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Chapter 842: The Qin army leaves Shaanxi

Of course, if Tang Mei can be rescued, the Runing Army will also be happy to see the success. And after Tang Mei arrives in Runing, she will be given a huge reward and can support Tang Mei for the rest of her life. After all, the Runing Army will also

There is no shortage of money. However, Fu Wenzhai's Propaganda Department will of course write a large article around Tang Mei to promote the "righteousness", "loyalty", "emotion" and other virtues of the Runing Army.

and spread it widely.

But no one could have calculated that Zuo Liangyu had forgotten Tang Mei. When Tang Mei fell into Zuo Liangyu's hands, there were many twists and turns, and Zuo Liangyu didn't even know about her relationship with Runing Jun.

relationship. In addition, Tang Mei is just an abandoned woman who is far away from Zuo Liangyu's sight, so Zuo Liangyu cannot remember this person at all. Therefore, Zuo Liangyu's request to Runing Jun is really confusing.


In desperation, Zuo Liangyu could only send someone to inquire in person. After asking, he found out: Wu Shigong heard that his concubine Manling's best friend, Tang Mei, was suffering in Zuo Liangyu's house, so he begged Wu Shigong to save Tang Mei.

Come out and break away from the relationship with Zuo Liangyu.

As soon as he learned this reason, Zuo Liangyu wanted to scold her, because anyone who was not a fool would definitely understand that this was an excuse for Wu Shigong to provoke Zuo Liangyu. After all, who would go to war over a washed-up card?

But let’s talk about revenge later! The most important thing now is how to leave Wuchang City. Zuo Liangyu didn’t waste any time and immediately brought Tang Mei up. Afterwards, under the witness of some Wuchang City officials and gentry,

Sent to the gunboat of the Runing Army.

But this move immediately defeated the Runing Army. They never expected that Zuo Liangyu could really take out Tang Mei. But after some discussion, the Runing Army's gunboats finally got out of the way, allowing Wuchang

The city's ships have passed.

The reason why such a decision was made was to take care of Hou Xun's face. However, the Runing Army did not want to do anything wrong, as it would give the officials and gentry in Wuchang City a way to escape. Because from the beginning to the end, the Runing Army had no intention of doing anything.

I never thought about saving Wuchang City now.

The Runing Army wanted to wait until Zhang Xianzhong's Daxi Army occupied Wuchang, use Wuchang as a bait to hold back the Daxi Army, and then surround Wuchang City and annihilate the main force of the Daxi Army here.

Of course, taking advantage of this opportunity to ask for Tang Mei, the Runing Army also successively captured several cities that were originally controlled by Zuo Liangyu's tribe. However, during the attack, the Runing Army did not encounter any resistance and captured prisoners one after another.

It has recruited more than 10,000 people from Zuo Liangyu's tribe.

On the third day of the first lunar month, the leading troops of the Daxi Army crossed the river from Tuanfengzhou and defeated Wuchang County. On the 15th, the entire Daxi Army crossed south from Yadanzhou. On the 20th, they attacked Wuchang Fucheng. Wang Yangji, a minister of the Ming Dynasty, saw that the situation was not good.

The official of Wuchang Prefecture, Fu Shangrui, abandoned the city and fled. The Chu Prefecture's new soldiers immediately opened security guards, and the second gate of Wenchang surrendered.

After the Great Western Army entered the city, they captured Zhu Huakui alive and took away millions of gold and silver from the palace, and the chariots carried hundreds of cars. When Zhang Xianzhong saw it, he couldn't help but sigh: "We can't set up a garrison with such money, Zhu Hua Kui is really mediocre!"

After that, Zhang Xianzhong ordered Zhu Huakui to be thrown into the river and drowned. After He Fengsheng was captured, Zhang Xianzhong was released and returned home because he had no bad records. However, He said, "I, the minister, cannot survive" and ran to Wanghui Bridge of Ziyang Lake to throw himself.

Death by water.

At the same time, on the 18th, the Runing army departed from Runing and Nanyang and marched through the night to suddenly attack Suizhou. The road to Wuchang City was cleared in one day.

On the 19th, Jiang Cheng's troops from Junzhou attacked Xiangyang. The civil servants Zhang Xianzhong stayed in Xiangyang also surrendered from the Ming Dynasty. In order to ensure that he could conquer Wuchang, Zhang Xianzhong concentrated most of the main force of the Daxi Army, so he stayed in Xiangyang.

There were only more than 4,000 soldiers in the city. Therefore, seeing the Runing army pressing down on the border, Xiangyang City did not resist at all, and the whole city surrendered. The surrender of Xiangyang City cleared a way for the Runing army to go to Wuchang.

Coupled with the Runing Army already concentrated in Huanggang and the gunboats on the Yangtze River, the Runing Army has already formed a posture of surrounding Wuchang on three sides.

So just when Zhang Xianzhong's Daxi Army was celebrating their victory over Wuchang, they suddenly found that they had unknowingly fallen into a tight siege by the Runing Army.

For this reason, Zhang Xianzhong made a decisive decision to abandon Wuchang City. In addition to leaving the 20,000 troops led by Li Dingguo in the city, he led the main force across the Yangtze River and headed westward. This time Zhang Xianzhong decided to leave far away

The territory of the Runing Army, his goal is Sichuan, and he wants to establish his own independent small kingdom in the Land of Abundance.

As for Li Dingguo who stayed in Wuchang City, I hope he can delay Runing's army for a longer time. After Zhang Xianzhong's main force of the Daxi Army has fled far away, let Li Dingguo break out and follow him.

However, the Runing Army moved very quickly. On the 24th, the Runing Army from Suizhou rushed to Wuchang. With the cooperation of gunboats on the river, they killed and captured the defenders of the Daxi Army. More than 30,000 people did not cross the river.

.In the next two days, two other groups of Runing troops also arrived one after another, and together they surrounded Wuchang City.

After the Qing army captured Dezhou on the 25th of the twelfth lunar month, the entire army poured into Shandong. After entering Shandong, the Qing army began to divide into groups of thousands to tens of thousands of troops and dispersed to various areas.

State and county looting.

However, the governor of Shandong Yan Jizu and the commander-in-chief Liu Zeqing only concentrated the main force of the Lu army in Jinan City, no longer caring about the life and death of other cities, and allowed the Qing army to move freely. This also caused the northern and central areas of Shandong to be completely miserable.

However, after looting for about a month, Huang Taiji ordered the entire army to concentrate and prepare for the next step of the strategy - to invade Henan.

Since the target of the Qing army this time was Runing and Guide in southern Henan, the Qing army divided its troops into two groups, with 20,000 troops and horses along the way. Under the leadership of Duduo, after conquering Jining, they marched along the

The Heze area entered Henan; the other main force of the Qing army, more than 100,000 people, under the personal leadership of Huang Taiji, wanted to invade Guide through Xuzhou.

Xue Yongli's troops originally concentrated their troops in the northeastern region of Henan, and only guarded against the attack from Jining. After learning about the movements of the Qing army in both directions, Xue Yongli urgently ordered Shu Mo to lead Guide Town to attack first.

He went to Xuzhou to help resist the invasion of the Qing army. Xue Yongli himself led four towns with a total of more than 56,000 troops. He first had to repel Duduo's army, and then went to Xuzhou to join the decisive battle.

So starting from the second day of February, the Heze-Xuzhou War broke out immediately.

However, among all the war zones, the decisive battle between Li Zicheng's Shun Army and Sun Chuanting's Qin Army broke out first.

When Li Zicheng learned that the Qin army was about to leave Shaanxi, he was holding his own "Founding Ceremony" in Taiyuan; at the same time, he continuously mobilized troops to strengthen the defense of Shanxi. Then Li Zicheng personally led the army westward to concentrate

The troops were prepared to meet Sun Chuanting's Qin army's invasion.

In terms of strategy, Li Zicheng decided to adopt the policy of luring the enemy in depth and deploy the main force in the area north of Linfen based on the situation that natural and man-made disasters in the northwest caused a vast area of ​​​​red land and the problem of food and grass was not easy to solve after the army passed.

In the vast area, except for a few patrol troops, even the prefectures, counties and cities were abandoned, leaving not a single soldier to guard it.

In the first ten days of the first month of the 16th year of Chongzhen, the Qin army reoccupied Yuncheng. The counselors around Sun Chuanting put forward suggestions: Don't rush forward and adopt a steady and steady approach. First, use Yuncheng as a base to repair the battlements, recruit refugees, open farmland, and store food.

With food and grass, you can fight if you advance, and defend if you retreat. When the time is right, you can advance to Taiyuan.

However, Sun Chuanting was afraid of the imperial order and did not dare to stay, so he led his troops to march north. In order to ensure military supplies, Sun Chuanting strictly ordered the surrounding prefectures and counties to coordinate the distribution of grain and grass. However, the local officials pressed hard and forced many people to death.

When Li Zicheng saw the fierceness of Sun Chuanting's troops, he deliberately showed weakness and sent only a small force to block the attack and then retreated north. The Qin army easily reached Wenxi County. This unexpected victory also inflated Sun Chuanting's confidence.

Of course, the various troops collected by Sun Chuanting also revealed their true colors. They killed residents indiscriminately along the way and beheaded people for meritorious deeds. Sun Chuanting also turned a blind eye to this kind of killing of good people and taking merit for meritorious deeds. Instead, he reported his victory to the court and said: "Thieves"

When I heard the name of my ministers, they all collapsed. I swear to clean up Shanxi and not let the king and father worry about him with a single thief."

So Emperor Chongzhen was overjoyed and happily handed Sun Chuanting's report of victory to the courtiers for circulation, shouting like a dream: "The thieves will perish soon!" He even impatiently ordered the three departments of officials, soldiers and workers: "Supervisor.

The troops were stationed in Jinzhong, and after repeated reports of victory, many of the local villages had been recruited. In each town, Fuyi crossed the river with a whole brigade and went to his post as quickly as possible. To avoid the former, he flew to participate in the reorganization. On the one hand, he appeased the displaced people and reclaimed the wasteland; on the other hand, he repaired the city and resettled the people.

We still ordered the various prefectures in Hebei Province to transport grain and grass to support the governor, and the transportation to nearby places in Henan Province was not delayed, and we have achieved full success. The reward from Tonghou will not be large."

It seems that Emperor Chongzhen has been dazzled by this long-lost victory. He seems to have begun to prepare to increase officials and reward the heroes. However, Feng Yuanbiao, Minister of the Ministry of War, nodded worriedly and said: "The thieves are trying to lure me by seeing the defeat.

Master, this is a taboo in the art of war. I cannot be carefree." Emperor Chongzhen was greatly disappointed and was speechless for a long time.

This time, Sun Chuanting also learned the lessons from the previous several times when the army was surrounded by trenches dug by the peasant army. In order to resist the large number of cavalry that broke into the camp, he adopted the sidecar tactic passed down by Qi Jiguang.

Before leaving Shaanxi, the Qin army built a large number of carts and recruited a large number of mules and horses. When the mules and horses were not enough, they recruited a large number of civilians to use manpower to pull the carts. They also filled the carts with grain and grass.

, it is necessary to adopt the tactics of advancing step by step against Li Zicheng's Shun army.

Therefore, the journey of the Qin army became a bloody one. As long as they saw the common people, all the young men were recruited as civilian husbands, the women were used as camp prostitutes, and the old ones were beheaded to pretend to be military merits. All of them

They also plundered all the food, grass and property. It was completely frenzied.

This chapter has been completed!
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