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Eight hundred and seventeenth chapter Huiji River confrontation

The fall of Qixian County caused the peasant army to be completely passive. At this time, Yang Rusong and the Shumo Department could go north to join the Heiyun Army who was besieged in Yangxian Town, or they could go northwest to directly relieve Kaifeng City. What is needed

The time is only three or four days at most.

However, the strength of the peasant army here is concentrated and dispersed. It cannot stop the Runing army at all. In addition, it is not known which direction the Runing army will choose, so it has evolved into a passive way of being beaten.


The coalition forces of Li and Luo are also in chaos. Until now, Li Zicheng's camp is fighting. But Luo Rucai is not very interested in such a battle. He still believes that it is better not to fight head-on with the officers and soldiers, and they should flee long ago.

These wanderings, the world is so vast, where can’t they go and enjoy themselves?

Luo Rucai's thoughts also affected some of the soldiers who broke into the camp. They also felt that Li Zicheng was a little evil. Why did he hang himself on a tree in Kaifeng City? Since the army is coming, it's better to hide if you can!

This is because the Peasant Army such as Chuangying became prosperous too quickly, so many people are still unable to accept the idea of ​​establishing a formal political power and establishing a base area. The idea of ​​rogue bandits among the Peasant Army is still very serious.

However, the subsequent actions of the Runing Army left Li and Luo's coalition forces with no choice. When they learned that the three armies of the Runing Army had exceeded 100,000 troops and had completely controlled the central Henan area in a short period of time, Li Zicheng and Luo Rucai

I was forced to go to Liangshan.

Because of this posture, it looked like they were forcing Li and Luo's coalition forces to jump into the Yellow River. In addition, they learned that Sun Chuanting's Qin army was ready to move to the west, and Li and Luo's coalition forces suddenly found themselves on a piece of desperate ground. If

If they don't fight hard, they will really be wiped out.

But this is really an injustice to the Runing Army! In order to let the Li and Luo Allied Forces discover the weakness, the left army of the Runing Army did not even occupy Ruzhou. They just wanted to let the Li and Luo Allied Forces discover the passage from Nanyang to Huguang.

.But now Li Zicheng and Luo Rucai have become frightened. Instead, they believe that this is a flaw deliberately exposed by the Runing army, so that the Li and Luo coalition forces will embark on this road of being "ambushed" by the official army.

Therefore, lack of information will always lead to many misunderstandings. At this time, Wu Shigong might want to send Li Zicheng a message and express his "innocent heart" to him!

As soon as they sensed danger, Li Zicheng and Luo Rucai immediately put aside their conflicts and worked together. They immediately gradually withdrew their troops from the encirclement around Kaifeng City and concentrated them near Zhuxian Town, preparing for another successful encirclement and reinforcements.

At this time, the Runing army seemed to be having a brain convulsion, and they also postponed the pace of the attack, especially Yang Rusong and Shu Mo Department in Qixian County. They stood still, as if waiting for the deployment of the Li and Luo coalition forces.

Get in position.

In fact, the performance of the Runing Army is understandable. Because they don't care about the life and death of Kaifeng City and the Heiyun Army. As long as these two places are not lost and they can contain the Li and Luo Allied Forces, the Runing Army would rather Li and Luo Allied Forces be contained.

We are fighting to the death with the officers and soldiers in these two places.

Of course, before that, the Runing Army must also convey the news of its arrival to these two places. This will also give the soldiers and civilians in these two places the confidence to persevere.

Relatively speaking, news from Yangguan Town was easily conveyed. After resting for a few days, Yang Rusong and the Shu Mo Department went north to the bank of the Huiji River and fired a barrage of artillery shells towards the other bank. Regardless of the outcome of the battle, at least the sound of the artillery fire was

It can be delivered to Yangguan Town.

When the Heiyun Army in Yangguan Town heard about the arrival of the reinforcements, they immediately worshiped Yu Zilian with all their hearts. That Master Yu was not only good at fighting, but also had friends all over the world. It was definitely right to follow him.

But then the soldiers of the Black Cloud Army were looking forward to the stars and the moon. But no matter how they looked forward to it, they did not look forward to the arrival of reinforcements. They could only listen to the sound of cannons in the distance and dreamed of escaping one day.


Several of Chen De's soldiers who had fled to Runing at that time took a detour again and boarded a boat on the Yellow River, then swam into Kaifeng City at night and spread the news of the Runing Army sending troops back to the city.

So the soldiers and civilians in Kaifeng were very excited. In order to hold on and celebrate, they held a grand "celebration" in the city.

By this time, there was not much food left in the city, and ordinary residents were starving to death in large numbers. The price of food in the city also gradually increased to eighty taels per stone, and even those with money could not buy it.

After some discussions and compromises among the officials, the government in Kaifeng City finally introduced a strange policy: as the incarnation of justice, the Ming Dynasty officials, of course, could not go to the private sector to grab grain, so they decided to go to the private sector to buy grain to support the government.

The arrival of the Runing Army. Of course, ordinary people in Kaifeng City now have almost no food stored in their homes, and the food is concentrated in the homes of wealthy officials, gentry, and rich people, so the act of grabbing food may not be able to be carried out.

Of course, the money for purchasing grain was forcibly apportioned to households. If you had grain, you could pay it in exchange, and if you didn't have grain, you could also pay it in exchange for silver. As soon as this policy was introduced, the price of grain in the city immediately skyrocketed to one hundred and thirty taels per stone.

As for those who couldn't hand over food and money, they "caught young men and women first and pricked their skins with hundreds of large needles, screaming for injustice." Some rich families even paid tens of thousands of taels of silver and still could not avoid being tortured to death. The defenders of the city

Armed with the governor's orders and arrows, the officers and soldiers broke into people's houses to search for food. They searched everywhere except the mansions of the prince and above.

Then the price of food in the market soared even more, with rice and millet costing a hundred gold per dou, and vegetables costing a thousand yuan per catty. Then the market was completely cut off, and even if you had money, you couldn't buy food. After the food in the city ran out, the residents ate cowhide, fur coats, medicinal materials, and water plants.

They used tiles, horse dung, clay, etc. in order to prolong the time, but in the end there was a tragic situation of cannibalism.

But no one in the city knew that the soldiers who had returned from the summons also brought an oral message from Wu Shigong to Henan Commander-in-Chief Chen Yongfu...

The Huiji River in the northwest of Qixian County has turned into a small stream due to years of drought. And because of the army's water collection and the large number of people and horses passing by upstream, the river water has also changed from clear to turbid.

Yang Rusong and the Shu Mo Division arrived at the south bank of the Huiji River two days earlier than the peasant army. However, they did not take the opportunity to cross the river. When He Yaoqi led more than 10,000 peasant troops drawn from Yanghuan Town to the north bank

, the Runing Army's fortifications on the south bank have been completely arranged.

Along the river bank, the Runing Army erected three or four rows of wooden fences as high as one person. The gaps in the wooden fences can be used to easily set up firecrackers and shoot, and can also be easily extended to assassinate with spears. And in the gaps between the wooden fences,

Artillery was also placed at the joints between the fence and the wooden fence, forming a complete firepower network. Moreover, the situation behind the high slope of the river bank could not be observed, making He Yaoqi unable to figure out how many Runing troops were behind the slope.

Although the runoff of the Huiji River is already quite small, some stones at the bottom of the river are also exposed, allowing men and horses to wade across the river. But He Waiqi did not dare to launch an attack rashly. Because the Runing Army

The terrain they occupy is too favorable. If the peasant army wants to attack, the troops will have no way to deploy. They will face the Runing army waiting for work and attack head-on.

Seeing that the Runing army on the other side was in a defensive posture, He Waoqi started a confrontation along the river. However, he also stepped up to repay Li Zicheng and asked him to send additional reinforcements to deal with the Runing army.

Two days later, more than 30,000 peasant troops led by Tian Jianxiu arrived. As soon as the two armies merged, Tian Jianxiu was eager to observe the Runing army's fortifications and prepare to attack the other side.

Although the current Li and Luo coalition forces surround the Heiyun Army in Kaifeng City and Yangguang Town, these two official armies are also "time bombs" in the belly of the peasant army. Once these two official armies interact with the reinforcements from outside,

If the internal and external cooperation is successful, the combined forces of Li and Luo will not only be unable to encircle the point for reinforcements, but will immediately fall into the dilemma of multi-faceted combat, and a great victory will turn into a great defeat.

However, the Heiyun Army, Li and Luo Allied Forces in Kaifeng City and Yangguan Town could not attack by force. They were not sure of conquering them in a short time, and they could not withstand such heavy casualties. Facing the gradually approaching central and left forces,

The Runing Army, Li Zicheng and Luo Rucai decided to defeat the Runing Army on the right first, so as to occupy a favorable decisive battle position.

However, when Tian Jianxiu informed He Yaoqi of Li Zicheng's decision, He Yaoqi immediately objected. He Yaoqi had fought against the Runing Army before, and he had some understanding of the combat effectiveness of the Runing Army. He felt that if he could

It is enough to ensure a confrontation between the two armies at the Huiji River. The peasant army has absolutely no strength to capture the Runing Army who is determined to defend it, not to mention that it is still unknown how many Runing Army there are on the south bank of the Huiji River.

However, Tian Jianxiu still had to carry out Li Zicheng's orders. In the camp, because the system was not complete, although He Yaoqi's status was slightly higher than that of Tian Jianxiu, the two of them did not have a subordinate relationship. Therefore, in Huiji Hebei

In the peasant army on the other side of the river, the final decision still had to be made through discussion between the two generals.

When Tian Jianxiu saw the Runing military fortifications on the south bank, he felt that he had some opportunities. Although Tian Jianxiu could imagine what would happen when the peasant army waded across the river and climbed over the wooden fence.

He was shot by Runing's gunfire, bows and arrows, and assassinated by spears, but these responses were all traceable.

In ordinary battles, you are not afraid of the enemy's defense. You are afraid of the enemy's attack. Because the methods of attack are various, they must be used in a variety of ways, which tests the commander's command skills and the soldiers' combat literacy. If you attack while the enemy defends, then

You can play a lot of tricks, and you are not afraid of the enemy's counterattack. The enemy can only be passively beaten anyway.

Therefore, the same situation will be judged differently in the eyes of people with different mentality. Therefore, Tian Jianxiu decided to cross the Huiji River and first defeat the Runing army on the other side. (Unfinished)

to be continued..)

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