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Chapter 747: Private Transactions

However, after suffering such a defeat, the Nanjing Jing camp no longer dared to fight in the field. While Lu Jiude held the camp and defended it, he urgently sent a messenger to the Runing army by boat, asking them to step up their offensive, hoping that the Runing army would defend Nanjing.

Jingying shares the pressure.

However, before the result of the messenger's call for help came back, the Nanjing Jingying Camp was hit again. On the night of the third day, the Nanjing Jingying Camp suffered a night attack from the 5th Battalion of Gezuo. This night attack was not a sneak attack at all.

The battalion men and horses moved out noisily, and under the deafening sound of artillery fire, they invaded the main camp of Nanjing Jingying.

Lu Jiude immediately lost control of his troops, so they had no choice but to abandon the main camp and hurriedly retreated fifty miles, relying on the protection of the city behind to gather the defeated troops.

At this time, even if Lu Jiude was stupid again, he would know that it was the Runing Army who was doing something. The 5th Gezuo Battalion was originally in the Dabie Mountains, and it was impossible to pull a heavy artillery and run around on the mountain road, so when they returned to the world

There are definitely no heavy artillery. In the cities that were conquered next, at most some of the fortress cannons that were difficult to move were captured. It is impossible to have so many fast-moving and powerful artillery. Not to mention that they appeared out of nowhere.

Too many gunners.

And generals like Lu Jiude who know the world's soldiers have heard about it. They all know that the Runing Army's firearms are sharp. Based on this judgment, isn't the source of those artillery obvious?

So Lu Jiude and others were shocked. They were afraid that the Runing Army had colluded with the 5th Battalion of Gezuo and officially started the rebellion. However, this judgment was too shocking. Without evidence, Lu Jiude did not dare to

This speculation was reported to the imperial court. So on the one hand, he asked Nanjing for help and asked them to send additional troops to help; on the other hand, he even sent a messenger to the Runing Army, asking them to explain the reason clearly.

But the actions of the Fifth Battalion of Ge Zuo were very strange. They neither took advantage of the victory to pursue, nor rushed into South Zhili through the gap left by the Nanjing Jingying Camp. They just moved forward to confront the Nanjing Jingying Camp, and stopped again.


Then the courier sent to the Runing Army came back with a reply. Xue Yongli denied any act of aiding the enemy, and refused Lu Jiude's request for the Runing Army to fight on the pretext that the troops were too tired to fight.

"Bastard! Bastard! Thief Wu is also a rebel! He not only wants profit, but also fame!" Lu Jiude was furious in the big tent. How could Lu Jiude, who had been immersed in the officialdom for many years, not see the intentions of the Runing Army?

What happened? But now there is no evidence that the Runing Army rebelled, and the Nanjing Jingying Battalion was defeated by the 5th Gezuo Battalion, so Lu Jiude is now unable to express his suffering.

Lu Jiude knew that if he reported to the court that it was the Runing Army who rebelled, the Runing Army could also retort: ​​It was the Nanjing Jingying that was defeated, and he wanted to shift the responsibility for the defeat to the Runing Army. Such a lawsuit in writing

Regardless of whether he will win or not, even if the court believed his words, in order not to anger the Runing army and force them to rebel, the court would also remove his official position and even cut off his own head to give to Runing.

The army will give an explanation.

"Master! The student has something that I don't know if I can say." Seeing that everyone in the tent was silent, Lu Jiude's most trusted aide said.

"Say it! Listen, Zajia."

"The current plan must not anger Wu Runing. It is best to use the word drag." The aide said.

"Why?" Lu Jiude immediately became interested.

"Wu Runing has evil intentions, and both the Holy Father and the princes in the court are well aware of it. Now Wu Runing is not in Runing. The army behind the Ge Zuo thieves has decided to follow his original plan. But according to what the students have seen, he is now

It won’t be the opposite.”

"Oh? Tell me quickly!"

"First, he is not in Runing, so it is difficult to make timely decisions; second, Wu Runing's family is in the capital, and he has concerns; third, he is in Liaodong, and if there is chaos here, he will be surrounded by elite troops from Liaodong Hongdu Division

, is the way to die. Therefore, the Runing camp behind the left thieves is just trying to get more benefits." The aide said.

"Then what do you mean by 'drag'?" Lu Jiude asked again.

"The current army of our employer has rebels in front and Wu Runing in the back. It is an absolute disadvantage. We should not start a war rashly, nor should we anger the other side. We must use a delaying strategy. Since Wu Runing wants to gain benefits, then we will give it to him and stabilize them first.

Besides, as time goes by, the Holy Emperor will work hard, and there will still be opportunities in the future. Even if it is unfavorable, the thieves in Huguang and the intruders in Henan have become a climate, and Wu Runing will also become their enemies. The boss can strengthen its troops for the future.


"Are you talking about moving the disaster eastward?" Lu Jiude asked with a frown.


"Hey——!" Lu Jiude let out a long sigh, "The Za family is afraid that the disaster has not been moved eastward, and someone has come to lure the wolf into the house!"

What Lu Jiude was worried about was that if the Runing Army occupied this place, it would pose a great threat to Nanjing and Fengyang. If these two places were lost, then Lu Jiude's head would be extremely unstable. He

I'm afraid I won't survive this future.

"Master! The student has something to say privately." Seeing Lu Jiude hesitated, the staff member was about to speak his heartfelt words.

Lu Jiude waved his hand and asked everyone to leave the big tent, and then asked in a low voice: "Sir, is there anything else you can't say in front of everyone?"

"Master! In case, what the student said is just in case, then Wu Runing really did the unspeakable thing, but he comes from a noble family and has a noble birth. In the past, he has always made good friends with officials and gentry, respected sages and sages, and taught

, it’s not the worst choice. It’s much better than those thieves!”

What the aide was talking about was class interests. He believed that even a change of dynasty could be tolerated as long as it did not harm the interests of the Ming Dynasty's ruling class. Peasant armies such as Li Zicheng and Zhang Xianzhong represented the poor class and were related to the Ming Dynasty.

The ruling class is irreconcilable, and the contradictions between them are completely irreconcilable.

In fact, this is also the biggest problem faced by peasant armies such as Li Zicheng and Zhang Xianzhong. Although some literati have joined them now, they still have not been recognized by the official, gentry and landlord class at all. Unless they take the initiative to welcome the official, gentry and landlord class

, like Zhu Yuanzhang back then, as a representative of the official, gentry and landlord class, otherwise, even if he has conquered the country, he will not be able to stabilize the country, and there will be absolutely no future.

Therefore, Wu Shigong's background and the policies he implemented were exactly the right path. During the feudal dynasty, it was impossible to have a bourgeois or proletarian revolution beyond the level of productivity at that time. He could only serve as the ruling gentry and landlords at that time.

Representative of class.

Otherwise, even if a group of idiots conquer the world, the leader will still want to be the emperor, and his ministers and generals will still want to have concubines, accumulate land, and become a new generation of officials, gentry, and landlords. So what is the essential difference?

What? The exploited peasants have been in rebellion for a long time and they are still exploited peasants. And the older generation of officials, gentry and landlords who have been replaced, who have been deprived of their property and status, how can they not resist to the end?

"But... but the Zajia are members of the palace!" Lu Jiude was still hesitant. Facing his confidants, Lu Jiude also opened his heart. At this position, Lu Jiude will definitely not be a foolish and loyal person.

, but he is still very worried about his future.

For civil servants, although a small group of the most trusted civil servants are emperors and courtiers, the vast majority of civil servants will have no impact at all if they change emperors. But it is a little different for eunuchs. Eunuchs are people who serve the emperor everywhere.

He must be the emperor's most trusted person, so if the emperor changes, he will definitely change his personal eunuch. Lu Jiude is worried that if there is a change of dynasty, his status will plummet.

"Why don't you think about it, boss? Wu Runing and Nanyang Mine Supervisor are very close!" the staff reminded.

Lu Jiude thought about it for a while and said to the staff: "That's it for today's talk. Don't think about so much now, let's find someone to talk to there first! It's OK to agree to the request, but it can't be too much. At least you have to get it.

Grandpa Huang’s approval.”

"Then the student will recommend himself and go over there to have a chat?"

"That's it, Mr. Hardship. Needless to say anything else, let's get the other side to agree to a temporary truce. Also, bring a big gift with you!"

"Wu Runing also has a high level of vision. If you don't have enough guidance, he might not take it seriously!"


The two of them discussed in detail in the big tent.

Then, Lu Jiude's close aide began shuttle diplomacy, and the three armies also became quiet, forming a de facto truce.

However, the negotiations between the staff and the Runing Army were very unsatisfactory. Regarding the Runing Army's plan to resettle the Gezuo Fifth Battalion and garrison troops here, Lu Jiude proposed to limit the number of people to be resettled and opposed the garrison. After all, Lu Jiude could not allow it.

Such a big force stayed by his side. On the contrary, Lu Jiude agreed to increase the departure fee.

In order to exert pressure, Xue Yongli manipulated the Gezuo Fifth Battalion to start fighting. Anyway, after a long period of exhausting bargaining, Xue Yongli finally reached an agreement with Lu Jiude.

One hundred thousand Gezuo Fifth Battalion Peasant Army was placed on the spot in He County, and the Runing Army arranged for reclamation merchants to form Tuntian Zhuangzi to manage them. The rest of the people will be brought back to Runing by the Runing Army and resettled in Germany.

Both parties tacitly did not mention the land needed for the village.

The Runing Army can garrison 2,000 troops in He County, and Lu Jiude will also send a staff general to lead 5,000 troops to garrison here.

As for the departure fee, Lu Jiude promised to increase it to 200,000 taels. However, as a thank you, Xue Yongli actually only received the original 150,000 taels. Lu Jiude also reciprocated the kindness of the Runing Army and reached an agreement.

Later, Lu Jiude gave Wu Shigong a special gift through his close aide, which were the two people he forcibly recruited from Nanjing City-Liu Rushi and Gu Hengbo.

This chapter has been completed!
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