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Chapter 96: Fucheng News

The robber took Wu Shigong through a small forest and came to a ruined temple. At this time, it was completely dark. Wu Shigong and the others lit torches and searched the ruined temple carefully. They did not find anything.

Man, I guess those robbers just now didn’t dare to return to this ruined temple.

Wu Shigong sent several groups of sentry men to set up secret sentries around the ruined temple. They then followed the robber through the back door of the ruined temple and walked for a while on a winding path lined with shrubs on both sides.

We came to a small courtyard surrounded by bamboo fences.

As soon as they entered the small courtyard, Wu Shigong and the others were shocked. The small courtyard was filled with large trucks filled with goods, and there were more than a dozen horses locked in the hay shed in the small courtyard, eating hay.

Wu Shigong thought to himself: "It seems that these robbers are the same group that hijacked Guide's caravan to Jining. The goods they robbed are all hidden here."

Wu Shigong asked the robber about the situation of their group.

The robber replied: "Grandpa, this group of us are all people from the nearby stockade gathered by the monks in this temple. The current disaster is too serious, so we will do some business without capital together. However,

I don’t even know where those monks came from, I just know that the heads of our village are very respectful to them.”

Wu Shigong had traveled to the Ming Dynasty for a long time. He understood that the "zhaizi" the robber meant was the bandit's nest. If the robber had not lied, these monks could actually gather several groups of bandits to rob together, which is probably the case.

Some origins.

Wu Shigong asked the robber repeatedly, wanting to know the origins of those monks, but the robber couldn't tell him anything. Seeing that he couldn't find any more information, Wu Shigong asked the guard behind the robber.

With the gesture, the guard stabbed him with the knife in his hand. The robber struggled a few times and then lay still on the ground.

At this moment, the sound of gunfire suddenly came from the direction of the ruined temple. Wu Shigong and the others immediately took out their weapons and ran towards the ruined temple.

After arriving at the ruined temple, they only saw a man lying on the ground in the main hall of the ruined temple. A big hole was made in his chest by a firecracker, and he was dead. Several guards on guard were surrounding the corpse with weapons in hand.

"What's going on?" Wu Shigong asked.

"Sir, that man sneaked in and was discovered by our secret whistle. He was beaten to death here."

When Wu Shigong inspected the body, he found that the body was that of a monk again.

The monk was also unlucky. He didn't come early or late. He came when Wu Shigong and others were going to the small courtyard. He saw that there was no fire in the ruined temple, so he thought there was no one in the ruined temple, so he walked in. Unexpectedly, he was discovered by the secret sentries.

Beaten to death.

Wu Shigong looked at the monk's body, and a thought came to his mind: It was absolutely impossible for that monk to take away the goods in the small courtyard alone. This meant that there was still gold, silver and jewelry hidden in this ruined temple.

As soon as Wu Shigong told the guards what he thought, everyone immediately became excited and looked through the ruined temple. Finally, they found a secret compartment under the Buddha statue in the main hall, which contained more than 800 taels of silver.

Wu Shigong asked the guards to search the bodies of the robbers they brought back, and found another seven to eighty taels of silver. In this way, the harvest this time was not small. In addition to those goods, there were nine

More than a hundred taels of silver came into the account.

Wu Shigong was also afraid of long nights and many dreams. After tying all the carts with horses, Wu Shigong and the others immediately left the ruined temple and came to the road. They simply formed a big circle with the carts on the road and lit a few piles of firewood.

He piled them up and spent the night on the road.

The next day, as soon as the sun rose, Wu Shigong and the others set off in their cart. They did not even enter Guide Fucheng, but when passing by Guide Fucheng, they sent two guards and reported to old man Zhao Ming.

About the robbers. The rest of the people hurried all the way back to Qianhusuo Fortress as quickly as possible.

After returning to Qianhusuo Fortress, Wu Shigong immediately found a merchant in the small town to estimate the value of the goods on the cart. After estimating the value, Wu Shigong called over Xue Yongli and other leaders.

In modern times, Wu Shigong knew that dividing the spoils was the most popular thing for a group and the most likely to cause conflicts. Therefore, he had to distribute the spoils clearly.

In front of these leaders, Wu Shigong carefully calculated the value of the loot. In the end, the silver, goods, horses and weapons were converted into a total of 4,500 taels of silver.

As soon as the calculation was completed, Wu Shigong immediately took out 1,500 taels of silver and distributed it. Except for the guards who participated in the battle who got the bulk, the soldiers and auxiliary personnel in the Qianhusuo fortress were all allocated more or less. Including Yang

Goudan, the blacksmith and several apprentices in his blacksmith workshop, and the fifty young men who were Wu Shigong's servants.

Even Yang Goudan's wife got a share. Yang Goudan's wife is very popular in Qianhusuo Fortress. Because in Qianhusuo Fortress, basically all are grown men who have some things to do.

, Yang Goudan’s wife is basically responsive to all requests.

In addition, her eldest son Yang Rusong also performed very well during the training of the cavalry team and had a harmonious relationship with his companions. So until now, Yang Goudan's attempt to take a concubine has not been successful. Yang Goudan is also in Qian.

In the Husuo Fortress, there was no support from anyone. It is estimated that Yang Goudan would only vent his anger on iron materials in his life.

In the city of Guide Mansion, after hearing the news from the guards sent by Wu Shigong, old man Zhao Ming's fat face and beard trembled with joy. Because Wu Shigong was so good that he gave him the credit.


In the Ming Dynasty, whether it was suppressing bandits or killing enemies, military merit was calculated based on the heads of bandits and enemies. Wu Shigong only killed the robbers and left them in the ruined temple, without cutting off their heads at all.

First level. As long as old man Zhao Ming takes people over and chops off their heads, he can get military honors. Why doesn't this make old man Zhao Ming happy?

In fact, in the past few days, some people who had escaped from the hijacked caravan had reported to the government and also reported to the Governor of Guide Mansion. The Governor of Guide Mansion ordered old man Zhao Ming to lead troops to encircle and suppress them.

But how dare old man Zhao Ming? Old man Zhao Ming's powerful force is for dealing with tender grass in bed, not for dealing with extremely vicious gangsters. Therefore, old man Zhao Ming always finds various reasons to refuse to send troops.

Now, a big pie fell from the sky, and old man Zhao Ming immediately decided to order his troops and set off. However, old man Zhao Ming was a very good man. Before setting off, he also sent a letter to the governor of Guide Mansion.

The governor of Guide Mansion was also overjoyed after receiving the news. In the Ming Dynasty, local unrest was a major stain on the performance of local officials. These days, the governor of Guide Mansion is doing everything possible to cover the lid, not wanting to let Guide

There was a robber in the house, and the news reached the ears of his boss.

The governor of Guide Prefecture is still praying to God and worshiping Buddha. He hopes that these robbers will eat their fill quickly in Guide Prefecture and go to other prefectures and counties to harm others.

Unexpectedly, I got such good news. Not only was there no political stain on the governor of Guide Mansion, but old man Zhao Ming also gave him some credit. So why are you hesitating? The governor of Guide Mansion immediately ordered:

Let his guard leader take most of his guards and government servants to join old man Zhao Ming's soldiers and horses to kill the corpses of the robbers.

Finally, a total of nearly 600 people gathered together, and led by the guards sent by Wu Shigong, they arrived in the county where the ruined temple was located.

When the county magistrate heard that he could take credit, he also sent out county officials. These people came to the ruined temple together, and first they cut off the heads of the corpses regardless of their own safety. Then, they used the method of mopping up the remaining bandits.

On the pretext of extortion, he went to great lengths to extort money near the ruined temple. With this delay, more than ten days passed.

At this time, the defensive strength of Guide City was reduced by more than half.

This chapter has been completed!
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