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Chapter 79 Came to the Thousand Houses

Wu Shigong never thought that before he arrived at Guide, there were already two groups of people trying to deal with him.

After such a delay on the road, when Wu Shigong and his party arrived at Guide, the gate of Guide City was already closed. In desperation, Wu Shigong had no choice but to find a horse and carriage shop outside Guide City and bring the group there.

settle down.

Wu Shigong didn't want to cause any more trouble. Early tomorrow morning, as soon as the city gate opened, Wu Shigong took Xue Yongli and several other guards into Guide City to visit the commander of Guide Guard. Because Wu Shigong's official seal of Qianhu,

It is still in the hands of the commander of the Guide Guards. As soon as Wu Shigong got the official seal, he immediately left the city and rushed to Qianhu Station.

The next day, Wu Shigong entered the city and arrived at the Wei Commander's Yamen. Along with his invitation, he sent in one hundred taels of silver, two pieces of silk cloth and two boxes of finely bound gift boxes of powder. The powder that Zhao Ruya brought out from the powder shop will be used in the future.

Perhaps the biggest use is to give gifts to Wu Shigong.

After receiving Wu Shigong's invitation, the guard commander quickly met with Wu Shigong. The guard commander's name was Zhao Ming. He was an old man in his fifties. He was chubby and looked particularly rich. He always had a kind smile on his face.

After Wu Shigong saluted Commander Zhao, Commander Zhao started chatting with Wu Shigong. After a few words, Wu Shigong mentioned the official seal. However, Commander Zhao immediately changed the subject, and Wang Shigong talked about him.

Wu Shigong was impatient, but he couldn't force the issue of official seal. He could only patiently chat with old man Zhao Ming. Then old man Zhao Ming told Wu Shigong: let him live in Guide City for a few days with peace of mind.

.Anyway, it takes a day to get there from the southwest corner of Guide Prefecture where Wu Shigong’s thousand households are located.

Wu Shigong quickly declined because the journey took too long. Wu Shigong now wanted to get to his Qianhu Office as soon as possible.

Seeing that Wu Shigong's attitude was very determined, old man Zhao Ming smiled and nodded to Wu Shigong: "I am very busy now. I am planning to take a concubine in three days."

Wu Shigong suddenly realized. It turned out that my Commander Zhao was thinking about this problem. Wu Shigong hurriedly went outside and asked Xue Yongli for a hundred taels of silver as a gift for Commander Zhao to take a concubine. He congratulated him on the longevity of his sword and was very sorry.

He told Commander Zhao that he was in a hurry to take office, so he had no choice but to miss Commander Zhao's wedding.

After accepting the money, old man Zhao Ming seemed more kind. He immediately gave the official seal to Wu Shigong, and greatly praised Wu Shigong's diligent behavior in official affairs. Zhao Ming thought in his heart: As long as you have the money, you can do the wedding

Love comes or not.

When Wu Shigong asked Commander Zhao to arrange for someone familiar with the road to lead the way, old man Zhao Ming agreed. He immediately arranged for an old soldier beside him to lead the way for Wu Shigong.

Wu Shigong took the old soldier to the carriage and horse shop outside the city. The people in the carriage and horse shop had already prepared to set off and were waiting for Wu Shigong. As soon as Wu Shigong arrived, he immediately ordered everyone to make this long journey.

the last leg of.

Before setting off, Wu Shigong gave the old soldier twenty taels of silver. Wu Shigong wanted this old soldier who was familiar with the local situation to introduce more about his Qianhu Station.

After the old soldier received the money from Wu Shigong, he immediately started chatting with a smile on his face. Unexpectedly, this old soldier was still a chatterbox, and he talked non-stop along the way. He could tell Wu Shigong about any hill he encountered.

Tell a story to make people feel that if he lived in modern times, it would be great to be a tour guide.

But the old soldier's words could not spare Wu Shigong from going to the Qianhu Station. Under Wu Shigong's repeated questioning, the old soldier finally said helplessly that he went to the Qianhu Station.

As soon as the words began, the old soldier uttered one word: "Difficult!"

Then, Wu Shigong finally extracted what he needed from the complicated words of the old soldier. He understood the basic information of his Qianhu Office.

It turns out that his predecessor at the Senhu office, Senhu, died in an accident, and the position of Senhu was vacated. To be precise, that Senhu committed suicide.

This matter starts with Li Bingbei, the man who managed Guide Guards. Li Bingbei was relatively young and he was very resolute in his work. Moreover, he was a new official who had just taken office, so he wanted to make some political achievements.

Therefore, Li Bingbeidao asked his subordinates, the Guard Station and the Qianhu Station, to hand over the money and grain that should be paid every year.

The geographical location of Wu Shigong's Qianhu Station is very good, at the intersection of two rivers. The land is also very fertile. However, just because the land is fertile, it is a crime to possess a treasure.

In the early years of the Ming Dynasty, no one dared to invade the land of the Weisuo. However, since the middle of the Ming Dynasty, the local occupation of the Weisuo's land has become more and more intense. The same is true for Wu Shigong's Qianhusuo.

It is not that Wu Shigong's Qianhu Office and Guide Guard have not complained to their superior yamen. However, the gentry who occupied the land of the guard office all have backgrounds in the government. Some of them are members of the government themselves. Therefore, every complaint is made.

Nothing comes to an end in the endless wrangling.

After more than a hundred years of occupation, almost half of the land of Wu Shigong's Qianhusuo has been occupied. And after such a long time, which piece of land is the local land? Which piece of land is the Qianhusuo?

It has long become a confusing account. And the number of households in Wu Shigong's thousand-household office has long been no longer 1,000, and at most it is just over 700.

However, in the past, those soldiers and soldiers who knew about these situations always reduced or exempted some money and food from Wu Shigong's Qianhu Office. Therefore, the life of the Thousand Household Office was quite manageable.

When Li Bingbei Dao's order was issued, the former Qianhu household argued hard, but Li Bingbei Dao was uncompromising. However, the Qianhu household could not hand over so much money and food, and could only hand over part of it.

Therefore, Li Bingbeidao adopted a higher-level management model than humanized management - animalistic management. He took the former thousand households to the Bingbeidao Yamen and gave the former thousand households a beating.

Afterwards, the first thousand households were ordered to hand over the missing money and grain within a time limit.

The former Qianhu had a very strong temper. Without saying a word, he walked out of Bingbei Road Yamen, found an inn and hanged himself.

Moreover, Qian Qianhu's family was from a strong family. After receiving the news that her husband had committed suicide, Qian Qianhu's wife carried her husband's body to the Bingbei Dao Yamen and wanted to die with Li Bingbei. Li Bingbei was frightened.

The Tao is hiding in Tibet.

After receiving the news of the death of the former Qianhu, all the military attaches in Gui Dewei also started to riot. In the Ming Dynasty, the military attaches in the local superior guards were all hereditary. They lived in the same place for a long time and married each other, so

, that former Qianhu and all the military attachés of Guidewei can all be related to each other.

In other words, the death of Qian Qianhu is equivalent to the death of the relatives of these military attaches. How can this prevent these military attaches from causing trouble?

Faced with the cries of the families of the first thousand families, the common hatred of the military attachés at the guard station, Li Bingbeidao was in a panic. So, the yamen at all levels came forward, and they began to work with Xini. Finally, an agreement was reached that allowed all parties to basically

Satisfactory Agreement:

First of all, Li Bingbeidao personally gave a large sum of money to the families of the first thousand households to express condolences and deep condolences;

Secondly, in order to maintain Li Bingbeidao's dignity and the authority of the government, Li Bingbeidao's order requiring each guard station and Qianhu Station to hand over all money and food remains unchanged;

Third, considering the actual situation of the former Qianhu Office, we will apply to the court to send a Qianhu who has been acting for six years. This is because Li Bingbeidao can serve at most two terms in this position, that is,

Six years. And the son of Qian Qianhu will also come of age in six years. Anyway, let’s talk about what happens after six years;

Finally, civil servants at all levels, including Li Bingbeidao and all the military attachés at Guidewei, unanimously promised that after six years, the acting Qianhu would be driven away and the son of the former Qianhu would succeed Qianhu.

And when the request for the imperial court to send a Qianhu agent for six years arrived at the Ministry of War, it happened to be discovered by Wei Zhongxian. For the reasons mentioned above, this official position was assigned to Wu Shigong.

After hearing all this, Wu Shigong cursed in his heart: "This is so damn complicated!" Don't think too much about it. First, go to Qianhu Office to take up the post. The ship will be straightened out when it reaches the bridge.

When it got dark at night, the old soldier led Wu Shigong and his party to a small town under Qianhu. There were so many people in Wu Shigong that he could only find a few inns in the town and stay in them.


The old soldier took Wu Shigong, pointed in a direction, and said to Wu Shigong: "Master Qianhu, your Qianhu residence is right there."

Wu Shigong looked in that direction, but it was already the end of the month and it was a cloudy day. There was no moon or stars in the sky. Wu Shigong didn't see anything.

This chapter has been completed!
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