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Chapter seven hundred and ninety first mountain and tsunami

It didn't take long for Luo Qingjun to realize that he had been intoxicated too early. Compared with the "main meal" of returning to Runing and returning to Germany, Wu Shigong's encounters in Shandong were simply an "appetizer".

"Shuai Wu! You are back. Li thieves and Luo thieves are rampant in Henan. We are also frightened three times a day when we return to Germany. Seeing you finally calms down."

On April 13, the Runing Army entered the territory of Guide. At the border, they were warmly welcomed by the Guide garrison and local officials, gentry, and elders. When Wu Shigong dismounted to receive him, he was immediately greeted by this group of officials, gentry, and elders.

They were surrounded, and some village elders were so excited that they even sighed.

Because the magistrate of Guide Prefecture and other officials wanted to respect their status, they would definitely not go out of the city to go such a long way to greet him, so the leaders of the welcoming crowd were old man Zhao Ming and a clan brother of Hou Xun.

The scene was so lively that everyone seemed to have endless things to say. From the welcome meeting at the beginning, it turned into a crying meeting, and finally, with Zhao Ming's instigation, it turned into a mobilization meeting. These virtues, Runing's

Many of the children of the old middlemen in Guanshen Township have joined the Runing Army. Therefore, in their hearts, they are waiting for Wu Shigong to soar into the sky. In this case, the children of Runing and Guide in the Runing Army will also

A rising tide lifts all boats, and these families have also prospered. In a word: these officials, gentry, and village elders have become militants, and they have been impatient for a long time.

Then these officials and gentry villagers accompanied Wu Shigong to Guide Fucheng, where there must have been a grand banquet. When Wu Shigong returned to Luo Qingjun after these social activities, the little girl's face was already glowing with excitement.


These days, Wu Shigong is very gentle to Luo Qingjun. He understands that Luo Qingjun has a fantasy. He fantasizes about becoming the mistress of Runing Army. But this fantasy is destined to be shattered. Of course Wu Shigong will not point it out.

I can make up for it by loving Luo Qingjun even more at this time. After all, Wu Shigong is a very soft-hearted person towards women.

If the situation of returning to virtue is grand, then the situation of Runing is boiling.

As soon as they entered Runing, they set foot on the official road that had been cleared. The people on both sides of the official road lined the streets to welcome them, and they gave bursts of cheers to the Runing army from time to time.

Facing these cheers, the former soldiers of the Runing Army were better off. However, the newly joined officers and soldiers such as Yan Sanling and Wang Sheng were very excited. Although these people were considered to be brave in combat, among the people,

Often called "Qiu Ba", his social status is quite low, and he often suffers the cold eyes of others.

But now they are supported by the people. This sense of honor as a human being and as a soldier can be enjoyed thousands of times without getting tired of it. At this time, they have a sense of pride as a member of the Runing Army.


When Wu Shigong and his party returned to the headquarters camp of the Runing Army, they were greeted by a burst of cheers like a roaring mountain and a tsunami. More than 20,000 of the most elite soldiers of the Runing Army had already lined up at the school ground.

I am waiting for Wu Shigong’s lecture.

The cheers were so enthusiastic that they did not stop until Wu Shigong stepped onto the general stage. Deng Qifan and Xue Yongli stood on both sides of the general stage and smiled, waiting for Wu Shigong's speech, while Luo Qingjun sat in the carriage.

Guilin, she tightened her fists in excitement. Not everyone was adaptable to such an atmosphere. Among Luo Qingjun's dowry group, there were several maids and servants who were so frightened that their faces turned pale and their legs were so weak that they could not stand.


As for Wu Shigong, who was standing on the general stage, he looked at his strong soldiers and horses with great pride. So he shouted to his soldiers: "Brothers! The Runing army is victorious!"

"The Runing army will be victorious!"

"The Runing army will be victorious!"

The roar of mountains and tsunami sounded again in the school grounds.

After a while of excitement, Wu Shigong made a gesture to quiet the soldiers. There were hundreds of soldiers standing in front of the general ordering platform. They were about to shout out what Wu Shigong said, and then spread it throughout the school grounds through relays.

"Someone asked me what the Runing Army is? Is the Runing Army just an army? My answer is extremely resounding. No!"

"We are the elite of China. We are the guardians of the nation!"

"When Cangjie created the Chinese characters and the sage taught us about honor, disgrace, loyalty, and justice, we, the Runing Army, will use the swords in our hands to spread the sage's teachings to the entire world."

"Our journey is dangerous, and we need to spread blood and lives on the road ahead. Maybe we will have to grope in the dark for a long time, but can this stop the brave heart of our Runing army?"

"In order for our parents at home to enjoy their old age in peace, for our wives and children to enjoy eternal well-being, and for the people of the world to live and work in peace and contentment, our Runing Army is not afraid of sacrifice. This is the glory of our Runing Army! This is the mission of our Runing Army! This is

It’s our Runing Army’s responsibility! Who else but me!?”

Wu Shigong's agitation erupted into a tsunami: "Who else can I do?", "Who can I do without me!?"...

Several clerks from the Propaganda Department were hiding behind the stage and struggling to take down shorthand. They wanted to sort out Wu Shigong's speech as quickly as possible and distribute it to the entire army as quickly as possible.

"Someone asked me where the Runing Army would march to. I answered him loudly: There is no end!"

"Not in Runing, not in Guide, and certainly not in Henan."

"As long as there is injustice in the world, our Runing Army will appear there; as long as there is injustice in the world, our Runing Army will exist forever."

"Now I officially declare: Ru! Ning! Army! Go! Conquer!"

"The Runing Army sets off!"

"The Runing Army sets off!"

"The Runing Army sets off!"

On the school field, bursts of chants were made in unison, making the whole sky and the earth tremble. As the Runing army paraded past the military parade in front of the general stage, a chilling air filled the air.

Reading the sword while drunk,

Dreaming about the trumpet company camp.

Eight hundred miles apart, I will burn under my command,

The sound of fifty strings turning over the wall,

Autumn on the battlefield.

Lu Fei Kuai is a horseman,

The bow shook like a thunderbolt.

After the military parade, Wu Shigong took Deng Qifan, Xue Yongli and other senior civil and military officials into his study. As soon as he entered, he loudly announced: "Everything is ready. Let's do it!"

Deng Qifan, Xue Yongli and others understood the situation and immediately applauded enthusiastically. They had been looking forward to this day for a long time, and Deng Qifan and the others' years of hard work finally bore fruit.

"Finally, the day has come to conquer the world!" Some people thought secretly in their hearts. Some even clapped their palms red with excitement. Everything is ready, all that is left is the east wind, and the commander-in-chief of the Runing Army - Wu Shigong is finally back.


Then, Wu Shigong began to announce the first order: "Send it to the entire army and reiterate again: My eldest son Xue Chenglin is the young master of the Runing Army!"

This chapter has been completed!
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