary of this campaign, Wu Shigong believed that the Runing Army did a good job in seizing opportunities and commanding on the spot, choosing tactics, and using soldiers' combat skills. Even in terms of discipline, appearance, and bravery, they were also worthy of their praise.

Praiseful. Even in some aspects, he did quite well.

The only problem that arises is that the top command system of the Runing Army has some shortcomings. In other words, Wu Shigong discovered that the current Runing Army has some well-developed limbs and simple minds.

Why did the Runing Army, which performed so well, not only fail to achieve a decisive victory in the battle with the peasant rebels, but was mobilized to exhaustion by the peasant rebels, and even its own Runan and Guide were harmed. In the end, both

Did it lead to the fall of Fengyang, the central capital?

The reason was that the peasant rebel army was indeed powerful and the Runing Army was insufficient in strength; there was also the reason that the intelligence was blocked and the friendly forces were inactive. But Wu Shigong was not a person who liked to shirk responsibility. He just wanted to find out his own shortcomings and make up for them.

Tracing back to the source, Wu Shigong discovered that he was passive in this campaign because he misjudged the offensive route of the peasant rebel army. Although this kind of self-blame was a bit harsh, because the gods never imagined that the peasant rebel army would adopt a three-pronged attack strategy.

.However, Wu Shigong still believed that his Runing Army had great shortcomings.

If the Runing Army had formulated a combat plan for all possible scenarios before the war, even if Wu Shigong made a mistake in his judgment, the local troops would have been able to respond in time according to the combat plan, at least without the losses as big as they are now. They could even have saved the dangerous ones.

Nipped in the bud.

Therefore, Wu Shigong’s first priority when he returns this time is to establish an organization similar to the General Staff of later generations, and all combat affairs of the Runing Army will be handled by this organization. Don’t let Wu Shigong alone take on the highest command tasks, and

Work together, and with the input of a large group of staff, perfect all combat plans.

What is worthy of recognition is that Wu Shigong is indeed a person with strong learning ability. He is indeed able to gain experience and grow rapidly from every experience.

Wu Shigong could be said to have touched the threshold of modern war. Because Germany, as the initiator of modern war, its founding symbol was precisely the establishment of the famous German General Staff.

In addition to being responsible for all affairs in the military, the German General Staff's greatest role is in two points:

One point is the formulation of combat plans. For example, the famous Schlieffen Plan in World War I. Although a German general once jokingly said: On the first day of any military plan, you will find that his arguments are wrong.

But as long as you have a plan, you can always control the process of the war. As long as you can make full use of the strengths of your own army, you can always achieve your strategic goals.

Another point is the training of the officer corps. In the German army, the best military cadets trained by military academies are not assigned to combat units. They all go to the General Staff Headquarters as orderlies for senior generals.

Although they still have to do trivial tasks such as delivering water and tea, these orderlies can learn many valuable experiences that cannot be learned in books from the words and deeds of senior officers.

After a period of time, these servicemen were transferred to the German army as junior officers. When those junior officers compete with each other and outstanding ones emerge again, the German army will again send these officers to the General Staff as staff officers.

Such repeated training back and forth from the grassroots to the headquarters resulted in these officers having rich experience in leading troops and being able to view strategic issues from the perspective of the country's overall situation. Therefore, in the First and Second World Wars, the German army established this world

The most powerful army in the world, and the officer corps trained by the German General Staff also played an important role in it.

Therefore, many military experts believe that in the second world, the best military general of the German army was not Rommel, because he had never entered the German General Staff. Although the author somewhat disagrees with this view, I have to admit that

Rommel's strategic vision was indeed somewhat lacking.

According to the author's opinion, there were two outstanding German generals in the Second World, not Guderian and Manstein, but Air Marshal Kesselring and Field Marshal Model.

Not many people know about these two little-known marshals, but compared to their military exploits, they are really a bit of a secret. As for their life stories, if you are interested, you can read them, and you will suddenly find that it is so

Many famous battles were actually commanded by them. And these two marshals happened to be outstanding leaders trained by the German General Staff.

In fact, it turned out that Wu Shigong's personal troops also had the prototype of training officers for the German General Staff. Although Wu Shigong did not have much military knowledge in modern times, in the information society, he could always obtain some military knowledge intentionally or unintentionally from various media.

Information, so he had the idea of ​​establishing a command system similar to that of a modern army, which was not unexpected at all.

What's even more gratifying is that Wu Shigong decided to take this step, so the war machine of the Runing Army was finally equipped with a brain.

Now that we have decided to establish such an organization, let's come up with a name first. It will definitely not work to use the modern term "General Staff", otherwise Wu Shigong will waste a lot of spit explaining it to others.

So Wu Shigong came up with a pretty decent name - Military Command Division. But compared to Wu Shigong's painstaking naming skills, he has already surpassed his level in naming such a name.

As for the director of the Military Command Department, he must be Xue Yongli. In the former Runing Army, although Xue Yongli and Zhou Xun were the chief and deputy commanders and seemed to have great power, neither of them actually controlled the army.

When the Runing Army fought, Wu Shigong often fought in person, and they often appeared as Wu Shigong's deputies. Therefore, these two talents were somewhat wasted.

This time to straighten out the command system of the Runing Army, Wu Shigong also decided to put Xue Yongli and Zhou Xun in appropriate positions.

The next step is to choose Xue Yongli's deputy. Wu Shigong is interested in four people, namely Zuge, Shumo, Gonzalez and Xue Cunyi.

Zuge has a more flexible mind; Shumo is good at offensive and defensive warfare; Gonzalez has experience in artillery and navy; and Xue Cunyi will become the head of the independent intelligence department of the army.

This time Wu Shigong also discovered that the Shanchuan Division was too complicated in its intelligence work, which caused the Runing Army to be late in getting the news of the intrusion of the North Road Peasant Rebel Army. So this time, he simply established an independent intelligence agency for the army, and then placed the Shanchuan Division in the middle.

The departments and personnel who draw maps will be centralized, which will make the efficiency more efficient and create competition and mutual supervision between intelligence agencies.

Of course, Wu Shigong also had good intentions for this staffing. Because except for Xue Cunyi, the other three deputy directors were not the original guards of the Xue Mansion.

In addition, the Military Command will also establish three other departments. One is responsible for logistics; one is responsible for medical care, including the management of doctors and veterinarians; and the other is responsible for weapons and equipment. How these three departments will be equipped will not be discussed until the Military Command is established.

(To be continued...)

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