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The first year of Qiongyuan:

The Daping Army successively annihilated Dashun, Daxi and the Hongguang Dynasty of the Southern Ming Dynasty, basically unifying the country, and the remaining resistance forces were limited to the southwest.

In the same year, the Daping Army recaptured Shanhaiguan.

The cavalry troops severely damaged several major Mongolian tribes who were pro-Manqin and won the first Mongolian battle.

The Marine Corps conducted a cross-sea expedition to Korea and incorporated North Korea into the vassal state of the Daping Dynasty. Korea was the first vassal state to be included in the Daping Dynasty after the Daping Dynasty implemented the new vassal policy. From then on, the territory of the Daping Dynasty would be divided into

There are three types of provinces, vassal states and spheres of influence. And after ten years, the Great Ping Dynasty will gradually include North Korea as a province and directly under the jurisdiction of the court.

The large amounts of fields, forest farms, mines, people and pastures on Jeju Island plundered from North Korea will be managed and sold by the Donghae Reclamation Company under the Reclamation General Company. Through sales, the financial stress of the Daeping Dynasty will be greatly reduced.


The Manchu Qing Dynasty, which was besieged on three sides by the Daping Army, would embark on a desperate struggle.

The second year of Qiongyuan:

In the Battle of Jinzhou, the Daping army defeated the Qing army, annihilated it, and captured nearly 50,000 Qing soldiers. The Daping army approached Shengjing City.

The Daping Army swept away the remnants of resistance in the southwest, and the Daping Dynasty restored its unification on the mainland.

The Daping Army launched the Second Mongolian Campaign and defeated the pro-Manchu and Qing Eastern Mongolian coalition forces.

The Great Ping Dynasty implemented the silver standard and issued silver coins and banknotes with silver as reserves.

Under the force of the Daping Army, the Macau issue was resolved peacefully. Macau would be exchanged with Caroline's estate in Portugal and placed under the jurisdiction of Daping. The Daping Dynasty would open Macau, Guangzhou, Quanzhou, Songjiang, Tianjin and other five ports to the mainland.

Western (actually Portugal) trade.

In the same year, Zheng Zhilong surrendered to Daping. He would hand over all armed ships, sailors and shipbuilders to the Daping Dynasty in exchange for thirty years of exclusive trading rights with Japan and Manila. However, 50% of the income from this independent trading rights

It will be returned to the Daping court and the royal family.

After learning that Zheng Zhilong had surrendered, his eldest son Zheng Chenggong led his troops to cross the sea to drive out the Dutch colonists and separatize the island of Taiwan.

In September of the same year, the first batch of more than 320,000 Daping Army recruits who had received at least one year of military training were enrolled in active service, and more than 40,000 veterans who had completed their military service began to retire for the first time.

At the end of the same year, the Daping Dynasty passed the "Ten-Year Shipbuilding Outline" and allocated the first batch of three million silver dollars to build new ships. From then on, the Daping Dynasty embarked on a crazy road of expansion of sea power.

Qiongyuan three years:

In the spring of this year, the newly reinforced Daping Army, together with the Daping Army in Shengjing, totaling 370,000 troops, surrounded Shengjing. After ten months of siege, the Manchu Qing surrendered to the Daping Dynasty.

The Qing Dynasty was destroyed. Only Dorgon led a small number of Qing troops to break through to the north, and their destination was unknown. Out of curiosity, Wu Shigong looked at the captured Da Yu'er. He was so shocked by his appearance that he hid his face and walked away. So he hated the braid drama even more.

By confiscating the property of the rebels in the mainland, vigorously reclaiming wasteland, restoring production, developing industry, commerce, and recuperation. In addition, the Donghai Reclamation Company sold a large amount of land from the Liaodong Manchu and Qing Dynasties, and all the financial debts of the Daping court were paid off. After tasting the sweetness,

The national policy of the Great Ping Dynasty suddenly became outward and predatory.

The Daping Army launched the Third Mongolian Campaign and basically controlled the entire territory of Monan in Eastern Mongolia. The surrendered Mongolian leader was Wu Shigong, who was honored as "Tenggri Khan", and Eastern Mongolia was basically under the jurisdiction of the Daping Dynasty.

In the future, the Great Ping Dynasty would also build cities and set up schools and medical clinics at gathering points outside the pass, and would incorporate the Manchus and Mongols into the Chinese people.

The Reclamation Company will recruit 5,000 guards from the surrendered Manchus and 10,000 guards from the surrendered Mongols as a force for the colonial expansion of the Reclamation Company.

In the autumn of the same year, the Taiping Army Navy and Marine Corps launched a campaign to attack Taiwan.

In the winter of the same year, the Erut Mongolian Junggar tribe invaded the border, and the Daping army in the west fought back. The long-term war between the Daping Dynasty and the Mongols began.

Qiongyuan four years:

Wu Shigong returned the position of chief minister to the imperial court as promised. After the election of important ministers, the emperor formulated and confirmed the first imperial cabinet with Deng Qifan as the chief minister. At the same time, censors elected from various places also went to Beijing to take office, and the Great Ping Dynasty began to enter a period of normal governance.

Before returning the position of chief minister, Wu Shigong also forcibly implemented two national policies. The first was the "Labor Law for All People", which mandated many welfare policies for workers. Among them, labor pensions and medical benefits were actually reduced.

The opposition between labor and capital. It was also conducive to the stability of the country during the Daping Dynasty. After all, if the workers rebelled, the pensions and medical funds they had paid before would be lost. In addition, because this law was also implemented among the herdsmen and vassal states who surrendered outside the customs, the Korean people,

The Mongols and Manchus quickly integrated into the Chinese people; another was the establishment of the Royal Academy of Sciences to encourage the vigorous development of science and technology.

A large number of Daping Army soldiers who have completed their military service will be demobilized collectively, and they will all be allocated land. The second batch of Daping Army recruits will be incorporated into active service. The Daping Army will gradually enter the normal replacement of old and new soldiers.

In the summer of the same year, the Taiping Army regained Taiwan. The Reclamation Company established the new Nanyang Reclamation Company to develop the island of Taiwan. However, when the navy of the Daping Army was chasing the fleeing Zheng Chenggong, they happened to encounter the Spanish and Dutch forces (except Portugal), who wanted to use

The Western Combined Fleet obtained the trade rights of the Daping Dynasty by force. After a fierce battle, the Daping Navy was defeated in Luzon.

After the news of the failure of the Luzon naval battle reached the imperial court, the Great Ping Dynasty declared war on the Western countries (except Portugal). And the Western countries that received the news of the Great Ping Dynasty's declaration of war also declared war on the Great Ping Dynasty (actually some armed forces such as the East India Company

The declaration of war by the colonial merchant group), strangely enough, Portugal also declared war with the Western countries, so the South China Sea entered a period of great war.

In the autumn and winter of the same year, the Daping Army fought three battles with Mongolia in the northwest. Although the Daping Army had small victories, the results were not great because of the insufficient supply of food and grass, and the vast territory in the northwest with mixed ethnic groups making it difficult to pursue them. So the Reclamation Trading Company

A new Western Desert Reclamation Trading Company was established, gathering the power of the people to jointly launch a war against Mongolia.

Qiongyuan five years:

Around the New Year, the battle between the eldest son Xue Chenglin and the second son Wu Chengying became intense. Wu Shigong used thunderous means to thwart the attempted coup. He forced Xue Yongli to commit suicide and expelled Zhang Zhiheng and other officials from the court. Xue Chenglin will change his surname to "Wu Xue".

Wu Chengying was deprived of inheritance rights, but could enter the officialdom as a civilian. The last hidden danger of the Ping Dynasty was eliminated.

In the spring of the same year, the Daping Dynasty allocated an additional five million silver dollars to speed up the construction of warships.

Qiongyuan six years:

After more than a year of preparations, the Great Ping Dynasty marched southward with 250,000 troops. Under the leadership of Zhou Xun, they invaded the Southeast Asian countries. The troops were directed towards Johor (Malacca). After six months of fierce fighting, Annan became the leader of the Great Ping Dynasty.

The vassal state. And ceded Chaigun Port (Cam Ranh Bay) as a colony of the Daping Dynasty. And here, the Daping Dynasty established the first colonial governor's palace.

Then, Siam (Thailand) and Johor (which can also be called Malaysia) successively became vassal states of the Daping Dynasty. The Portuguese army that occupied Malacca was unable to withstand the Daping army's land attack. Malacca changed hands. Daping

The DPRK established the second colonial governor's palace here.

Qiongyuan eight years:

In the waters of Malacca, the Great Battle of Malacca took place. Under the cover of the port forts, the Taiping Navy, which had lagging ships, and the Western Combined Fleet were evenly matched. The navigation rights of Malacca were controlled by the Taiping Dynasty. Western countries proposed negotiations.

In the same year, high-efficiency new textile machines appeared in Songjiang Prefecture, and the Dahei Dynasty entered the early stage of the industrial revolution. Due to the dumping and plundering of wealth from various vassal states, the Dahei Dynasty began to enter a period of great development.

Qiongyuan ninth year:

Because of the anti-Chinese movement in various Nanyang vassal states, Zhou Xun led 390,000 Daping troops to start the Second Nanyang Campaign. After a great victory, the Nanyang countries ceded seven colonies successively. Burma also became the Daping Army.

With the subsequent garrison of troops, the entire Nanyang continent was brought under the rule of the Daping Dynasty. And around the 30th year of Qiongyuan, they all became provinces of the Daping Dynasty.

In the summer of the same year, the Daping Army's 230,000 cavalry, led by Yang Rusong, launched the Fourth Mongolian Campaign. It completely destroyed the resistance of the tribes in the Mobei of Eastern Mongolia and also attacked Mongolia. After this glorious victory,

, the Mongolian tribes regarded the Daping Dynasty Emperor as the Lord of Mongolia, and proposed to marry the princess for marriage. But Wu Shigong's attitude towards the marriage was to marry the Mongolian princess!

In the winter of the same year, a squadron of the Taiping Navy "visited" Ryukyu, and Ryukyu became a vassal state of the Taiping Dynasty.

Ten years of Qiongyuan:

The Western Expedition of the Daping Army, led by Zug, defeated the Erut Mongolian Junggar tribe. From then on, Xinjiang was included in the territory of the Daping Dynasty. After that, Tibet also came to submit. Wu Shigong established the rules of the "golden bottle reincarnation" of the Living Buddha, and also

Tibet was included in the territory.

After years of frantic shipbuilding and imitating captured Western ships, the Taiping Navy assembled an unprecedentedly large fleet and launched the Second Nanyang Naval War against the Western countries. In this battle, the Western naval forces

The combined fleet was almost completely wiped out. Luzon and Java successively became vassal states of the Great Ping Dynasty.

In the same year, a battle broke out between the Daping Army marching westward and the Russian colonists colonizing eastward.

In the autumn of the same year, the Daping Dynasty fully implemented the new imperial examination system and the universal education system (only for boys). A large amount of natural science content was added to the imperial examination subjects, and the writing content also changed to vernacular. Scholars from all over the country were gathered together to officially

Proposed "New Confucianism". The entire ideological and cultural circles began the process of open-mindedness.

The twelfth year of Qiongyuan:

After completely wiping out the Russian troops in the Eastern Colonies, the Daping Dynasty signed a peace treaty with Russia, which stipulated that Lake Baikal should be used as the boundary and the territory should be equally divided by longitude lines. The Daping Dynasty began to enter a period of restraint and gradually stopped expansion.

Thirteen years of Qiongyuan:

Unwilling to fail, the Western countries sent a combined fleet to declare war on the Ping Dynasty and attack Malacca.

Qiongyuan fourteenth year:

The Great Ping Dynasty sent 350,000 troops from Tibet and Burma to invade India. At sea, the Great Ping Dynasty also sent a huge fleet of 113 warships and 341 armed merchant ships to fight with

The land-based Daping Army cooperated. After the Western countries suffered successive defeats, the Daping Dynasty signed an armistice treaty with the Western countries: divide India equally, and use the southernmost meridian of India as the criterion to divide India equally and divide their respective colonial spheres of influence. And the Daping Dynasty

North Korea would also be open to Western countries for free trade. This treaty resulted in Australia and New Zealand, which were later discovered, becoming the territories of the Great Ping Dynasty.

The Daping Dynasty also set "East Asia is the East Asia of the Daping Dynasty" as its national policy.

Qiongyuan seventeenth year:

The Dahei Dynasty gathered a total of 510,000 army and navy troops and launched a war against Japan. After more than a year of war, Japan became a vassal state of the Dahei Dynasty and ceded Kyushu as a colony of the Dahei Dynasty.

Qiongyuan 19th year:

The expedition heading north crossed the Bering Strait, discovered Alaska, and became the first American colony of the Great Ping Dynasty.

Honolulu became a vassal state of the Great Ping Dynasty.

Qiongyuan twenty-seven years:

Wu Shigong abdicated and Wu Xue Chenglin ascended the throne and became emperor.

At the ceremony for his sixtieth birthday, Wu Shigong was surprised to find a steam engine presented by the Academy of Sciences. The Great Ping Dynasty officially entered the era of the Industrial Revolution.

Renguang three years:

Three years after Wu Shigong's eldest grandson came to the throne, Wu Shigong died at the age of eighty-one and was honored as Taizu Ping.

Since then, the Great Ping Dynasty has been in America, fighting wars with Western countries for American colonies. (To be continued...)

This chapter has been completed!
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