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Chapter seven hundred and fifty seventh death channel

What Wu Sangui meant was very clear: everyone should run together, but other general soldiers should also drive their troops forward to fill the trenches and increase the width of the escape channel.

In the current situation, if you can save your life, everything will be fine. As long as you save your own soldiers, you can completely raise the army again. There is not much in the world, but there are many refugees without food. Set up a porridge bucket and knock on the rice basin

, there will be as many people as you need. So what does it mean to kill or injure soldiers? So the other general soldiers nodded one after another and hurriedly took their troops and horses to make arrangements.

The trenches on the side were constantly filled up, and more and more soldiers of the Ming army were deployed on the opposite front. Soon, the Ming army rushed through the trench and rushed to the earth wall, while the Qing army was on the earth wall.

A battle line was set up directly behind the wall, preparing to block the Ming army back through hand-to-hand combat.

Seeing his bannermen constantly falling to the frenzied fighting of the Ming army soldiers, Baylor's heart felt like a knife was twisted in his heart. These were his old assets, and today he was going to throw them all away.

But from the perspective of onlookers, Nabeile's expression was still very indifferent. He watched coldly as the deep ditch gradually turned into flat ground, and a large number of Ming army soldiers rushed over with their teeth and claws open. For some reason, Nabeile suddenly felt "

These four characters are "dying struggle".

After watching it for a while, Belle couldn't help but look back at Huang Taiji's main formation of the Chinese army, but the flag of the Chinese army remained motionless without any movement. Belle couldn't help but sigh in her heart: "Look.

The emperor really wants to use up all his troops here. Is the emperor crazy? These are all national athletes! If we keep fighting like this, sooner or later the Ming army will be overwhelmed. By then

Everything is over."

"Your Majesty! Almost a thousand steps of the trench have been filled in by Ming Gou, and Baylor suffered heavy casualties!" Sony next to Huang Taiji reported in a low voice. After a pause, he added another sentence, emphasizing his tone.

. said: "The dogs are all crazy!"

Although there are conflicts within the Eight Banners, most of them are matters between the upper echelons, and intermarriage among bannermen is very common, and there is some degree of friendship. So Sony couldn't help but plead for Huang Taiji to stop.

The troops in front are consumed.

On the Qing army's side, messengers were also shuttled back and forth to inform Huang Taiji of various situations that occurred on the battlefield. But the current situation looked like the Qing army was self-defeating in the battle. Huang Taiji really chose

The worst kind of mutual depletion of strength. And when this happens, it is incredible for the battle-hardened Huang Taiji.

Huang Taiji ignored Sony. He turned around and asked Obai: "Have all the troops who just sent the order gone out?"

Oboi immediately bowed and said: "They have set out a long time ago. As soon as the Emperor gives the order, they will set off immediately. They all promised that they will never miss the Emperor's business."

After discovering that the Ming army camp was in chaos, the intercepting Qing army also gathered urgently under Huang Taiji's order. However, Huang Taiji only led 3,000 of his own guards and 15,000 troops of other banners to the trench.

At the defense line, other Qing troops, under the orders of Huang Taiji, went into the night and ambush at key locations where the Ming troops would pass through in their retreat.

Even when they were fighting on both sides of the trench, Huang Taiji was still giving orders to all the Qing troops to ambush behind them, so Baylor, who was fighting in the front, could not observe the movements of the Chinese army.

After listening to Obai's report, Huang Taiji then ordered: "Immediately send an order. After Rang and Baylor have shot all the arrows in their hands, the entire army will move westward without stopping!"

The messenger galloped to the Baylor in the front. After receiving the order, the Baylor did not care whether the defense line would collapse if he ran away. The only way now was to escape from this defense line with heavy casualties as quickly as possible.

Go up and down.

The artillery of the Qing army suddenly roared in unison again, and the gunmen and archers rushed forward and fired desperately. The suddenly intensive firepower once again slowed down the Ming army's increasingly crazy momentum.

When the Ming army retreated slightly, Baylor shouted gold, and all the Qing troops withdrew towards the west.

But the Ming army who retreated slightly suddenly found that the resistance in front of them had completely disappeared. They were stunned for a moment, and then they were all ecstatic. There was no hesitation or surprise. Anyway, they rushed out of the way of survival.

At this point in the battle, the line between the third trench and the earthen wall has become a line of death. Although many Qing troops have been killed and injured in hand-to-hand combat, until now, no one from the Ming army has broken through that line.

The earthen walls were crowded to the front by those behind them, and then died tragically in battle.

But the momentum behind it is one wave after another. A slight pause here will cause the people behind to attack, and it is completely impossible to retreat. From the beginning of the battle to now, there is no one who has a mental breakdown.

Shouting and running around, the entire Ming army was in a state of madness.

But suddenly, the defense that seemed to be an iron wall suddenly became empty. The soldiers of the Qing army who were shouting to fight just now suddenly withdrew like a tide. This situation was so sudden that the soldiers of the Ming army who had been rushing forward suddenly

, the fighting position in the center fell completely silent, and what made them recover was the push from their companions behind them.

The "supervision team" behind the Ming army started yelling and scolding again, and the Ming army soldiers in the front suddenly reacted. They all shouted and howled excitedly and rushed forward in unison.

Many soldiers of the Ming Army felt a blank in their hearts, but in this blank they were filled with excitement. When they had a chance to survive, they ran forward and rushed forward quickly. The entire Ming Army's troops accelerated from front to back.

Look, this is the torrent of an army of nearly 100,000 people. It looks unstoppable and can overwhelm all obstacles in front of it.

And the excitement spread from front to back. Everyone spread their legs and ran forward, fearing that they would be left behind by the army if they ran too slowly. The battle just now fully demonstrated one thing: what is the complete meaning of comrades?

It’s bullshit. Yesterday, the comrades who were stirring the pot in a big pot would kill someone just because they were a little slow. Anyway, there is already a way to escape, so let’s go our separate ways!

But this run was bad. Just now, although the morale of the soldiers of the Ming army was low, they could barely maintain a formation. The troops were also led by officers, and they were still an army. The Qing army's front line was like a dam

Similarly, it not only blocked the torrent of the Ming army, but also helped the Ming army maintain its military structure.

But now, the dam suddenly disappeared without a trace, and the potential energy accumulated by the Ming army's torrent had nowhere to vent. They could only rush forward desperately. The overcrowded Ming army troops also lost the obstacles in front. Everyone

They are all running forward, and they are getting more and more scattered.

After all, the distance of the trench filling was limited. No matter how long it was, it could not allow nearly 100,000 Ming troops to pass unimpeded. So now the Ming troops swarmed out from the narrow bottleneck, and the queues suddenly dispersed.

Moreover, the mentality of the Ming army soldiers also suddenly changed. Just now, they were so nervous that they went crazy. Now, although there are still enemies in front of them, they feel relaxed about escaping. Everyone regards the trench and the earth wall as the line of death.

, beyond this boundary is life, but beyond this boundary is death.

As a result, there was no order for the Ming army passing through the trench. The soldiers crossing the trench on both sides were constantly being pushed and fell, and screams were constantly heard from the trench. The fallen soldiers also piled up higher and higher, and some were impatient.

The soldiers stepped over their heads, and the trampling made the scene even more chaotic.

Under such chaos, the troops could no longer hold back. After running for a certain distance, the troops that were still in some formations were completely thrown into chaos. They would not be able to find the soldiers, and the soldiers could not find their companions. Every time

Everyone was running around with weapons, completely disorganized, and an army of 100,000 people suddenly turned into 100,000 individuals, completely losing their organization.

At this time, the Ming army's messengers who were observing the situation were blocked. They originally passed through the gaps between the queues, but in the face of such a general situation, they were already blocked by the chaotic soldiers rushing forward.

, completely unable to advance or retreat.

Wu Sangui and the others, who were holding the battle at the back and supervising the battle, were also in a daze. They thought it was a cruel and bloody breakout battle, but they didn't expect it to be so easy. When things go wrong, there are monsters, so a shadow appeared in the hearts of these general soldiers.

"Get out of the way!" Huang Taiji ordered expressionlessly. His Chinese army was already located east of the center, so he didn't need to move much. He immediately reached the east side and, together with the Qing army on the left,

A large passage was opened for the fleeing Ming army.

Now the scene on the battlefield is very strange. The Qing army is arrayed in separate formations in the east and west, while the torrent of Ming army is passing through the channel vacated by the Qing army. It seems that there was no fierce battle between the two armies just now.

The Qing army watched the Ming army flee, and no Ming army soldier dared to pounce on the Qing army on both sides. Those soldiers wished they had a pair of scuds, and wanted to leave this passage as soon as possible.

"Shoot an arrow!" A shout came from the Qing army formation.

Arrows like raining locusts flew into the torrent of the fleeing Ming army. Although from a distance it looked like many points disappeared in the torrent, in fact, they caused a lot of damage to the Ming army.

However, the chaotic Ming army could not organize a fight at all. Everyone wanted to escape and pushed their comrades aside, trying to cover themselves and escape from the passage.

Rows of arrows and bursts of firecrackers caused the fleeing Ming army to fall in large numbers, but after all, the Ming army was too numerous, and the Qing troops arrayed on both sides did not dare to rush down to block the torrent. They were

On both sides, it is easy to harvest life.

General soldiers like Wu Sangui also dispatched with their own soldiers. They were able to gather together and run in the middle of the Ming army's torrent. All the Ming army soldiers who stood in front of them were trampled and hacked to death.

With horses and the cover of Ming soldiers on both sides, Wu Sangui and the others quickly passed through this death passage. (To be continued, please search Piao Tian Literature, the novel is better and updated faster!

This chapter has been completed!
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