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Chapter five hundred and seventeenth sudden news

There is no doubt that in less than half a year, Yu Zilian went from scratch to having such an army. His ability, intelligence, courage, means and courage are all outstanding.

In addition, Yu Zilian's status as a civil servant of the imperial court can be said to be far more attractive than that of Wu Shigong, so his recruitment was much easier than that of Wu Shigong.

As for those old and weak peasant soldiers and refugees, there happens to be a large amount of unclaimed land in Ruzhou that has been abandoned. Yu Zilian can also easily arrange for them to farm, which can temporarily prevent those people from being displaced. Therefore, at this time, Yu Zilian

Lian is really the right person at the right time and place!

Today, Yu Zilian and the celebrities sang, danced, and feasted, and composed poems. Although Yu Zilian was more self-disciplined and did not take any women with him on the expedition, those celebrities brought their kabuki performers with them. Here, military regulations

Of course it won't have any effect, celebrities always have some special treatment!

A celebrity prostitute dressed in Tsing Yi was sitting nearby and writing furiously. She wanted to record all the poems of this reconciliation, and then publish Yu Zilian's "Collection of Poems" in a formal format. This was also what the celebrities present wanted to do.

Just for fun for Yu Zilian.

At this moment, there was a sudden commotion outside the Chinese army's tent. Amid the pale faces of the celebrities, one of Yu Zilian's soldiers came in and reported: "Sir! There are thieves in the southwest corner of the camp."

Yu Zilian calmly waved his hand and asked the soldier to retreat. Then he looked around at the silent celebrities, and then said with a smile: "Such a stupid thief, how can he disturb me? Let's wait for the wine order to come again!"

The celebrities who reacted suddenly understood. They all pretended to be calm and said with a smile: "It turns out that the commander-in-chief has been in control for a long time. It is really disrespectful to be born late! Apologize! Apologize."


Although they were celebrities, they still wanted to take advantage of Yu Zilian's prosperity, so these celebrities even coined the new word "supervisor".

"It's a secret in the army. I haven't told you all about it. I hope you will understand. But I am ashamed to be called the commander-in-chief!" Yu Zilian said politely with a smile.

"Although this title is a bit hasty, but look at the governors in the world, who can develop a powerful army in a short period of time, not to mention the governor, even getting a hairpin in the palace is just around the corner!" The celebrities' compliments were all in one package, which gave Yu Zilian some tricks.

Can't stand it.

Yu Zilian had no choice but to laugh and stop mentioning the topic. No matter what, he had to show his humility in front of celebrities.

Yu Zilian did learn a lot from the Runing Army in military matters, such as setting up camps. The Runing Army's military discipline in Runing, Guide and other places was very good. They never disturbed the people, but there was a behavior that made the local people criticized.

The Runing Army often goes out to camp for training every quarter and during daily training. When camping in the field and training camps for attack and defense, harassment is inevitable. However, because other military disciplines of the Runing Army are very good, they have always protected the local people.

.So the common people can understand the harassment of the Runing Army.

Of course, this kind of field training will definitely not let the local people get close. But Yu Zilian is a thoughtful person. In addition, his status as a county magistrate also brings great convenience, so under his thoughtfulness, the Runing Army

Setting up camp also taught Yu Zilian several tricks.

Therefore, the camp of the Ruzhou Army basically followed the method of the Runing Army. There were many overt and hidden sentries, and the camp was well built. In addition, there were too many peasant troops who had surrendered to Yu Zilian recently. He had already been facing the enemy.

The robbery camp was on guard, so Yu Zilian was still confident at this time.

But no matter what, Yu Zilian can look confident in front of celebrities, but he is always worried about the battle situation at hand. So when the drinking order was passed to him, the celebrities found that Yu Zilian was distracted. One

The celebrity was very clever. He immediately gestured to the singing girl to sing faster, while the others held their breaths so as not to disturb Yu Zilian.

The atmosphere inside the Chinese military tent was a bit dull. Although the singing girl's voice was very beautiful, everyone's ears were perked up and their hearts had already flown outside the Chinese military tent.

Nearly half an hour later, Wang Qianhu from Ruzhou Qianhu Station excitedly broke into the Chinese army's tent, knelt down on one leg and clasped his fists to Yu Zilian and reported: "Master Zhizhou, the bandits who robbed the camp have been repulsed.

The rebel troops inside have also been wiped out, and more than 200 rebel troops in the battalion have surrendered to us. Please tell me how to deal with it, sir?"

All the people in the Chinese army tent breathed a long sigh of relief. Yu Zilian also replied without hesitation: "This stubborn person had no choice but to use a heavy code. Their heads were chopped off and hung everywhere in the camp. Again, the order was given, tonight and tonight

Those who are worthy will be rewarded with three taels of meat and three dou of rice. Those with meritorious service will be rewarded separately."

"Your Excellency, you are so commanding, and you are truly a blessing to the court!"

"Your Excellency, it is really the reincarnation of Lord Wu!"

Before Wang Qianhu could take the order and leave the tent, there was a sound of flattery in the Chinese army tent!

For the current Ruzhou Army, the biggest problem is actually learning a little bit about the Runing Army's phalanx. After training like this for several months, they can still do it in a decent manner while standing still, but when they move

, then the secret will be exposed.

And Yu Zilian also knew this, so when he attacked, he just let the new recruits charge like a swarm, and his own elite did not go into battle.

But in this way, although the last great victory was very brilliant, it was not fully accomplished. After fleeing for a certain distance, the peasant army could stand up and collect the defeated troops, and there were still many refugees in the fields of Henan, so in the end,

The leaders of the peasant army gathered together to count their numbers, only to find that their losses were not that great.

One of the clever leaders came up with an idea. He wanted to send his best henchmen to fake a surrender, sneak into the camp of the Ruzhou Army, and then cooperate with others at night to completely defeat the Ruzhou Army.

Since there is a way to deal with the Ruzhou Army, the other leaders will not refuse. However, these leaders did not expect that the Ruzhou Army was already prepared for this, and the camp of the Ruzhou Army was a replica of Ruzhou.

Ning Jun, for surrendering troops, the prisoners will be isolated and dispersed, and soldiers will be arranged to guard them outside.

Therefore, the peasant army's night attack hit the iron plate this time. The peasant army who robbed the camp was discovered by the hidden sentry of the Ruzhou Army at a long distance, and the internal agents in the camp were quickly eliminated by the guarding soldiers.

It was another victory. Not only was Yu Zilian himself full of confidence, but even the soldiers in the Ruzhou army also worshiped Yu Zilian. In addition, Yu Zilian was generous with rewards and took almost nothing himself, so he quickly won the victory.

With the loyalty of the entire army, the morale of this ragtag group suddenly exploded, and they suddenly condensed into the appearance of an army.

Afterwards, in the decisive battle on the second day, the Ruzhou army won another victory. They hanged their heads and captured more than 2,000 peasant soldiers. Seeing that the situation was not good, the peasant army was no longer willing to fight against the Ming army who had been injected with chicken blood.

, they turned around and fled, taking advantage of the Ruzhou Army's shortcomings to pursue them and fled to another place.

Then came the rampage of the Ruzhou Army. They were like mad dogs. Wherever there was a peasant army, they pounced on it. Moreover, Yu Zilian held a big stick in one hand and a carrot in the other, tempting those scattered with food and official positions.

The peasant army fled. So by August 12, Yu Zilian's Ruzhou Army had swelled to more than 11,000 people, and their footsteps had penetrated deep into Henan Prefecture.

On the same day, the dusty Runing Army also rushed to Ruzhou City. Although Wu Shigong led the most elite Huhou Town, he no longer dared to march in a hurry. The summer battle, whether it was a man or a horse, was extremely physically demanding.

The army is large, so Wu Shigong cannot afford such non-combat attrition.

However, the Runing Army was quite anxious in their hearts. They were afraid that the main force of the peasant army would enter Henan in large numbers and cause an uncontrollable situation again.

But when the Runing army arrived at the calm Ruzhou City, they were all surprised. Unexpectedly, the prefect Yu Zilian dared to lead the army to attack the peasant army. What surprised Wu Shigong even more was that he also took advantage of Yan Jing who was left behind.

There I learned the good news that Yu Zilian kept sending back.

Wu Shigong suddenly became a little confused: Is Yu Zilian already possessed by a spirit? As a time traveler, he is not as good as Yu Zilian, a native? Doesn't this violate the three laws of time travel?

Wu Shigong didn't even think about it, what advantages did he have as a time traveler? He didn't know any historical knowledge; he didn't have any golden fingers. Compared with Yu Zilian, a native who understood the actual situation of the Ming Dynasty and had a strong learning ability, Wu Shigong

It is indeed "Ultra"!

Since he was already Ultra, Wu Shigong didn't mind being an Ultraman at this time. So he planned to rest in Ruzhou City for two or three days to fully recover the vitality of the Runing Army.

So after arranging to camp outside the city on the first day, Wu Shigong accepted Yan Jing's invitation on the second day and entered Ruzhou City to attend the reception banquet.

There is no need to detail the process of the banquet. Anyway, Wu Shigong and Yan Jing once again deepened their relationship at the wine table. Wu Shigong also promised that if Yu Zilian is promoted due to military merit, Wu Shigong will fully support Yan Jing to take over as the magistrate of Ruzhou.

God knows: Yan Jing only thought that Wu Shigong was not punished after beating him violently because he had many high-level connections. If Yan Jing knew that Wu Shigong's connections with Da Tianting were notorious, would Yan Jing vomit blood?

But in the early morning of the third day, Wu Shigong was sleeping with a flower card in his arms at the residence arranged by Yan Jing. Suddenly he heard the soldiers outside the door shouting: "Sir! Get up quickly! Yan Tongzhi has invited me for something urgent. He

Just waiting at the entrance of the courtyard!"

Wu Shigong was startled and jumped out of bed in a hurry. He rushed to the door and was about to open it. Suddenly he realized that he was not dressed yet. Wu Shigong almost became the first streaker among the officials of the Ming Dynasty.

While tying his clothes haphazardly, Wu Shigong laughed at himself: "Is Yu Zilian his nightmare? No matter how urgent it is, I won't let myself panic like this!" (To be continued...)

This chapter has been completed!
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