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Chapter 677 Roshan Sea of ??Blood

Facing the approach of the Qing cavalry, the remaining soldiers in the two square formations in front were at a loss. Some soldiers even turned around and ran away, and were immediately chopped down to the ground by the remaining officers.

The officers shouted: "Form up! Stop the Tatars!"

"Brothers, try your best! A man can't outrun a horse!"

"Whoever escapes will be killed! My family will be slaves forever! Fight!"

"My lord is behind us!"

Under the strong restraint of the officers, the remaining soldiers finally formed a rough formation, and the remaining gunmen also lined up in front of the formation, nervously waiting for the Qing army to charge into the formation.

Among the cavalry and chariots on the left wing of the Runing Army.

"Captain Wang! You and your cavalry regiment immediately support the center. You must block the Tatar cavalry for a while, and you must not let the Tatars break through the center!" Zug ordered.


Seeing that the cavalry regiment had gathered more than a thousand of its own cavalry to form the team, the commander of the remaining cavalry battalion asked Zug: "Sir! Why don't we dispatch the entire army?"

"It's not yet time!" Zug said while staring at the battlefield nervously, "It's not yet time. We must believe that Commander He and the infantry brothers can still hold on. We are always ready to prepare key

It’s time to give the Tatars a blow. What? Do you think our Runing Army will be defeated? Our Runing Army is attacking! It’s victory!”

In today's battle, Zug has been restraining the 1,500 cavalry and chariot convoys of the Runing army on the left wing in preparation, like a poisonous snake, circling and preparing to give the Qing army a fatal blow.

Especially the chariot convoy. In addition to the twenty antique Warring States chariots brought out this time, the Runing Army also brought forty fully enclosed and firing swarm chariots from the Artillery Association to protect the artillery.

He wanted to use these novel tanks to cause a lot of damage to the Qing army. But now He Fei felt that the time had not come yet. So he hid the tanks in the remaining cavalry camp and waited for the opportunity to appear.

The right wing of the Runing Army.

"The whole army moved west, and two infantry regiments inserted in front of the center and left wing to block the Tatar charge. The cavalry was divided into battalions to guard the advance of the infantry regiment. After the infantry regiment was in place, all the cavalry followed me.

Li is going to meet the Tatar artillery. Everyone! Our Runing army will win! In order to protect the whole army, prepare to meet at the Martyrs' Shrine!" Li Sanhe ordered with a smile.

Since the two infantry regiments and two thousand cavalry on the right wing were too far forward, they could only be bystanders in the fierce battle. However, seeing that the formation was in danger, Li Sanhe, who commanded the right wing, ordered the troops on the right wing to move across the battlefield.

Insert in front of the square formations in the center and left wing.

However, with such a movement, this unit will be attacked by the Qing army from the north and west. It will also have to fight against the Qing army's cavalry during the movement, and it is difficult for the infantry to form a forest of guns, so it is very dangerous.


In addition, in order to completely eliminate the threat of the Qing army's general artillery, Li Sanhe was also preparing to attack the Qing army's artillery array after the right-wing troops were in place. This was simply an adventurous mission with a near-death experience. But at this time, Li Sanhe had no other choice.


The 4,000-strong Runing Army on the right wing also began their westward movement under the command of Li Sanhe without hesitation.

He Fei saw the Qing cavalry lined up and began to walk quickly. He knew that they were about to start charging. So he gave a loud order: "I'll tell you that the command will be handed over to you. Everyone here must gather."

, line up! Get ready to fight with me, Lao He!"

He Fei observed the posture of the Qing army and understood that they must charge towards the center where the Runing army suffered the heaviest losses. The two regiments in front of the Runing army were basically disabled and could not stop the Qing army from charging.

And the group in the middle behind had already suffered heavy losses when Mazari charged into the formation just now.

To be on the safe side, Hefei gathered his own soldiers, officers, and a cavalry company to protect him, with a total of more than 300 cavalry. They were ready to support the Runing Army's gaps at any time. Hefei would not let the Qing army rush in no matter what.

In front of the main formation where Wu Shigong is.

Although the commanders of the Runing Army responded quickly, it took some time to mobilize the troops. At this time, the Qing Army cavalry had already begun to sprint. The two remaining formations of the Runing Army in front were immediately placed.

In the forest of guns, the few remaining gunners immediately started firing volleys.

But the fallen Qing soldiers and horses were like a few small splashes in a big wave, and were immediately submerged by the torrent of Qing cavalry. The Runing army, using their long spears as a barrier, shouted loudly and waited for the Qing army.

Cavalry impact.

But the Qing army charged fifty steps forward, and they used the same move again. They reined in the reins again, took off their riding bows, and began to shoot towards the phalanx of the Runing army.

This time the Qing army fired a lot of cavalry. It was really a rain of arrows. The soldiers of the Runing army who had just been shocked by the artillery shelling suffered a heavy blow again. Even those who were not injured in the rain of arrows felt deep in their hearts.

Also shaken.

This time, the Qing army did not dismount and shoot on foot. They only fired one or two rounds. Then they picked up their horse speed and charged towards the two phalanxes of the Runing army.

The phalanx in the middle was overwhelmed by the rush, and the phalanx on the left also collapsed after holding on for a while. The soldiers who were trampled to death and knocked away also died, and the Runing army was scattered.

The soldiers ran back as hard as they could.

With a "boom", a desperate regimental artillery gunner lit the gunpowder barrel, which immediately caused an explosion. However, the empty land was quickly filled with Qing cavalry. Several gunners also wanted to

They followed suit and tried to light the powder keg, but they were immediately overwhelmed by the Qing cavalry.

The Qing army's cavalry did not pursue the fleeing Runing soldiers. They began to divide into small groups and collided with the remaining small units, trying to completely break up the Runing army here. Of course, they also killed them conveniently.

All the Runing soldiers who passed by died.

But even at this time, many Runing soldiers did not drop their weapons. Most of them still held long spears and axes. Even because these weapons slowed down their speed, they were beaten by the Qing cavalry behind them.

Even though he was knocked down, he refused to let go.

The whole scene was too chaotic. Some soldiers were squeezed together, with their comrades in front and behind them. The spear, which was more than ten feet long, could not even be stretched flat in this crowded space, and it had to stumble to stand upright.

They were being crowded towards the back, so there was no way to assassinate or hack them.

Seeing that the overall situation here had been decided, the more than 500 cavalry of the Qing army's rear team ignored the battlefield and pounced towards the last phalanx of the Runing army in the middle.

"Fire!" The cavalry association led by Guan Xin hurriedly deployed more than a dozen artillery pieces in front of the square formation at the back, and then he immediately gave the order to fire.

As soon as the dozen or so shells flew out, Guan Xin didn't even bother to observe the effect of the shelling, and then loudly ordered: "Load the shotshells!"

Because most of the cannonmen have been deployed to the front, there are very few cannonmen in the latter square. The dozen or so new artillery pieces are used as enlarged cannons. But at this time, the solid cannons

The shells couldn't exert their power at all, so Guan Xin didn't care about accidental damage. He fired the solid shells in the barrel first, then seized the time and loaded the shotshells as quickly as possible.

Seeing the cavalry of the Qing Army getting closer and closer, the soldiers of the Runing Army in the square formation behind were sweating for the artillery. It really tested the training results and psychological quality of the artillery. Those artillerymen of the Runing Army were not used at all.

Looking at the approaching Qing cavalry, they were busy loading ammunition for fear of being distracted.

The Qing cavalry closest to the artillery was about to rush to the muzzle, and they had raised their knives fiercely. But at this time, the artillery had finally finished loading, and the gunners had already cut the match rope to the shortest length, so the torch was lighted.

The fire gate and the artillery exploded immediately.

"Boom, boom, boom -!", the artillery made a muffled sound, and the loaded iron sand formed a fan-shaped death zone at the muzzle, immediately tearing the men and horses within twenty steps into pieces, and even those a little further away.

The horses of the Qing cavalry were all beaten with iron sand in unbearable pain and jumped out of control. The entire battlefield fell silent, and an open space about 20 to 30 paces wide was cleared in front of the artillery array. The Qing army this time

The troops charging into the formation were immediately disabled. With the volleys fired by the remaining gunmen of the Runing Army, the Qing army was no longer able to charge towards the square formation.

But this was only the troops of Mazari and Quangui. More than 4,000 Qing troops led by Tan Tu and Ji Lang'a had also entered the battlefield. They then rolled towards the phalanx in the middle, but they first encountered

He boarded the cavalry regiment sent by Zug to stop him.

With a long whistle, the whole cavalry regiment of the Runing Army charged forward. They lined up in ten rows in front and back, each with hundreds of horses. The horses were close together. All the cavalry were holding lances and charging towards the Qing army.


The Qing army also showed no signs of weakness. They also raised their horses to the highest speed and formed a tight formation of hundreds of horses in rows, forming a hedge against the Runing army.

Such charging horses could not turn at all. Just like two giant dragons colliding, the first row of cavalry on both sides collided fiercely. Both rows of cavalry were almost wiped out, but neither side hesitated, and then came the second row of cavalry.

The second row, the third row... until the fourth row of cavalry collided, the place where the two sides collided had turned into a sea of ​​flesh and blood. Both sides were gritting their teeth to see who could not endure such casualties first.

This was the red-eye tactic of the Runing Army, but at this time the cavalry regiment of the Runing Army was indeed red-eyed, and they continued to charge towards the Qing army.

However, the Qing army's cavalry could no longer endure such a deadly collision. Even though Tan Tu and Ji Lang'a were shouting loudly, they could not restrain their troops. With a "hurrah", the entire Qing army suddenly

Broken up. (To be continued...)

This chapter has been completed!
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