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Chapter 65 Prepare for the future

After several days, no bad news about Emperor Tianqi came out, and Wu Shigong was about to breathe a sigh of relief. But one night, when his father-in-law Xue Lian was having dinner with the whole family, he happily said to his family: A minister offered a gift.

Emperor Tianqi was given an "elixir". After taking it, Emperor Tianqi's spirit improved greatly and his body seemed to recover immediately.

After hearing what his father-in-law Xue Lian said, Wu Shigong's heart skipped a beat again. In his previous life, although Wu Shigong was not very well-educated, there was a story about the ancient emperor who would immediately get rid of his farts as soon as he took the "elixir"

I have heard too much. The most famous one is Qin Shihuang. It seems that the situation of Emperor Tianqi is indeed not good, and his time on earth may not be long.

Wu Shigong did not dare to mention these thoughts to his father-in-law Xue Lian. Not to mention whether his father-in-law Xue Lian would believe what he said. Even if he said such crow-mouthed words, it would be an act of cursing Emperor Tianqi. That would cost his head.

However, Wu Shigong didn't know that his father-in-law Xue Lian actually had the same anxiety. After all, the "Red Pill Case" of Emperor Tianqi's father had not happened for a few years. Xue Lian just suppressed laughter in order not to worry his family.

After dinner, Wu Shigong and Xue Yufei returned to their small courtyard. They saw their son Xue Chenglin had had enough milk and was sleeping contentedly. Suddenly, Wu Shigong felt a twinge of pain in his heart.

In fact, we already know that Wu Shigong's thoughts and codes of conduct basically come from his identity as the gangster boss in his previous life. And any social group, especially a social group like the gangster that is organized on a voluntary basis, they have a negative attitude towards their leaders.

The requirements are very high. The underworld not only requires their bosses to have strong earning power and high leadership skills, but they also require their bosses to have high moral standards.

This may sound ironic. Will the boss of the underworld still have morals? In fact, that is for sure. It is hard to imagine that if a boss abuses his parents and beats his wife and children at home, even if he can make money again, no matter how vicious he is

, would anyone else follow him? In fact, we can see this from the classic work about the Mafia - "The Godfather". The Godfather goes to church every week, never goes out to play with women, and loves himself very much.

Family. In reality, this is indeed the case for many underworld bosses.

The same is true for Wu Shigong. He actually divides the people around him into two types. One is outsiders, just like the two Yang brothers. He just spit on Wu Shigong's men and he would kill them without hesitation.

He's dead. He didn't even say a word of nonsense. He looked very cruel.

The other kind is his own people. Xiang Shumo ran away when Wu Shigong was in danger, and Wu Shigong just laughed it off; Xue Qiang was rude to him, and Wu Shigong just teased him back; Li Xin repeatedly offended him, and Wu Shigong also treated him very well.

Tolerance. This means that Wu Shigong has regarded Li Xin as one of his own.

Of course, the reason why Li Xin is a beautiful girl is not trivial. Men are always more generous to beautiful women. What if you try it with an ugly man? What if that man couldn't afford five hundred taels of silver at that time?

, maybe Wu Shigong had sacked him and sunk him into the river a long time ago.

Therefore, it is one thing whether Wu Shigong will do something that violates the law and moral bottom line; but when he does something, Wu Shigong also knows in his heart whether it is a good thing or a bad thing. In other words, Wu Shigong can also distinguish right from wrong.


But what Wu Shigong is about to do now is definitely a torture for Wu Shigong's soul. Wu Shigong is prepared to abandon his wife and children and run away alone in the worst case scenario, that is, when the Xue family is wiped out.

This is also another characteristic of Wu Shigong as a gangster boss: he is very calm in his actions, even calm and a bit cold.

For Wu Shigong, who has lived in two generations, he finally has a warm family; he finally has a wife who loves him deeply; he finally has a son, Xue Chenglin. But when the new emperor wants to wipe out the Xue family,

, the Xue family will face the force of the entire state machine. At that time, not to mention Wu Shigong, but the entire Xue family will not be able to resist at all. And in the face of this situation, the only thing Wu Shigong can do is to escape alone.

For the first time, Wu Shigong felt powerless that his fate was not in his own hands. Because, in the face of the entire state machine, even Wu Shigong's chance of success in escaping alone would be very slim, let alone

Take your family with you. Even if you take more babies like Xue Chenglin to escape, the possibility of success will be greatly reduced.

But, do you just abandon them? How could Wu Shigong's heart not twist in despair? In his heart, Wu Shigong could only pray secretly: It is best that that day does not come. However, Wu Shigong still made the necessary preparations.

Gotta do it.

First of all, Wu Shigong ignored Zhu Yun's strangeness and rebuttal, and asked Zhu Yun to immediately take back all the money that had been used for loan sharking, and deposit it in the bank to exchange it for banknotes. Moreover, Wu Shigong all exchanged it for the money in the bank.

This kind of payment was made on sight, and the person recognized the ticket but not the person. This also caused Wu Shigong to lose some handling fees. However, at this time, Wu Shigong could no longer care about these losses.

Then, Wu Shigong asked for the money from the gambling house, leaving only the minimum amount of the daily deposit for the gambling house to turn around. The rest was all deposited in the bank and exchanged for banknotes.

Wu Shigong went to Yang Goudan again and ordered thirty more firecrackers. Yang Goudan reminded Wu Shigong: It may take several months to make these firecrackers. Because the last time Wu Shigong ordered ten guns and five guns

It took Yang Goudan two and a half months to use the blunderbuss.

Wu Shigong told Yang Goudan: As long as Yang Goudan makes it as soon as possible, it will be fine. But the quality of the firecracker must be guaranteed.

Then, through Xue Yong's relationship, Wu Shigong purchased two hundred kilograms of gunpowder from the store and sent it to the village outside the capital where the gambling house guards were trained.

Although Xue Yong had purchased gunpowder in accordance with Wu Shigong's order, he also raised a question in his mind to his uncle: If his uncle wants gunpowder, he can just ask the Marquis to allocate some in the capital camp. Why should he spend money?

Wu Shigong did not answer Xue Yong's question. Wu Shigong thought to himself: In this sensitive period, asking his father-in-law Xue Lian to allocate some gunpowder from the Beijing camp, isn't that an act of courting death? As long as someone with a heart can report it to the new emperor, everything will be done for Xue

You can even think about the consequences to your family if you think about it.

As for Wu Shigong's purchase of gunpowder and gunpowder, it is not a big problem. Because as long as the new emperor is reasonable, he knows that such a small amount of gunpowder and gunpowder will definitely not be prepared for rebellion. Besides, if you want to rebel,

Those guns and gunpowder should also be transported into the capital, not to the Zhuangzi outside the city.

Of course, if the new emperor is unreasonable and wants to destroy the Xue family, he will find other reasons even if he doesn't have these blunderbuss and gunpowder.

In fact, what Wu Shigong did was not to rebel or escape, he was just to spread suspicion.

The next day, under the cover of Xue Yong, Wu Shigong put on makeup, went out alone, and borrowed a remote house in the east city of the capital. Why in the east city? Because it would definitely not work in the south city. And the west city is Guixun District, and people who know Wu Shigong

Even if there are too many, it won't work. There is the Imperial College in Beicheng, and there are also many old classmates of Wu Shigong, but it still won't work. Then there is only Dongcheng.

The house had its own well, and Wu Shigong purchased grain and bacon, enough for one person for three months. Wu Shigong also hid one hundred taels of gold, one hundred taels of silver, two blunderbuss, gunpowder and

A number of bullets. In addition, there were two daggers. Wu Shigong also forged a document for a foreign scholar according to his own scholar's document. He also bought many books in the house and placed them in a messy manner.

Wu Shigong's idea is: if there is a chance to escape, he will hide in this house first and not come out. If there is an inspection official coming, he will pretend to be a bookworm who went to the capital to study and studied hard behind closed doors.

.Anyway, just make the appearance of the nerd Wu Shigong who was transported through time. When the news is quiet, I will fly away with this scholar's documents. Because in the Ming Dynasty, common people needed a road to guide them when they went out, and only scholars could do without a road.

Yin, by virtue of his status as a scholar, he can travel everywhere.

Now, all the preparations have been completed. Wu Shigong can only pray to heaven that the time to use these things will never come.

Finally, Wu Shigong called Shumo over and asked him to go to the powder shop to hand over 800 taels of silver to Zhao Ruya, and asked Shumo to pass a message to Zhao Ruya: Wu Shigong will not go to Zhao Ruya in the near future.

After receiving the money and hearing the message from Shu Mo, Zhao Ruya, who was already feeling a little uneasy because of Wu Shigong's absence during this period, immediately felt a little desperate. When Shu Mo left, she immediately started crying sadly.

Li Xin, who was on the side, could only sigh helplessly when she saw Zhao Ruya crying sadly. Li Xin comes from a political family, so she is more politically sensitive. In addition, the people in the capital originally talked about the palace.

The tradition of court affairs and court affairs. Therefore, based on these rumors from the people and Wu Shigong's identity, Li Xin had already guessed Wu Shigong's thoughts. Wu Shigong wanted to prevent Zhao Ruya's mother from giving birth to Zhao Ruya in case of political turmoil.

The two women bring no unnecessary trouble.

When Li Xin told Zhao Ruya Wu Shigong's thoughts, Zhao Ruya immediately burst into tears and laughed. When Wu Shigong was mentioned, Zhao Ruya still showed a drunken look on her face.

Looking at Zhao Ruya's nymphomaniac look, Li Xin could only sigh helplessly again. Li Xin had received a letter from her third uncle in her hometown of Changzhou, who is also the current patriarch of the Li family. In the letter, her third uncle told

Li Xin: A marriage has been arranged for Li Xin in her hometown in Changzhou, and Li Xin will become the head wife when she gets married. If it is convenient for Li Xin, she can rush back to her hometown in Changzhou now. If it is not convenient for Li Xin, then before the Chinese New Year, Li Xin

The family will send someone to the capital to take Li Xin back to her hometown.

Li Xin has lived in the powder shop for almost a year. It seems that although Wu Shigong is from the family of the enemy who killed his father, he treats Zhao Ruya and her daughter very well. And he is a good person. Zhao Ruya finally has a wife.

A good place to stay.

Li Xin thought about her future again and could only hope that she would marry a better husband.

This chapter has been completed!
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