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Chapter 510: Adapting the Firm's Guard

The death of Cao Wenzhao caused the peasant army to launch a new wave of attacks.

These two great victories allowed Gao Yingxiang, Li Zicheng and other troops to obtain a large number of firearms. Therefore, the peasant army then attacked Chengcheng and Xianyang with fierce artillery fire, and besieged Xi'an again. During the artillery exchange between Xi'an's offensive and defensive forces, Lian Hong Chengchou

They almost died.

Only because Hong Chengchou moved the main force of the Ming army to Xi'an City, and the officials in the city mobilized the people, and the King of Qin also used the palace's grain and silver for military supplies, Xi'an was barely saved.

And Zhang Xianzhong led his troops to launch an attack at Zhuyang Pass, a military town at the junction of Shaanxi and Henan (today's southwest of Lushi, Henan). The Ming army guarding the pass died and fled, and the entire army was defeated. There was no heroic pass, but no heroic soldiers. This pass was also

It's just a bluff.

But all this still has not reached Wu Shigong and Runing's army. The backward communication methods lead to poor information, and there is no way to do it. However, the rusty bureaucracy of the Ming Dynasty was even more difficult when the military situation was at a fever pitch.

Dead old life.

Because he was busy with the war and the subsequent siege of Xi'an, Hong Chengchou had no time to inform Henan of Shaanxi's war report. As a result, Henan still needed to judge the war situation in Shaanxi through the court's reports and some hearsay information. Therefore, it can be said that Hong Chengchou did not have time to inform Henan at all.

He failed to fulfill his responsibilities as governor of the five provinces.

When the battle reports traveled from Shaanxi to Beijing and then to Henan, the timeliness and completeness of those battle reports were greatly compromised. It was under such circumstances that the Runing Army started this military operation.

"Mengzi! You've done a good job. In just a few days, you have recruited these people again. They are not just cheating, right?" Wu Shigong asked

Wu Shigong arrived in Ye County on June 10th. When he learned that Chang Meng's reclamation firm had recruited more than 2,300 guards, he couldn't help but praise Chang Meng's high efficiency, but he was also worried.

Chang Meng leaked some water in order to please himself.

Seeing that Wu Shigong had questions, Chang Meng quickly assured him: "Sir! The new recruits were recruited according to the new standards after Commander Zhang arrived. Their bodies should be stronger than those of the previous guards. You also know, master. As long as we open up

You can recruit more than ten times more without any effort. Although being a guard is risky, it is better than mining or working as a serf in a farm outside. People are eager to sign up. If you don’t believe me, you can ask Commander Zhang.

The master's business is the most important, and I will never let you mess up!"

In order to help command and train the guards of the trading company, Wu Shigong transferred Zhang Biao this time. This made Zhang Biao very happy. After all, the position was higher, and at least he had many more people. As for the Zhu Qilan incident, Zhang Biao was

The shadow caused by it has also been wiped away. It seems that I will continue to flatter my elders more in the future!

However, Zhang Biao would not hide the issues that should be reported: "Sir! Although the physical assessment standards for the selection of those guards are lower than those of our Runing Army, after these days of training, they have barely passed the test. It's just that the discipline is too high.

Poor. Farmers are stupid as hell. You have to teach them things several times, which is very laborious! The better ones are those guys who rob the way. They learn things very quickly, but they only shake half a bottle of water and think they are learning.

With these, I am the best in the world. They are all guys who have never seen the martial arts of our Runing army. They are no longer willing to put in the effort. And the number of people we sent here is very small, and these guards do not have much military pay. So it is very difficult.

It's difficult to control. I just hope that the adults will come and give us a charter."

"Oh." Wu Shigong nodded to show that he understood, "This military training matter cannot be rushed. It was not like that when we first arrived in Guide. Tell me! What support do you need from me?"

"The purpose is to incorporate these people into our Runing Army and give them a head start. It is impossible to compare with our son-in-law, but we must come up with a charter that rewards diligence and punishes laziness. Otherwise, these people's hearts will be scattered.

." What Zhang Biao said was also very practical.

Wu Shigong thought for a while and ordered: "Let's do this first! First, unify the military uniforms, shoes and hats. These will be supplied by our Runing Army. Regular uniforms for all seasons must be provided, and winter quilts must also be distributed. The clothing is the same as ours in Runing."

There are some differences between the military and the military, but at least they must be unified so that they feel that they are our people."

"Mengzi and Zhang Biao, you should also pay attention. The more guards the better, the better. You should adhere to one standard. Males of suitable age should be admitted according to the eleventh standard. Otherwise, our mines and villages will have no labor to work. Also give

Those guards have a hard-won feeling, and only then will they cherish it themselves."

"I will give you a quota of 500 people. As long as you perform well, you can be transferred to the Runing Army and enjoy all the benefits of soldiers in the Runing Army. I will also give you 50 quotas for teaching the Legion every season, so that these people can also have the opportunity to leap over the Dragon Gate.


"But remember the following points: As long as those who transfer to the Runing Army, their families will be controlled by our Runing Army. However, the support standards and children's education of these family members are also the same as those of our soldiers. Unmarried singles

Yes, arrange the marriage immediately. If the family members are not in our control area, they will be taken over directly through the Shanchuan Division and the Intelligence Bureau. Do not disobey."

"Not only that, as long as they join the escort of the trading company, they will be members of our Runing army life and death. If anyone surrenders to the enemy, surrenders or flees, their families will be implicated, and the escapees will be hunted and killed for life. These guards have also become familiar with our Runing army.

The army's training methods will be extremely harmful to us if released, so we must not relax."

"First of all, I will give you a regimental training town designation. These people will first organize ten regiments and a cavalry battalion. All officers above the company commander will be assigned by our Runing Army. The missing officers will be made up for you.

.I would like to urge Mr. Li and other shareholders of the trading company to supply weapons and food in time, so that they can at least have enough to eat."

"That's all for now. You go down and make arrangements! One day later, I will go out with eight regiments. Zhang Biao, you can command these guards. The remaining two regiments are left to Mengzi! You have no force in your hands.

General Li and the others can’t speak louder. And this time we just want to catch more rioters. We have too many people here and we are short of them!"

"No!" Zhang Biao and Chang Meng agreed immediately.

Wu Shigong's purpose of sending troops this time was to form a vacuum zone in the area where bandits were infested in Henan, and to move all the people and property in this area to the area controlled by the Runing Army. In this way, it actually played the role of strengthening the wall and clearing the country.

It also brought a lot of labor to the villages outside the Runing Army.

Anyway, these places were no longer able to work and produce due to the infestation of bandits, so the fields in these places were left to continue to be barren.

Although Henan is the hinterland of the Central Plains and has a large population, its manpower is not unlimited after all. After many years of fleeing from famine, coupled with repeated tug-of-war and coercion by officials and bandits, a large part of the population has actually been lost. And this time the Runing Army will make the final blow.

, completely turning central Henan into a no-man’s land. (To be continued...)

This chapter has been completed!
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