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Chapter seven hundred and thirty first Sichuan erosion

Lu Xunzhi also expressed his agreement with this. He nodded unconsciously and said: "What the governor said is true. Shao Futai may have made mistakes in deploying his troops in this way."

But today, Qin Liangyu was full of things that were in her heart. She then pointed her cannon at Yang Sichang, the premier of the five provinces. So Qin Liangyu went on to say: "Besides, the governor is from Chu. He doesn't want a thief in Chu, so he will use all his strength to force the thief westward."

Come, it's like taking Shu as a beggar. The governor has such intentions, even a three-year-old child knows it. Shao Gong doesn't take advantage of this time to fight for the mountains and land, so that the thieves dare not come to attack me, but wait to be beaten. This is really

The path to your own destruction!"

At that time, the Sichuan officials and gentry all believed that Yang Sichang was from Chu, so they deliberately drove Zhang Xianzhong into Sichuan to cause trouble. Regardless of whether Yang Sichang had this intention or not, it can be seen that the Sichuan officials and gentry were strongly dissatisfied with Yang Sichang, so they encircled and suppressed the peasants.

In fact, there are already cracks in the military's actions.

Lu Xunzhi believed Qin Liangyu's words, but he was afraid that he was not convincing enough, so after agreeing to go back, he conveyed Qin Liangyu's opinions to the governor. Lu Xunzhi tried to ask again: "The person Madam said is not only Shao Fu.

The future of Taiwan is at stake, as is the safety of Shu. Can you please personally come to Chongqing and discuss with Futai face to face?"

Unexpectedly, Qin Liangyu declined immediately: "The old woman is busy training her troops to prepare for the war, and she really can't be distracted. Please convey your condolences, sir."

Qin Liangyu is a very proud person. She attaches great importance to etiquette and is very sensitive to her identity as a woman. Back then, Wu Shigong accidentally called her "old woman!" and Qin Liangyu made her look like an eggplant. Therefore, any indifference

Her identity and behavior are all against Qin Liangyu.

In late April of this year, both Qin Liangyu and Shao Jiechun arrived in Kuizhou. When Qin Liangyu paid a visit to Shao Jiechun, because the governor did not return the greeting, she led her soldiers back to the defense line without even saying goodbye. So at this time, this

The old lady was still angry.

Therefore, Lu Xunzhi is now very worried that after Zhang Xianzhong and Luo Rucai join forces, they will cross Kuizhou and come west, causing the hinterland of Sichuan to suffer from military wars. Therefore, he will do his best to persuade this famous female general to work hard so that Zhang Xianzhong and others cannot

One step past Kuizhou.

So Lu Xun changed his arrogance from the civilian officials in front of the military officers and bowed and complimented him: "Your Majesty, your Majesty, has made great military achievements in your life and is famous all over the world. Sichuan is your hometown. From the imperial court to the stupid men and women, everyone pays attention to your Majesty."

The direction of the banner. I regard it as Ping Fan in the east of Sichuan and Qiancheng in Shu. Thousands of Qin troops led by He Renlong have made noise in Kaixian and rushed to Shaanxi. Have you heard of it?"

Qin Liangyu replied: "I only received the report last night."

Lu Xuzhi said: "The governor and Futai Yinxian and Cao's two thieves joined forces. The situation of Kui and Wu's army was very urgent. They repeatedly urged Hezhen to station in Kuizhou, between Dachang. They thought Zhang Yingyuan's Chu army was the backing. Unexpectedly, the soldiers of Hezhen

Due to the clamor to return to Qin due to lack of pay, the garrison in eastern Sichuan has become increasingly weak. Therefore, whether they can block Xian today, Cao's two thieves have penetrated deep into Sichuan, relying only on his wife and General Zhang Ling's two powerful troops."

The two of them became so polite. The people carrying the sedan chair finally got to the point where Qin Liangyu wanted to give Lu Xunzhi face. So she finally agreed: "If Mr. Shao is willing to send the old woman and General Zhang Ling to Kui, Wu, first

If we attack the enemy, the overall situation in Sichuan may not be corrupted, and the commander's idea of ​​'taking Sichuan as a beggar' will also come to nothing."

After Lu Xunzhi returned to Chongqing, he immediately reported Qin Liangyu's military strategy to the governor. It happened that Yang Sichang's supervisor Wan Yuanji sent an urgent letter from Kuizhou, urging Shao Jiechun to garrison heavy troops in Kuizhou to prevent Zhang Xianzhong and Cao Cao from joining forces.

"Fleeing westward" criticized him for wanting to defend various passes in Dachang at the same time, which was to spread his troops.

Wan Yuanji also conveyed to him some very important words from Yang Sichang in his letter: "Today, the bandits entered Jiugu in Sichuan, and they attacked seven of them one after another. However, the two bandits of Cao Cao were defeated and fled to Wushan. Between Dachang and Dachang, there are cramped and poor mountains, and the power is like

Wandering soul. If the remnant bandit peeks at Yunyang and goes to Xiangyang, Zuo Shuailiangyu will take charge of it; if he takes a look at Yiling and goes to Jingzhou, I will take charge of him; if he takes a look at Kuiguan and goes to Sichuan, Shufu will take charge of him. To annihilate the giant bandit, it will be in one fell swoop.

The country's borders are tied to each other, so don't neglect them!"

After careful consultations with his close aides, Shao Jiechun went to Qin Liangyu's camp the next day to recruit troops and discussed with Liangyu the departure date of the Shi Ding troops. Due to food and salary difficulties, neither the Shi Ding troops nor Zhang Ling's Sichuan troops were able to set off immediately. Five days later,

Days later, the two groups set off from the vicinity of Chongqing. On the morning of the same day, Zhang Xianzhong suddenly launched a fierce attack on Tulu Ridge, a military location on the east bank of the Bawu River...

In the early morning of August 25, Zhang Xianzhong led two thousand infantrymen to suddenly appear on the east side of Tutu Ridge, and hid most of his troops in the dense forest behind a mountain. Zhang Yingyuan and Wang Yunfeng, the Chu army generals guarding Tutu Ridge, together with Zhang Xianzhong and

Luo Rucai had fought many battles and was more experienced and brave. After receiving the report, he immediately discussed strategies to deal with the enemy.

Zhang Yingyuan and others knew that Zhang Xianzhong was cunning in his military use, and there was also Xu Yixian who was scheming. They guessed that Xianzhong would use part of his troops to attack Tutu Ridge from the front to contain the official troops, and then secretly use part of his troops to cross the Bawu River when the fierce battle was in progress.

, as long as the crossings on both sides of the Bawu River are captured, Tutu Ridge will not only lose its importance, but the retreat will also be cut off.

Based on this estimate, Zhang Yingyuan and the others decided to send deputy general Luo Wenyuan and staff general Hu Rugao to lead a thousand elite troops to defend the ferry. General Zhang Yingyuan would lead 300 elite troops and 2,000 new troops to guard Tutu Ridge and command from the center. Jiang Yunfeng would lead 1,700 elite troops to go out.

The stronghold faced the enemy. What the officers and soldiers relied on was to be condescending and occupy the favorable position first. They had been stationed here since early July and had rested for nearly fifty days. They were really waiting for work.

Unexpectedly, Zhang Xianzhong first divided 1,500 troops into two teams and attacked in turns, preventing the officers and soldiers from resting. Then, when Zhang Yingyuan's soldiers were tired and sounded the gong to retreat, he sent 20-year-old Li Dingguo to seize the place where the officers and soldiers relied.

The small hill that dominates the pass was accomplished in one battle.

The purpose of Zhang Xianzhong's attack on Tutu Ridge was not to occupy this place, nor to cross the Bawu River immediately, but to eliminate an important force of the official army first, break Yang Sichang's military deployment, and dampen the remaining spirit of the official army.

, and at the same time greatly boosted the morale of the peasant army.

Zhang Xianzhong also hoped that winning a big victory in one fell swoop would strengthen Luo Rucai's confidence in following him deep into the interior of Sichuan. After conquering Tutu Ridge, his goal had been achieved, so he immediately ordered a stop to cross the Bawu River to avoid more casualties.


Then, Zhang Xianzhong rested for three days in Tutu Ridge and transported away the large quantities of grain, mules, horses and various military supplies he had captured. Then he himself returned to the mountains at the junction of Dachang and Wushan and sent a cavalry group to return to the state border.

Go up to greet Luo Rucai. Although Luo Rucai had listened to his advice and vowed not to surrender, Zhang Xianzhong did not fully believe Luo Rucai, so he had to take Luo Rucai back as soon as possible. Before Yang Sichang came to Kuizhou, they rushed to northern Sichuan to look for opportunities.

Return to Shaanxi to avoid being surrounded by thousands of mountains between Kui and Wu.

But when Luo Rucai arrived ten days later, Zhang Xianzhong unexpectedly received a newspaper from the army that Luo Rucai had intercepted. In this newspaper, Zhang Xianzhong and the others learned that Qin Liangyu personally led 30,000 soldiers from Chongqing tonight.

Come, rush to help Dachang and Kuizhou, we will arrive on the 22nd.

In September, the peasant armies of Zhang Xianzhong and Luo Rucai attacked Zhujunping, a stronghold in Daning. Qin Liangyu and Zhang Ling led their troops to intercept them. Zhang Ling was killed by an arrow and their troops were defeated; Qin Liangyu's white-poled soldiers fought to the death and almost the entire army was wiped out.

The old lady fled back to her hometown with a few remaining soldiers. From then on, she stayed in her hometown and stopped sending troops to fight. After the defeat of Qin and Zhang, the rest of the Sichuan army became even more vulnerable. Zhang Xianzhong and Luo Rucai passed through Dazhou (today's Daxian) and Bazhou (today's Daxian).

Bazhong) headed west, crossed the Jialing River in mid-November, captured Jianzhou (today's Jiange) and Zitong, the important towns in northern Sichuan, and turned south to attack Chengdu.

Zhang Xianzhong and Luo Rucai moved into Sichuan, causing chaos throughout the Ming Dynasty. Yang Sichang had to leave the Xiangyang base camp and personally went to Sichuan to pursue the suppression in August. However, his camp and troops were heavy and heavy, and his personnel were complicated, and he had to progress on the muddy mountain roads of Sichuan.

They were too slow to catch up with the lightning-fast Peasant Army, and the Sichuan Army, which was responsible for intercepting them everywhere, was unable to resist.

The peasant army marched straight into Sichuan, as if they were passing through uninhabited territory. They made up a ballad and said: "In the past, there was Governor Shao (Shao Jiechun), who often came to dance in the group; later, there was Liao joining the army (Sichuan Supervisory Army Road Liao Daheng), who followed him without fighting.

I can do it; there is a good Yang Ge tribe, three days away from me." While Yang Sichang complained about the incompetence of the Sichuan army, "The fragility of the Shu army and the stupidity of the generals are unspeakable," he urgently transferred troops from all walks of life from Huguang and Shaanxi to Sichuan.

However, Zuo Liangyu was determined not to lose his own strength and refused to carry out eight consecutive orders. Later, he simply led his troops into Xing'an (now Ankang), Shaanxi, to avoid the peasant army at a distance. He Renlong of Shaanxi and others

The troops were also procrastinating and did not want to enter Sichuan to fight. In the end, they were forced to enter Sichuan. After several defeats, they never dared to have direct contact with the peasant army again.

However, officials from Sichuan in the imperial court and local officials in Sichuan slandered Yang Sichang because of Zhang Xianzhong's entry into Sichuan, saying that in order to protect his hometown (Yang was from Wuling and belonged to Huguang Province in the Ming Dynasty), he deliberately drove the enemy into Shu and acted as a beggar-thy-neighbor.

Yang Sichang traveled in the mountains for days, but all he got was the bad news about the continuous defeats on the front line and the harsh words of Sichuan officials and gentry. He was really frustrated. He blamed the failures on the officials and soldiers in Sichuan, Shaanxi and other places, and accused them of blocking the blockade.

The suppression was ineffective.

For this reason, Emperor Chongzhen, who had absolute trust in Yang Sichang, arrested and punished Shao Jiechun, and was finally beheaded in Xishi. Shaanxi Governor Zheng Chongjian was dismissed from his post and was later charged with capital crimes. But just when the Ming Dynasty was in chaos, Zhang Xianzhong and Luo Rucai

Qie Lian, Longchang and other prefectures and counties in central Sichuan and southern Sichuan, captured the important city of Luzhou in southern Sichuan in early December. Then they returned to the north, defeated Renshou, forced Chengdu, fell into Deyang, detoured to the north of Sichuan and crossed the Jialing River to the east, and at Chongzhen 10

At the beginning of the fourth year, we captured Bazhou and connected the Yangtze River. Finally, we successfully left Sichuan along the north bank of the Yangtze River and returned to Hubei.

This chapter has been completed!
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