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Chapter 911 New Dynasty and New Deal (4)

As for the Ministry of Personnel, there were not many changes. Originally, the Ministry of Personnel was the most powerful department in the court, but its responsibilities were relatively simple, so Wu Shigong did not make many changes.

The biggest change was the Ministry of War. Wu Shigong almost split the Ministry of War into two, and many of the functions of the Ministry of War were assigned to the Governor's Office of the Fifth Army. Wu Shigong wanted to establish a principle for the use of troops: declaration of war and other matters would be decided by the emperor and the cabinet. But this

How to fight? It is up to the admirals to give specific instructions. Military generals will still be responsible for military matters.

But what is even more tragic is the Ministry of Punishment and the Ministry of Industry. These two ministries will be completely abolished, and many new ministries will be split and added.

Wu Shigong will make the judicial power of the Daping Dynasty completely independent. All criminal and civil cases will be judged by independent courts. The highest Dali Temple will be controlled by ten chief ministers. However, Wu Shigong will not do anything inappropriate in this era.

The jury system is a judge-judgment system. Torture to extract confessions will not be abolished for the time being.

Of course, the new judicial system will also introduce the system of public prosecutors and defenders. Therefore, there will be prototypes of prosecutors and lawyers. As for how the judiciary will be improved in the future, let’s rely on the wisdom of future generations!

In addition, the Daping Dynasty will also have nearly ten ministries such as the Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry, the Ministry of Transportation, and the Ministry of Industry and Commerce. The establishment of these yamen makes the policy of the Daping Dynasty quite obvious, which is to pursue economic development wholeheartedly.

It is worth mentioning that Wu Shigong will establish a separate post office to facilitate people's communication and travel, and to increase some income for the court.

In addition, there was the Ministry of Internal Affairs, which performed police functions, and the Ministry of Mountains and Rivers, which worked secretly. However, the secret work was only external but not internal, to prevent the emergence of spy politics in the Great Ping Dynasty.

There are two organizations to highlight:

The first is the Fifth Army Governor’s Mansion:

Of course, the national policies of the Great Ping Dynasty were formulated by the emperor and the cabinet ministers through consultation, including military national policies. But regarding military affairs, they would be decided by the emperor, the chief assistant, and the fifteen admirals of the Fifth Army Governor's Office.

Moreover, the army of the Daping Dynasty would train the army strictly in accordance with the "Code of Exercise" and standardize any tactical actions. In order to prevent the generals from becoming warlords, admirals and officers from various places would also be mobilized regularly. However, with the troops receiving standard training, it can also prevent "

The shortcoming of "a soldier does not know his general" allows newly appointed officers to quickly take command of the troops.

Another point is that if it is peacetime, the army of the Daping Dynasty will not be stationed in the city, and the military families will have to live in the city. If there is a rebellion in the army, the troops of the Ministry of Internal Affairs will take the military families as hostages; if the Ministry of Internal Affairs breaks out

In the event of rebellion, the Ministry of Internal Affairs troops without heavy firearms cannot stop the regular army. This is also a two-way surveillance to prevent any mutiny from happening.

The second is Yushitai:

The Great Ping Dynasty will establish censors, who will be elected by local elections. The censors will have immunity and can also formulate laws of the Great Ping Dynasty. Senior censors can serve as local governors or ministers of various ministries or above.

If they can be jointly nominated by important ministers, they can even directly join the cabinet.

In fact, the Yushitai and the Council of Ministers have evolved into the de facto upper and lower councils. These two institutions will form the separation of powers together with the Dali Temple composed of the great ministers.

Although the monarchy of the Daping Dynasty was greatly weakened, Wu Shigong also wanted to form a three-strand balanced group among civil servants to prevent the occurrence of dictatorship in the future.

In these days of meetings, many important contents will be compiled into the "Qiongyuan Grand Canon" in the future. And the Great Ping Dynasty will also set the contents of the "Qiongyuan Grand Canon" as national policies in the future. Once

To modify, add or delete, a major political meeting must first be held for discussion and voting.

This can not only stop clinging to the "ancestral system" and prevent these "ancestral systems" from hindering the development of society in the future; it can also set principles so that national affairs can be governed by laws. In fact, the "Qiongyuan Dadianzhang" is from the Great Ping Dynasty.

Constitution, and the Daping Dynasty will also change towards a constitutional monarchy.

At the end, Wu Shigong announced the "Three-Year Outline of Governing the Country". In this "Outline", Wu Shigong, as the chief minister, promised the people of the world twelve items to be completed within three years; twenty-one

The project is something that needs to be completed over a long period of time, but with significant progress within three years.

From then on, every government of the Daping Dynasty followed this practice. At the beginning of taking office, the chief minister must represent the entire cabinet and announce the "Outline of Governing the Country" to the people of the world. This was also a way for the people of the world to supervise the government and let the ministers work hard to govern.

Good idea.

In fact, Wu Shigong knew very well that with the continuation of the Great Ping Dynasty, the monarchy would become more and more marginalized. In the end, the emperor of the Great Ping Dynasty would become a "virtual king" just like the kings in modern society.

But Wu Shigong understood better: Imperial power and wealth and life are not both. After all, his future descendants will not always have strong abilities and high prestige. So he chose wealth and life between the two. Let his

At least the descendants can live in peace and quiet.

Afterwards, Prince Xue Chenglin once had such a conversation with Wu Shigong on this topic.

Wu Shigong asked Xue Chenglin: "How should the emperor govern the world after he ascends the throne?"

Xue Chenglin answered a very standard Confucian answer: "Benevolence!"

Wu Shigong smiled and said: "Actually, that's not the case. The emperor didn't hit the point."

So Xue Chenglin asked for advice: "Father, please tell me!"

Wu Shigong replied: "Those who are kings rule but do not rule!"

The New Deal of the Daping Dynasty painted a bright future, but now the court will also face a dilemma. To put it simply, it is: lack of food and lack of money.

Since the grain-producing lands in the south are controlled by the Nanming, the Grand Canal has been invaded by the Nanming army and is not flowing smoothly. In the north, due to successive years of natural disasters and military disasters, most of the land is barren. Even if people are organized to cultivate it, it will not be harvested until this summer.

Grain can only be harvested later. Therefore, food is relatively scarce.

The problem of lack of money is even more serious. According to Wu Shigong's "Three-Year Outline of Governing the Country", the Daping Dynasty will spend the equivalent of more than 57 million taels of silver in these three years. Among them, military expenditures will reach an astonishing three

More than eighteen million taels.

However, the fiscal revenue of the Daping Dynasty was very small. Even if it worked hard to develop industry and commerce, collecting taxes still required a process. Although through seizures, land mortgages, auctions of salt monopoly rights, and the sale of national debts, the current finances can still support it.

.But it will never last for a long time.

So just when Wu Shigong announced the new policy of the new dynasty, the two armies of the Daping Army began their own military operations in this new year. (To be continued, please search Piaotian Literature, the novel is better and updated faster!

This chapter has been completed!
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