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Chapter 536 Commercial Gilded Group

So where did the Ming army come from? It was the Guide Guards led by Zhao Ming. And the composition of this army was even more amazing. In addition to the more than 300 Guide Guards led by Zhao Ming,

The remaining more than 700 soldiers were the children of the Guide gentry and their servants.

Of course, Zhao Ming was not a fool. He would not put himself in danger. The purpose of leading this army was to gild the sons of the gentry. So Zhao Ming led the army and went straight to Wu Shigong of the Runing Army.

"Veteran general! Why do you think of bringing these young soldiers to our Runing to play? You are so old and you don't want to stay in Germany to enjoy your blessings. I have prepared a wedding gift for you this year!" Because of the relationship with Zhao Ming

They were already familiar with each other, so Wu Shigong spoke more casually and made jokes about Zhao Ming.

Zhao Ming didn't get angry either. He laughed a few times and said, "Haha, brother! We should treat each other as brothers! If you call me 'Veteran General' again, I won't be able to put it down! I was prepared to do so."

I came here by myself, but those talented people from the countryside insist on coming because they want to share some of the credit. What can I do?"

"Why is that so?" Wu Shigong asked strangely.

Wu Shigong knew that Zhao Ming was coming to Runing years ago. Seeing the booming industry in Runing, our commander Zhao couldn't sit still, so he wanted to rely on Wu Shigong's relationship to come to Runing to make some money.

Of course, as the commander of the Guide Guard, Zhao Ming could not leave his post without authorization, so he prepared to come with his own soldiers in the name of suppressing bandits.

Wu Shigong also welcomed this with both hands. After all, this is an investment! Besides, if Runing's products can be dumped in Guide and an additional Runing Army industry is established in Guide, this will be a huge gain no matter how you look at it.

A harmful thing.

"Brother Chang Jing is famous far and wide!" Zhao Ming replied quite helplessly.

We all know that Zhao Ming is a good person. So before setting off, he notified the officials and gentry in Guide, hoping to make everyone rich together. However, Zhao Ming never expected that his notification would cause a stir in Guide.

The fiery enthusiasm of the virtuous officials and gentry.

First of all, almost all the dozens of famous officials and gentry in the Guide Mansion sent their sons and daughters to Runing to look for business opportunities with their silver coins. Zhao Ming was also happy to see this happen, as everyone with wealth

Let’s post it together! But gradually, this matter started to change.

In order to protect Yinliang and the children of their own clan, the official and gentry families sent their servants to protect them, so the number of the investment business group suddenly expanded to thousands. Seeing this situation, the official and gentry families were confused.

Been active.

Since it is already in the name of suppressing bandits, and since there are already thousands of people, why not ask Wu Shigong to share some military exploits with this business group?

You must know that Wu Shigong's Runing Army has achieved brilliant results in recent years. Every time it won a great victory, tens of thousands of bandits were wiped out. As long as Wu Shigong missed a little bit between his fingers, all the children of the officials and gentry could share in the military merits.

You must know that not all the children of officials and gentry can take the imperial examination and become officials. They can only obtain official titles through military exploits. Even if they get a false title, they will have great benefits in the protection of their own family, doing business and traveling abroad.

Moreover, the gentry families in Guide Mansion all know the powerful combat effectiveness of the Runing Army, so they all believe that this gilded journey is absolutely risk-free. Who wouldn't want such a cost-effective thing?

However, those officials and gentry also knew that it was a bit unethical to take credit from Runing's army. So they put all the work of persuading Wu Shigong on Zhao Ming.

After hearing Zhao Ming finish explaining the whole story with a wry smile, Wu Shigong immediately opened his eyes wide and complained: "Brother Ke! Those virtuous families are ignorant, don't you know how to fight? There is nothing foolproof in this battle formation. You

How can I protect them, little brother?"

If the officials and gentry of Guide Prefecture came to invest, Wu Shigong would not mind sharing some of the military exploits with them. Just to maintain the relationship with the gentry of Guide Prefecture, Wu Shigong would do the same. But on the battlefield, after all, swords and guns have no eyesight.

If the noble sons of those officials and gentry families were harmed, Wu Shigong would actually do bad things with good intentions.

Moreover, the strength of the Runing Army was already very tight. In order to protect these young master soldiers, Wu Shigong had to deploy additional troops to protect their safety. But now it is a time of all-out war between the Ming Army and the Peasant Army, which will cause the Runing Army to

His troops were stretched thin, so Wu Shigong was very resistant to these young soldiers going to the battlefield.

"That's right! That's right!" Zhao Ming also echoed repeatedly. If those sons of officials and gentry are injured, Zhao Ming, the military attaché leading the team, will have greater responsibility. Besides, if these sons of officials and gentry go to the battlefield, Zhao Ming will also have to

Leading an expedition in person, such a dangerous thing, it is almost impossible to marry a concubine at such an old age. Therefore, Zhao Ming also resisted this matter.

So Zhao Ming inquired: "Should we take them to a safe place, cut off a few heads randomly, and then send them home safely?"

Wu Shigong thought for a while and felt that this was all he could do. So he said: "Let's do it! You guys stay in Runing for a few months first, see what business is easy to do, and how to finish the formalities first.

. Then before the twelfth lunar month, I will send someone to escort you to Ye County for a tour. No matter what, I will give you some military honors."

"From now on, it's up to you, Brother Ke. No matter what, we have to persuade these little ancestors to go back. Don't let them go crazy outside, just tell them that they have to go back to celebrate the New Year and worship their ancestors! The operation of the military in the future is none of your control.

Go and do it, anyway, there will be absolutely no problem here. Also, let them obey the arrangements of our Runing Army!"

Zhao Ming nodded and said: "That's all it can do. Alas -!"

After talking about this matter, Wu Shigong asked politely: "Which family's children are coming to Guide Mansion this time?"

"All the famous people are here. The leader is from the Hou family. You should have seen him. He is the grandson of Grand Duke and the eldest son of Mr. Hou, the one named Hou Fangyu."

"Ah?" Wu Shigong said in surprise, "Has the young master returned to his hometown? Why did the young master come? What did the young master come for?" Wu Shigong couldn't help asking a series of questions.

During his interactions with the Hou family, Wu Shigong had of course already gotten to know Hou Fangyu, and knew that he was talented in literature at a young age and had become a subtle talent in Guide. Moreover, Mr. Hou and Hou Xun both had high expectations for Hou Fangyu.

, hoping that he will achieve success in his career and continue the glory of the noble family. (To be continued...)

This chapter has been completed!
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