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Chapter 50 Darkness

On June 15th, Wu Shigong showed up at the Yamen and asked Li Mu to temporarily take care of the Military and Horses Yamen. Then he hurriedly took several temporary hundred-household teams participating in military training to Caishikou outside Xuanwumen.

Because Caishikou is the place where beheadings take place, in order to take care of the onlookers, the place is relatively spacious. Wu Shigong has made an appointment with President Lin of the carriage and horse dealer to meet the requisitioned carriages at that place.

But before they arrived at Caishikou, the crowd was already huge. With the soldiers clearing the way, Wu Shigong finally arrived at Caishikou, and saw President Lin who was sweating profusely before he squeezed in. President Lin told Wu Shigong that the car

The 1,200 horse carriages from Ma Xing have been prepared, but there are too many people at Caishikou and they cannot drive over.

Why were there so many people in Caishikou? Wu Shigong was a little surprised. At this time, another military attache squeezed in from outside. The military attache was sent by Xue Lian. He told Wu Shigong that those people were recruited from the victims.

It turned out that Xue Lian recruited more than 6,000 workers from the victims, and sent them to Nancheng to take care of his son-in-law. When these more than 6,000 people were crowded, it was not a huge crowd. There was no way, Wu Shigong ordered all

The workers began to group into groups, and the carriages working with the carriages began to clean up the ruins.

But not long after they were grouped, the problem came again. Those workers were still bare-handed. It was not necessary to let them clean up the ruins with their hands. So Wu Shigong sent a few more soldiers to escort Wang Baihu and Shumo to those who were there.

Ropes, sacks, shovels and pole poles were requisitioned from the shop. Wu Shigong told them that all the requisitioned materials must be issued with a white slip, and the quantity and price of the requisitioned materials must be written on the white slip, with the official seal of the Army and Horses Division stamped on it. These will be used in the future.

With this white note, the shop owner went to the Military and Horse Department to collect the silver.

Because on that day, Xue Lian had already told Wu Shigong the political significance of this disaster relief, so Wu Shigong was willing to spend some money this time to help his father-in-law secure his position.

Not long after being so busy, it was time for lunch. Xue Lian sent people to bring dry food and water to these workers. It seemed that Xue Lian was spending a lot of money to ensure the physical strength of these workers. Then,

Distributing food, distributing tools, and even built some temporary toilets to solve the three urgent needs of these workers. Wu Shigong couldn't help but shook his head in shock. He was very busy with just arranging such 6,000 people. The ancient

Aren't those great generals with hundreds of thousands or millions of troops too busy and dizzy?

The power of many people is great. By the afternoon, half of a shop had been cleared. The craftsmen from the Ministry of Works who were waiting aside had already prepared building materials. On the open space where the ruins had been cleared, according to the

Planning and construction of the first house began.

Unexpectedly, when the first brick was laid, all the workers and the onlookers burst into cheers. These victims had been living in the huts with bad environment and sewage for more than a month, and now they saw the opportunity to live in new houses.

The hope, the joy was definitely sincere. Seeing the victims so happy, Wu Shigong's heart was of course filled with the pleasure of doing good deeds. Although his doing good deeds was just a by-product of making money. At this time, an old man came to Wu Shigong

Kneeling down and kowtow, he was extremely grateful to Wu Shigong. Wu Shigong was also moved by this. The people in our country do not have high demands, as long as the government does a little bit for them.

At this time, Wu Shigong suddenly had an idea in his head. When he saw that Zhou Xun was the only temporary household left by his side, he called Zhou Xun over and asked him to go to the Military and Horse Division to ask Li Li to look after him.

He brought over all the literate documents from the Soldiers and Horses Division. Moreover, he also selected all the literate soldiers around him.

After Xu Limu arrived with documents, Wu Shigong arranged for them to say: "You all bring paper and pens, go to these victims, and write down all the words they want to express their gratitude to the emperor. Remember: What the victims say, you

Record everything without missing a word. No changes are allowed. After that, write down the address and name of the victim who spoke these words on the paper. Finally, sign the name of your recorder for verification."

All the personnel accepted Wu Shigong's order. They quickly recorded several such letters of thanksgiving. Wu Shigong quickly sent someone to deliver these letters of thanksgiving to Xue Lian. Xue Lian took a look and immediately discovered that these letters of thanksgiving were huge.

On the one hand, he sent these letters of gratitude to Wei Zhongxian; on the other hand, Xue Lian also sent all the scribes around him to imitate his son-in-law Wu Shigong and go to the victims to record them.

After Wei Zhongxian received these letters of thanksgiving, he was simply amazed. Think about it: if these two things were placed in front of the emperor. One was to scold Wei Zhongxian and Xue Lian, and some reflected the impeachment memorial of the emperor's unknown employer;

They are letters of gratitude like, "In all my years of living, old man, I have never seen an emperor who cares so much about our people...". Moreover, these letters of gratitude also have information and records about the person who said this.

I am not afraid that the emperor will review the name of the author. There are more than one such letter of gratitude, but thousands of them. What do you think the emperor would think? Wei Zhongxian immediately decided to make good use of this weapon and give it to Donglin at the right time.

The most painful blow for party officials.

Xue Lian saw that Wu Shigong's arrangements were quite orderly, so he put the burden on Wu Shigong. After Wei Zhongxian agreed, Xue Lian officially appointed Wu Shigong as the person in charge of the rubble disposal. On the first day of cleaning up the rubble, Wu Shigong was busy

It was so dark. I was exhausted when I returned to Xue Mansion. After dinner, I fell asleep. Xue Yufei felt a little distressed and a little happy when she saw it. Every woman would probably be like this when she saw her husband busy doing business.


The helper finally came. Xue Lian arranged it. Zhang Kequan, the younger brother of Master Zhang Kehua next to Xue Lian, finally appeared as Wu Shigong's master. Zhang Kequan's ability to do things was quite high. After jointly handling two cases with Wu Shigong,

After three days of cleaning up the ruins, Wu Shigong got started quickly. This made Wu Shigong very happy. Moreover, Wu Shigong himself also greatly exercised and improved his ability to organize large events through this organizational work.

After handing over everything in his hands to Master Zhang Kequan, Wu Shigong could finally relax and inspect the site where the ruins were being cleared. Of course, he first inspected his shop that had become ruins. He also saw Shopkeeper Zheng who was waiting beside the ruins.

.But the cloth shop rescued not many pieces of cloth. Wu Shigong took care of the soldiers and returned all the cloth to shopkeeper Zheng. This was more or less his own wish.

Wu Shigong remembered that Sun Chengxiu was also a victim, so he rushed there again. Sure enough, he saw Sun Chengxiu. But what surprised Wu Shigong was that there was a seventeen or eight-year-old girl next to Sun Chengxiu. It turned out that in just a few days, Sun Chengxiu had gone from

The daughter of a family affected by the disaster married a daughter-in-law. Old cows eat young grass! Wu Shigong was secretly amused. After Sun Chengxiu introduced both parties, the little girl saluted Wu Shigong and said, "Well, uncle." This made Wu Shigong.

I was a little strange. I was about the same age as that little girl, so why did I call myself uncle? Then I realized that the little girl was calling "brother-in-law" "uncle".

Wu Shigong blamed Sun Chengxiu and said: Why didn't he call his good friend for such a big event as getting married? Sun Chengxiu defended himself and said: He had already called, but the concierge of the Xue Mansion told him that Wu Shigong was busy cleaning up the ruins these days.

So I didn't have time. In order not to disturb Wu Shigong's business, Sun Chengxiu decided to invite Wu Shigong in the future.

Sun Chengxiu was indeed unlucky. In the end, the 1,200 taels of silver buried in the ruins were not found. Wu Shigong was also busy visiting other places. The two met, and Wu Shigong would visit Sun Chengxiu when he was free.

After that, the two said goodbye.

During the next inspection, the soldiers of the Military and Horse Division who were making a fortune saw the arrival of their beloved Commander Wu, and they all presented gifts in their hands. Wu Shigong also accepted the kindness of these soldiers with a smile. It was Na Hefei.

The gift presented made Wu Shigong dumbfounded. At that time, Hefei and the others happened to find some unbroken porcelain in a porcelain shop. Hefei snatched a teapot with the most exquisite design and the largest size as a gift to Wu Shigong.

His master. The teapot is really big. The mouth of the teapot can fit into a baby's arm. Wu Shigong took a closer look, isn't this a chamber pot!?

After working like this for a few more days, Wu Shigong saw that everything was on track, so he sent people to meet with Hu Ming from Dongchang and Li Pengfei from Jinyiwei. He also notified all the gang leaders in Nancheng to gather together.

.Wu Shigong decided that it was time to teach the big bosses of these gangs a lesson.

This chapter has been completed!
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