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Chapter eight hundred and seventy-six stupid way, good way

Then the location of the fierce battle moved to Dongbianmen and Xibianmen. Dongbianmen and Xibianmen were the nodes connecting the inner and outer city walls. Fortunately, the military buildings in the capital were well-built, with turrets and towers.


The role of turrets and city towers is to divide the city wall. In ancient times, when a section of the city wall fell, the division of turrets and city towers could effectively prevent the enemy from rushing to other city walls, making it easier for the defenders to counterattack and regain the lost territory.

The city walls. Now Dongbianmen and Xibianmen have such military buildings, which can effectively separate the inner and outer city walls.

There are a lot of artillery on the city walls of the capital, and they are mainly general cannons and large general cannons, which are also very powerful. However, these artillery have fixed turrets, and there is no way to turn and transport them.

Of course, this was also deliberately designed like this when the artillery was deployed in the capital. Otherwise, if the artillery can be easily turned, it can shoot at the imperial city. Don't say whether such a thing will happen, as long as there is this possibility,

That was already a huge disaster for the designers of the fort.

However, this design allowed the Runing army defending the outer city to avoid the threat of artillery. Therefore, both sides relied on firecrackers and bows and arrows to attack the turrets and towers.

But the city wall is only so wide. Even if the city wall in the capital is astonishingly thick and can run N carriages side by side, it will still make it difficult for the huge Dashun army to move. Here, the advantage of military strength cannot be shown at all. The front line

There were at most a hundred soldiers of the Dashun Army. With such a sparse force, it was difficult to attack the turrets and towers.

As for the Runing Army, they can concentrate all the guns in the army on the front line. A gunman has seven or eight loaders behind him to load ammunition, ensuring that the gunman can fire uninterruptedly.

As a result, the battle became one-sided. The soldiers of the Dashun Army could hold up their shields and rush to the turrets and gate towers, but they could never hold up their shields while climbing the ladder. Therefore, under the intensive firepower, the soldiers of the Dashun Army were beaten one after another.

Knocked down, they soon gave up this pointless charge.

The same was true for the battle on the stairs. Because Li Lu and the others blew up the top section of the stairs, the Dashun army could only set up ladders. However, the stairs were not wide, and the dense crowds were shot down by fire cannons.

.There was also boiling oil and golden juice poured from the city wall, so the Dashun army finally gave up this attack path.

In this case, the only option is to attack the outer city through the three city gates.

It is always much easier for the Dashun Army in the inner city to deal with closed city gates. Not to mention that the door panels of the city gates here are not covered with copper, so they can be easily burned with fire. Just talk about the pins next to the two city gates.

.You can saw and chop it off. Once the pin is destroyed, you can drag the rope and let everyone work together to pull it down. It just takes some time to do this.

The advantage of Dashun's army is that they have strength in numbers. No matter how long they spend, within one day, these three city gates have been pulled down one after another, and then they have to face the sand and gravel blocking the city gates.

However, as the battle progressed, because the fierce fighting was around these three city gates, the houses next to the city gates were burned down by the kerosene and torches poured down from the city walls. Without the shelter of the houses, the Dashun Army rushed to

The danger at the city gate is greatly increased.

The Dashun Army was also used to this kind of scene. There was no need for Li Zicheng to issue orders. His generals organized dead soldiers and began to carry sand and gravel. As long as the sand and gravel were transported back from the city gate, one bag per person.

This can end today's battle. Those who shied away and those who fled will be killed. So soon, the sand and gravel blocking the city gate will be hollowed out.

"It's cleared! It's cleared!" Seeing the light coming through from the other side, the dead soldiers digging sand and gravel were all shouting excitedly.

"Boom——!" A cannonball suddenly shot out from the dug hole, and immediately tore the dead soldiers at the entrance into pieces. Since the dead soldiers of Dashun Army gathered in the city gate hole were quite dense, as the cannonballs flew

After passing by, a path of blood and flesh was immediately swept out.

The dead soldiers of the Dashun Army who were crowded in the city gate suddenly turned around and ran away, and the soldiers of the Dashun Army who were supervising the battle behind were also a little at a loss because all the dead soldiers were running back. Should they all be killed?

Is it a clean kill?

The war supervising officer who led the team was still smart. He immediately shouted: "Push up our cannons. We can also use cannons to blast away the last thing. Hurry up!"

"Boom boom boom——"

As the Dashun Army's artillery was installed one after another, the Runing Army took the initiative to withdraw the artillery. This time, Yang Rusong's troops who went north did not carry any artillery at all. Most of the field artillery used by the Beijing Camp in Beijing was

It fell into the hands of the Dashun Army, and only a few dozen gates remained in the outer city, as well as some eagle guns and three-eyed fire guns. The Runing Army could not afford to waste it.

Therefore, under the cover of artillery, the Dashun Army successfully opened the three city gates. But when they rushed through the city gates with shouts, they suddenly found that the Runing Army had already been prepared.

Yang Rusong and others knew that these three mere city gates would definitely not be able to stop the Dashun Army. So they organized civilians from the outer city to dig a tunnel two feet deep and five feet wide along the three city gates.

A trench. A stone wall two feet high was built behind the trench.

In order to build these three stone walls, most of the stone slabs on the outer city road were dug up. In this way, it is like building three urn cities behind the three city gates. And these three urn cities are

The Runing Army truly resisted the Dashun Army's line of defense when they rushed in from the city gate.

By this point in the battle, it was already late at night. However, the Dashun army had no intention of resting. They burned the midnight oil to fight and launched continuous fierce attacks into the city.

However, Li Zicheng and the others reaped the consequences of the time they wasted in the past, and now they have allowed the outer city to build complete fortifications. Therefore, the current fierce attack is nothing more than a waste of lives. Soon, the number of casualties of the Dashun Army was close to 10,000.


At this time, when the Dashun army rushed into the three city gates like a swarm, they would be knocked down by the wood and stones on the city top, and would be shot by firecrackers and bows and arrows. When the Dashun army rushed out of the city

The door opening was knocked to the ground by a dense hail of bullets while filling in the trench.

When the Dashun Army finally advanced with artillery and tried to suppress the firepower of the Runing Army, they were destroyed by the artillery aimed at the city gate, and the entire battle immediately reached a stalemate.

Therefore, the weakness of the south city wall was so prominent that the Dashun Army refused to give up. That's why the Dashun Army concentrated its attack here, and also concentrated on the three weakest gates.

.And this will allow the Runing Army to focus on key defenses. It will completely turn the weakness into a place of death for the massacre of the Dashun Army.

Seeing that the casualties were too great, Li Zicheng reluctantly called a halt. He asked the troops to rest for a while, and then discussed with the generals.

"Your Majesty! It's better to surrender! As long as the prince and others are sent out of the outer city, we can agree to any conditions first. If the fight continues like this, the trapped beasts will still fight, and we will suffer great damage. And there are Nanjing Ming troops and left thieves to the south.

There are still eight kings in Sichuan, and Butcher Wu from Runing is even more eyeing them. Our elite cannot go to waste!" Niu Jinxing said.

"Nonsense!" Liu Zongmin immediately objected, "As long as the capital is captured, it means breaking into... The emperor is in power, how can he make concessions casually? If the Ming Gou in the outer city is not destroyed, the world will inevitably be ready to make a move. Do we all have to compromise?

It's better to tell those bright dogs that if they don't surrender, then when we get in, we will have to deploy troops for three days."

"Old Liu! You are talking nonsense." Li Zicheng immediately scolded, "They are all my people, so stop massacring the city casually, especially in the capital. This is not good."

Then Li Zicheng asked Song Xiance and Li Yan: "What do you two gentlemen think?"

Song Xiance frowned, thought for a while, and said: "Actually, what Brother Niu and General Liu said are reasonable. It is indeed best to recruit them to surrender. But they must also be willing to surrender. You can first send someone to talk to the Ming generals in the city.

, As long as you submit to me, Dashun, I will not be stingy with high-ranking officials and generous salaries. However, I have to ask that Ming general to give up the outer city and hand over several princes and all the officials in the outer city. Otherwise, there is no need to talk, we Dashun will definitely attack to the end."

Li Yan also echoed: "That's true. But it's really too stupid to attack like this. We also need to arrange troops at other city gates to attract the attention of the city and make it difficult for them to take care of all places. Finally, we can take advantage of the opportunity to attack the outer city."

"Then how should we fight at the city gate? It is not a good idea to continue fighting like this. If the children continue to be killed and wounded like this, they will not dare to rush up again." Li Zicheng asked again.

"Let's use the desperate method!" Li Yan said, "I heard from the people who came back that the stone wall behind the city gate is not too high, so we will use the method of piling dirt to pile up the stone wall step by step.

Go ahead and charge with all your strength."

"Okay! Then arrest..." Li Zicheng thought for a moment and felt that such an order should not come from his own mouth, so he immediately changed his words and said, "Then let me take command, Old Liu!"

Liu Zongmin immediately ordered with understanding: "Capture the people in the city, pick out those with thin skin and tender flesh first, ask them to carry the soil and charge first, and pile the soil onto the stone wall according to Commander Li's words."


After an hour of rest, the Dashun Army changed their combat methods and used the officials and wealthy businessmen in the capital as cannon fodder to fill in the trenches and build a sloped earth road to connect the earth road with the stone wall.

The top end is flat, and then the whole army is concentrated to cross the stone wall.

Although this method is stupid, it also takes a lot of time and a lot of cannon fodder, but it is almost impossible for the defenders. After all, no one can destroy the soil on the ground. So two days later, the Dashun Army

The dirt road has almost reached the stone wall.

This chapter has been completed!
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