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Chapter eight hundred and forty sixth judgment error

However, what made Xue Yongli even more distressed was that whenever Xue Yongli ordered the entire Runing army to move forward in preparation for a decisive battle with the Qing army, General Duduo ordered the Qing army to retreat to avoid the Runing army's attack.

Because the Runing Army wanted to maintain the integrity of the infantry phalanx, the pursuit speed could not be compared with the Qing Army's cavalry. In addition, the Runing Army did not dare to pursue too deeply. After all, there was a slight mountain between Heze and Xuzhou.

Lake, Xue Yongli was afraid that he would not be able to take care of the troops in Xuzhou, so Xue Yongli was now fighting very hard.

"Master Li! Are there going to be a night attack tonight?" Zug asked.

"Forget it," Xue Yongli thought for a moment, shook his head and said, "You guys have worked hard these days. The Tatars on the opposite side are like brown sugar. I don't know how long they will stick to it, so there is no need for dangerous moves for the time being.


"Fuck! These Tatars fight and don't fight, retreat and don't retreat. It looks like they are going to end up with us." Zug cursed.

"What did you say?" Unexpectedly, this sentence suddenly aroused Xue Yongli's alert.

"No...it's nothing! Just say that the Tatars are at odds with us." Zug repeated the words again, with a look of confusion on his face.


I also took your Pegasus to support Xuzhou. Made, I was almost deceived by the Tatars."

Regarding the Qing army's entry into the pass, everyone in the Runing army thought that it was just the same as usual, that they were just capturing some wealthy cities, capturing a large amount of property, people and livestock and returning them to Liaodong.

And the performance of the Qing army was indeed like this. After they entered Shandong, they conquered Shandong prefectures and counties, and captured Yanzhou where King Lu lived. King Zhu Yi of Lu, King Dongling, King Yangxin, King Dongyuan, and King Anqiu

A group of county princes were killed and others committed suicide. The Qing army also gained a large number of captures.

In view of the purpose of the Qing army entering the pass to plunder, the Runing army intercepted the Qing army entering Henan in Heze and Xuzhou. Because Heze is the channel between the Yellow River and Weishan Lake, and Xuzhou is between Weishan Lake and Hongze Lake.

As long as these two areas are guarded, the Qing army will not be able to enter the hinterland of Henan.

Therefore, the original strategy of the Runing Army was to delay the Qing Army for a month or two until the rivers in the north began to freeze. The Qing Army would always have to return to Liaodong. Moreover, after the Qing Army hit a wall in front of the Runing Army, they would soon

They may turn to enter the southern Shandong and northern Jiangsu areas, and no longer plan to enter Henan. After all, the Qing army is here to plunder, not to be angry with the Runing army.

But seeing the current performance of the Qing army, Xue Yongli suddenly understood that the Qing army was indeed targeting the Runing army. For example, it was like a few robbers breaking into a warehouse, and they were discovered by the security of the warehouse.

But instead of running away, the robbers clung to the security guard. Then these robbers must be looking for an opportunity to knock down the security guard and break into the warehouse to steal things.

But as a result, problems arose in the original arrangement of the troops of the Runing Army. If they had known that the Qing army was targeting them, the Runing Army would never have formulated a strategy of defending in the north and attacking in the south. Wu Shigong would not have transferred most of his main forces to

In Huguang, the main force of the army should be concentrated to fight against the Qing army.

But now, Xue Yongli can only hope that Shumo's Guide Town can block the passage to Xuzhou. Wu Shigong will also lead the main force back north as soon as possible. First, he will deal with the Qing army, the biggest enemy at present.

When Wu Shigong in Wuchang City learned the news, he was also shocked. So he did not hesitate, let Xue Yong's Jiao attack the town, and rushed towards Xuzhou. But before Runing's army could withdraw from Wuchang City,

Surrounding Xuzhou, the entire army rushed to support Xuzhou. Unexpectedly, Zuo Liangyu, who was approaching, came with another "earth-shattering" attack.

Although large areas such as Xiangyang and Wuchang were lost one after another, Zuo Liangyu, the commander-in-chief of the Pingthief General and the Chief of Assistance and Suppression Forces, was still the most powerful military group in the middle reaches of the Yangtze River in the Ming Dynasty at that time. According to the records of the Ministry of War,

Zuo Liangyu's tribe only has 25,000 people, which is considered to be a very large number of troops under the jurisdiction of a town. However, Zuo Liangyu is good at preserving his strength in many years of dealing with the peasant army, and he also works hard to recruit rebels and expand the army.

The actual strength of the team at this time had actually reached 200,000.

This not only far exceeds the number of troops under the general general's command, but is even much more than what any supervisor or governor who is equivalent to a theater commander can actually dispatch.

It would have been a blessing if the Ming Dynasty, which was in decline, still had such a large army with considerable combat effectiveness led by a general. Unfortunately, this army had already become a warlord in the long-term war.

They became Zuo Liangyu's private army and did not obey the imperial court's orders at all.

Since the food and wages supplied by the imperial court were less than one-tenth, Zuo Liangyu's army relied on raiding and looting for a long time to survive. Therefore, they were hated by the local people wherever they went. Zuo Liangyu's army harmed the villagers more than the bandits, and the imperial court did not respond.

It’s not that I don’t know, but I always turn a blind eye and seldom ask anything.

What Emperor Chongzhen and his ministers hoped for was that this large force, which did not cost the court too much food and pay, could withstand the impact of the peasant army at critical moments and serve the court. But when the enemy was in front of him, Zuo Liangyu

Habitual to sit back and watch or run away without a fight.

When Kaifeng was besieged, in order to make use of Zuo Liangyu's military strength, the imperial court specially recruited Hou Xun, the former Minister of Household Affairs who had appreciated and promoted Zuo Liangyu in the early years and was very kind to Zuo Liangyu, and appointed him as the right minister and right minister of the Ministry of War.

The censor of Qiandu, the governor of Baoding, Shandong, Henan, and Hebei, was responsible for the military affairs of each town to assist and suppress the officers and soldiers. He thought that Zuo Liangyu would always be more obedient. However, Hou Xunxu ordered Zuo Liangyu's troops to go north to rescue Kaifeng, but Zuo Liangyu only sent

Five thousand people went there, and at the same time threatened the imperial court on the grounds that food and wages could not be sustained. The main force never left its stronghold of Xiangyang.

Later, Zhang Xianzhong's Western Army attacked Xiangyang. Zuo Liangyu resisted for a while, then burned and looted the area around Xiangyang, and then led his army to flee eastward. This 200,000-strong army, which was worse than bandits, first fled to Wuchang and then eastward along the river.

On the way down, when the residents of Wuchang saw the Zuo Army marching eastward on Snake Mountain, they all cheered: "The Zuo Army has passed!" to celebrate their new life.

Zuo Liangyu's army, who escaped from the Xiangyang stronghold, really became a group of unscrupulous bandits. They not only burned, killed, and looted wherever they went, but even openly attacked the closed states and counties, completely turning into a group of rebels.

In March, the Zuo Army had arrived near Wuhu and announced that it would go to Nanjing to raise military pay. This frightened the capital of Nanjing into chaos and hurriedly sent troops to Chen Shijiang to prepare to defend the Zuo Army. Later, Li Banghua, the new censor of the Zuo capital who was in Hukou, opposed the attack.

Zuo Liangyu repeatedly persuaded and asked the governor of Anqing to give out 150,000 taels of silver as military pay. Zuo Liangyu finally calmed down the soldiers a little and stationed troops in Anqing and Chizhou.

Regarding the rebellion of Zuo Liangyu's army, the Chongzhen monarchs and ministers even lacked the courage to denounce it. Later, after Li Banghua arrived in Beijing, he suggested to Emperor Chongzhen that the blame for the rebellion should be placed on one of Zuo Liangyu's subordinates, Wang Yuncheng.

Because this person's troops plundered the prefectures and counties most rampantly.

Emperor Chongzhen also knew very well that Zuo Liangyu was still in Qiancheng and could not be provoked. Moreover, he was very powerful and could not be provoked. He had no choice but to endure it and praised Zuo Liangyu for his "conquering the rebellion" and asked him to kill the "chief culprit".

"Wang Yuncheng beheaded to save the court's face. But Zuo Liangyu didn't even give him this face. He still kept Wang Yuncheng in the army and continued to go his own way.

In this incident, Hou Xun fled in panic to Wu Shigong's army. Although Hou Xun knew that Zuo Liangyu would not do anything to him, no one was willing to sleep with such a "powder keg". At this time, Wu Shigong

Neither he nor Hou Xun knew whether Zuo Liangyu was really rebelling. So the Runing Army immediately deployed defenses in the direction of the Zuo Army.

By the time the news of Li Banghua appeasing Zuo Liangyu reached Wuchang, more than half a month had passed. But at this time, Wu Shigong was surprised to find that Shumo, with the support of the two towns of Zuge and Xue Yong, actually defended

The Qing army entered Henan (described in detail later). Therefore, Wu Shigong simply gritted his teeth and continued to besiege Wuchang City, and he must completely kill this kid Li Dingguo.

At this time, the Ming Dynasty was not only unable to deal with the Qing army outside the country and the rebel peasant army within the country, but also unable to deal with the warlord forces within its own camp. Zuo Liangyu was only the most representative of the warlords, and others had strength

The generals of the army, such as Wu Shigong of Runing, Wu Sangui of Ningyuan, Liu Zeqing of Shandong, and even Yu Zilian, a civil servant, have actually become warlords of one side. The imperial court can only carefully win over them, but they have no control over the imperial court.

You should decide your attitude based on your own interests.

And Emperor Chongzhen himself couldn't figure out since when did the majestic emperor and the imperial court degenerate to the point of relying on the looks of a few vulgar warriors. But for the sake of the overall situation, he still had to look at the looks. This was a very painful helplessness.

The only way Emperor Chongzhen could think of was to send powerful ministers with authority and courage from the imperial court to supervise the divisions on the front lines to effectively control the armies and engage in a decisive battle with the "rogue bandits".

However, since Yang Sichang passed away and Hong Chengchou fell into the Qing Dynasty, it was really difficult to find such a capable minister. Emperor Chongzhen counted all the officials in the court and felt that only Wu Di, the cabinet scholar, was not satisfactory. Wu Di was the fourth minister of Wanli.

He was a Jinshi for eleven years and served as censor of inspection in Henan and Shaanxi and governor of Shanxi. During his term of office, when "thieves" were on the rise, he was more effective in doing things. Many people in the government and the public regarded him as a capable person in suppressing "thieves".

It was precisely because of his talent in this area that he was appointed as the Minister of War since the 11th year of Chongzhen. He was very familiar with the military situation in the country and the situation of each army.

In the fifteenth year of Chongzhen, Emperor Chongzhen specially promoted Wu Di to the rank of auxiliary minister, mainly to have an adviser who was familiar with military affairs in the cabinet. Although Wu Di was inferior to Yang Sichang and Hong Chengchou, in terms of qualifications, status, and prestige

and ability, he must be considered a rare candidate.

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