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Chapter 963 Three years later

Three years later.

Wu Shigong sat alone in the imperial study, silent. He had been sitting like this for more than an hour. Ye Zhong, who was standing aside, kept looking at Wu Shigong's face and felt chills all over his body.

He has been a king for a long time, and he has been a leader of the Runing Army for even longer. When Wu Shigong inadvertently revealed his murderous intent, most people really couldn't bear it.

In just a few days, it will be New Year's Day for the fifth year of Qiongyuan. Originally, this was going to be a festive day, and the Daping Dynasty was planning to hold a grand celebration ceremony on the fifth anniversary of the founding of the People's Republic of China.

And the current Daping Dynasty can really be called a peaceful country and a peaceful people.

Externally, after conquering Shengjing, the Manchu Qing Dynasty surrendered to the Daping Dynasty, and the Daping army also conquered the tribes of Eastern Mongolia, solving the most troublesome Manchu and Mongolian border invasion in decades. And the Daping armies going south basically

All the resistance forces were wiped out, and in the first half of the fourth year of Qiongyuan, the remnants of the former Ming Dynasty entrenched in the southwest were completely wiped out, thus forming a unified country.

Although the battle between the Daping Dynasty and the Mongolian tribes has started again, and there are also wars with Western countries at sea. But these are overseas battles and have little impact on the stability of the Daping Dynasty. Not to mention, the Daping Dynasty

North Korea's advantages in these wars are also getting bigger and bigger.

Internally, Wu Shigong has returned the power of the prime minister to the court. He has straightened out the imperial institutions of the Daping Dynasty, and the government affairs of the court have begun to get on the right track. Especially through internal and external plunder, coupled with the reform of the currency and tax systems, the Daping Dynasty not only

Huge debts have been paid off, and annual fiscal revenue has also increased significantly.

Moreover, after years of war, people in the world were at peace, and Wu Shigong's prestige continued to grow. In addition, the official evaluation of the Daping Dynasty was linked to the income of the people. All regions also vigorously developed production, and the people's lives became increasingly easier.

But even under such a good situation, there is still a shadow, and that is the issue of Wu Shigong's successor.

Since the crown prince Xue Chenglin had not changed his surname, a group of officials who had newly defected to the Daping Dynasty wanted to push Wu Chengying over out of speculation. Behind them, the Supreme Emperor Wu Weizhong was supporting him.

And the prince Xue Chenglin was not alone. A large number of Xue family generals from the original Runing army, their subordinates and students gathered around the Supreme Emperor Xue Lian and the head of the military attache Xue Yongli to protect the prince Xue Chenglin.

Although this undercurrent was turbulent, the original Wu Shigong didn't care. He always thought that with his high prestige, the conflict would not develop to the point where it was out of control.

In the final analysis, Wu Shigong is a bit indecisive. His love for his family has not only prevented this conflict from being resolved. On the contrary, it is because of Wu Shigong's ambiguous attitude that the groups supporting Wu Chengying have become more and more bold.

What is even more ominous is that since the main supporters of Prince Xue Chenglin are forces in the military, they have been fighting everywhere and are not in the court. However, important ministers such as Deng Qifan have remained neutral on this matter, which makes those who are in the court.

The civil servants who supported Wu Chengying became more arrogant, and the conflict between the two forces reached the edge of breaking out.

Wu Shigong didn't know all this before. Or to be more precise, he just turned a blind eye and pretended to be an ostrich. But for this National Day ceremony, the imperial court summoned meritorious soldiers from all over the country to Beijing to hold a grand military parade.

.So the situation changed.

More than an hour ago, Li Zhu, director of the Mountain and Sichuan Bureau, secretly reported to Wu Shigong: Many officers who went to Beijing were rushing around, and they wanted to give the civilian officials who supported Wu Chengying a counterattack. Of course, most of these officers were middle- and low-level, and most were young.

They were mainly just venting and didn't form any strict plan.

However, some radicals among these officers proposed to hold military remonstrances, arrest Wu Chengying and officials close to Wu Chengying, and asked Wu Shigong to promise again that Xue Chenglin would never be replaced as crown prince.

This immediately made Wu Shigong's hair stand on end.

So now Wu Shigong is shaking for a while, which is both angry and a little scared. You know, the person responsible for monitoring the dynamics of the army should be Xue Cunyi of the Military Intelligence Bureau, and Xue Cunyi should have learned the news first. Unexpectedly,

Li Zhu from the Shanchuan Bureau came first to report secretly. But considering that Xue Cunyi was also a member of the Xue Family General, it became obvious why the information was concealed.

But this is not the most important thing. The most important question now is - how should Wu Shigong deal with this problem? If you only arrest these young officers who are running around, it will only treat the symptoms but not the root cause. But if you go further and arrest

?Leave aside the fact that the situation in the DPRK will be turbulent due to the excessive involvement, there may also be cases of father and son killing each other and husband and wife turning against each other. How could this not make Wu Shigong so upset?

Seeing that it was already past lunch time, Wu Shigong was still sitting there, his expression changing. Ye Zhong at the side finally couldn't help it anymore. He asked in a low voice: "Your Majesty! Is it time to pass on the meal?"

Wu Shigong's sharp eyes immediately looked at Ye Zhong, and Ye Zhong was so frightened that he took a big step back. But before Ye Zhong could catch his breath, Wu Shigong suddenly stood up from the chair and ordered

He said: "Wait a minute! Call Dashan here. I haven't seen him for a long time. I'll have dinner with him later."


Seeing Ye Zhong running to the door of the royal study and summoning a young eunuch, Wu Shigong murmured to himself: "Let's get everything done together today!"

It didn't take long for Quan Dashan to run to the palace. This time he was also going to Beijing to report on his duties. He had just been attending a banquet with some military colleagues. However, when he heard Wu Shigong's summons, he hurriedly left the banquet and came to see Wu Shigong immediately.


But as soon as he entered the imperial study, Quan Dashan was shocked. Wu Shigong was not alone in the imperial study. There were more than a dozen palace guards dressed as military officers in the study, and Wu Shigong was sitting on a chair wiping a


Seeing Quan Dashan arriving, Wu Shigong inserted his sword into the scabbard. Then he smiled at Quan Dashan and asked, "Da Shan! Can I still trust you?"

As soon as he heard this, Quan Dashan was so frightened that he knelt down on the ground. He kowtowed repeatedly and said: "Your Majesty! I am willing to die for your Majesty."

"Okay! Get up!" Wu Shigong smiled and supported Quan Dashan.

Seeing Quan Dashan stand up, Wu Shigong suddenly threw the sword to Quan Dashan, who was still undecided, and then said: "This sword is the tribute sword of Longquan, and I will give it to you. Dashan! I will let you know later."

I will accompany you loyally, and then ask these children to accompany you as well. First, go to Wei Feng to convey the order and seize his position as the commander of the guards, and you will take over!"

"Ah!?" Quan Dashan immediately exclaimed.

This chapter has been completed!
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