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Chapter 564 Prepare for a night attack

"Master Li! The formation of the bandit army is very tight. If we attack head-on, the casualties will be huge. Moreover, they have made it clear that they will not attack us. Also, we found large numbers of enemies on both sides of the east and west sides.

There is a group of thief cavalry activities, so I think it’s a trap! It’s better to report it to your lord first.”

When Huhou Town arrived nearly ten miles away from the Peasant Army's preset position, they also stopped and set up a large camp. Li Sanhe's cavalry kept exploring the surroundings to understand the Peasant Army's troop deployment. Later, they discovered that the Peasant Army was

They came prepared, so the two sides have been facing off for five days.

"Of course I have to report this situation to my uncle! But what do you want my uncle to do?" Xue Yongli was still a little angry at Li Sanhe's questioning of his command. However, he concealed it very well, so he couldn't tell from his expression and tone.

come out.

"Either send more reinforcements; or bring over the big guns we just built. As long as we rely on the long range of those heavy cannons and eat them bit by bit, one day we will wipe out the rebel army's position."

." Li Sanhe suggested.

What Li Sanhe said was a correct response, so Xue Yongli couldn't say anything wrong, but he couldn't help but have a sarcastic tone in his words, saying: "Everyone can do this, why do you want me to do it?

Any captain we send here can do it."

Hearing that Xue Yongli was a little angry, He Fei on the side quickly said calmly: "Master Li! Then let's find a way to bypass the bandits in front of us and attack Xiangyang."

"Isn't there no rebel troops defending the city in Xiangyang? If we want to make a sneak attack, we must be fast. How can we carry the tools to attack the city? Besides, we didn't bring any tools to attack the city this time. Also, there are rebel troops on both sides.

The cavalry are not just for free! When they see us attacking Xiangyang, they will definitely come to the rescue. Maybe our army will fall into a situation where we are attacked from both sides, so your method is too dangerous." Xue Yongli immediately rejected He Fei's suggestion.

Hearing that their suggestions were rejected one by one, all the officers fell silent. Those officers all saw that Xue Yongli was in a bad mood, so no one was willing to touch Xue Yongli's troubles at this time.

But those officers didn't know that it wasn't Xue Yongli who wanted to embarrass everyone, but that only Xue Yongli knew the true purpose of this battle.

In the eyes of ordinary people, this battle with the Peasant Army is either to defeat the Peasant Army or to recover Xiangyang City. There is no other purpose at all, so the Peasant Army's combat plan is also based on this military purpose.


But only Xue Yongli knew Wu Shigong's true purpose: Wu Shigong wanted to weaken the main force of the peasant army in order to achieve a balance with the Ming army. But it should not be weakened too much. Otherwise, it would be unbalanced.

Therefore, the Runing Army will definitely fight the peasant army. But it must fight a battle of defeat, not an annihilation war. Only in this way can the purpose of the battle be achieved. In addition, a frontal offensive battle is not advisable. The Runing Army must weaken

The strength of the peasant army does not depend on consuming your own capital. Therefore, you must not fight a tough battle with the peasant army. Instead, you must fight a skillful battle.

In addition, the Runing Army also wants to divide a part of the peasant army and drive them towards the Dabie Mountains, so that they can unite with the remnants of the peasant army and cause those peasant armies to wreak havoc in the Southern Zhili and Jiangnan areas.

Why is this? Because in this time and space, because of the obstruction of the Runing Army, the peasant army was unable to ravage Anhui and other southern Zhili areas, which also made the main force of the Ming Army in the Nanjing Camp in Nanjing quite intact. Wu Shigong wanted to make both sides

Fighting leads to a lose-lose situation, so it is best to take advantage of the opportunity.

From this point of view, the current Runing Army does not have many choices. It cannot directly attack the main force of the Peasant Army, which has been prepared. There is no need to attack the old, weak, women and children of the Peasant Army, and there is no need to sneak attack Xiangyang. Even

It is impossible to retreat. Therefore, the current situation of the Runing Army is somewhat difficult to get out of.

Moreover, Xue Yongli himself was not willing to return without success. As the second-largest figure in the Runing Army, Xue Yongli did not have many opportunities to lead the army alone. When he finally got such an opportunity, he wanted to carry out the battle beautifully.

The plan was completed. So he felt very disgusted with even asking Wu Shigong for help.

So Xue Yongli's initial battle plan was: get close to the peasant army's position; then build a strong camp; repeat provocations to attract the peasant army to attack; when the peasant army is consumed to a certain extent, look for opportunities to defeat the main force of the peasant army and divide it

Drive part of the peasant army eastward to the Dabie Mountains.

However, it is obvious that after five days of confrontation, everyone in the Runing Army has understood: the peasant army will not take the initiative to attack. They will also stay in camp and wait for the Runing Army to take the initiative to attack.

"Tomorrow the whole army will break camp! Go back ten miles before setting up camp." Xue Yongli ordered. Since a decisive battle cannot be fought head-on, the Runing army will move, causing the peasant army to make corresponding movements. Xue Yongli is prepared to wait until

There was a flaw in the movement of the peasant army, and the Runing army entered the battle again to make a final decision.

Therefore, the battle process of many military battles may be very short, but it takes a lot of time to test and mobilize each other. Victory is often determined during the preparation process.

The Runing Army is a bit hard to get off, and the Peasant Army is also a little uncomfortable. So many people and horses are stuck in one place, and they are only consumed every day without replenishment. Although there is no shortage of supplies for the time being, how can we let the leaders of the Peasant Army

Somewhat upset.

In addition, the peasant army cannot afford to waste time. If they continue to fight against the Runing army and wait until other Ming armies outflank them, the battle situation will gradually be at a disadvantage. By that time, the losses of the peasant army will definitely be considerable.

is big, so now the peasant army has to take the initiative to take action.

The leaders of the peasant army also knew that their combat intentions had been seen through by the Runing army, so they gathered together again to discuss what to do.

"Since Butcher Wu doesn't dare to attack us, then we will act on our own. Anyway, neither side has suffered a loss now. When we take action, we will set up more ambushes as Brother Ma said. If Butcher Wu comes, we will give him

Eat some hardships." Liu Guoneng said.

"What a joke!" Luo Rucai immediately objected, "How should we act? If we go separately, Butcher Wu can eat us one by one. But if we go together, how can we set up an ambush? We all know how Butcher Wu uses troops these days.

We were very cautious and sent so many spies around us that even the cavalry we placed so far away were detected by them. If we walked together in large groups and there were no ditch walls to block us, Butcher Wu's army would probably overwhelm us.

At that time, which battalion of soldiers and horses do we have that can stop us?"

Luo Rucai's words immediately caused the leaders to think deeply. Although they kept calling the Runing Army "official dogs", they had to admit that no battalion of peasant soldiers could stop the Runing Army's attack. So Zhang Xianzhong asked

He said: "Do we have to leave? Gather all our newcomers and let them attack Butcher Wu's army repeatedly. When we find an opportunity, our cavalry can invade in large numbers and we should be able to defeat Butcher Wu!"

Luo Rucai shook his head again: "It's okay to let the newcomers charge once or twice, but let them charge repeatedly under Wu Butcher's firearms? Even the men and horses of our old camp can't do it. By that time, we may all supervise the battle.

If we don’t hold back, those newcomers will rush back to bite us! What if Butcher Wu takes the opportunity to rush over and kill us? It will be difficult to even escape!"

"No matter what, we can't stay like this any longer." Ma Shouying, the old man, decided, "Since Butcher Wu won't fight, let's fight. We brought the newcomers here overnight, and we can't let them eat for free. Wait until tomorrow.

Early in the morning, we first set up our artillery and bombard Wu Butcher's camp, and then let the newcomers rush in. We don't expect to defeat Wu Butcher, at least we have to beat him until his flesh hurts, so that he no longer dares to approach us. Otherwise, we have to beat him to death.

If you do, it will always be a disaster if you stay with us!"

All the leaders of the peasant army nodded and agreed with Ma Shouying's decision.

However, in the early morning of the next day, they were surprised to find that the entire Runing Army broke camp and retreated ten miles to the rear. This made the leaders of the peasant army heave a sigh of relief. Although the retreat of the Runing Army broke the news again

The battle plan of the peasant army, but if the Runing army really retreats, at least the current difficult situation will be overcome, and the peasant army can regain its freedom and roam around.

So on the one hand, the peasant army sent a large number of reconnaissance cavalry to detect the actions of the Runing Army; on the other hand, it also gathered troops to prepare for its own retreat.

But on the second day, the Runing army approached another five miles, which suddenly made the leaders of the peasant army nervous again.

But on the third day, the Runing Army retreated another ten miles; on the fourth day, it still approached five miles... After three trips and three returns, because the Runing Army was getting further and further away from the Peasant Army's position, the Peasant Army's

Those leaders thought they had seen through the Runing Army's intentions: they wanted to force the peasant army not to pursue them when the Runing Army retreated.

So the leaders of the peasant army gradually felt relieved. They withdrew part of the old camp soldiers and horses from their positions, and arranged 6,000 cavalry to cover the retreat of the peasant army. They were ready to wait until the Runing army moved away.

After crossing the Han River, the entire army withdrew to Yunyang.

"It seems that our actions these days have worked." Xue Yongli said with a smile, "Sanhe! You lead one regiment of infantry and cavalry, and set off at midnight to attack the bandit camp at night. The other troops will eat before the cock crows, and then attack in the early morning

Thief Army, Commander-in-Chief Qin! Just wait for the opportunity and quickly attack Xiangyang!"

"No!" the officers of the Runing Army said in unison.

This time the Runing Army will show off their well-trained night attack. (To be continued...)

This chapter has been completed!
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