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Chapter 606 Uninvited guests

When the wedding sedan was lifted up, firecrackers sounded immediately at the gate. The smoke filled the air, and the "red dragons" kept rolling and shortening. After a while, the ground at the door was dyed red.

Wu Shigong always had a smile on his face. Because he hung there for too long, he felt a little stiff. But on this good day, Wu Shigong still had to maintain his demeanor.

No one knew that Wu Shigong was in a mess right now. He remembered that when he first met Xiaojie, the little girl who pestered him to listen to stories was like a beautiful girl, but now she married into the Tao family without hesitation, just like

Sister Jiang went to the execution ground and never looked back.

Wu Shigong also thought of the apprentice he had forced to accept with a knife, but he didn't expect that he had stolen his precious heart. Did he lead a wolf into the house at that time? Damn!

Seeing Wu Shigong's reluctant and dazed look, Zhao Ruya, who was standing beside him, smiled and consoled her: "It's not like my daughter won't come back. If she misses her, just let her come back. In fact, she can't bear to leave you as her father."

Wu Shigong suddenly remembered Xiaojie's pretending to cry when she entered the sedan chair, and there was a smell of ginger on her face. Wu Shigong became very angry. He frowned angrily, rolled up his sleeves and said, "Fake!"


Zhao Ruya knew that Wu Shigong's child had been having a temper tantrum for a few days, so she didn't care. So Zhao Ruya said again: "The person you are marrying is your apprentice and a member of his own family. They have been childhood sweethearts since childhood and will be good to their daughter."

But Wu Shigong seemed to have eaten all the gunpowder in those firecrackers. He said passionately: "Xiao Xinzi is fine, but that old witch Tao is difficult to deal with. I'm afraid she will bully Xiaojie!"

Although there is also Tao Xin's courtyard in the camp, this courtyard is now used as Xiaojie's new house. But after Tao Xin takes office as the regiment commander, Xiaojie will still have to live in Tao Xin's old house in Qianhu.

Serving her mother-in-law is what makes Wu Shigong even more unhappy.

"The in-laws are not so miserable, right?" Zhao Ruya chuckled. But she thought that she would not be able to explain things clearly to Wu Shigong, a pig-headed person, today. So she said with concern: "Drink less wine later."

"Soak up your sorrows with wine!" Wu Shigong's words were more and more irritating. Zhao Ruya couldn't bear it any longer. She secretly pinched Wu Shigong's lower back and pinched her hard...

Because the assassination happened not long ago, Xiaojie's wedding was originally planned to be very low-key. Wu Shigong didn't want to organize it in a big way. He just wanted to hold it within the Runing Army. But as soon as the news spread to the outside world, there was an endless stream of guests.

Jedi rushed to Runing, leaving Wu Shigong overwhelmed at the moment. However, this wedding was also a bit overwhelming, and most of the guests came for Wu Shigong.

But Wu Shigong's wedding banquet here could not exceed that of Tao Xin's family, and it was impossible to allow outsiders to move freely in the Runing military camp, so Wu Shigong booked a restaurant in Fucheng and asked Zhang Xuebin to entertain them until the wedding was over.

, Wu Shigong then selected some more important guests to receive them.

But when sorting out the gift list, Wu Shigong discovered an uninvited guest from the south of the Yangtze River. Moreover, this guest was quite generous, and the gifts he gave were definitely among the top three among all the guests. This aroused Wu Shigong's confusion.

of curiosity.

Wu Shigong called Zhang Xuebin to inquire about it. Only then did he find out that this guest was a businessman from Suzhou Prefecture, his name was Wang Jueqing.

Wang Jueqing's Wang family, like the Ma family, is the leading wealthy family in Jiangnan. Of course, the Wang family's industries also overlap a lot with the Ma family. The competition between the two families is quite fierce, and each has a group of small and medium-sized businessmen attached to them.

Around the home, that is to say, two business groups were formed.

Originally, these two business groups were like modern Coca-Cola and Pepsi-Cola. No one could do anything to the other. But in recent years, the balance of these two groups has begun to tilt. Especially now, the degree of this tilt has become more and more severe.


Of course, the Wang family must have been keeping a close eye on their competitors. As soon as they started to show signs of success, they began to look for the reason. At first, the Wang family believed that the rise of the Ma family was due to sea trade.

In fact, at the end of the Ming Dynasty, the industry and commerce in Jiangnan were already quite developed, and there was already a certain amount of overproduction. Therefore, the deciding factor in the decline of a large merchant became who could seize more of the market.

Because they had made friends with Zheng Zhilong through Wu Shigong's relationship, and Wu Shigong himself had six sea-going ships, the Ma family's sea trade export volume increased greatly. Don't underestimate these sea-going ships, you must know that at that time, the Ming Dynasty

The number of ships on Japan's golden route is just over a hundred every year, and it only takes two or three months for a ship to make a round trip to Japan. So you can see what an astonishing proportion the Ma family's maritime trade occupies.


Therefore, the Wang family thought they found the reason, and they immediately started to solve the problem. Money can make the world go round, so they found the Zheng family through connections. And if the opportunity to make money comes to their door, Zheng Zhilong will definitely not refuse it. The relationship with Wu Shigong

No matter how good it is, Zheng Zhilong's Zheng family is still doing business.

Besides, after wiping out the big pirate Liu Xiang, the Zheng family has become the dominant force on the Far East sea, without the threat of other pirates. The volume of sea trade is also increasing year by year, and the Zheng family just needs some supplies to fill the gap.

It seemed that the Wang family and the Ma family were back on the same starting line. However, the Wang family was horrified to find that although the Wang family had gradually caught up with the Ma family in terms of sea trade export volume, the gap between the two families had been narrowed.

Got bigger and bigger.

Anyone with a discerning eye would know that the Wang family had found the wrong reason, so the Wang family mobilized all social relations to find the reason for the rise of the Ma family. Soon, Runing's little deputy general appeared in front of them.

Here, we will introduce the industrial and commercial market of the Ming Dynasty. Is exporting sea trade important? Of course it is important, but exports are basically luxury goods, and huge profits are earned. From the overall proportion of industry and commerce in the Ming Dynasty,

It’s not the biggest. You know, at the end of the Ming Dynasty, the Ming Dynasty’s GDP accounted for 70% of the world’s total GDP. Although the statistical data may have some deviations, the Ming Dynasty’s GDP accounted for at least half of the world’s GDP.

This shows how huge the domestic market was in the late Ming Dynasty. In the domestic market, the northern and southern capitals and their diffraction areas also accounted for half of the country and were the most important markets. The remaining areas were small

The market is up.

But the Wang family never expected that one of these small markets would cause the Ma family to take off. And the person who controlled this small market was not a local civil official or a local gentry, but a man who had never

A local military attache who is favored by the Wang family. (To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to come to Qidian.com to vote for recommendations and monthly votes. Your support is my biggest motivation. Mobile phone users please go to m. to read.)

This chapter has been completed!
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