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Chapter 576 Bloody Slaughterhouse

It wasn't until Li Dingguo led the cavalry to retreat that he squeezed over and saw Zhang Xianzhong's abnormal appearance, and immediately said anxiously: "Why are you just standing there? Pull the godfather down quickly."

At this time, Zhang Xianzhong's generals and soldiers just woke up from a dream. Ai Nengqi and others immediately pulled Zhang Xianzhong's horse and retreated to the rear. The elite guards around Zhang Xianzhong also held the flag and fled to the rear.


In fact, many people in the peasant army had already begun to flee on their own initiative. The cavalry had already run to the front. Those who were listed as the rear team when the war started, now turned around and became the front team that retreated one after another.

On the one hand, they were thankful for their good luck, and on the other hand, they walked faster.

When some other peasant soldiers saw their leaders running to the front, and even their coach Zhang Xianzhong ran away, they had no confidence in their hearts.

And the cavalry of the Runing Army behind them kept approaching. How could this possibly keep the peasant army calm and conduct a neat and orderly retreat? So the ones behind wanted to run to the front, and the ones in front wanted to run faster.

Someone discovered that after leaders like Zhang Xianzhong and their elite men had fled far away, the entire team suddenly became unsustainable, like an avalanche.

It started with a small corner collapse, then a rapid fall off, and finally the overall collapse. When the cavalry of the Runing Army leisurely pursued them to more than a hundred steps, Zhang Xianzhong's troops had completely disrupted the organization.

, everyone was mixed together and running wildly.

Seeing that the pressure was almost there, the deputy commander running at the front raised his saber high, and his soldiers also raised their weapons at the same time, giving the signal to charge.

The deputy commander swung his saber forward fiercely, and the Runing Army cavalry behind him all tilted their weapons forward in unison. The movements of so many people were uniform. The horses began to accelerate. Everyone put their body to the best of their abilities.

Lie down on the horse's back if possible, so that the horse can run faster.

The sudden acceleration of the officers and cavalry made the peasant soldiers who were already running in panic even more panic. But in this situation, there are people in all directions. Even if they want to disperse to both sides, there is nowhere to escape. And this area

On one side of the place were the fortifications built by the peasant army, and on the other side was the camp of the peasant army. There was no open space at all.

Therefore, even if the peasant soldiers on the edge want to escape, their speed will be affected. Their speed will slow down, but the soldiers inside who are still on the flat terrain will run fast, and they will immediately become crowded and chaotic.

In fact, according to Zhang Xianzhong's old routine, he would often place some refugees in front of the troops. They could be used as cannon fodder when charging into the formation. They could be used as obstacles when retreating.

But this time, Zhang Xianzhong did his best. The soldiers he placed in the front line tried their best to use old battalion soldiers and horses with combat experience. And these people are the backbone of the peasant army. Therefore, if they were lost, they would not be able to fight.

Future development will be greatly damaged.

You know, the leaders of the Peasant Army don't care about the refugees at all. As long as they think about it, there is no shortage of people to coerce. But those backbones are valuable. They are actually the foundation of the Peasant Army's combat effectiveness. As long as the backbone is there, the Peasant Army will be defeated.

, it can still be pulled up again.

But half of Zhang Xianzhong's backbone were first damaged by shelling, and then they faced the Runing Army's cavalry first. So for Zhang Xianzhong, this loss was really traumatic!

The fleeing peasant army soldiers were already panicking. The Runing army's cavalry first kept controlling their speed, then suddenly exerted force and immediately caught up with them.

The courage of those peasant soldiers has completely disappeared. Just now, they may have had the courage to attack the Runing Army's gun forest phalanx and fire cannon formation. But now, each of them just wants to run, want to run to

Go to the middle of the team and let the people behind you fight against the chasing officer cavalry.

Therefore, one of the decisive factors in winning or losing a battle is courage. When those peasant soldiers lost their courage, they immediately changed from wolves to lambs waiting to be slaughtered.

When the cavalry rushed into the chaotic crowd, many people did not have time to dodge. They were directly knocked away by the horses. The peasant soldiers did not even turn around, which made the already chaotic team even more uncontrollable. No one was there.

Thinking about turning around and grabbing weapons to resist, I kept moving forward with all my strength.

What kind of comradeship is nothing compared to escaping for one's life. When those peasant soldiers who were escaping saw someone blocking them, they would often use their own weapons to kill their comrades in front of them.

The cavalry of the Runing Army stretched their sabers forward. As long as an enemy appeared within the reach of the blade, they only had to adjust the direction of the saber and let the blade gently rub the opponent's neck, and a life would be immediately taken.

The cavalry themselves don't need to expend any effort at all, because the speed of the horses and the combined momentum of the men and horses are enough to inflict fatal damage to the enemy, so they only need to control the horses.

However, after chasing hundreds of steps like this, the Runing Army cavalry itself became a little confused, because the peasant army soldiers in front of them were too dense, and there was no space for the cavalry to perform.

So the cavalry in the front row stopped moving forward. They just raised their arms and slashed left and right desperately. They didn't step forward again until there was a gap in front of them.

The screams of despair were endless. The peasant soldiers were unable to escape quickly due to crowding and chaos. Similarly, the cavalry of the Runing Army were also blocked by these peasant soldiers and could not pursue them at all.

Those who could run had already run away. The group of people on horseback by the peasant army were the fastest and had disappeared long ago. This also shows that it makes sense for the peasant army to cherish their horses. And those who followed Zhang Xianzhong

The elites also ran far away.

The cavalrymen of the Runing Army who were rushing in front also quickly stopped their horses, because their sabers were somewhat curled and their hands were sore from cutting, so they could only let their companions in the rear row come forward. Everyone's horses and

The front of his body was stained red with blood.

The Runing Army cavalry in the back row also tried their best to increase their horse speed and rushed into the ranks of the peasant army again. The same collision, the same slashing and killing. But the peasant troops were still crowded there, not because they didn't want to run, but because they couldn't run.


After slashing for a while, the second row of cavalry also stepped aside, allowing the third row of cavalry to charge. After that, the first row of cavalry, who had rested for a while, charged again... (To be continued...)

This chapter has been completed!
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