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Chapter eight hundred and nineteen is to drag down

The soldiers of the Runing Army are all full-time. In addition to eating and sleeping, they train and train again and again every day. Therefore, the action of shooting fire muskets has become the instinct of the soldiers. They can suppress their emotional fluctuations and reload meticulously.


Almost all the fire cannons of the Runing Army were concentrated in these rows of wooden fences, so the density of fire cannon shooting was quite high. As for the refugees of the Peasant Army, many of them were naked, let alone armor.

, such an undefended person encountered a dense barrage of bullets, it was simply a one-sided massacre.

But those skinny refugees were not afraid. Their faces showed fanatical looks, as if they were responding to the call of death, and they rushed forward desperately, as if the bullets and smoke in front of them did not exist.


Therefore, no matter how dense the fire cannon fire is, it cannot stop such a dense crowd of refugees. Although the river is filled with corpses and the water gradually turns dark red, the refugees are getting closer and closer to the wooden fence.

Seeing the peasant army approaching, another order came out from the Runing Army, and hundreds of swarms began to launch concentratedly. Tens of thousands of rockets rushed towards the crowd of refugees, immediately knocking down a large number of refugees.

And swarm shooting is the most effective against such unarmored refugees, especially when they are arranged so densely.

But this is because Runing's army is rich. A swarm of bees costs more than a dozen taels, and the rockets are disposable. Therefore, nearly two thousand taels of silver are thrown away in one launch. As long as the refugees rush in like this five or six times

, the consumption of a swarm of Runing troops would reach tens of thousands of taels. Such a battle is really not something that the poor can afford.

However, the swarm of fire still did not dampen the enthusiasm of the refugees, and they still rushed forward, stepping on the corpses of their companions in front of them. Such a spirit of disregarding death is indeed admirable, but the soldiers of the Runing Army were also in a state of stupor.

Under the command of the officers, they still fired firecrackers mechanically.

Hao Yaoqi and Tian Jianxiu, who were in the rear, found a high place to watch the battle. They saw swarms of refugees falling, and their expressions remained motionless. He Yaoqi was still silently counting the number of fire cannons fired.

.He was waiting for the gap when the barrel of the gun heated up and stopped firing after three or four rounds of firing.

However, the Runing Army's gunfire was fired in rounds, with enough time to dissipate heat, and the quality of the barrel was quite good, so it gave the impression that they were firing endlessly.

After hearing the end, Hao Yaoqi couldn't help but cursed: "Then where was Butcher Wu's firecracker made so that it is so powerful? When did Guan Gou have such a firecracker?"

Tian Jianxiu looked at the scene below and finally breathed a sigh of relief. He smiled and said: "No matter how powerful the fire gun is, it can't withstand our charge. Old Hao, look at it, it's already ashore."


From the beginning to the end, neither He Yaoqi nor Tian Jianxiu felt any sympathy for the heavy casualties suffered by the refugees.

The fanatical refugees did indeed rush ashore. However, because the current of the Huiji River became smaller, the shore they stepped on was actually on the exposed river bed, about twenty steps away from the first row of wooden fences.


But at this moment, artillery pieces protruded from the gaps in the wooden fence, "Boom!" The sound of the artillery fire was much louder than the firecrackers, and it sounded like muffled thunder in front of the peasant army.

Many refugees were shaken by the sudden loud noise as soon as they set foot on the north shore. But such a dull scene only lasted for a moment, and then they were faced with a baptism of steel storm.

The artillery of the Runing Army fired shotgun shells, and iron sand and lead particles shot out from the muzzle, immediately covering the twenty steps in front of the wooden fence. The high-speed flying iron sand swept past like a scythe of death.

, the front was cleared all at once.

The refugees at the front were all beaten to pieces by shotguns, as if they were sieves, and some were directly beaten to pieces. The ones behind also suffered heavy casualties, and their life was almost cut off within thirty steps.

At this time, due to the firing of artillery, muskets and rockets, the wooden fence of the Runing Army was already filled with smoke, completely blocking the sight of the soldiers. However, with the firing of the artillery, the Runing Army still started three rounds.

Fire cannons in turn to kill any fish that slips through the net.

And this time the shooting completely woke up the refugees. From the moment after the sound of the cannon, the entire battlefield became quiet. Many of the standing refugees were stunned. They all stared blankly at the corpse in front of them.

He stared blankly at the wooden fence on the opposite side. The entire battlefield was extremely quiet, and no one was making any noise. They were all staring at the shore and the wooden fence, but no one dared to move at all.

One, two, three..., someone took the lead, and the refugees finally began to run back. They no longer wanted to fight, they just wanted to leave this bloody battlefield as soon as possible. The fear of death finally began to prevail.

The diffuse smoke gradually dissipated, and corpses were lying within forty steps in front of the wooden fence. Several seriously injured people were rolling and wailing in the pile of corpses. Surprisingly, one lucky person survived unscathed.

Standing among the corpses.

An officer in the front row of the Runing Army issued another order, and a small group of gunmen were ready to launch. With the sound of "shoot!", the lucky man immediately spurted out several streams of blood arrows.

, he was knocked to the ground without even uttering a scream. And with the sound of this row of gunshots, the fleeing peasant army ran faster.

"Send the order! Beat the drum! Then charge into the enemy camp and kill those who retreat!" Tian Jianxiu shouted to his own soldier captain.

At this time, Tian Jianxiu was already a little angry. He felt that the refugees' charge was in vain. They had already touched the edge of the wooden fence and would be beaten back by the officers and soldiers on the opposite side. Tian Jianxiu was ready to strictly enforce military law.


"Come back!" He Yaoqi immediately shouted. Then he explained to Tian Jianxiu, "We can't charge any more. We're all scared. If we charge again, we won't be able to hold down the team."

Using cannon fodder to rush into battle is also a double-edged sword. If you are forced too hard, the cannon fodder that escapes will not care about you supervising the team. If they encounter someone who blocks the way, they will still fight like crazy. Although in the end it can

If the bombardment is suppressed, the peasant army will definitely be severely weakened. Don't say whether the official troops on the other side of the river will take advantage of the chaos to attack.

So Tian Jianxiu let out a long breath. He also knew that he was a little impulsive, and then he said: "Follow General Hao's order! Retreat the troops!"

"Dangdang", the sound of golden sounds sounded, and the fugitives were like a amnesty, and they retired towards the back. At this time, Tian Jianxiu observed the line of defense of Runing Army again, and saw the layer of wooden fence behind the layer of wood fences.

, artillery, muskets, and spears are all arranged layer by layer. From long-range weapons to short-range weapons, there are all kinds of weapons, just waiting for the attack of the peasant army.

"What should we do now?" Tian Jianxiu asked. Because he suffered a huge defeat, Tian Jianxiu couldn't make up his mind easily.

"Stand back 200 steps and dig ditches and build walls! Let's build the fortifications according to Butcher Wu's style, and give our cavalry a place to display. If Butcher Wu fills the river to attack, their firearms may not be so powerful. Let's learn from it.

He fights like this." He Waiqi replied.

"But why are they attacking now?" Tian Jianxiu asked again.

He Yaoqi wiped his face in frustration and said: "I can only hope that they will make a mistake. I will also mobilize the cavalry team, and I will cover it and complete the fortifications no matter what."

Seeing the peasant army retreat, Shu Mo, who was watching the battle, shook his head repeatedly. He said with some regret: "Is it just like this? There are still many methods that have not been used."

Yao Liang on the side quickly asked for instructions: "Should we let the general lead the cavalry to charge for a while? The thieves are making such a mess, and one hammer will break all their backbones."

Yang Rusong looked at Yao Liang helplessly and said: "Your Excellency has strictly ordered: Just maintain a stalemate, don't push too hard. We just want to consume, not to let the entire rebel army be annihilated. Alas -! This battle is really tough.

I’m holding my breath!”

The officers of the Runing Army suddenly sighed.

The battle that took place next to the Huiji River ended with zero casualties from the Runing Army. However, the peasant army also built fortifications next, and the two armies locked horns along the Huiji River.

Xue Yongli and Chug's troops in the middle also advanced to Tongxu County and stopped, waiting for Li and Luo's coalition forces to come forward for a confrontation. This made Li Zicheng, Luo Rucai and the others quite sad. They were already well prepared in Zhuxian Town behind them.

However, the Runing Army refused to step forward. Although the peasant army sent small groups several times to pretend to be defeated, the Runing Army never took the bait.

However, this is not because the Runing Army saw through the plot of the Peasant Army. They originally hoped to stalemate with the Peasant Army and did not think about rushing to Kaifeng City. And the Li and Luo coalition forces would not be able to give up such an empty territory to Ru in the end.

The Ning army went to occupy it, because if the Runing army really moved forward, the Runing army in the middle might flank the peasant army waving the flag, which would make the Li and Luo coalition even more passive. So in desperation, Li,

The Luo Alliance Army still moved forward with troops, and finally confronted the Runing Army.

The only good thing is that Zhang Biao's troops still remained stationary during the patrol on the left, which allowed the coalition forces of Li and Luo to still have sufficient strength to cope with the situation of facing enemies on all sides.

However, when the battle report of He Waoqi reached Li Zicheng and Luo Rucai's camp, they did not dare to take the initiative to attack. They still took advantage of their large numbers and dug trenches and repaired fortifications to block the Runing army's rescue.


Now the Li and Luo coalition forces are gritting their teeth and persisting. They are competing to see who can't hold on. They hope that the Heiyun Army in Kaifeng City and Yangguang Town will collapse first due to lack of food and liberate the peasant armies there.

Afterwards, they will gather their forces for a decisive battle with the Runing Army.

The easiest one is the Runing Army. They don't care about the life or death of Kaifeng City and the Heiyun Army. They just want to slowly wear down the peasant army and then drive them out of Kaifeng City.

This chapter has been completed!
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