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Chapter 814: Sticking to Yangshuo Town

First, let’s talk about Yang Wenyue in Lankao County.

After Yang Wenyue and other 4,000 troops entered the county town, they were immediately surrounded by more than 12,000 peasant troops who were following them. The peasant troops besieging the city did not carry too many artillery and siege equipment, so they surrounded but did not attack.

But Yang Wenyue no longer cares about city defense. He knows that his wrong judgment has ruined this army. He has added guilt to crime, and there will be no good end even if he escapes. Only the commander-in-chief Hu Dawei is still diligently making arrangements.

Guard the city.

It was such a coincidence that the defending peasant army tried to fire artillery shells into the city, and by chance, it smashed the head of Hu Dawei who was patrolling the city. This unexpected situation also allowed the defenders to

The officers and soldiers were in chaos. Without Yang Wenyue to restrain them, the officers and soldiers in Lankao County suddenly collapsed. Some soldiers secretly opened the city gate and surrendered to the peasant army outside the city; some were like headless flies inside the city.

Running around; the most common thing is to pretend to be ordinary people and try to get through.

After a short period of consternation, the peasant army also happily invaded Lankao County. With almost no casualties, they completely annihilated the official army and incorporated the soldiers of this official army into their own army.

in the camp.

All officials like Yang Wenyue were killed in the battle. Especially Yang Wenyue. After the peasant army entered the city, he was still wearing official robes and wandering on the roads in the city with disheveled hair. He just kept muttering: "The Ming Dynasty is over! The Ming Dynasty is over!" and was later killed.

A peasant soldier he encountered was hacked to death, so that his spirit finally retained some of his last dignity.

Then, the peasant army besieging Lankao County joined the troops besieging Yangguang Town, and the total number of troops besieging the town had reached more than 50,000. The Heiyun Army defending the town had a strength of 21,000 at this time


Judging from the number of people, it seems that the Heiyun Army was not damaged at all, but the actual situation is not the case. Because the more than 1,000 military households and 3,000 civilians recruited in Xuzhou were basically used as auxiliary troops. They did not go to the battlefield at all.

Therefore, they did not suffer heavy losses when they escaped. In addition, Yang Tinglin brought over a thousand remnants of Yang Wenyue's troops, so at this time, the losses of the new recruits of the Black Cloud Army had actually exceeded 20 to 30%.

At this time, Yu Zilian also had two choices: one was to break out with the entire army. Although there were more than 50,000 peasant troops surrounding them, they could not stop the breakout of more than 20,000 people. As long as they concentrated on one point to break out, the black army would

Yun Jun can always escape a little.

However, the current Heiyun Army has just suffered a major defeat, and the morale of the new soldiers is very unstable. It will be better if they are allowed to defend the town. If they are allowed to obey orders and break out in an orderly manner, this army may be defeated as soon as they leave the town.

It's about to collapse.

The other, of course, is to defend the town. However, although this option can survive, when the large forces of the Peasant Army are mobilized, the encirclement around the entire town will become tighter and tighter. In the end, the Heiyun Army will be unable to break through.

.Unless there are reinforcements from outside, the fate of the Black Cloud Army will be the same as that of Kaifeng City. It is nothing more than delaying time.

But in the end, Yu Zilian still chose to defend the town. Because Yu Zilian's method of running the army was very special. He must maintain his own prestige with continuous victories. Otherwise, no soldiers would obey such strict military laws. So

, once he returns from a disastrous defeat, Yu Zilian's reputation in the army will be over, and he will definitely not be able to recruit or train any new troops in the future. Of course, without the new army, Yu Zilian's future in the officialdom will also be gone.

So now Yu Zilian is looking forward to the Runing Army coming to the rescue. In order to enhance the confidence of the soldiers, he also trumpeted his deep personal relationship with Wu Shigong in the army, but the new recruits of the Heiyun Army who did not understand the truth actually believed it.

Oh. How pitiful!

In addition, the defense orders issued by Yu Zilian were also clear and organized, and the food and grass collected along the way were not lost. It was enough for the entire army for two months. Therefore, after a period of panic, the morale of the Heiyun Army gradually stabilized.

The Peasant Army wanted to pursue a quick victory. Although it surrounded the Black Cloud Army, it also contained more than 50,000 Peasant Army troops. Together with the peripheral auxiliary troops, the total number was more than 80,000.

If we win quickly, we can liberate this peasant army. After all, the peasant army still has to focus on preparing the Runing Army and Zuo Liangyu's Department in the south.

Moreover, the successful attack on Cranco County also gave the peasant army great confidence. They believed that the besieged official army had no fighting spirit. As long as they launched a few small charges, the entire army would be defeated.


However, as soon as they attacked, the peasant army knew that they had encountered a tough opponent. Before the charging troops could get close to the earthen wall surrounding the town, they were fired upon by firearms from the Black Cloud Army. The peasant army was defeated after leaving behind hundreds of corpses.

Went down.

Then that night, Yu Zilian personally led thousands of dead soldiers to attack the camp of the peasant army at night, causing another chaos in the peasant army. At one o'clock at dawn, the peasant army suffered hundreds more casualties and suffered a second minor defeat.

The successive victories also boosted the confidence of the new recruits of the Black Cloud Army, and Yu Zilian's prestige in the army also returned unknowingly.

But now the peasant army is in a difficult situation. It does not have heavy artillery and siege equipment to carry out a strong attack. Not to mention the heavy casualties, there is no guarantee that it will be able to capture it.

If you transport the heavy general artillery and large general artillery placed in Kaifeng City and Zhuxian Town, on the one hand it will take a long time; on the other hand, the bombardment may not be effective, because the Heiyun Army also has a lot of artillery. Although they

The caliber is smaller, but after all, it is fired from a high position on the earth wall, so it will not suffer any big loss in terms of range.

As a result, the peasant army had only one choice: to do the old trick of gathering a large amount of labor and dig trenches around Yanghuang Town again. In this way, the Heiyun Army and the peasant army came to a stalemate in Yanghuang Town.

"Ping'er is so handsome today! Today he is a little grown-up." Li Yuenu looked at Xue Chengping with a smile, and today Xue Chengping was dressed in formal clothes. Then Li Yuenu pinched Xue Chengping's face with his hand and said: "Wait a minute.

I’ll give Aunt Yue some credit later, so I can be on a big stage.”

"Yes! Aunt Yue." Xue Chengping said with his chest raised, looking like he had grown up.

Li Yuenu took Xue Chengping's little hand and walked toward the front hall. When she was almost there, she met Li Xin hiding behind the screen in the front hall and Wu Chengying, who was also in formal clothes.

Li Yuenu immediately took a deep breath and said: "Greetings to Mrs. Li! Greetings to the Second Young Master!"

And Xue Chengping also knelt down and saluted: "Greetings to Aunt Li! Greetings to second brother!" (To be continued, please search Piaotian Literature, the novel is better and updated faster!

This chapter has been completed!
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