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Chapter 88 Step Up Training

After nearly a month of training, although the ranks of the newly recruited soldiers were still arranged crookedly, they were finally able to perform some simple formation movements such as walking in unison, standing still, and turning backwards.

Zhou Xun and Qian Qi were both a little ashamed of the performance of these new recruits. During the training, they were so anxious that they used sticks to beat the new recruits who made wrong moves. However, the progress of these new recruits was still not great.

After Wu Shigong saw this situation, he asked Zhou Xun and Qian Qi not to worry. Wu Shigong was actually very satisfied with the new recruits' current performance. In modern times, Wu Shigong knew the performance of those students who participated in military training. It was also related to the performance of these new recruits.

Performance is about the same.

And those students have actually received basic formation training in physical education classes. If you look at it this way, Zhou Xun and Qian Qi's efforts have actually been very effective.

On the contrary, these new recruits have gone through firegun training with twenty rounds of ammunition each, and they have basically mastered the shooting skills of fireguns. However, their shooting movements are not very proficient, and their shooting speed is a bit slow.

Now, it takes about twenty exhalations for a new soldier to fire a bullet. Wu Shigong asked Zhou Xun and Qian Qi to step up their training to shorten their shooting time.

Wu Shigong also asked Zhou Xun and Qian Qi to start training these new soldiers in the use of weapons. After discussing with Xue Yongli, Wu Shigong and Xue Yongli both felt that it is unrealistic to let these new soldiers fully master the use of weapons immediately.

, and it cannot be done in a short period of time.

Therefore, considering that Wu Shigong's purpose was only to defend within the Qianhusuo fortress, they built a wall as high as a person's chest in the open space, and placed a row of straw men behind the wall, with ten soldiers each.

The group, armed with spears, ran to the wall ten steps away from the wall, and assassinated the straw man together. They practiced this action repeatedly.

In Wu Shigong's mind, as long as he mastered such an action and then cooperated with one or two gunmen to fire cold guns at the back of the assassination queue, even martial arts masters would not be able to break through this formation.

Xue Yongli's cavalry training also began with weapons training. At the beginning of the training, Xue Yongli proposed to Wu Shigong: Prepare some wooden sticks. These wooden sticks do not need to be very hard, and the brittle the better. These wooden sticks

They are all used to make cavalry's spears.

Later, after listening to Xue Yongli's explanation, Wu Shigong realized that when the cavalry used weapons, they did not wave their sabers or juggle their spears as shown in movies and TV shows.

The power of the cavalry is the speed and momentum of the horse. Therefore, when encountering the enemy, the cavalry will always increase the speed of the horse to the highest speed at this time. Therefore, the cavalry at this time must not use their own weapons and

The enemy must confront you head-on. Otherwise, you may be knocked off your horse by the shock, or even broken by the shock.

Xue Yongli was afraid that Wu Shigong wouldn't understand, so he explained a lot of things over and over again. However, Wu Shigong understood the truth as soon as he heard Xue Yongli's words.

In modern times, although Wu Shigong has not graduated from junior high school, he still knows "Newton's three laws". This principle is action force and reaction force.

Xue Yongli then explained to Wu Shigong: When the cavalry uses the saber on horseback, they only need to follow the sharp mouth of the saber, rely on the speed of the horse, and lightly touch the enemy's vital points. It is completely done with skill. And

The chopping action while riding on horseback can only be done after the cavalry rushes into the enemy's formation and the horse's speed slows down.

For the cavalry, the lance is completely a one-time weapon. The lance is only effective when the cavalry attacks the enemy's formation. When the war horse moves at high speed, the cavalry can pierce the enemy even with a wooden stick in hand.

A hole. It shows how huge this power is.

When a cavalryman uses a lance to charge, he must not hold the lance tightly with his hand, but hold it empty. When the tip of the lance contacts the enemy's body, the cavalryman's hand must release the lance.

The wood used for the spear shaft of the riding spear should also be as brittle as possible. In this way, the riding spear will break and the counter-impact force on the cavalry will be smaller. This can ensure that the cavalry is not knocked off the horse by this force.

After understanding this, Wu Shigong immediately sent people to find this kind of wood. Fortunately, there were many trees growing densely on the hills behind Qianhusuo Fortress. Wu Shigong asked the craftsmen who had joined the army to identify them, and quickly found a few

Plant suitable trees.

Soon, Wu Shigong made a batch of such wooden sticks. Some of them were equipped with spearheads and made into riding spears. Most of them were stored.

Xue Yongli's cavalry training was still so boring. He made some straw men and trained a single person to stab with a spear at high speed and chop with a saber at high speed. Repeated training allowed all the people to master the skills of using weapons on horseback.

After everyone had almost mastered it, Xue Yongli asked everyone to ride horses and form an array. Run over and chop; run over and stab.

Such high-intensity training caused Wu Shigong to wear the skin on his inner thighs several times. Although Wu Shigong gritted his teeth and persisted, he found that he was now a little bow-legged when walking.

At Wu Shigong's insistence, these cavalrymen were still trained with firecrackers. After such frequent firecracker training, these war horses are now accustomed to firing firecrackers. However, nearby farmers came to see Wu Shigong.

Several times, their hens are now too frightened to lay eggs.

And due to the excessive use of firecrackers, the barrels of the firecrackers Wu Shigong brought to Qianhusuo were basically scrapped. Fortunately, in the past month, Yang Goudan’s blacksmith workshop has successively made more

More than 20 new firecrackers were purchased, and the barrels of these scrapped firecrackers were replaced. In this way, Wu Shigong and the others could barely maintain their shooting training.

In addition, Yang Goudan also made a prototype of the heavy fire gun. The power and range of the heavy fire gun really met Wu Shigong's requirements. However, the weight was too heavy. Even later

Following Wu Shigong's suggestion, the handle and butt of the gun were replaced with wood. The weight of the heavy gun was also close to forty kilograms.

Wu Shigong tested it. Only a strong man like Wu Shigong could shoot six or seven rounds of bullets stably while holding this fire gun. After that, he no longer had the energy to aim the gun. Under Yang Goudan's suggestion, each heavy-duty gun

The gun is equipped with a bracket on the front.

Wu Shigong thought to himself: The main function of this heavy fire gun is to defend the Qianhusuo fortress, so this problem is not big. Besides, even in a field battle, a fire gunman can only shoot seven or eight bullets at most.

Therefore, it can barely be used.

Instead, Wu Shigong discovered that the medium-sized firecrackers manufactured in the capital could be carried and used by cavalry because of their relatively small size and weight. So Wu Shigong asked Yang Goudan to manufacture the medium-sized firecrackers and heavy firecrackers together.

Wait until every cavalryman is equipped with a medium-sized musket.

Now, with Yang Goudan's manpower, he can only make more than twenty firecrackers every month. Wu Shigong knows that he can't rush it. For the time being, that's all he can do.

There is another problem. Half of the gunpowder Wu Shigong brought was used in shooting training. Xue Yongli and others asked Wu Shigong not to maintain this high-intensity shooting training. They thought: as long as these soldiers learn to shoot

Fire blunderbuss will suffice. From now on, you can train once or twice a month at most. In this way, you can save a lot of gunpowder.

Wu Shigong ignored this idea at all. Wu Shigong knew in modern times: good shooters are fed with bullets.

However, the problem of gunpowder still needed to be solved. Wu Shigong asked Yuan Xingshan to purchase all the gunpowder, saltpeter and sulfur in various nearby counties. But even this only solved the current dilemma a little.

It was Wu Shigong's current boss, old man Zhao Ming, who solved this problem. He knew that after Wu Shigong purchased gunpowder on a large scale, he sold all the gunpowder stored in Guide Guard to Wu Shigong at a high price. Old man Zhao Ming was still very happy. He

I couldn't help but sigh: "People from the capital are stupid and have too much money!"

This chapter has been completed!
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