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Chapter six hundred and forty seventh beacon fire

In this expedition, Wu Shigong will lead two associations in Pegasus Town with 6,500 cavalry, and two associations in Huhou Town with 6,500 people. In addition, there are a total of 4,500 people in the Guards Corps, Artillery Association, and directly affiliated engineering corps.

After uniting Li Lu's 1,500 cavalry, he will first go to Guide. He will unite an infantry regiment and a cavalry battalion of Shu Mo's Guide Association, a total of 1,500 people, to go out together. The total strength reaches 20,000.

Five hundred people. Among them, the cavalry will exceed 9,000. Of course, there are also 1,300 marines who are not sure whether they will come.

Seeing more than 400 Qing army riders in formation, Helichi said to the five people behind him: "Babys! Watch carefully! When I charge you, you will charge, and if I stop, you will stop. Don't do it."

We're separated. Keep your spirits up, your life is yours."

"There must be tens of thousands of Han dogs on the opposite side! Uncle! Why don't we defend?" The speaker was Hutu, Helichi's nephew. He saw that his troops were only in their early 2,000s, so he entered the battlefield for the first time.

He is always a little timid.

Helichi looked at the Ming army's array and said nonchalantly: "There are always tens of thousands of people. But Han dogs are not as good as pigs and sheep. Even if there are a hundred thousand, they are not afraid. You will know after fighting once."

"That's it! That's it!" The other young people were very high in morale. They grew up listening to the stories told by the old people in the village. This time they had the opportunity to be the protagonists of the story, and they were already impatient.

"But Uncle He, we only have two horses, and the rest of us are running away. Isn't this going to be fast? The Mongolians are too stingy!" said a young man.

"Don't forget! You are a coat! Just like a white pig! You still want a horse?" Helichi laughed and cursed.

When passing through Mongolia, various Mongolian tribes collected 5,000 horses and gave them to the Qing army. Each bannerman was assigned at least one. However, only six of Helichi and the others had a quota for one bannerman, so Helichi was added to the quota.

There were only two horses that Chi brought from home. And Helichi gave the horse to Hu Tu for use.

This realization made everyone laugh. One person said: "If I had known better, I would have brought the horse at home."

Another person said: "What a joke! You only have one at home. If you dare to steal it, see if your father doesn't break your legs."

"It's better than you, you don't have a horse at home yet."

Seeing everyone starting to chatter, Helichi got on the horse and shouted: "Okay! Everything is ready. We are about to charge. I will keep the horse speed down later. Remember! Follow closely."

As long as I rush over, the horse and armor will be there."

More than 400 Qing army cavalry lined up in three rows, with the Eight Banners' white-armored soldiers at the front. They still rode close to the Ming army's array, then dismounted and began to form groups of ten, with one person leading the horse and nine people


Seeing the Qing army's bent bows, the Ming army's bows, arrows, and muskets in front of the array hurriedly started shooting, and a puff of smoke immediately rose. However, the thunder was loud and the raindrops were light, so the Ming army did not wait for the Qing army to enter the shooting range.

The white-armored soldiers were also wearing heavy armor, so they did not cause any casualties to the Qing army.

After the Qing army's arrows shot into the Ming army's formation, the Ming army suddenly fell into chaos. The archers and musketeers in the front fled back. This made it impossible for the Ming army's spear array to be placed, and some soldiers even threw

He dropped his weapon and started to run backwards.

Seeing that the Ming army's formation had collapsed, the white-armored soldiers immediately mounted their horses, formed a linear array and began to charge.

Seeing the white-armored soldiers in front mounting their horses, before they could charge, Helichi raised his horse and shouted: "Come with me!" Among the main force of the Qing army in the rear, Helichi was the first to charge.

When they saw someone charging, all the Qing troops screamed and rushed towards the Ming army.

However, at this time, the six people following Helichi had not yet turned around in their minds: Why did Uncle He charge now? Didn't he wait for the white-armored soldiers in front to completely disrupt the Ming army's formation before charging?

However, these people soon understood. When they saw the charge of the Qing army, the Ming army exploded like a snowball hitting a stone. No one resisted at all. Everyone tried their best to escape back, and the battle started from the Qing army.

The army's charge was over as soon as it started.

"Don't be dazzled! What are you doing with three knives? Do you have three hands? Choose armor first and protect yourself first." Hurley shouted while wearing a new cotton armor inlaid with iron plates.


Because it was Helichi who charged first, in addition to being credited with a great merit, he was also rewarded with picking out the trophies first. So Helichi took his men and rummaged through the trophies.

Those people all put on new armors happily, but White Pig stood motionless with his waist lowered. Helichi stepped forward and kicked him, then picked up a cotton armor from the ground and threw it to White Pig, and cursed

Said: "Are you a dead person? If I ask you to change, you should change it quickly! Don't wait too long. Change the knife in your hand quickly."

Of course Helichi was anxious. The white pig was his slave. If he died, the property damage would be huge.

After everyone changed their clothes, they laughed at each other and looked at the costumes of their companions. Some people even said: "There is no fabric! I also want to bring some back to my mother."

Helichi immediately laughed and scolded: "You can find some weapons on the poor soldiers. The armor is already good, but you still want cloth? It's just that the people on horseback ran fast and couldn't get the horses. But it doesn't matter. Soon you will all carry it."

Don’t move, the land of Han dogs is too rich. Needless to say, we need to get livestock first, preferably oxen, mules, or donkeys, otherwise we won’t be able to carry so many things.”

"Uncle He! What should the Han woman do?"

"You kid just wants this kind of good thing! Let me tell you...!"

Watching Helichi and the others chatting from a distance, Bai Zhu looked at the knife in his hand, and then at the cotton armor he had just put on. There was a big hole in the belly of the cotton armor, and the surrounding area was filled with blood.

I don’t know which of the dead Ming soldiers the blood stains came from...

After the left and right wings of the Qing army met in Tongzhou, they immediately divided their troops into eight groups, with each group having between 4,000 and 6,000 Qing soldiers. They wandered around and swept away everything. This huge momentum made the Ming army feel that there were indeed 100,000 Qing troops entering the pass.

Seeing that the Ming army was afraid of fighting and staying away, the Qing army became more courageous, so each Qing army was divided into three or four teams again, making Beizhili and Shanxi provinces full of smoke and war.

At this time, the only two people in the Ming Dynasty who could fight were Lu Xiangsheng's tribe and Gao Qiqian's tribe.

Let’s first take a look at Lu Xiangsheng, who was favored by both the government and the public! Facing the Qing army, Lu Xiangsheng did not dare to fight rashly, so he used a surprise attack, gathering 20,000 Ming troops, including the Tianxiong army, and launched a surprise attack

A Qing army camp of more than 3,000 people.

However, the Qing army was well prepared and effortlessly repulsed Lu Xiangsheng's surprise attack. If Lu Xiangsheng's retreat had not been organized, the Qing army might have launched a massive counterattack and completely defeated Lu Xiangsheng's army.

Let’s look at Gao Qiqian, the eunuch commander who is despised by the world! Gao Qiqian actually had an upright battle with the Qing army. He led 27,000 troops and attempted to block the 2,000 Qing troops from going south in the Marco Polo Bridge area, that is,

They met Helichi's Qing army. However, the result was the same, and they returned with the same disastrous defeat.

You must know that Lu Xiangsheng's Xuan Da Army and Gao Qiqian's Guan Ning Army were relatively combat-effective among the Ming army. They both had experience fighting the Qing army. The enemy armies they encountered were independent detachments and their numbers were not too large.

The fact that the Ming army faced the enemy with all its strength but could not win was actually the result of the vast difference in fighting qualities between the two armies. In fact, the key point was that the Ming army did not have the heart to dare to fight.

After some integration after entering the customs, the Qing army gradually integrated the Baoyi, Han army and Mongolian herdsmen, making them more and more disciplined, and completely integrated them into one army.

Of course, this is guaranteed by the Qing army's cruel military law. Until now, more Qing soldiers died in the Qing army's Guitou Dao than in battles with the Ming army.

After defeating Lu Xiangsheng's tribe and Gao Qiqian's tribe, the Qing army began to move freely. Throughout November, Qing troops seemed to be active everywhere on the North China Plain. Liangxiang, Zhuozhou, Bazhou, Wen'an, etc. in Shuntian Prefecture

Prefectures and counties fell one after another; Laishui, Dingxing, Xincheng and other counties in the north of Baoding Prefecture were also captured.

On the west side of the canal, Fucheng and Gucheng in Hejian Prefecture, Hengshui, Wuyi, Zaoqiang and other counties in Zhending Prefecture were all captured by the Qing army for a time. Dezhou, an important town on the canal, reported an emergency. Even Guangping Prefecture at the southern end of Gyeonggi Province

Jize and Wei County were also lost at this time. The Qing army fought separately in a vast area with a radius of 600 to 700 miles. The various Ming armies blocked the east and west, which was completely useless.

At this time, another bad news reached the court. In early November, Gaoyang County in the southeast of Baoding was besieged. Sun Chengzong, the former governor of the city, organized the people in the city to defend the city. They persisted for three days, and finally the city fell and was captured.


When Dorgon heard that Sun Chengzong had been captured, he was very happy and came to persuade him to surrender, but Sun Chengzong sternly refused! The Qing soldiers had no choice but to respect him and agreed that Sun Chengzong could commit suicide. Finally, Sun Chengzong sat on a chair and ordered the two of them to surrender.

A Qing soldier strangled himself to death with a white silk ribbon. His whole family also acted loyally in this battle, and Sun Cheng's clan was destroyed.

In the original history, if one were to choose a Ming Dynasty minister who caused the most trouble to the Manchus, Sun Chengzong would definitely be ranked first.

He presided over the construction of the Ningjin Defense Line, although his family fortune was ruined by prodigal sons one after another, so that it changed from Ningjin to Guanning, and finally retreated to only Shanhaiguan. But in the following decades, until the great traitor Wu Shigong opened Shanhaiguan

, the Qing army successfully entered the pass through this road, and Sun Chengzong's achievements here are also indispensable.

Sun Chengzong presided over the use of troops against the Qing Dynasty throughout his life and made great achievements, but in the end he died at the hands of Qing soldiers in his hometown. He must not have closed his eyes to death!

This chapter has been completed!
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