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Chapter 496 The troublesome Wu Shigong

Originally, in the snow-like impeachment memorial, Ye Zhong's flash of red would definitely be ignored. Even this memorial could not attract the attention of the cabinet and the Supervisor of Ceremonies at all, because Ye Zhong's rank was too low. In the final analysis,

Ye Zhong was just a young eunuch under Xiao Yuegui, the Henan military supervisor.

Fortunately, although Zhu Dadian, the governor of water transportation, also impeached Wu Shigong, he still reported Wu Shigong's achievements on the Huaihe River in a matter-of-fact manner in his memorial. Although this credit was extremely cut corners after profit sharing, it at least confirmed that

This improved the accuracy of Ye Zhong’s petition for meritorious service.

It was not until this time that Emperor Chongzhen and the court ministers were surprised to find that there were so many great victories in the Central Plains bandit suppression campaign. What was even more surprising was that these great victories were all created by the notorious Bai Ding and his troops.


This situation aroused the curiosity of Emperor Chongzhen, and he immediately ordered to read Wu Shigong's memorials to verify the two facts and find out the truth of the matter. Emperor Chongzhen has been on the throne for seven or eight years, and he is already very familiar with those things.

Civil servants have a urinary nature, so they already know that they cannot listen to one side of the story.

However, the eunuch who took the order went down to search around, but found that there was no memorial from Wu Shigong at all. Wu Shigong was very "conscious" and adhered to the fine style of "not seeking political affairs if he is not in his position!" Since his official position was

If he was exempted, then he would not have wasted his efforts in writing the memorial.

Besides, the memorials submitted by Wu Shigong in the past could not be delivered to the court of Emperor Chongzhen. Although Wu Shigong's small guard also accepted his memorials, they were basically read by the bachelor and then forwarded to the Ministry of War for processing.

.This is why Wu Shigong had to send a message to Emperor Chongzhen through a private message written to Eunuch Qin.

However, this rule was not specifically targeted at Wu Shigong by the imperial court. Just imagine that every military attaché above the garrison level in the Ming Dynasty would submit a memorial to ask for military pay once a month. Wouldn't Emperor Chongzhen be annoyed to death?

And not only Wu Shigong, but also the memorials of Li Lu and Zhao Ming could not be found. This time they would not dare to ride on Wu Shigong's boat. They were both afraid of the bad consequences of being afraid of being famous and being afraid of being strong.

I shuddered.

And after searching carefully, Emperor Chongzhen discovered another strange phenomenon. Almost no local officials in Runing, Guide and Nanyang Ye County impeached Wu Shigong.

It was Wang Chengen's words that solved Emperor Chongzhen's doubts: "The son-in-law of the Xuehou family seems to have achieved some success, but his relationship with his colleagues is too bad. Your Majesty! Good things don't go out, and bad things spread thousands of miles!"

Of course, there was also an official who had returned to Germany to impeach Wu Shigong, and that was Yu Zilian, the magistrate of Ningling County. Yu Zilian also knew that he had caused great trouble by taking away the militia, and was afraid that Wu Shigong would impeach him first, so he acted first.

Moreover, the content of Yu Zilian's impeachment was quite shocking. He said in the memorial: Wu Shigong was in Runing, returning to Germany to amass wealth, build up troops, and invite people's hearts. His plans were evil. The court should be more careful about Wu Shigong.

Don't say it either. The person who knows you best is definitely your enemy. This Yu Zilian's memorial is also the closest to the truth. But how could such an isolated memorial attract the attention of the court? Besides, the personal feud between Yu Zilian and Wu Shigong

It's not a secret. The imperial court regarded this shocking-looking memorial as an opportunity for Yu Zilian to take revenge.

So Emperor Chongzhen immediately summoned his chief minister Wen Tiren and the sick Minister of War Zhang Fengyi to discuss the matter. Wen Tiren's answer was simple: suppressing bandits is the top priority now, and with Wu Runing's strong army, he is always a helping hand. As for other crimes, they can be

Fines, reduction of official positions, or settling accounts after the fall. It is better to stay still for the time being!

Here, the imperial court did not even think about transferring Wu Shigong, and transferred another military attache to lead the Runing Army. It was not that the court ministers were negligent, but that the Ming Dynasty's system determined that this could only be done.

If a civilian officer leads the army, then transferring a civilian officer is fine. But if a military attache leads the army, if a military attache is transferred, according to the rules of the Ming Dynasty, the transferred military officer will take away all his servants. In other words, these military attachés will be transferred.

All the officers of an army were taken away. Without officers, any strong army would immediately become a weak brigade. Therefore, unless the military attache defeated all the backbone of his servants, the court would generally not arrest and

Those who execute defeated military attaches will not be able to randomly transfer military attaches.

This is also the reason why the military attachés of the Ming Dynasty preserved their strength. This can also be seen from the fact that although Wu Shigong was beaten to the end, the court still wanted him to stay in the Runing Army to perform meritorious service. If Wu Shigong was let go, Wu Shigong could justifiably

Take away all the officers of the Runing Army, because those officers are all servants who signed a contract with Wu Shigong! They are all Wu Shigong's personal belongings.

But now Wu Shigong no longer has an official position, so punishments such as fines and reductions in office have no effect. The only thing left to do is settle accounts after the fall. However, Emperor Chongzhen and these ministers are also in trouble. Wu Shigong's loss of official position will be difficult for him.

Done, unless Wu Shigong committed the serious crime of beheading, otherwise, since there is no way to punish him, he can only watch Wu Shigong do whatever he wants.

However, the following several heavyweight memorials made Emperor Chongzhen and the important officials of the court even more determined that they could no longer let Wu Shigong have his freedom.

The first is the memorial from Hong Chengchou, the governor of the five provinces. In this memorial, Hong Chengchou was furious with Wu Shigong. After entering Henan, Hong Chengchou saw and heard all the way. Of course, he was deeply impressed by the strength of the Runing army, so he wanted to think of Wu Shigong.

and the Runing army were taken back to their tents.

Unexpectedly, Hong Chengchou was rejected immediately. Not only did Wu Shigong not take the initiative to look for Hong Chengchou, he even called the generals to Xinyang to discuss matters, but Wu Shigong refused unceremoniously.

Not only that, Wu Shigong also sent an ultimatum-like letter to Hong Chengchou: warning Hong Chengchou to strictly observe military discipline when his army passed through Runing Mansion.

This made Hong Chengchou angry to death. Who did Wu Runing think he was? Did he think he was the local emperor of Runing Mansion? Did he think that his official position as governor of the five provinces was not enough to give orders...?

But after Hong Chengchou discussed with his staff, they found that he, the governor of the five provinces, really could not give orders to Wu Shigong. Now that Wu Shigong was no longer in the officialdom, the official hierarchy was of no use to him, and Wu Shigong had no obligation to obey Hong Chengchou, the five-province governor.

Order of the Provincial Governor.

The Runing Army can also be said to be the Minzhuang recruited by Wu Shigong in Runing Prefecture. It is a non-governmental organization that protects his hometown. It is okay to let them defend Runing Prefecture, but if you want to transfer them into the bandit-suppressing army, then it depends on you.

The leader of the Ning Army, Wu Shigong, was in a bad mood. (To be continued...)

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