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Chapter five hundred and twelfth division

Of course, the alliance between Wu Shigong and Yan Jing was just a preset move. In his opinion, Yu Zilian's bandit suppression was a disaster with little luck. After three months of military training, he wanted to go out to fight? Yu Zilian thought he was

Sun Wu was reincarnated? However, what surprised Wu Shigong was that Yu Zilian not only won a great victory, but his Ruzhou army also expanded tremendously.

In early June, after Yu Zilian led the Ruzhou Army to set off, he first directed his troops towards the northwest of Ruzhou. It should be said that using correct military training methods can achieve twice the result with half the effort. After three months of training, Ruzhou

The momentum of the army already resembled that of an army. In addition, Yu Zilian had enough money and food and generous rewards. Yu Zilian took the lead again, and the officers and soldiers of the Ruzhou Army were all locals. Ensuring peace within the territory would add another three points of combat effectiveness, so once the troops were sent out

It went quite smoothly.

The bandits in Ruzhou were already frightened by the reclamation merchants who hunted the refugees like wild wolves, and Yu Zilian cleverly took advantage of the opportunity when the Runing Army sent troops to use the opportunity to fake the power of the tiger and make the bandits

The fighting was timid, and Yu Zilian's Ruzhou Army won three major victories in succession, capturing a considerable number of people and trophies.

After that, Yu Zilian began to take advantage of the victory to pursue. He began to sweep from west to east, and he also used a sharp weapon - Zhao An, to collect all the bandits entrenched in the northern part of Ruzhou.

Among them, Yu Zilian even did some crazy things, such as entering the enemy camp single-handedly and asking for surrender. Don't tell me, it was Yu Zilian who was lucky, and his courageous behavior really shocked many bandits, so the bandits came to surrender one after another.

, Yu Zilian's Ruzhou Army soon expanded to nearly 5,000 people.

By the time Wu Shigong's Runing Army arrived at Ruzhou City on June 15, Yu Zilian had already completed the sweep and returned with nearly 5,000 Ruzhou troops and captured items. Wu Shigong was stunned by this situation.

He thought to himself: "If I stimulate Yu Zilian again in the future, will he wear his underwear inside out and become a superman?"

"Let Lieutenant Wu meet with me at the state government office!"

"Let Yu Zhizhou come to the camp to meet with me!"

At this time, neither Wu Shigong nor Yu Zilian was willing to put down their dignity and took the initiative to visit the other.

According to the original deployment of the Runing Army, the operation will be carried out first in Ruzhou to clean up the bandits here, and then immediately speed up to eliminate the main force of the bandits in the hinterland of Henan.

However, Yu Zilian acted so actively. Although he helped the Runing Army complete the initial work, it also disrupted the Runing Army's plan. According to the convention, Wu Shigong and Yu Zilian should discuss the situation and change the battle deployment.

In conjunction with the subsequent pacification operations.

But neither of these two enemies wanted to lower their heads. Wu Shigong looked down upon Yu Zilian in his heart: his wife became his wife, he himself was thrown into the canal by himself, and he was dismissed as the magistrate of Ningling County.

I am so arrogant that I can only count ants every day. Now Wu Shigong is asked to take the initiative to visit Yu Zilian? It’s better to save it!

And Yu Zilian was finally proud. This success gave Yu Zilian a lot of confidence. But it was true. This time Yu Zilian's bandit suppression was like the autumn wind sweeping away fallen leaves. In his opinion, there is nothing special about fighting.

What? As long as you have the courage and ability, becoming a military official and a civil servant is not a piece of cake, right?

In fact, Yu Zilian was about the same age as Wu Shigong, and he was still a proud and arrogant person in essence. If it weren't for the rare official position of county magistrate, Yu Zilian, who was ignored by Wu Shigong, might have been unable to bear it and left.

In addition, Yu Zilian was able to pass the Jinshi examination at such a young age, and he must be a very smart person. He secretly learned a lot from Runing Jun. He also tempered his temperament under the torture of Wu Shigong, so he can

In this way, it can be said that Yu Zilian is somewhat mature and capable now.

But no matter how hard he tried, Yu Zilian was still a young and vigorous man. So during this meeting with Wu Shigong, he strongly adhered to the Ming Dynasty tradition of nobles and nobles, and Wu Shigong must come to see him in person.

So the two people were in a stalemate, and Yan Jing, who was delivering the message, broke his leg. After two days of wrangling, both sides finally gave in and decided to meet outside the south gate of Ruzhou City.

After the meeting, Yu Zilian made it clear to Wu Shigong that his Ruzhou Army would also join in this pacification operation. Yu Zilian just wanted to show his former love rival that he was also very capable. In a short period of time,

In just three months, a "strong army" could be raised, so that Wu Shigong, a warrior, would no longer be embarrassed by how many soldiers he had.

Regarding Yu Zilian's proposal, Wu Shigong was of course helpless, and he couldn't stop Yu Zilian's actions anyway. Besides, Wu Shigong couldn't ask for someone who was willing to share the task of Pingjing for him.

But since Yu Zilian was so active, Wu Shigong of course had to sing the opposite tune. He pointed out: Yu Zilian's Ruzhou Army had not received any military training at all. If Yu Zilian also participated in this operation, not only would he not be able to help, but he would

It will increase the burden on Wu Shigong's Runing Army, so we kindly ask Yu Zilian not to cause trouble, and let him stay in Ruzhou City and accept the protection of the Runing Army!

When Wu Shigong said this, his tone and expression clearly showed his deep contempt for Yu Zilian, which immediately angered Yu Zilian. Yu Zilian immediately blushed and started arguing with Wu Shigong.

Wu Shigong pretended that he could not argue, and finally accepted Yu Zilian's proposal pretending to be "helpless", and gave a piece of Pingjing area to Yu Zilian, and promised that his trading company's guards would also guard the prisoners of Yu Zilian's Ruzhou Army.

Anyway, in addition to pacifying Henan, the main goal of this Runing Army's expedition is to collect refugees and increase manpower for the reclamation business, so it is enough to have those prisoners.

As for Yu Zilian who wants to grab credit, let him go! Anyway, Wu Shigong never deliberately pursues credit, as long as his Runing Army gets benefits.

Seeing Yu Zilian's proud face when he left, Wu Shigong couldn't help but smile to himself and cursed: "What a shame!"

On June 19, the Runing Army and the Ruzhou Army marched eastward in two directions: north and south. Before setting off, they discussed with Governor Xuanmo that they would attack at the same time to squeeze the bandits in the hinterland of Henan.

At this time, another military report was received from Xuanmo: Shaanxi's three thousand Ming army was defeated, and deputy commander Ai Wannian was killed. But this battle report did not attract anyone's attention, because Shaanxi was still too far away from here.

, Ai Wannian’s reputation is not second to none among Ming generals.

On June 20th, the main force of the Runing Army abandoned the slow-moving escorts of the Ruzhou Army and the Commercial Bank, and immediately accelerated overnight, galloping towards the gathering point of the bandits in the hinterland of Henan. (To be continued...)

This chapter has been completed!
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