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Chapter 83 Cavalry Training

On the third day, hundreds of households gathered more than 700 laborers, plus 70 to 80 carpenters and plasterers hired by Zheng Zhen, and gathered at the Qianhusuo fortress.

Wu Shigong arranged for them: ignore the outer city wall first, build the inner wall first, and build houses so that his people can live in first. Then, build the outer city wall.

Among the craftsmen Zheng Zhen hired in the county, there was an old craftsman named Jiang who was their foreman. Foreman Jiang reported to Wu Shigong: "Sir, it will take two months to do this work."

Wu Shigong decisively offered the reward amount: "Guarantee quality and quantity, and complete the work in forty days. The salary I will give you will be increased by 30% for each person. Is that okay?"

Of course that's okay. Foreman Jiang quickly agreed with a smile. The construction period he originally mentioned was with a margin. Now, as long as we work harder, it can definitely be completed.

Wu Shigong is also in a hurry now. He wants to move in as early as possible and feel relieved. Otherwise, after the inner walls and houses are built, it will be already the twelfth lunar month. Rebuilding the outer city wall at this time will definitely not be completed before the Chinese New Year. And during the Chinese New Year,

It is impossible for others to work here, unless Wu Shigong pays a big price. In comparison, the money Wu Shigong pays now is small money.

After it was decided, a group of people started working in full swing.

After arriving in the town, not only Yang Goudan had nothing to do, but the guards also began to idle away. In just a few days, these guards had four fights with people in the town. Find out the root cause

, all for the fans.

Of course the reason for this fight is that locals bully foreigners. But think about it, what kind of good products are sold in this small town. They are just a bunch of local prostitutes. Just this kind of product, you will all be jealous.

Ah? You guards, please don’t embarrass your uncle and master, okay?

This made Wu Shigong so angry: "I didn't even give you military pay, I just divided the spoils after beating Zhuangzi. Each person only got a few hundred coins, and you are all like this. If I paid you military pay, then you

Why don’t we have to go into heat collectively?”

Following the trend, Wu Shigong announced to these guards: "Each guard will be given one tael of silver as military pay every month. The remaining two taels will be kept with Wu Shigong and will be collected after approval when needed. Or the account can be sent back to Yangwuhou Mansion for Yang

The Wuhou Mansion can also distribute it to the families of these guards."

Unexpectedly, none of these guards had any objections. They all expressed that they would give money to their families. People at that time were very family-oriented. These guards also knew that following Wu Shigong, there was actually no place to spend money. Eat.

Wu Shigong will take care of everything including transportation, transportation, and transportation for them. All they need to do is stay safe and protect Wu Shigong.

After discussing with Xue Yongli, Wu Shigong decided to start the training of these guards immediately. At present, Xue Yongli is responsible for the training of cavalry tactics.

Before the training, Wu Shigong asked the guards to uniformly call themselves "Master" or "Master Qianhu".

Nowadays, the names that these guards call Wu Shigong are too confusing. For example, some of the guards from Zhou Xun and his army call Wu Shigong "Master"; the guards of Xue Mansion call Wu Shigong "Uncle"; and the guards of the gambling house call Wu Shigong "Master".

Wu Shigong is called "Master". This is because Shu Mo is not there, otherwise, Wu Shigong's title would have been "Master".

After listening to Wu Shigong's order, these guards all agreed. This is also what it should be, and they should be called uniformly in the army.

However, in their later lives, these guards stubbornly kept the title of Wu Shigong. As long as it was in private situations, they would definitely restore the original title. Even Zhou Xun and Qian Qi called Wu Shigong "Old Commander"


Wu Shigong corrected him several times but to no avail, so he had to let them go. Later, Wu Shigong realized that these guards would do this precisely to show in front of others that the relationship between these guards and Wu Shigong was very close.

Xue Yongli divided the guards into two groups, one for training and one for guarding in the town. Wu Shigong proposed to Xue Yongli that he would also receive training. Xue Yongli looked at Wu Shigong up and down for a long time, and finally nodded in agreement.

When the training started, Wu Shigong realized why Xue Yongli had been looking at him for a long time. Because when Xue Yongli was training, if anyone's movements were not standard, the dirty words he would scold were simply unbearable.

Xue Yongli placed the training venue in the open space of the school grounds of Qianhusuo Fortress. When the training began, Wu Shigong realized that in ancient times, military riding training was completely different from what was shown in modern TV dramas. It was also similar to circus performances.

The equestrian skills are not the same at all.

Xue Yongli just asked the guards to ride horses and constantly arrange them in formation. Then, they all rode the horses together to trot, accelerate, and finally sprint. Then, everyone dismounted, fed the horses, and let the horses rest. Then they got on the horses and rode together.

The horse trots, accelerates, and finally sprints. It is trained repeatedly in this way. In Wu Shigong's eyes, there is no romantic feeling at all like a cavalryman waving his saber and galloping on horseback.

During the training process, because everyone else had some background in riding training, Wu Shigong and recruit Yang Rusong unfortunately became the biggest victims of Xue Yongli's words.

But Wu Shigong just endured it. He recited silently in his heart: "A famous teacher produces a good disciple, and a famous teacher produces a good disciple..." Under the command of Xue Yongli, he repeated this boring training over and over again. But Wu Shigong's performance made people including

The guards, including Xue Yongli, all looked at him with admiration.

During the training break, Xue Yongli said to Wu Shigong: "In fact, the most basic tactic of cavalry is to arrange the cavalry formation and use the speed and weight of the horse to break away the opponent's formation. Only by fully mastering this formation can

Only then can you accept the next training on using weapons on horseback."

Xue Yongli also said to Wu Shigong: "In fact, cavalry training is very boring, there are no fancy moves at all. The simpler and more practical the better. The purpose will be to kill the enemy as quickly as possible."

In his heart, Wu Shigong fully agreed with Xue Yongli's statement: "In fact, no matter what you do well, the process is extremely boring."

The laborers looked at Wu Shigong and the others like a bunch of fools, rushing over and over on horseback every day. During breaks from work, they often smiled and pointed aside.

One day, while watching these laborers with great interest, Wu Shigong asked them: Who is willing to join Wu Shigong as a soldier after finishing their labor service?

After hearing Wu Shigong's inquiry, these laborers were dumbfounded and kept silent to Wu Shigong. After a long while, a bold man said to Wu Shigong: "Master Qianhu, the young ones all still have to plant seeds."

I really don’t have any spare time to serve as a soldier!”

Therefore, Wu Shigong proposed to them that he would pay the soldiers' salaries.

However, when Wu Shigong just said: "As long as the selected soldiers will receive 50% of the military salary first." Before Wu Shigong could continue, all these laborers enthusiastically signed up.

Of course Wu Shigong felt very happy. However, he also felt that this situation was very strange. Now, he was not in a hurry. He decided to find out the situation first, and then decide how many soldiers should be recruited.

This chapter has been completed!
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